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Unit 9 | Session 2

A job search
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about job skills
Unit 9 | Session 2
A job search
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about job skills

Lesson overview
1 GET STARTED: Help wanted
2 READING: A job ad
3 READING AND SPEAKING: To apply or not to apply?
4 SPEAKING TASK: Apply for a job
Help wanted
Look at the different ways to find out
about jobs. Which do you think is the best
resource to find and get a job? Which
have you used before?
• classified ads in a newspaper
• social media
• an online employment site
• a company’s website
• a friend or family connection
• a job ad posted on a storefront
• your school’s career center
• other?

A job ad on a storefront
A job ad
Scan the online job description. What kinds of skills do applicants need for the job?
How much education and experience do they need?
To apply or not to apply?
Read Jacob’s profile. Do you think he should apply for the job? Why or why not?
Apply for a job
Look at the different job skills below.
Which ones do you think you have? Why?
Tell your partner.

• good people and communication skills

• can speak two or more languages
• experience with computers
• good time management
• a team player
• a problem solver
• leadership skills
• self-motivated

A customer service representative needs good people and communication skills.

Apply for a job
Refer to Worksheet 9.4.1. Choose one of the jobs and answer the questions.
Apply for a job
Work in small groups. Take turns applying
for the job you chose. The rest of the
group asks interview questions.

Interview questions
1 Which job are you interested in?
2 What interests you about this job?
3 How would your skills help you to do this job?
4 Are there any skills you don’t have?
5 Why are you the perfect person for this job?

Now I can...

❑ identify job qualifications and skills.

❑ answer interview questions about a job.

Unit 9 | Session 2
A job search
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about job skills

Thank you!

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