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Blaze Beam 1.Damage to all units inany Repair Hull Es eee ea Tamashi While below S hull, may re-roll any available units any number of times Hissatsu 4 Damage ag for each use after the First Return all units from the infirmary PROJECT UNION * Project Union is a ship designed to take risks. Go all out on the offensive until your hull drops to a low value then use the Tamashii ability to gamble on fully repairing your hull. Threat detected dice are still locked when using this ability. * The Blaze Beam ignores the ‘protect’ abilities from enemies like the Shield Platform and Barrier but not the Orbital Cannon. The damage is not selective and you must damage all units in the chosen row. ¢ Hissatsu is a powerful single strike that cannot be split, but using it multiple times in the same round will cause direct hull damage to your own ship. Tau Leader Games

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