ACIDS and ALKALIS Investigation Stage 1

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Name: Class:
Scientists have discovered a new substance, substance X, but they are unsure whether it is acidic,
alkaline, or neutral substance.

1. How do scientists determine whether a substance is acidic or alkaline? [1]

2. What are some common substances that are acidic, and what are some that are alkali? Give
one example of each. [2]

Acid -
Alkali -

On the table you are provided with a few household items and food that are weak acids and alkali.
They are:
1. Vinegar,
2. Lemon juice,
3. Baking soda,
4. Soap,
5. Milk,
6. Substance X
Classify number 1 until 5 into acid, alkali or neutral. [5]

Acid Neutral Alkali

Design an experiment to determine whether Substance X is acid or alkali [1]

Hypothesis: From your knowledge of properties of acids and alkali, what do you think substance X
is? (Acids / Alkali)

Materials that you need: (tick √ which one you need) [4]

2 white tiles 1 pH indicator

Hydrochloric acid 6 pieces of red litmus paper
6 droppers 6 pieces of blue litmus paper

Procedure: (How are you going to proof that substance X is ether acids or alkali? [4]
Re – arrange the procedure below by writing no 1 – 4 in the box provided.

Record your answers on the table provided

Observe any changes.
Add a drop or two on each of the household items on to the litmus paper
Place the 6 pieces of red and blue litmus paper on to the tile

Record: (You write down your observations) [6]

Substances Red litmus paper Blue litmus paper
(Acid / Alkali)
Vinegar Red Red
Lemon juice Red Red
Baking soda Blue Blue
Soap Blue Blue
Milk Red Red
Substance X Blue Blue

Conclusion: [3]

1. Substance X is (Acid / Alkali)

2. Was your Hypothesis correct? (Yes / No)

3. How did knowing the properties of acids and alkali help in classifying Substance X?

Discussion: [5]
Underline the correct answer.
1. Substances can be classified into acids, alkali and neutral according to their (properties /

2. Most acids have a (sour / sweet) taste while alkalis have a bitter taste.

3. Acids turns blue litmus paper red, while alkalis turn red litmus paper (red / blue).

4. Acids has a pH value of (more / less) than 7 while alkali has a pH value of

(more / less) than 7.

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