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Good morning, everyone.

I am the sales representative of Donatku company and I will be presenting about our new
product, Choco Lime. This product is a collaboration of Chocolate and lemon taste. Today, I will
be presenting a little bit about our product.

In this presentation, I will start with our company information, for those of you who didn’t know
about us. We are the biggest Food and beverage coffeehouse in this town. Our company was
built in 1992 and since then, we have over 1 million loyal customers from all over the city.

A lot of fat and oil content in donuts, but we have a unique way after research that is healthy
donuts but liked by the public, not only among young people but even parents can also enjoy the

The lemon used are typical tropical lemons and had thought about adding cocoa powder, but
unfortunately from the shape it became unattractive in terms of coloring. We also have gum as
a contain.

The benefits and content of the gum itself, only the addition of 1 percent gum in the dough, will
bind water and allow the penetration of fat and oil, so that the existing fat will be bound and will
be reduced,

Meanwhile, the gum content does not exist in Indonesia because it is only in three Persian,
Iranian, and Arab countries. So, the only way is through imports. Luckily, based on international
journals, just 1 percent of the gum content in donut dough will have a very good effect.

With the new taste lemon and chocolate, we believe this healthy donuts will very accept by

“Thank you"

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