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The text is for questions number 1 and 2.

1. From the text we know that Andy is Mr. Bobby‟s….

A. friend
B. student
C. teacher
D. counselor

2. “You are the greatest teacher I have ever had”

What does the expression above mean? It means that Andy ….
A. appraises Mr. Bobby as the best teacher
B. considers Mr. Bobby as his best friend
C. wants Mr. Bobby to be his teacher
D. thinks Mr. Bobby is his colleague
The text is for questions number 3.

Greta Thunberg was born on 3rd January 2003. She is a

prominent environmental Swedish activist in the global fight
against climate change. Thunberg's activism started when
she convinced her parents to adopt lifestyle choices that
reduced their carbon footprint. At age 15, she started
spending her Fridays outside the Swedish Parliament to call
for more decisive action on climate change. She has inspired
many schoolchildren to pay attention to climate and
environmental issues.
Greta is known for her unique and iconic style. She
always carries a sign with a strong message delivered at
various international events, including the United Nations
Climate Conference and the World Economic Forum. In her
emotional speeches, she calls on world leaders to take
immediate action to address the climate crisis, highlighting
the urgent need for drastic changes in how we live and
consume. She has become a powerful voice for her
generation and a symbol of hope for a sustainable future. Her
speeches reflect her strong belief in the need for immediate
action. She has also been recognized for her work, receiving
several awards and honors, including being named among
Time magazine's most influential people of 2019.
Despite her young age, Greta has become a leading
voice in the global fight against climate change and an
inspiration to many people worldwide. Her activism is an
example of how one individual can make a difference and
inspire change on a global scale.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform about Greta Thunberg's background and personal beliefs.
B. To provide a chronological account of Greta Thunberg's activism.
C. To persuade the reader to support Greta Thunberg's activism.
D. To entertain the reader with a story about Greta Thunberg.
The text is for question number 4.

Greta Thunberg was born on 3rd January 2003. She is

a prominent environmental Swedish activist in the global
fight against climate change. Thunberg's activism started
when she convinced her parents to adopt lifestyle choices
that reduced their carbon footprint. At age 15, she started
spending her Fridays outside the Swedish Parliament to
call for more decisive action on climate change. She has
inspired many schoolchildren to pay attention to climate
and environmental issues.
Greta is known for her unique and iconic style. She
always carries a sign with a strong message delivered at
various international events, including the United Nations
Climate Conference and the World Economic Forum. In
her emotional speeches, she calls on world leaders to take
immediate action to address the climate crisis,
highlighting the urgent need for drastic changes in how
we live and consume. She has become a powerful voice
for her generation and a symbol of hope for a sustainable
future. Her speeches reflect her strong belief in the need
for immediate action. She has also been recognized for her
work, receiving several awards and honors, including
being named among Time magazine's most influential
people of 2019.
Despite her young age, Greta has become a leading voice
in the global fight against climate change and an
inspiration to many people worldwide. Her activism is an
example of how one individual can make a difference and
inspire change on a global scale.

4. What is the main message in Greta Thunberg's speeches at various international events?
A. The importance of paying attention to climate conference.
B. A powerful voice needed to inspire many schoolchildren.
C. The urgency of holding a research on environmental issues.
D. Immediate action needed to be taken to address the climate crisis.
The text is for question number 5.

Greta Thunberg was born on 3rd January 2003. She is

a prominent environmental Swedish activist in the global
fight against climate change. Thunberg's activism started
when she convinced her parents to adopt lifestyle choices
that reduced their carbon footprint. At age 15, she started
spending her Fridays outside the Swedish Parliament to
call for more decisive action on climate change. She has
inspired many schoolchildren to pay attention to climate
and environmental issues.
Greta is known for her unique and iconic style. She
always carries a sign with a strong message delivered at
various international events, including the United Nations
Climate Conference and the World Economic Forum. In
her emotional speeches, she calls on world leaders to take
immediate action to address the climate crisis,
highlighting the urgent need for drastic changes in how
we live and consume. She has become a powerful voice
for her generation and a symbol of hope for a sustainable
future. Her speeches reflect her strong belief in the need
for immediate action. She has also been recognized for her
work, receiving several awards and honors, including
being named among Time magazine's most influential
people of 2019.
Despite her young age, Greta has become a leading voice
in the global fight against climate change and an
inspiration to many people worldwide. Her activism is an
example of how one individual can make a difference and
inspire change on a global scale.
5. “At age 15, she started spending her Fridays outside the Swedish … ” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to …
A. World leaders
B. Greta Thunberg
C. Time magazine
D. The Swedish Parliament
The text is for questions number 6.

Last month was the first time I realized self-discipline was

an important thing. It was when I took the first exam. It
didn't go well. I told myself, "it's okay, tomorrow is your
favorite subject's exam. Compensate in that." The next
day exam was conducted, but it wasn't easy, and I couldn't
attempt all the questions. I said to myself, "Let's try the
fortune tomorrow." Again I prepared well, keeping hope
that I would do better.
The next day, I took the exam, but I was happy after
the scores were out this time. I thought I'd got a good
score, then I asked others, and I soon realized it wasn't a
great score. I was losing my patience since I studied all
night for the exams, but it still didn't go well. I had
another exam the very next day, and it was our last exam,
this time, I told myself, "Give it a shot. Let's try this last
The last exam, as expected, was very difficult for
everyone. So, I kept writing the answers until the
invigilator specifically call my name to stop writing and
start scanning. Five minutes were left, and It was a
situation where late submissions weren't accepted, and
then I hurriedly scanned the pdf of my answers and
uploaded it. I just submitted it 12 seconds before the
deadline. On that day, I declared myself "self-discipline is
important". What inspires me to do best in my life is that
constant belief.
Adapted from:

6. The text mainly tell us about the writer‟s …

. A. experience on finding self-discipline
B. favorite subject examination
C. constant belief as student
D. important thing in life
The text is for questions number 7.

Last month was the first time I realized self-discipline

was an important thing. It was when I took the first exam. It
didn't go well. I told myself, "it's okay, tomorrow is your
favorite subject's exam. Compensate in that." The next day
exam was conducted, but it wasn't easy, and I couldn't
attempt all the questions. I said to myself, "Let's try the
fortune tomorrow." Again I prepared well, keeping hope that
I would do better.
The next day, I took the exam, but I was happy after
the scores were out this time. I thought I'd got a good score,
then I asked others, and I soon realized it wasn't a great
score. I was losing my patience since I studied all night for
the exams, but it still didn't go well. I had another exam the
very next day, and it was our last exam, this time, I told
myself, "Give it a shot. Let's try this last time."
The last exam, as expected, was very difficult for
everyone. So, I kept writing the answers until the invigilator
specifically call my name to stop writing and start scanning.
Five minutes were left, and It was a situation where late
submissions weren't accepted, and then I hurriedly scanned
the pdf of my answers and uploaded it. I just submitted it 12
seconds before the deadline. On that day, I declared
myself "self-discipline is important". What inspires me to do
best in my life is that constant belief.
Adapted from:

7. Why did the writer study all night before the exam? Because … .
A. he was losing his patience
B. the invigilator called his name
C. he wanted to get a very good score
D. the exam was very difficult for everyone
The text is for questions number 8.

Last month was the first time I realized self-discipline was an

important thing. It was when I took the first exam. It didn't
go well. I told myself, "it's okay, tomorrow is your favorite
subject's exam. Compensate in that." The next day exam was
conducted, but it wasn't easy, and I couldn't attempt all the
questions. I said to myself, "Let's try the fortune
tomorrow." Again I prepared well, keeping hope that I would
do better.
The next day, I took the exam, but I was happy after
the scores were out this time. I thought I'd got a good score,
then I asked others, and I soon realized it wasn't a great
score. I was losing my patience since I studied all night for
the exams, but it still didn't go well. I had another exam the
very next day, and it was our last exam, this time, I told
myself, "Give it a shot. Let's try this last time."
The last exam, as expected, was very difficult for
everyone. So, I kept writing the answers until the invigilator
specifically call my name to stop writing and start scanning.
Five minutes were left, and It was a situation where late
submissions weren't accepted, and then I hurriedly scanned
the pdf of my answers and uploaded it. I just submitted it 12
seconds before the deadline. On that day, I declared
myself "self-discipline is important". What inspires me to do
best in my life is that constant belief.
Adapted from:

8. “…I hurriedly scanned the pdf of my answers…” (paragraph 3)

The word „hurriedly‟ can be replaced with … .

A. gracefully
B. clumsily
C. quickly
D. slowly
The text is for questions number 9.

How to Make Es Cendol

250 gr green cendol (It can be found in in a traditional
market or any department store)
700 cc boiled coconut milk
100 gr jackfruit, cut into dice shape
Ice cube.

500 gr palm sugar (more tasteful than cane sugar).
150 ml water
1 piece of pandan leaf for fragrance.

1. Boil palm sugar with 150 ml water and pandan leaf,
cook it until all of palm sugar is melted. After that, filter
the sauce and put it in a pitcher.
2. Put all of the ingredient into a receptacle, pour the palm
sugar sauce on it and then add some coconut milk into it.
3. Es Cendol is ready, add some ice if you like.

9. What is the topic of the text above?

A. The technique of making cendol.
B. The promotion of traditional drink.
C. The description of Es Cendol drink.
D. The ways of making traditional drink.

The text is for questions number 10.

How to Make Es Cendol

250 gr green cendol (It can be found in in a traditional
market or any department store)
700 cc boiled coconut milk
100 gr jackfruit, cut into dice shape
Ice cube.
500 gr palm sugar (more tasteful than cane
sugar). 150 ml water
1 piece of pandan leaf for fragrance.

1. Boil palm sugar with 150 ml water and pandan leaf,
cook it until all of palm sugar is melted. After that, filter
the sauce and put it in a pitcher.
2. Put all of the ingredient into a receptacle, pour the palm
sugar sauce on it and then add some coconut milk into
3. Es Cendol is ready, add some ice if you like.
10. What will happen if you use cane sugar?
A. The drink will be vapid.
B. The drink will not be sweet.
C. The drink will not be aromatic.
D. The drink will be less delicious.

The text is for questions number 11.

How to Make Es Cendol

250 gr green cendol (It can be found in in a traditional
market or any department store)
700 cc boiled coconut milk
100 gr jackfruit, cut into dice shape
Ice cube.
500 gr palm sugar (more tasteful than cane sugar).
150 ml water
1 piece of pandan leaf for fragrance.

1. Boil palm sugar with 150 ml water and pandan leaf,
cook it until all of palm sugar is melted. After that,
filter the sauce and put it in a pitcher.
2. Put all of the ingredient into a receptacle, pour the palm
sugar sauce on it and then add some coconut milk into
3. Es Cendol is ready, add some ice if you like.
11. From the text we know that we need … to make sauce.
A. a bottle
B. a bowl
C. a pot
D. a jug

The text is for questions number 12.

The Princess and the Magical Ring

In the Kingdom of Norfolk, the princess and her father were

walking through their palace‟s garden when she found a ring. The
king explained that it is a magical ring and it has five powers that
can be used in need but only one power can be chosen. The
powers include making fire without flint, having sound sleep,
growing crops of her choice, showering rains in the sky, and
singing like an enchanted siren to bring prosperity to the
Once a witch‟s spell jinxed the kingdom, everything including
the rain and crops was destroyed. The princess was saddened by
the fate of her kingdom and soon she remembered her magical
powers. She chose the fifth power of singing like an enchanted
siren. She sang for all days and nights even without leaving a
moment for food and sleep.
Even when the king and queen got worried and asked her to
take a break, she was not ready for it. After months of singing,
prosperity came back to the kingdom and everything was
normalized. But the princess was ill by then and she passed away.
The whole kingdom still remembers her sacrifices for the
happiness they are enjoying today.
Adapted from:

12. Study these statements carefully.

Number Problems Solutions
I A witch cursed the kingdom of Norfolk.
The princess used the power of the
ring to lift the curse.
II The crops in the kingdom were The king asked a witch to help the
destroyed. kingdom.
III The princess was saddened by the She chose the fifth power of the ring
condition of her kingdom. and sang like an enchanted siren.
IV There was only one power of the ring The princess used all the ring‟s powers
that can be chosen. to fight the witch.

Which pairs show the problems faced by the characters and their solutions?
A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. II and III.
D. III and IV.
The text is for questions number 13.

The Princess and the Magical Ring

In the Kingdom of Norfolk, the princess and her father were

walking through their palace‟s garden when she found a ring.
The king explained that it is a magical ring and it has five powers
that can be used in need but only one power can be chosen. The
powers include making fire without flint, having sound sleep,
growing crops of her choice, showering rains in the sky, and
singing like an enchanted siren to bring prosperity to the
Once a witch‟s spell jinxed the kingdom, everything including
the rain and crops was destroyed. The princess was saddened by
the fate of her kingdom and soon she remembered her magical
powers. She chose the fifth power of singing like an enchanted
siren. She sang for all days and nights even without leaving a
moment for food and sleep.
Even when the king and queen got worried and asked her to
take a break, she was not ready for it. After months of singing,
prosperity came back to the kingdom and everything was
normalized. But the princess was ill by then and she passed away.
The whole kingdom still remembers her sacrifices for the
happiness they are enjoying today.
Adapted from:
13. From the story, we know that the witch
was…. A. powerful
B. powerless
C. thoughtful
D. selfless

The text is for questions number 14.

The Princess and the Magical


In the Kingdom of Norfolk, the princess and her father were

walking through their palace‟s garden when she found a ring.
The king explained that it is a magical ring and it has five
powers that can be used in need but only one power can be
chosen. The powers include making fire without flint, having
singing like an enchanted siren to bring prosperity to the
Once a witch‟s spell jinxed the kingdom, everything including
the rain and crops was destroyed. The princess was saddened by
the fate of her kingdom and soon she remembered her magical
powers. She chose the fifth power of singing like an enchanted
siren. She sang for all days and nights even without leaving a
moment for food and sleep.
Even when the king and queen got worried and asked her to
take a break, she was not ready for it. After months of singing,
prosperity came back to the kingdom and everything was
normalized. But the princess was ill by then and she passed away.
The whole kingdom still remembers her sacrifices for the
happiness they are enjoying today.
Adapted from:

14. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Your friend can be your enemy.
B. Sacrifice is needed to achieve prosperity.
C. There‟s always a bigger enemy in this life.
D. Don‟t be cocky when we have achieved our goal.

The dialog is for question number 15

Dina: Hi, Amir. I heard from our teacher that you won a
singing competition in Yogyakarta. Congratulations.
Thanks, God. I got the first winner. But I still practi
Amir: Why?
Next month, I will be the representative from Yogyakart
Dina: Oh, that‟s good. You have to practice regularly so that y
Amir: Wish me luck, Dina.
Sure. I do hope so, too. Let‟s go to our class.


15. From the text we know that Dina is Amir‟s
… A. classmate
B. teacher
C. mentor
D. team
The dialog is for question number 16

Ihsan: Nisa, are you free now?

Anisa: No, I am not. I am waiting for Ms. Yuan from the office
Do you want to have extra classes with Ms. Yuan? Yes,
Ihsan: That‟s good. I hope you will be the winner. Thanks, Ihs

competition because therearehundredsof
Ihsan:I bet you can, you have prepared it very well. I will
go to a book shop now. See you tomorrow.
16. Where does the dialog probably take place?
A. In the book shop.
B. In the
C. At school.
D. At home.

The text is for question number 17.

The Korean Wave (Hallyu) refers to the global

popularity of South Korea‟s cultural economy exporting pop
culture, entertainment, music, TV dramas and movies.
Hallyu is a Chinese term which, when translated, literally
means “Korean Wave”. It is a collective term used to refer
to the phenomenal growth of Korean culture and popular
culture encompassing everything from music, movies,
drama to online games and Korean cuisine.
South Korea is one of the only countries in the world
that has a dedicated goal to become the world‟s leading
exporter of popular culture. It is a way for Korea to develop
its “soft power”. It refers to the intangible power a country
wields through its image, rather than through hard force.
Hard force refers to military power or economic power. An
example of soft power in play is how the US enticed the
world to buy its Levi‟s jeans, Apple iPhones, Marlboro
cigarettes, Coca-Cola soft drinks and Hollywood movies, by
leveraging on a desirable image. A unique image of cool.
Hallyu first spread to China and Japan, later to
Southeast Asia and several countries worldwide where it
continues to have a strong impact. In 2000, a 50-year ban on the

popular culture amongtheJapanese. SouthKorea‟s

broadcast authorities have been sending delegates to
promote their TV programs and cultural content in several
17. What does the text tell us about?
A. The history of Korean Wave.
B. The products of Korean Wave.
C. The definition of Korean Wave.
D. The information about Korean Wave.

The text is for question number 18.

The Korean Wave (Hallyu) refers to the global

popularity of South Korea‟s cultural economy exporting
pop culture, entertainment, music, TV dramas and movies.
Hallyu is a Chinese term which, when translated, literally
means “Korean Wave”. It is a collective term used to refer
to the phenomenal growth of Korean culture and popular
culture encompassing everything from music, movies,
drama to online games and Korean cuisine.
South Korea is one of the only countries in the world
that has a dedicated goal to become the world‟s leading
exporter of popular culture. It is a way for Korea to develop
its “soft power”. It refers to the intangible power a country
wields through its image, rather than through hard force.
Hard force refers to military power or economic power. An
example of soft power in play is how the US enticed the
world to buy its Levi‟s jeans, Apple iPhones, Marlboro
cigarettes, Coca-Cola soft drinks and Hollywood movies, by
leveraging on a desirable image. A unique image of cool.
Hallyu first spread to China and Japan, later to
Southeast Asia and several countries worldwide where it
continues to have a strong impact. In 2000, a 50-year ban on
the exchange of popular culture between Korea and Japan
was partly lifted, which improved the surge of Korean
popular culture among the Japanese. South Korea‟s
broadcast authorities have been sending delegates to
promote their TV programs and cultural content in several
18. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The spread of Korean Wave to Japan and China.
B. The global popularity of Korea‟s cultural economy.
C. The examples of “soft power” phenomenon in the US.
D. The phenomenon of Hallyu as the Korea‟s “soft

The text is for question number 19.

The Korean Wave (Hallyu) refers to the global popularity

of South Korea‟s cultural economy exporting pop culture,
entertainment, music, TV dramas and movies. Hallyu is a
Chinese term which, when translated, literally means “Korean
Wave”. It is a collective term used to refer to the phenomenal
growth of Korean culture and popular culture encompassing
everything from music, movies, drama to online games and
Korean cuisine.
South Korea is one of the only countries in the world that
has a dedicated goal to become the world‟s leading exporter
of popular culture. It is a way for Korea to develop its “soft
power”. It refers to the intangible power a country wields
through its image, rather than through hard force. Hard force
refers to military power or economic power. An example of
soft power in play is how the US enticed the world to buy its
Levi‟s jeans, Apple iPhones, Marlboro cigarettes, Coca-Cola
soft drinks and Hollywood movies, by leveraging on a
desirable image. A unique image of cool.
Hallyu first spread to China and Japan, later to Southeast
Asia and several countries worldwide where it continues to
have a strong impact. In 2000, a 50-year ban on the exchange
of popular culture between Korea and Japan was partly lifted,
which improved the surge of Korean popular culture among
the Japanese. South Korea‟s broadcast authorities have been
sending delegates to promote their TV programs and cultural
content in several countries.

19. From the text we know that …

A. Korean Wave is originated from China.
B. Korean Wave acts as the Korea‟s soft power.
C. Japan banned the spread of Korean Wave since 2000
D. Korean Wave is the global popularity of Korean Drama.
The text is for question number 20.

"Rise Up"
By Andra Day

You're broken down and tired

Of living life on a merry-go-round
And you can't find the fighter
But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out move mountains
We gonna walk it out and move mountains

And I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day

I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again

And I'll rise up, High like the waves

I'll rise up, In spite of the ache
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again
For you

When the silence isn't quiet

And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe
And I know you feel like dying
But I promise we'll take the world to its feet, move mountains
Bring it to its feet, move mountains

And I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day

I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again. For you

All we need, all we need is hope

And for that we have each other
And for that we have each other

And we will rise, we will rise

We'll rise up, in spite of the ache
We'll rise up
And we'll do it a thousand times again. For you
20. The song writer is likely a person who … .
A. inspires someone to have the spirit
B. does not feel afraid of everything
C. thinks he can move the mountain
D. will stand up bravely
The text is for question number 21.

"Rise Up"
By Andra Day
You're broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry-go-round
And you can't find the fighter
But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out move mountains
We gonna walk it out and move mountains

And I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day

I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again

And I'll rise up, High like the waves

I'll rise up, in spite of the ache
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again. For you

When the silence isn't quiet

And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe
And I know you feel like dying
But I promise we'll take the world to its feet, move mountains
Bring it to its feet, move mountains

And I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day

I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again. For you

All we need, all we need is hope

And for that we have each other
And for that we have each other

And we will rise, we will rise

We'll rise up, in spite of the ache
We'll rise up
And we'll do it a thousand times again. For you
21. “You're broken down and tired of living life on a merry-go-round
And you can't find the fighter, but I see it in you”
What does the lyrics mean?
A. You should have a rest.
B. You should enjoy your life.
C. You need to find the fighter.
D. You have strength in yourself, realize it and use it.
The text is for question number 22.

Text A Text B
Notice Notice
Lost bike Missing! Missing!

Yesterday, February 2, 2023, I Date - 05-02-2023

parked my bike in front of the You are informed that my cycle
post office and found it has gone missing in school. This
missing after returning. It is the Hero Honda company's
would be very helpful if bicycle. It has black handle. My
anyone knows anything. It is a name is written in the bicycle. If
black bicycle with blue stripe. you have any information about it
It has grey lock and black then please contact me.
bell. Reward for anyone who
Aditya (08764332123)
finds it. Please contact
Edward on 085567749321. Class-8 (A)
Thank you.
22. Read the statements below.
I In text A, the owner offers a reward for anyone who finds his bicycle.
II The lost items in text A and text B were lost in the same place.
III The owner of the lost bicycle in text B is a student.
IV The owner of the lost items in text A and text B are female.

The correct statements are ….

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

The text is for question number 23.

Text A Text B
Notice Notice
Lost bike Missing! Missing!

Yesterday, February 2, 2023, I Date - 05-02-2023

parked my bike in front of the You are informed that my
post office and found it missing cycle has gone missing in
after returning. It would be very school. This is the Hero Honda
helpful if anyone knows company's bicycle. It has black
anything. It is a black bicycle handle. My name is written in
with blue stripe. It has grey lock the bicycle. If you have any
and black bell. Reward for information about it then
anyone who finds it. Please please contact me.
contact Edward on Aditya (08764332123)
085567749321. Thank you.
Class-8 (A)
23. Both texts above are written to ….
A. persuade the readers to find the lost
bicycles B. announce the readers about the
lost bicycles
C. ask the readers to find the lost bicycles
D. describe the lost bicycles

The text is for question number 24.

Change Background and Apply Visual Effects in Google

Meet during a Meeting

Important: Participants who join the meeting while not logged

into a Google account and participants who need to knock to
get admitted, can only change their background or use visual
effects once in the meeting.

The steps:
1. On the bottom, click more (the three-dotted button).
2. Click Apply visual effects.
3. To completely blur your background, click Blur your
4. To slightly blur your background, click slightly blur your
5. To select a pre-uploaded background, click a background.
6. To upload your own image for your background, click
Upload a background image.
7. To add a style to your video, click a style.
8. To select a filter, at the bottom, tap Filters and then choose
the filter you want to use.
Tip: If the filter is interactive, follow the on-screen
instructions to activate it.

Tip: Your camera is automatically turned on when you click

on an effect. Your device may slow down when you use
effects and backgrounds. You may want to turn this feature off
to allow other apps to run faster on your computer.
24. Who is most likely to be excited to read the text?
A. Someone applying for a job.
B. Someone living in a rural and remote area.
C. Someone who wants to hold an online meeting.
D. Someone who wants to send reports to his boss.

The text is for question number 25.

Change Background and Apply Visual Effects in Google

Meet during a Meeting

Important: Participants who join the meeting while not logged

into a Google account and participants who need to knock to
get admitted, can only change their background or use visual
effects once in the meeting.

The steps:
1. On the bottom, click more (the three-dotted button).
2. Click Apply visual effects.
3. To completely blur your background, click Blur your
4. To slightly blur your background, click slightly blur your
5. To select a pre-uploaded background, click a background.
6. To upload your own image for your background, click
Upload a background image.
7. To add a style to your video, click a style.
8. To select a filter, at the bottom, tap Filters and then choose
the filter you want to use.
Tip: If the filter is interactive, follow the on-screen
instructions to activate it.

Tip: Your camera is automatically turned on when you click

on an effect. Your device may slow down when you use
effects and backgrounds. You may want to turn this feature off
to allow other apps to run faster on your computer.
25. What should readers do if they want to use their own school icon as background?
A. Click the three-dotted button on the bottom – click Apply Visual Effects – click Style.
B. Click the three-dotted button on the bottom – click Apply Visual Effects – click Blur
Your Background.
C. Click the three-dotted button on the bottom – click Apply Visual Effects – click Slightly
Blur Your Background.
D. Click the three-dotted button on the bottom – click Apply Visual Effects – click Upload
a Background Image.
The text is for question number 26.

Change Background and Apply Visual Effects in Google

Meet during a Meeting

Important: Participants who join the meeting while not logged

into a Google account and participants who need to knock to
get admitted, can only change their background or use visual
effects once in the meeting.

The steps:
1. On the bottom, click more (the three-dotted button).
2. Click Apply visual effects.
3. To completely blur your background, click Blur your
4. To slightly blur your background, click slightly blur your
5. To select a pre-uploaded background, click a background.
6. To upload your own image for your background, click
Upload a background image.
7. To add a style to your video, click a style.
8. To select a filter, at the bottom, tap Filters and then
choose the filter you want to use.
Tip: If the filter is interactive, follow the on-screen
instructions to activate it.

Tip: Your camera is automatically turned on when you click

on an effect. Your device may slow down when you use
effects and backgrounds. You may want to turn this feature off
to allow other apps to run faster on your computer.
26. What causes the device to slow down when using effects and backgrounds during a
Google Meet meeting?
A. The effects and backgrounds contain viruses
B. Applying effects and backgrounds requires more processing power.
C. Applying effects and backgrounds slows down the Internet connection.
D. Participants can only change their background or use visual effects once in the meeting.
The text is for questions number 27.

Miss Erina : Good morning, students. Pay attention, please.

Isabela Miss Erina
: Good morning, Mam.
: Before I start the lesson, I will give new
information from Mr. Gun that volleyball club
will be started on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m.
Isabela : Alright, Mam.
Miss Erina : For those who join the club, you must tell your parents th
Isabela : Okay, Miss Erina.
Miss Erina : O.K. let‟s continue our lesson. Open your book page 364

27. Where does the dialog take place?

A. In the students‟ lavatory.
B. In the school yard.
C. In the classroom.
D. In the library.

The text is for question number 28.

Miss Erina : Good morning, students. Pay attention, please.

Isabela Miss Erina
: Good morning, Mam.
: Before I start the lesson, I will give new
information from Mr. Gun that volleyball club
will be started on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m.
Isabela : Alright, Mam.
Miss Erina : For those who join the club, you must tell your parents th
Isabela : Okay, Miss Erina.
Miss Erina : O.K. let‟s continue our lesson. Open your book page 364

28. What would Isabela probably do after listening to Miss Erina‟s

information? A. Talk to her mom for coming late on Wednesday.
B. Go to the library to borrow some books.
C. Buy some clothes for joining the club.
D. Go straight to school canteen.
The text is for question number 29.
Once upon a time there lived several mice below a large
tree in a forest. They were headed by a king mouse.
One day, a big group of elephants arrived near the tree.
They did not know that mice living beneath the tree and
demolished their homes accidentally. A few of the mice were
also smashed under their feet and injured. The others started
running here and there.
They pleaded to their king, “Please save us from these
crazy elephants. They will kill all of us!” The king said,
“Don‟t get worried my friends.”
He then talked to the chief of the elephants‟ group, “Sir,
please guide your team to other route and save our homes and
lives.” The chief of elephants said, “I am really sorry. We
failed to notice your group living here. We were thirsty and
searching for water.” The king of mice instructed him to a
path where they might find water.
Another day, some hunters trapped all the elephants in
huge nets. The chief of elephants suddenly thought of the
group of mice; they might be capable of chew these nets. The
chief then requested a bird to inform the king of mice about
the situation.
Within a couple of minutes, thousands of mice arrived
and chewed through all the nets by using their teeth, and set
the elephants free.
The elephants thanked the mice. From that day, they
lived happily together in the forest.

Adapted from:


29. The king of mice said, “Don‟t get worried my

friends.” He said that to ….
A. give the mice advice on what to do
B. prohibit the mice to do something
C. get the mice attention
D. calm the mice down
The text is for question number 30.

Once upon a time there lived several mice below a large tree in
a forest. They were headed by a king mouse.
One day, a big group of elephants arrived near the tree. They
did not know that mice living beneath the tree and demolished their
homes accidentally. A few of the mice were also smashed under
their feet and injured. The others started running here and there.
They pleaded to their king, “Please save us from these crazy
elephants. They will kill all of us!” The king said, “Don‟t get
worried my friends.”
He then talked to the chief of the elephants‟ group, “Sir, please
guide your team to other route and save our homes and lives.” The
chief of elephants said, “I am really sorry. We failed to notice your
group living here. We were thirsty and searching for water.” The
king of mice instructed him to a path where they might find water.
Another day, some hunters trapped all the elephants in huge
nets. The chief of elephants suddenly thought of the group of mice;
they might be capable of chew these nets. The chief then requested a
bird to inform the king of mice about the situation.
Within a couple of minutes, thousands of mice arrived and
chewed through all the nets by using their teeth, and set the
elephants free.
The elephants thanked the mice. From that day, they lived
happily together in the forest.
Adapted from:
30. Which pairs of characteristic and description are in line with text?

Characteristic Description
I Cowardly The king mouse was afraid of the elephants and did nothing
when they arrived at the mice living area.
II Helpful The king mouse leaded the mice to free the elephants from
the traps.
III Considerate The king mouse always listened and concerned for the
mice‟s needs and difficulties.
IV Curious The king mouse asked the chief of the elephants why the
elephants came.
A. I and III.
B. II and III.
C. II and IV.
D. III and IV.
The text is for question number 31.

Once upon a time there lived several mice below a large

tree in a forest. They were headed by a king mouse.
One day, a big group of elephants arrived near the tree.
They did not know that mice living beneath the tree and
demolished their homes accidentally. A few of the mice were
also smashed under their feet and injured. The others started
running here and there.
They pleaded to their king, “Please save us from these
crazy elephants. They will kill all of us!” The king said,
“Don‟t get worried my friends.”
He then talked to the chief of the elephants‟ group, “Sir,
please guide your team to other route and save our homes and
lives.” The chief of elephants said, “I am really sorry. We
failed to notice your group living here. We were thirsty and
searching for water.” The king of mice instructed him to a
path where they might find water.
Another day, some hunters trapped all the elephants in
huge nets. The chief of elephants suddenly thought of the
group of mice; they might be capable of chew these nets. The
chief then requested a bird to inform the king of mice about
the situation.
Within a couple of minutes, thousands of mice arrived
and chewed through all the nets by using their teeth, and set
the elephants free.
The elephants thanked the mice. From that day, they
lived happily together in the forest.

Adapted from:


31. What is the moral value of the story?

A. Don‟t underestimate others.
B. Consistency is the key to success.
C. Togetherness always has much power.
D. Overconfidence should always be avoided.
The text is for questions number 32.

Text 1 Text 2
Nightshades are plants that Poison oak is a poisonous
are related to potatoes and have plant that is native to North
poisons in their leaves, berries, or America. There are two
roots. They range from mild to species, Pacific or western
deadly. poison oak and Atlantic poison
The common nightshade, oak. These species contain
or black nightshade, can be urushiol, which can cause a
poisonous when eaten raw, but severe, itchy, and painful
can be used as a green or in pies inflammation of the skin when
and preserves when boiled. The in contact.
blue-blossomed bittersweet or Pacific poison oak can
woody nightshade has bitter and appear as a small shrub or a
sweet berries that can cause climbing woody vine, while
seizures and death if taken in Atlantic poison oak is a small
large doses. shrub that is less than 1 meter
The deadly nightshade or in height. Pacific poison oak is
belladonna is valuable in found in western North
medicine. It is used to relieve America, from Baja
pain or spasm and is a 5-foot California, Mexico, to British
shrub with dull green leaves, Columbia, Canada, while
purple bell-shaped flowers, black Atlantic poison oak is native to
cherry-like fruit, and a the southeastern United States.
disagreeable odor. Both species are commonly
■ confused with poison ivy.
These species are not true oaks
of the genus Quercus although
people often called these
plants “oaks”.
32. What is likely discussed in the missing paragraph noted with the sign ■ ?
A. Nightshade‟s effect to people.
B. The black nightshade‟s benefit.
C. Belladona‟s link to poison
oaks. D. Other species of
The text is for question number 33.

Text 1 Text 2
Nightshades are plants that Poison oak is a poisonous
are related to potatoes and have plant that is native to North
poisons in their leaves, berries, or America. There are two
roots. They range from mild to species, Pacific or western
deadly. poison oak and Atlantic poison
The common nightshade, oak. These species contain
or black nightshade, can be urushiol, which can cause a
poisonous when eaten raw, but severe, itchy, and painful
can be used as a green or in pies inflammation of the skin when
and preserves when boiled. The in contact.
blue-blossomed bittersweet or Pacific poison oak can
woody nightshade has bitter and appear as a small shrub or a
sweet berries that can cause climbing woody vine, while
seizures and death if taken in Atlantic poison oak is a small
large doses. shrub that is less than 1 meter
The deadly nightshade or in height. Pacific poison oak is
belladonna is valuable in found in western North
medicine. It is used to relieve America, from Baja California,
pain or spasm and is a 5-foot Mexico, to British Columbia,
shrub with dull green leaves, Canada, while Atlantic poison
purple bell-shaped flowers, black oak is native to the southeastern
cherry-like fruit, and a United States. Both species are
disagreeable odor. commonly confused with
■ poison ivy. These species are
not true oaks of the genus
Quercus although people often
called these plants “oaks”.
33. Study these statements below.
I. Both Nightshades and Poison oak have great use for medicine.
II. Both Nightshades and Poison oak can cause severe skin reactions.
III. Both Nightshades and Poison oak can be eaten after being cooked.
IV. Nightshades‟ poisons vary while poison oak‟s is moderately similar.

Which statements are true based on both text?

A. I and II.
B. I and III.
C. II and III.
D. II and IV.
The text is for question number 34.

Text 1 Text 2
Nightshades are plants that Poison oak is a poisonous
are related to potatoes and have plant that is native to North
poisons in their leaves, berries, or America. There are two species,
roots. They range from mild to Pacific or western poison oak and
deadly. Atlantic poison oak. These
The common nightshade, species contain urushiol, which
or black nightshade, can be can cause a severe, itchy, and
poisonous when eaten raw, but painful inflammation of the skin
can be used as a green or in pies when in contact.
and preserves when boiled. The Pacific poison oak can
blue-blossomed bittersweet or appear as a small shrub or a
woody nightshade has bitter and climbing woody vine, while
sweet berries that can cause Atlantic poison oak is a small
seizures and death if taken in shrub that is less than 1 meter in
large doses. height. Pacific poison oak is
The deadly nightshade or found in western North America,
belladonna is valuable in from Baja California, Mexico, to
medicine. It is used to relieve British Columbia, Canada, while
pain or spasm and is a 5-foot Atlantic poison oak is native to
shrub with dull green leaves, the southeastern United States.
purple bell-shaped flowers, black Both species are commonly
cherry-like fruit, and a confused with poison ivy. These
disagreeable odor. species are not true oaks of the
■ genus Quercus although people
often called these plants “oaks”.
34. “Poison oak causes itches by touch ... Nighshades cause poisoning by eating them
raw.” The right conjunction to complete the sentence is ... .
A. when
B. while
C. which
D. however
The text is for question number 35.

35. According to the infographic, how does deforestation contribute to climate change?
A. By increasing the amount of carbon sequestration.
B. By decreasing the amount of carbon sequestration.
C. By increasing the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
D. By decreasing the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The text is for question number 36.

36. Study the statement below!

I We get information that deforestation can make 16 million hectares of forest disappear
II. We know that deforestation can make air quality increase abruptly
III. We understand that deforestation doesn't have an effect on the water cycle
IV. We know that a human needs 61 trees of oxygen in his/her life

The reader gets benefits of the notice from the statement number …
A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and IV
D. III and IV
The texts are for question number 37.


37. What is probably the reader do after reading the label?

A. A pediatrician will unlikely recommend the products for children.
B. A mother may store the product anywhere around her children.
C. A patient will likely consume this product to boost immunity.
D. A customer must store the products in a fridge.
The text is for question number 38.


38. Which statements are TRUE based on the given information?

I. A customer who likes sweets prefers Product A to Product B.
II. A customer takes more dose of product A to Product B
III. A soy allergic customer prefer product A to Product B.
IV. A patient who needs a dose of multi vitamin prefer product B to product A.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV
The text is for questios number 39..

39. What is the main message of the advertisement?

A. The recruitment of IDM Nations Campus Staff.
B. The price of the courses in IDM Nations Campus.
C. The process of getting Certificate of the Courses.
D. The courses done in IDM Nations Campus.

The text is for question number 40.

40. The advertisement will help those who … .

A. need help in interviewing new job seekers
B. need an occupation for herself
C. want to have higher education
D. want to apply for a job
The text is for questions number 41.

When I was in junior high school years, I became a join-all-of-

the-school-and-even-outside-the-school-clubs type of person. I was
elected as a Secretary in the Pool of Aspiring Writers and Speakers
(PAWS) club. I also designated as the head of the Publication
Committee in scriptwriting and styling communication letters. I was
supported by my English teacher to try out the selection to become a
student journalist. I remember she said to me before the test: “break
a leg, Sophie!”
So I was succeeded and being part of the school newspaper
publication in national level. It also paved the way for me to bring
honor and pride to my teachers by competing in the annually held
Schools Press Conference. I was so timid and shy to try out at first,
but I ultimately had the courage and strength to pursue my passion. I
joined some other school clubs. I managed to balance them with my
Whenever I think back to my Junior High School, I cannot help
but smile and be proud of myself; despite everything – the frenzied
and hectic schedules, the horde of school works, never-ending pile of
feature articles to be written and the pressure from number of people
around me, but I made it. I was able to turn away my stress and relax
once and be proud of myself. Hopefully I made my parents and my
teachers proud of me too.
Adapted from:
41. How did the writer retell her junior high school
years? A. Proudly.
B. Regretfully.
C. Impatiently.
D. Disappointedly.

The text is for question number 42.

When I was in junior high school years, I became a join-all-of-

the-school-and-even-outside-the-school-clubs type of person. I
was elected as a Secretary in the Pool of Aspiring Writers and
Speakers (PAWS) club. I also designated as the head of the
Publication Committee in scriptwriting and styling communication
letters. I was supported by my English teacher to try out the
selection to become a student journalist. I remember she said to
me before the test: “break a leg, Sophie!”
So I was succeeded and being part of the school newspaper
publication in national level. It also paved the way for me to
honor and pride to my teachers by competing in the annually held
Schools Press Conference. I was so timid and shy to try out at first,
but I ultimately had the courage and strength to pursue my
passion. I joined some other school clubs. I managed to balance
them with my academics.
Whenever I think back to my Junior High School, I
cannot help but smile and be proud of myself; despite everything –
the frenzied and hectic schedules, the horde of school works,
never- ending pile of feature articles to be written and the pressure
from number of people around me, but I made it. I was able to turn
away my stress and relax once and be proud of myself. Hopefully I
made my parents and my teachers proud of me too.
Adapted from:
experiences- essay
42. Why did the writer compete in the annually held School Press Conference?
A. To bring honor and proud to her teachers.
B. To turn away her stress and be relax.
C. To balance them with her academics.
D. To become a student journalist.

The text is for question number 43.

When I was in junior high school years, I became a join-all-of-

the-school-and-even-outside-the-school-clubs type of person. I was
elected as a Secretary in the Pool of Aspiring Writers and Speakers
(PAWS) club. I also designated as the head of the Publication
Committee in scriptwriting and styling communication letters. I was
supported by my English teacher to try out the selection to become
a student journalist. I remember she said to me before the test:
“Break a leg, Sophie!”
So I was succeeded and being part of the school newspaper
publication in national level. It also paved the way for me to bring
honor and pride to my teachers by competing in the annually held
Schools Press Conference. I was so timid and shy to try out at first,
but I ultimately had the courage and strength to pursue my passion.
I joined some other school clubs. I managed to balance them with
my academics.
Whenever I think back to my Junior High School, I cannot
help but smile and be proud of myself; despite everything – the
frenzied and hectic schedules, the horde of school works, never-
ending pile of feature articles to be written and the pressure from
number of people around me, but I made it. I was able to turn away
my stress and relax once and be proud of myself. Hopefully I made
my parents and my teachers proud of me too.
Adapted from:
experiences- essay
43. “Break a leg, Sophie!” (paragraph 1)
The idiomatic expression of break a leg means ….
A. keep the leg save
B. try harder
C. good luck
D. be patient

The text is for question number 44.

Kuta is a very beautiful beach. Kuta beach is situated in Badung

regency. It‟s close to the Ngurah Rai airport and is about 9 km from
Denpasar. Kuta is a beach that is very popular both in Indonesia and
international. In Kuta beach, there are a variety of facilities including
accommodation, restaurant, bar, as well as a very famous surfing spots
in the world.
In Kuta beach, you will see a lot of tourists with a variety of
activities in which they live. The usual tourist will take the time for
sunbathing, kite flying, playing volleyball, walking around, and playing
beach soccer. This is a beach that is very crowded every day.
The activity in Kuta beach is not only takes place during the day,
but also in the night. Various types of pubs and restaurants provide night
hours for visitors so they can enjoy a meal and entertainment throughout
the night. The night life at Kuta beach starts at 23:00.
When you visit Kuta beach, then you do not have to worry with
the existing system of accommodation. In the vicinity of Kuta beach,
there are many types of hotels and resorts that provide you with an
accommodation budget ranging from the lowest to the highest. Kuta
Beach is a beach that is highly recommended for you. In addition to
offering the natural beauty, the environment around it also gives a classy
44. What aspects are described in the text above?
A. Situation, facilities, visitors‟ activities and accommodation.
B. Situation, facilities, accommodation and transportation.
C. Location, facilities, visitors‟ activities and transportation.
D. Location, facilities, visitors‟ activities and
The text is for question number 45.

Kuta is a very beautiful beach. Kuta beach is situated in Badung regency.

It‟s close to the Ngurah Rai airport and is about 9 km from Denpasar. Kuta is a
beach that is very popular both in Indonesia and international. In Kuta beach,
there are a variety of facilities including accommodation, restaurant, bar, as well
as a very famous surfing spots in the world.
In Kuta beach, you will see a lot of tourists with a variety of activities in
which they live. The usual tourist will take the time for sunbathing, kite flying,
playing volleyball, walking around, and playing beach soccer. This is a beach
is very crowded every day.
The activity in Kuta beach is not only takes place during the day, but
also in the night. Various types of pubs and restaurants provide night hours for
visitors so they can enjoy a meal and entertainment throughout the night. The
night life at Kuta beach starts at 23:00.
When you visit Kuta beach, then you do not have to worry with the
existing system of accommodation. In the vicinity of Kuta beach, there are many
types of hotels and resorts that provide you with an accommodation budget
ranging from the lowest to the highest. Kuta Beach is a beach that is highly
recommended for you. In addition to offering the natural beauty, the
environment around it also gives a classy facility.
45. Kuta beach provides the visitors with an accommodation budget ranging from the lowest
to the highest … they do not have to worry with the existing system of accommodation.
The correct word to complete the sentence is ….
A. although
B. because
C. so that
D. but

The text is for question number 46.

Kuta is a very beautiful beach. Kuta beach is situated in

Badung regency. It‟s close to the Ngurah Rai airport and is about 9
km from Denpasar. Kuta is a beach that is very popular both in
Indonesia and international. In Kuta beach, there are a variety of
facilities including accommodation, restaurant, bar, as well as a
very famous surfing spots in the world.
In Kuta beach, you will see a lot of tourists with a variety of
activities in which they live. The usual tourist will take the time for
sunbathing, kite flying, playing volleyball, walking around, and
playing beach soccer. This is a beach that is very crowded every
The activity in Kuta beach is not only takes place during the
day, but also in the night. Various types of pubs and restaurants
provide night hours for visitors so they can enjoy a meal and
entertainment throughout the night. The night life at Kuta beach
starts at 23:00.
When you visit Kuta beach, then you do not have to worry
with the existing system of accommodation. In the vicinity of Kuta
beach, there are many types of hotels and resorts that provide you
with an accommodation budget ranging from the lowest to the
highest. Kuta Beach is a beach that is highly recommended for you.
In addition to offering the natural beauty, the environment around it
also gives a classy facility.
46. Who will mostly be interested in reading the
text? A. People who enjoy activities at beach.
B. People who want to play some games.
C. People who want to spend the night in the hotel.
D. People who want to enjoy meal at a restaurant.

The dialog is for questions number 47.

Gita :I read an article in the newspaper. It is said that Ciliwung

river is one of the dirtiest rivers in Indonesia. Really?
Lia :Yes, it has been contaminated by chemicals and rubbish. However, Ci
Gita : I am sure the government has to find the solution for these cases.


47. The dialog tells us about ….

A. plastic rubbish
B. chemical rivers
C. two dirty rivers
D. magazine article

The text is for question number 48.

Gita :I read an article in the newspaper. It is said that Ciliwung

river is one of the dirtiest rivers in Indonesia. Really?
Lia :
Yes, it has been contaminated by chemicals and rubbish. However, Ci
Gita : I am sure the government has to find the solution for these cases.


48. “… it has been contaminated by chemicals and rubbish. “

The word contaminated has closest meaning to …
A. mixed
B. polluted
C. increased
D. destroyed
The text is for question no. 49.

49. Study the following sentences carefully.

I. You will swim safely.
II. Your life will be in danger.
III. Your head will have a serious injury.
IV. You will be able to breathe easily.

What would happen if the readers neglect the notice?

A. I and III
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. I and IV
The text is for questions number 50.

50. Which statement matches with the information presented in the text above?
A. In A.D. 555, there were 1.7 million workers recruited to work on the Great Wall.
B. It was in 800 B.C that Chu Kingdom built the Great Wall for the first time.
C. China united by Qin Dynasty in 221 B.C so less of great wall was
built. D. The latest sections of the Great Wall were built by Ming

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