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2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT)

Bangalore, India. Oct 7-9, 2022

Scaled Agile Framework Implementation in

Organizations’, its Shortcomings and an AI Based
Solution to Track Team’s Performance
Upasana Ameta Mayank Patel Ajay Kumar Sharma
Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering
Geetanjali Institute of technical Studies Geetanjali Institute of technical Studies Geetanjali Institute of technical Studies
Udaipur, India Udaipur, India Udaipur, India

Abstract—The beginning of the 21st century was the machine learning model can be developed to predict the
Software Enlargement Period, where software development probability of feature completion in the given timeline at an
methods were designed to create and deliver software to early stage of the development process.
market under limited resources, time, and budget. The
traditional Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) created II. AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT
2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT) | 978-1-6654-6855-8/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/GCAT55367.2022.9971968

models like Waterfall Model, RAD model, etc. But this

Agile Software Development is a short-term
approach required extensive documentation, lacked customer
involvement, and could not develop responsive software. Agile
methodology based on the principle of agility, i.e., flexibly
Software Development Methodology was created in 2001, responding to changes and adapting them in an uncertain
which was flexible enough to adapt to changing requirements environment [1]. Companies can rapidly deliver reliable and
at later stages and encouraged better customer involvement. cost-friendly software using this development process.
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) based on Agile Methodology The Agile method overcomes ‘rigid to adapt changes’
follows repetition and increment approach to develop reliable, problem of traditional approaches. It allows to include
high quality, responsive and timely delivering software. This
changes in technology or customer requirements at later
paper involves the description of Agile methodology and SAFe,
stages of software development. It breaks the project and
problems in SAFe, and its solution by creating a machine
learning model.
develops the software in small iterations, following the
iterative and incremental approach [2]. Agile practices
Keywords—agile methodology, sprint, agile release train, improved coordination between teams, project planning,
story points, release software responsiveness, delivery time, and success rate [5].

I. INTRODUCTION Lately, Agile Frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc.,

have been scaled to support the development of large
In today’s era, software and information technology have projects for big enterprises. It was challenging to introduce
become a large part of people’s lives. With newly emerging Agile at large scales, so several frameworks were developed,
technologies and changing business markets, enterprises are namely Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Disciplined Agile
bound to develop high-quality, quick-delivering, responsive Delivery (DAD), Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), etc.
software. Software development method like Waterfall SAFe is the most popularly employed framework by
Model was created to organize the software development organizations to build high quality software and compete in
process efficiently [7]. However, this traditional approach the growing market.
possessed a lot of documentation, lacked customer
involvement, and could not develop responsive software [5]. III. SCALED AGILE FRAMEWORK (SAFE)
Once the requirements were finalized, they could not be The Scaled Agile Framework is a template used to extend
changed at later stages. agile practices for software development on a larger scale by
Agile methodology was developed that allowed creating a systematic roadmap for the process. It promotes
developers to inculcate requirement changes at later alignment to enhance coordination and cooperation between
development phases according to user demands. It increased multiple agile teams distributed globally. SAFe uses
customer involvement, constantly delivered working workflow patterns that help large organizations to build
software, and welcomed late changing requirements [1]. complex projects efficiently [4].
Several frameworks were created to apply Agile This framework follows the concept of lean product
methodology to develop large-scale projects like Scaled development and applies systematic thinking to overcome
Agile Framework (SAFe), Disciplined Agile Delivery challenges faced during development.
(DAD), and Large Scale Scrum (LeSS). SAFe provides
structured guidance about roles, responsibilities, planning, SAFe is a customizable and sustainable framework,
and management of the development process. It encourages suitable for a small organization with less than 100 people
alignment, coordination, and cooperation between multiple and a large enterprise with more than a thousand people as
agile teams [7]. well [1]. Scaled Agile Framework uses Scrum, Extreme
Programming (XP), Kanban, etc., agile practices for software
This framework has a rigorous planning process, and development.
even after that, there are times when dedicated features are
not completed within a given deadline. It may happen due to
insufficient time, dependencies, unknown risks, etc. A

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A. Scaled Agile Framework Values stakeholders. PO is responsible for maintaining and
1) Alignment: Multiple teams work concurrently on a prioritizing the tasks in a product backlog [2]. A Product
single project to achieve a common goal. Teams must be Backlog is a list of actual customer requirements in the
aligned to understand common business states and goals and project. The items in the product backlog are called features,
work together to achieve them. which are further divided into tasks called user stories.
2) Built-in-Quality: Quality assurance methods are b) Scrum Master: Scrum Master coaches the team,
applied to each iteration module for validating product maintains coordination between them, solves issues faced by
quality to improve customer satisfaction and reduce delays. team members, and ensures that teams follow the roadmap
3) Transparency: SAFe promotes transparency between [6].
team members, project managers, and customers to create an c) Dev Team: Dev team comprises professionals like
open and trustworthy environment [8]. coders and testers who are responsible for planning,
4) Program Execution: This framework focuses on executing, testing, and performing quality assurance
delivering working software continuously at regular activities for the user stories.
intervals rather than creating extensive documentation. Some other roles in ART:
a) Release Train Engineer (RTE): RTE leads all the
B. Scaled Agile Framework Principles ARTs and facilitates large-scale meetings for multiple agile
x Take an economic view teams in ART. RTE is responsible for the coordinating and
removing barriers across a large number of teams in ART
x Apply systems thinking
x Assume variability; preserve options b) Product Management: For large projects, the
x Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning product backlog is maintained by Product Management.
cycles They communicate with the customer, understand their
requirements, convert them into user stories, prioritize these
x Base milestones on objective evaluation of working stories and assign them to teams in ART.
systems c) DevOps: The main purpose of DevOps is to create a
x Visualize and limit work in progress (WIP), reduce deployment pipeline, facilitate automation and integration,
batch sizes, and manage queue lengths and optimize the value stream for continuous delivery [2].
There are some more roles in ART like System
x Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain
planning Architect Engineer, System Team, Shared Services, etc.

x Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge B. Portfolio Level

workers This level has the highest involvement in SAFe. It
defines the entire strategy of an organization, decides the
x Decentralize decision-making budget, allots funds, and synchronizes the governance
x Organize around value activities [1]. Strategy is described using Strategic Themes,
which link the portfolio level with different business
There are four main levels in the Scaled Agile The Program Portfolio Management (PPM) links the
Framework- portfolio to the organization, develops portfolio roadmap
A. Program and Team Level and vision, and minimizes the cost [6].
These are the lowest levels of SAFe. The Team level C. Value Stream Level
comprises agile teams with 5-12 members, and the Program Value Stream is an optional level in Scaled Agile
level combines several Agile Release Trains. Framework developed for large independent enterprises that
1) Agile Release Train (ART): ART is a collection of build complex software and have many ARTs.
self-organized, cross-functional agile teams. SAFe suggests Synchronization between ARTs and suppliers happens at
that there should be 50-125 people in an ART. It aggregates this level. Planning meetings and Solution Demo Meetings
agile teams to acquire the desired goal in each iteration, are organized at this level [8].
called Program Increment. V. SAFE WORKFLOW
2) Program Increment (PI): An iteration of process
The Scaled Agile Framework follows several steps to
execution in ART is called Program Increment. Each
accomplish software development:
increment lasts 8 to 12 weeks and has several iterations
called Sprints [1]. Each increment has several events like A. Program Increment (PI) Event
planning, developing, and validating a complete system PI Planning is an event to regulate the ART teams to
increment. acquire a common goal. It is a 2-days event where all team
members of ART participate and plan the development
3) Roles in ART: There are several important roles in an
process [1].
a) Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible 1) Day-1: Business leaders illustrate the requirements and
for communication between the product manager and market needs, followed by the presentation of the

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architectural view. Then the teams prepare a draft plan and 5) Inspect and Adapt (I&A): Inspect & Adapt Event can
present it to the business owner and management, who then be seen as an escalated retrospective in which all team
review it and provide feedback [4]. members and stakeholders of ART are present. It comprises
three parts:
Now, the team plans for an iteration using a visual board
called the Program Board. Teams mark features that will be a) PI System Demo: It is a more formal activity of
executed in the next sprint. Features are further broken into about an hour where all the features developed by ART
independent user stories. The size of user stories is during the PI are presented to a comparatively broader
estimated as a story point, and then they are prioritized by audience.
the PO according to the customer requirement and team b) Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement: Agile
capacity [5]. The agile team members also determine the teams review qualitative and quantitative metrics and record
risks and dependencies. All these steps are repeated for each data patterns. RTE collects this information and analyses the
sprint. possible problems [6].
2) Day-2: The Program Manager highlights the changes in c) Retrospective and Problem Solving Workshop: A
scope and resources. Teams update the plan according to the small retrospective is organized to discuss further issues,
provided feedback, define risks and dependencies and and then RTE facilitates Problem Solving Workshop to
finalize the plan. Finally, teams present the final features, tackle these issues.
dependencies, and milestones on the Program Board.
B. Iteration Planning and Development
An iteration may last up to two weeks, where teams
execute the designated features according to the plan.
1) Sprint Planning: A Sprint Planning Meeting is
organized by Scrum Master, where teams discuss the
purpose of user stories and check off the user stories that are
ready for implementation. User stories are assigned to team
members, and the complexity of user stories is determined
using story points [4]. Team members also discuss their
holiday plans to keep the holiday track and avoid delays.
2) Product Backlog Preparation and Refinement: The
Product Owner communicates with the customers, Fig. 1 SAFe Workflow
understands their requirements, converts requirements into
features, and places them into the product backlog [5].
A Backlog Refinement process is carried out by the SAFe is a better framework than other development
teams where they filter the user stories which are ready for strategies as it follows an iteration and increment approach.
execution in the next iteration. The user stories having the It is a convenient methodology in today’s world, where
highest priority from the Product Backlog are placed into technology, business, and the market are constantly
Sprint Backlog for the upcoming iteration. User stories are changing. SAFe welcomes late changing requirements of
refined based on story points, the number of team members, customers and incorporates these changes flexibly in the
and allotted time [6]. When multiple teams in ART perform project [6].
this practice, several risks, challenges, and dependencies are However, applying SAFe for developing complex
encountered at the early stages. projects in large enterprises can be challenging. Sometimes,
3) Daily Stand-Up: A Stand-Up meeting of 15 minutes teams cannot deliver solutions on the given deadline, even
is daily organized by the Scrum Master during the entire after going through such a rigorous planning process.
sprint. Team members discuss the tasks they completed
yesterday, tasks they will do today, and the challenges they
are encountering. Scrum Master reviews the status of the
project and the work and progress of individual team
members to increase transparency [3].
4) Sprint Review and Retrospective: A working model
of the final product is displayed to the PO and customer in
Sprint Review Meeting called the System Demo [2].
Customers review the prototype, check progress and give
feedback about changes to be incorporated into the final
product. This preserve teams from heading in the wrong
direction [3].
Fig. 2 Problem Scenario
A Retrospective meeting is held at the end of an
iteration, where all project members discuss problems Several challenges may occur during the development
encountered, things that went well in this sprint, and actions process:
to be taken for future improvements.
1) Insufficient Time: The timeline has to be drawn very
carefully, as extra time is needed to incorporate the

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continuously changing requirements of the customers. An 3) Semi-Supervised learning: This algorithm is a
inadequate amount of time may cause the inability of teams combination of supervised and unsupervised learning as it
to stick to the estimated timeline and poor product quality. works on both labeled and unlabeled data. Since the labeled
2) Unresolved Dependencies: Multiple ARTs are cross- data is less than the data to be predicted, this algorithm falls
functionally dependent on data and information. There could between learning with supervision and without supervision
be some unresolved dependencies between data points [2]. [13]. Some Semi-Supervised Machine Learning algorithms
If one team in ART misses the deadline, it eventually are Generative Models, Self-Training, Transductive SVM,
hampers the work of other agile teams and may lead to etc. This algorithm can be used in image and speech
project failure. analysis, internet content classification, etc.
3) Pandemic: During such unprecedented times like 4) Reinforcement Learning: This algorithm makes the
Covid-19, on-time product delivery is the biggest concern of decision and takes actions to maximize the number of
enterprises and customers. positive outcomes. There is no prior knowledge about the
4) Other: There may be other factors like lack of action to be taken until a situation is given [11]. Some
teamwork, over commitment, team members leaving the Reinforcement Machine Learning algorithms are Q-
project, lack of team motivation, and disappointed Learning, State Action Reward State (SARSA), Deep Q
stakeholders [4]. Neural Network (DQN), etc. this algorithm can be used in
Even after spending 8-10 days per year in the rigorous robotics, game theory, operation research, etc.
planning process for Sprints and PI, teams are not able to
complete the designated features from the Product Backlog. B. Supervised Machine Learning
It may result in missed deadlines, loss of money and This learning has a function that matches an input to an
reputation of the enterprise, and unsatisfied customers. output based on sample input-output pairs. The input data
Organizations can overcome this challenge if there exists set is partitioned into labelled training data set and a testing
a mechanism to predict the on-time delivery of solutions data set to derive a function [11]. It is a task-driven
beforehand. It could help teams to understand the timeline approach.
and increase team size and working hours if needed to 1) Types of Supervised Machine Learning: Following
complete the work on time. are the types as described below:
There could be a proposed solution to this problem: a) Classification: Data is classified into different
One possible solution to this problem could be building categories which are illustrated on input data set based on
such a model using a machine learning algorithm that will their specific features. E.g., Spam Filtering.
use past experiences and data of agile teams to predict the b) Regression: It fits the data and predicts other data
on-time delivery of value to customers. features based on some available features. E.g., Weather
VII. MACHINE LEARNING Forecast, Market Trends etc.

Machine Learning is a branch of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) associated with the study and development
of algorithms for certain data predictions. Machines carry
out learning work, and algorithms enhance their behavior
automatically using experiences and constantly exploring
new information [12].
Machine Learning algorithms build models by taking
sample inputs and making predictions or decisions without
pursuing any static program instructions. These algorithms Fig. 3 Types of Supervised Machine Learning
can be used for applications like medicine, speech
recognition, email filtering, etc. 2) Examples of Supervised Machine Learning:
A. Types Of Machine Learning Techniques a) Face Detection: Differentiate human faces from
other objects.
1) Supervised Learning: This learning builds a
b) Spam Detetction: Anomalies recognition for spam
mathematical model using both input and output data sets.
The input data set is broken into training and testing data
c) Predictive Ananlysis: Predict certain results based
sets [11]. Some Supervised Machine Learning algorithms
on output variable.
are Decision Tree, Linear regression, Logistic Regression,
Support Vector Machine, etc. This algorithm can be used in d) Customer Delivery: Prediction of customer
face verification, recommendation systems, etc. purchasing based on purchase history.
2) Unsupervised Learning: This algorithm only takes 3) Workflow of Supervised Machine Learning
the input data set, and the output set is not given to it.
Unsupervised learning uses input sets to find patterns in data
by grouping and clustering data points. Some Unsupervised
Machine Learning algorithms are K-Means Clustering, K-
Nearest Neighbor, Hierarchical Clustering, etc. [12]. This
algorithm can be used in data visualization, image
segmentation, etc.

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Fig. 5 Implementation Workflow

A. Read Data
The model is reading data from an excel sheet for now.
However, in real-world implementation, data could be
Fig. 4 Supervised Machine learning Workflow
extracted from several databases like Mongo DB,
PostgreSQL, etc., requiring the data must be in tabular form.
The data set includes attributes such as User Story Name,
4) Classification of Supervised Machine Learning Story State, Status, Story Points, Parent Feature Id, Team Id,
a) Decision Tree: Decision trees are used for Sprint Id, Release Id, and Date. Story State is the only
classification purposes. Each tree has a node that represents dependent feature or target variable whose value (Done/Not
Done) depends on the rest of the features.
an attribute and branches that represent values that the node
can assume [11]. B. Pipeline
b) Linear Regression: This algorithm makes Several steps are followed in the pipeline:
predictions by concluding relationships between one 1) Data Cleaning: Data cleaning techniques are applied to
dependent and many independent variables. For one the raw data set to drop unnecessary columns, remove
dependent and one independent variable, it is simple linear NULL values, and index resetting [13].
regression. In the case of multiple independent variables, it 2) Feature Engineering: Feature Engineering is done to
is multiple linear regression. handle missing values, binning numerical values, extracting
c) Naïve Bayes: This algorithm creates a Bayesian parts of a date, etc. [11]. The model adds another column to
Network based on the probability of occurring events [11]. the data set for calculating the number of days between the
It is used for text classification and clustering. different Story States for each user story i.e., Open to
d) Support Vector Machine (SVM): This algorithm Implementing and Implementing to Done. Now, a new
minimizes classification error by drawing margins between feature is added to the data called Days.
classes, and the distance between margin and classes is 3) Data Preparation: The purpose of this step is to drop
maximum [12]. irrelevant attributes, duplicate checking, and get the
e) Logistic Regression: It is a probability-based numerical form of data [12]. The categorical values of
statistic model that can be used to solve both classification features in the data set are converted into numerical form by
and regression problems but is mostly used in classification creating vector arrays. N-1 dimensional vector is created for
[13]. It calculates probabilities using mathematical logistic a feature having N distinct values. Now, this data is
functions. converted into tabular form and is ready to be used in the
VIII. IMPLEMENTATION The obtained data set is further bifurcated into training
data and testing data. The training data set contains data till
The proposed solution is implemented by building a today’s date, and the testing data set contains future data.
model using a logistic regression algorithm in Machine 80% of the training data set is used for training, and the
Learning that will take features like User Story Name, Story remaining 20% is for validation.
State, Story Points, Parent Feature Id, Team Id, Sprint Id, Stratification is done on the Story State feature to obtain
release Id as input and then calculate the mean probability of samples from data that best represent the data values.
completion of features in the particular data set requested by 4) Scaling: This model uses a Robust Scaler to convert the
the user. actual distribution of data into normal distribution form.
Following is the workflow of the implementation process: Scaling is done on outliner data points for all independent
features. Training data fits into the scaler, and
transformation occurs on training validation and testing data

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Fig. 6 Robust Scaler Mathematical Formula

5) Modelling: The next step is the model initiation by Fig. 7 Model Dashboard
using a machine learning algorithm. Since the data is in
linearly separable form, logistic regression would be the
best approach to build the model. Logistic regression is best
suited for predicting the probability of a binary event
occurring. Since the Story State feature has two possible
outcomes, Done or Not Done, this can be said to be a binary
classification. Probability in Binary Logistic regression
ranges between 0 and 1. In the case of Story State, the
model assigns the Done state to be 1 and the Not Done state
Logistic Function is called a sigmoid function, which will
take the story states and map the values between 0 and 1.
Fig. 8 Model Prediction Result
1 / (1 + e^-value) (1)
Where, e is base of natural logarithm IX. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE
Logistic Regression equation is as follows:
y = e^(b0 + b1*x) / (1 + e^(b0 + b1*x)) (2) This machine learning model will predict the mean
Where, y=predicted output percentage probability of whether the features of a particular
b0=bias or intercept term sprint in a release will be completed in the remaining time
b1=coefficient for single input variable (x) or not. It will help teams to predict on-time product delivery
Logistic Regression Probability Prediction is as follows: at an early stage; so that appropriate quality features can be
P(Story State=Done|Not Done) (3) developed within the deadline. If organizations have this
P(X) = P(Y=1|X) (4) sort of mechanism, teams can increase their velocity, size,
p(X) = e^(b0 + b1*X) / (1 + e^(b0 + b1*X)) (5) and working hours to finish the work on time.
Training data is fit into the model so that it learns and The expected benefits of this model could be:
improves itself over time. x Faster and Smarter Investment decision-making
6) Scores: The confusion matrix is used to calculate the (driven by machine learning model predictions)
model performance for a set of testing data. x Maximize ROI (Return on Investment) with a
Accuracy, error, precision, recall, and f1_score is calculated; reduction in Project Delivery delays
to fully evaluate the model's effectiveness.
Accuracy=68.31, Error=31.69, Precision=63.57, x Increase team productivity, efficiency, and moral
Recall=99.44 and f1_score=77.56 x Supports Lean-Agile Mindset
7) Pre Processing: Binary values are again mapped into
categorical values for Story State. Column added for storing x Cost Avoidance (cost assumptions and average time
period of delayed features)
the number of days during feature engineering is dropped,
and the index is reset. In the future, this model can be integrated with software
like Rally and Jira used by companies employing the Scaled
C. Prediction
Agile Framework. Data sets of teams, sprints, and releases
Now, the model is ready to be accessed by users. User is could be directly extracted from the Rally database and fed
requested to enter Team id, Sprint Id, and Release Id for into this model to predict the probability of completion of
which they want the probability. The model will calculate given features in a particular sprint of a release.
the mean of all Parent Feature Ids of that particular data
piece, and the percentage probability of feature completion REFERENCES
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