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A: Hi! I don’t think I know you, is it your first day?

B: Hi! Yes, I’m starting my English lessons today. I do not speak English very well,
but I’m learning!
A: No problem. I’m here to help you. My name’s lesli, nice to meet you.
B: Mafer, nice to meet you too.
A:So, Mfer, Welcome to the class English. Do you know anyone here?
B: Not yet, I haven’t had my first class.
A: I’ll introduce you to my friends later, then.
B: That would be great! Thank you.
A: You're welcome, come on let me introduce you to my best friend……… Hey
Patricio do you know Mafer?
P: No, I don’t. You’re new here right?
B: yes, that’s right. I just started today.
P: Oh! well, Mafer. Nice to meet you
B: Hi Patricio, Great to meet you, too!
P: Hey Mafer. have you met Jefferson? He is the best student in the class, he
understands English perfectly and he could help you with what you don't
understand. Jefferson, come over here!
J: What’s up? Hi Mafer! How are you settling in the class?
B: Hi, Jefferson. i feel very excited, to start the english class right now
A: Do you two know each other?
B: Yeah, if he was my classmate in school, we were in the same class for 5 years.

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