Ucsp Hand Out 6 Human Society

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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics (UCSP)


Vocabulary List
Society - It can be traced from the Latin word “socius” which Human society- A group of people who share a common
means companionship or friendship. It is a set of inter-related, lifestyle and organization.
inter-dependent and overlapping social relationships between Affinity – a kinship relationship created or that which exists
and among a group of individuals who are occupying a between two people as a result of someone's marriage
particular territory. Consanguinity – it is the quality of having descended from the
Material Culture - It refers to the objects or belongings of a same ancestor.
group of people such as automobiles, stores, and the physical Descent – it is a system of acknowledged social parentage
structures where people worship. which varies from society to society, whereby a person may
Non-material Culture - It consists of the ideas, attitudes and claim kinship ties with another.
beliefs of a society that are by its nature, intangible. Lineage – a group of people who share a common descent.

Kinship in Human Society

Kinship refers to the culturally defined relationships between individuals who are commonly thought of as having family ties.
All societies use kinship as a basis for forming social groups and for classifying people.

Kinship connections are in turn based on two categories of bonds: those created by MARRIAGE and those that result from
 AFFINITY Bond (by marriage)  CONSANGUINITY Bond (by blood)  FICTIVE kinship (social

Degree of Kinship
PRIMARY KINSHIPS Primary Consanguineal Kinship Parents and children, siblings
- refers to direct - Directly related to each other by birth
relations Primary Affinal Kinship husband and wife
- Direct relationship formed as a result of marriage
SECONDARY KINSHIP Secondary Consanguineal Kinship - refers to the Example: relationship between grandparents and
- refers to the primary primary consanguineal kin's primary consanguineal kin grandchildren
kins of primary kin Secondary Affinal Kinship - Refers to one's primary Examples: relationships between an individual and all
affinal kin's primary kin his/her sisters-in law, brothers-in-law and parents-in-law.
TERTIARY KINSHIP Tertiary Consanguineal Kinship - it refers to an Example: relationship between great grandchildren and
- refers to the primary individual's primary consanguineal kin (parents), their great grandparents, relationship between great grand
kin of primary kins primary kin (parent's parents) and their primary kin uncles and aunts and great grand nieces and nephews.
primary kin or (parent's parent's parents)
secondary kin. Tertiary Affinal Kinship -it refers to primary affinal For example, your brother-in-law is your secondary kin and
kin's primary kin's primary kin or secondary affinal his wife or children who are his primary kins become your
kin's primary kin or primary affinal kin's secondary kin. tertiary kin.


UNILINEALITY - A system of determining descent groups in which one MONOGAMY- A form of relationship in which an individual has only one
belongs to one's father's or mother's line, whereby one's descent is partner during his or her lifetime or at any one time (serial monogamy).
traced either exclusively through male ancestors (patrilineal) or MARITAL MONOGAMY - refers to marriages of only two people.
exclusively through female ancestors SOCIAL MONOGAMY - refers to two partners living together, having sex with
(matrilineal). each other and cooperating in acquiring basic resources.
MATRILINEALITY -It is tracing of descent through the female line. SEXUAL MONOGAMY - refers to two partners remaining sexually exclusive
PATRILINEALITY - It is also known as the male line or agnatic kinship, a with each other and having no outside sex.
common kinship system in which an individual's family membership GENETIC MONOGAMY – refers to sexually monogamous relationships with
derives from and is traced through his or her father's lineage. genetic evidence of paternity.
BILINEAL DESCENT - A system of family lineage in which the relatives on POLYGAMY - It involves marriage with more than one spouse.
the mother's side and father's side are equally important for emotional POLYGYNY – When a man is married to more than one wife at a time.
ties or for transfer of property or wealth. POLYANDRY – When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time.
GROUP MARRIAGE – A marriage that involves multiple husbands and wives.

Importance of Kinship in Society

1. KINSHIP AND ITS RELATION TO FAMILY, PROPERTY AND LAND – The sons, grandsons and other kin who are related by blood and marriage, have their
economic interests in land.
2. KINSHIP AND MARRIAGE – The rules on marriage are applicable to all the kin of the family.
3. RITUALS – The role and importance of the kin members lies in the degree of close relationships among them.

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