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• Quantitative data is interpreted

· with· S\!\ti
. ..i . Tb e type Of stat'.....
§·nCi\ t anwr:;!~- "'"ca I stud Y .Ill based on the principles of mathematics and it provides a fast, focused ,

scientific and relatable approach .

• Quantitative research creates an ability to rc.plicate the trst and results of i:esearcb. This approach makes the data more reliable and less open to argument.

• After collecting the quantitative data, eicpected results define which statistical tests lll'e applicable and results provide a quantifiable conclusioo for the ~giirch

• ~ h with ~mplex statistical analysis is considered valuable aod impressive. Quantitative research is associated with teclmical advancements like computer

modeling and dam-based decisions.

uantitative Research Bx.ample

1.11 organization wishes to conduct a customer satafilction (CSAn survey by using a survey template. From the survey, the organization can acquire quantitative data and

11etrics on the brand or the organization based on the customer's eiq,crieru:c. Various parameters such as product quality, pricing, customer experience. etc. could be used to

~nerm data in the funn of mlillben that is statistically analyzed.


flt,e>.frt 's-urve:ys•,
' .e>,<pe-rlment:s,
' ob.servatt ons, and
content analysis .

Data Collection Methods

I. Qualitative Data C'A>llection Method.~

~ualitative data is collel;ted from interview sessions, discussiPns with focus groups, case studies, and etbnogniphy (scientific description of people and cul1ures wilh their

~ustoll\S and babits). The c,..)llection methods involve undeManding and interpreting social interaetions.

~ualitative reseerch.dala also includes te,ipondents' opinions and foelings, which is conducted face-to-face mostly io focus groups. Respondents are asked open-ended queslioas

:ither verbally or through discussion among a gioup of people, rewed to the research topic implemented to collect opiilioos for further research.

?. Quantitative Olla Collection Methods

Quantitative research dala is acquired from sU1Veys, experiments, observations, probability sampling. questioMaire observation, and <--Ontent review. Sun-..ys usually contain a

iist of questions with multiple-choice responses relevll(lt to the research topic under 5tudy. Wilh the availability of online survey tools, researchers .:an condaC a ~,klm,~,J

~..IY.l--".Y for quantitative research.

QuantiUlli vc data is also assimilated from research experiments. While conducting cx1,erimenli, researchers focu., on explori1\8, one or more indepeodenl variables and udying

their effect on one or more dependent variables.

A Step-wise Guide to O mduct Qualitalivc and Quantitative Research

Understand the difference between types of research - qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods-based research.
.Qt)!~QJ1.J!._fg;lfMtl!..Hl!£M.i.!w or hypothesis. This research approach will define which type of research one could choose.
atel"Mt Sovn:e: llttps:/.lwww.Hal(I.CQllllllClldetny/qualitatlve-vs-quantltadve-researdl/

!t&aiiuaiin Vs. Qaaatiumv• ·~ . . .

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· research study includes the coUcct'IOII and analys1S

. of data. In quantitative research ' the dal a are analyud with
. numbers and statistics, and in qua.litati vc research. the data

· I and perceive
nalyud are non -numcnca
· • the meaning of social reality.

ibat l.s Qualitative Research?

. a deeper understanding of a subject• It is al 90 use d to generate hypotheses for further studies. rn general,
~itative research observes and describes. a phcnomenon to gam

ualitativc l"e1iC81Ch is explanalory and helps understands how an ·md'iv idual pen;e1ves
· non-numerical data, like video, photographs, or audio recordings. The qualita.tive data is

ollected from diary accounts or interviews and analyzed by grounded theory or thematic analysis.

Vhen to Use Qualitative Rest"iD'ch?

•>ualitative research is used when the outcome oftbe rcscan:h studY ·IS to d"1ssemmate
· · knowledge and understand concepts, thoughts, and experiences. This type of research

:,cusel on creating ideas and (QLl!lli!.1!1.imun~orie; OT hypoth eses.

lenefits of Qualitative Reseueh

l.t is often used in. fields such as SCK,.iology and anthropology, ""ilere the goal. is to understand complex social phenomena .

Qualitative research is considered to be more fkxible-and adaptive, as it is used to study a. wide range of social aspects .

Additionally, qualitative research often leads to deeper ins.ghtsi~tbe research study. Thu helps researchers and scholars in designing their ro<arch m~1hod, .

~tative RcsearCh Example
ll B research. to undecstand the culture of a phannll company, one could take an ethnographic approach.,With an experience in the company, one could gather data based on the

Fi~ld notes with observations, and reflections on one's experiences of the company's culture

Open-ended surveys for employees across all the company' s departments via email to find out variations i.n culture across reams and departments

J.nwrv iew SCS!llons with employees and gather Inronnation about !heir experiences and perspectives .

\That ls Quantitative &csearcb? , . • • d 18 and ana) it nume.ricallv.
~ • .-,,d, • ,., - -""" m=ori•g ,el,tion,bip, bolw"• ,,ri,bk, . 1, lbllow• du, p,o<= ot obJ~""~ o> _ , , • • ·
. . . rzcd resu lts Tbese n:sults determine if

J determine aod control variables of interest. This type of research aims to lest causal relalionships between varinbles and provide genera •

he theory pr1,posed for the research study could be accepted or rejected.

1-'ben to use Quantitative RllScarch? • . . d on measuring and quantifying data, using

. h· ·d ,vhen. resca.rch study needs to confirm or 1.cs1 a theory or u hypothesis. When a research study is ocusc
)uantitattve rcsearc is 115'1
11 . . . d 111
· 5tud,·ing trends und ~~'!~V-P~
. . h• nnrialc It is often used in fields such as economics. marketing. or biology, where n:searcherS arc inten:slc: ·
, quantulluvc approac IS uppr-,.,. · ·

.-: fQuancit11tivc Rcsca.rcb

4cne,tts o
J. Choose a metbod fur data collection . Depend·mg on tbe process of data collection. the type of research could be determined.
4. Analyze aDd interpret the collected data · B us ed on the analyzed data, result! are reported.

5. ff observed results are not equivalent to expected n:sul.ts, consider wing an unbiased re3CUCh approach or choose both quaJitativc and quantitative research methods

for preferred results.


Quaiinitin ResearciJ Quutisative Raanb

1t h~l!)S ~l'St.llnd human behavior to find the wav oeoole think and analvu it aims to computl! number.. and perform statis1icai anaiysis.
tbetr cxpeneooes. - · ·

H ii~li):, &~U\i~.-a~ ,t~riwl d.iUI ilu'-1 l~t<l f-""6 u:ii1i~ 3·1.GtcitiwL ;~~-.J. 11mi
11ici\; '"~-:..t u i~i:1.hA~ Q.l-, iJwi-1 w'ilcii th'-i~ ls 11u fixcJ ~ ,. ..... f -·- -.- ._• . , "t =- -::. • · .. ...... -;
discussion is useful to expiate issues. ' V ':l~I.JVJL>, ....1u Ull,, mathematical techniques. .

Toe time consumed for planning is mere as compared to the lllllllysis phase.
The time C011Sumcd for pkm.ning is less as compared to the analysis phase.

Wifu an awareness of qualitative vs. quantitative l'CSCW'Ch and ihe different .'Ji.tYI c~!!~ticm nig!llil£~ researchers couJd use one or both iypes of ccsearch approaches depending

,n their preferred results. Moreover, to implement unbiased research.and acquire meaningful insights from the research study, it is advisable to consider both qualitati\1: and

:tuantitatlve research, do roroment below or email us.


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