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Restiana Ie Tjoe Linggadjaya, MM QIA CIA CRMA IIAP

Komite Audit, PT. Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk.
Dewan Pengawas, Ikatan Auditor Intern Bank
Former Vice President, Institute of Internal Auditors Indonesia
Restiana Ie Tjoe Linggadjaya, MM, QIA, CIA, CRMA, IIAP

Educational Background

• S3 PhD Candidate, Universitas Pelita Harapan (2021 – expected graduation 2024)
• S2 Management, Asian Institute of Management, The Philippines (Dean Scholarship, 1999-2000)
• S1 Finance, Universitas Trisakti (1985-1989)

Professional Background
• Audit Committee, PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance (July 2022 – Present)
• Chief Audit Executive, Indonesia Exim Bank (May 2020 – Dec 2020)
• Chief Risk & Compliance Officer, PT Smartfren Telecom, Tbk (Dec 2018 – Apr 2020)
• Chief Operating Officer, PT Maybank Indonesia (Mar 2017 – Nov 2018)
• Chief Audit Executive, PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk (Mar 2010 – Feb 2017)
• Chief Internal Auditor, PT Bank Danamon, Tbk (May 2004 – Feb 2010)
• Finance Director, PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia (Apr 2002 – Apr 2004)
• Vice President Internal Audit, ABN Amro Bank Indonesia (Jul 2000 – Apr 2002)
• Vice President Treasury, Cash Mgt & Custody, ING Barings (Apr 1996 – Oct 1998)
• Manager, Citibank (Jul 1990 – Apr 1996)
• Finance Supervisor, PT Cipta Piranti Tehnik (Sep 1989 – Jun 1990)
5 Domains - Digital Transformation

5 Domains Strategic Themes

Customers Harness Customer Networks

Competition Build Platforms, not just Products

Data Turn Data into Assets

Innovation Innovate by Rapid Experimentation

Value Adapt your value proposition

Source: David L. Rogers, The Digital Transformation Playbook

It also applies for Internal Auditors!

Domain 1. Customer

Social Banking

Customer Shopping

Connections between
customers, looking for
the customer needs,
Entertain share ideas with you
and introduce to our
next opportunity.

Domain 1: Customer Dynamic Network

Domain 1. Customer Pain points (IA Point of View)

Time to Market Systems : Fragmented & Legacy

Need to Simplify Process Process

SOP : Complicated & Long turn Processes : Manual & Semi
around Automatic

Domain 2. Coopetition

Competition & Cooperation

• Payment gateways
Transact • e-Wallets

• Stock trading platforms

Invest • Insurance aggregator

• P2P lending

• eCommerce

Domain 2: Competition Platform Business Models with (In)direct Network Effects

Domain 2. IPPF 2050: Coordination & Reliance
Our processes and We have integrated
technologies processes and technology
remain siloed 14% across many or all
23% organizational silos of

The more integrated you

are, the more you share
information and use
• While IIA has advocated Coordination to ensure adequate
standardized approaches coverage and minimize duplication of efforts, Unfortunately,
to how you manage and 24% 86% organizations run its LoD individually in a siloed basis.
provide assurance about
We have
performance, risk and We have integrated
standardized compliance OCEG 2022
some processes processes across many
organizational silos, but we • 80% report that organizational silos impede access to data
and use of 39%
technology but have not yet completely • 80% report that data silos inhibit their ability to efficiently
not across the addressed integrating perform GRC reporting
technology that supports
entire enterprise
these processes • 91% believe that siloed tools and fragmented systems are a
significant constraint in efficiently develop GRC reports

Source: OCEG 2022, The surprising state of GRC Reporting

3 LoD

GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) is

a set of organizational capabilities to
achieve their objectives concerning Board/Audit Committee
uncertainty and ethical conduct.
-- (Switzer, Mitchell, and Mefford 2015).
Senior Management
An organization has elements to ensure that
the GRC activities are running properly. The
board will establish the organizational
strategic direction and oversee the
implementation of the strategy by Risk
management -- (ICGN 2015). Operational Management

External Audit
However, Board (including Audit Committee) is Internal
NOT involved in daily activities in an Compliance Audit
organization. They will rely to the assurance
provider inside and outside the organization. Finance
FERMA and ECIIA develop three lines of defense
(3 LoD) models.
1st Line of Defense 2nd Line of Defense 3rd Line of Defense
Domain 2. Integrated / Combined Assurance: Future State of GRC

Source: OCEG 2022, The surprising state of GRC Reporting

Domain 3. Data

- Optimizations and predictive analytics

- Complex statistical analysis
- All types of data, and many sources
- Very large datasets
- More of a real-time

- Ad-hoc querying and reporting

- Data mining techniques
- Structured data, typical sources
- Small to mid-size datasets

5 V of Big Data
1. Volume/Scale
2. Variety/Compexity
3. Velocity/Speed
4. Veracity/Validity
5. Value
Domain 3: Data Drivers of Big data & data-driven decision making

Domain 3. Data: Audit Presentation for Better results
Efficiency Effectiveness
► Automate manual work (e.g. ► Ability to filter or sort exceptions
collecting, analyzing and based on thresholds or severity
reporting of data) ratings
► A defined and iterative process to ► Allows to spend more time on
report on exceptions on root cause analysis of the
predefined intervals exceptions
► Better decision making based on
visualizations (e.g. trend lines)

Better Quality Early Warning

► Inspect all data to detect
exceptions instead of taking
samples from the data ► Exceptions can be detected in a
early stage which allows for less
► Less chance on manual errors
corrective actions
because of the high level of
► Standard exception reporting
where the chance of
misinterpretation is reduced
Domain 4. Innovation

1 2 3
Convenience Price Simplicity
Transparency of fee (no
Customers want hidden fees) is one factor
things quicker and Everything must be
influence the customers to
easier within their simple and easy to
buy products & services
reach understand/user

Domain 4: Innovate by rapid experimentation Minimum Viable Prototype

Domain 4. Innovation: Early Warning continuous auditing

Domain 5. Value

• Efficient to use
• More satisfying to use

Simple principles
• Clear engagement message/linked to journey
• Experience design – easy to find where I need to go next
• Good use of keyword and content - indexed via search engines
• Clean code that is easy for browsers to load.

Domain 5: Value Uncover next opportunity for value proposition

Domain 5. Value Proposition for Internal Audit

Internal Auditing:
• Assurance
• Insight
• Objectivity

Governing Bodies and Senior Management rely on Internal Auditing for objective assurance and insight
on the effectiveness and efficiency of governance, risk management and internal processes.

Source: The Institute of Internal Auditors

Key Attributes of Outstanding Internal Auditors

• Personal Attributes
- Ethical Resilience
- Results Focused
- Intellectually Curious
- Open Mindedness
• Relational Attributes
- Dynamic Communicators
- Insightful Relationships
- Inspirational Leaders
• Professional Attributes
- Critical Thinkers
- Technical Expertise

Source: Chambers, Richard F, Trusted Advisors: Key Attributes of Outstanding Internal Auditors

Literacy & Characters for Industry 5.0

Data Collaboration
Critical Thinking
Social Literacy

Lifetime Learner

Computational Thinking

Source: Prof Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro PhD, Former Minister of Research & Technology
Internal Auditing (Current State vs Future State)

Current State Future State

Perspective Backward-looking Forward-looking

Style Corporate Police Strategic Business Partner

Mandate Compliance Assurance & Consulting

Risk Focus Operational Enterprise

Tool Kit Work Programs Risk Based Audit

Automated & continuous
Technology Minimal

Scope & Deliverables – Example

Scope Deliverables

Secure system, process & Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability & non-repudiation

infrastructure for critical system, process & infrastructure

System access review Implementation of user access based on proper User

Access Matrix and Segregation of Duties

Change management • Establishment of Change Advisory Board

• Robust and secure change management process

Infrastructure & architecture Implementation of infrastructure & architecture – based

on organization needs, referring to best practices

Transaction-level review Assurance of completeness and accuracy of transactions

Monitoring activities Early warning and timely detection of incidents

Internal Audit as Indispensable Strategic Partner

Protect & Enhance


IA protect value with BOARD IA Independent from management and

assurance services and has unlimited access in all aspects in the
enhance value with consulting organization.
Independent Objective
Senior Internal Auditor
Strategic &
Competent forward looking

Technology Collaborative

COSO Enterprise Risk Management : Integrated Framework

• Management

• The board of directors

• Risk officers

• Internal auditors
Source: COSO ERM

COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework
5 Components
Set of standards, processes, and
structures that provide the basis for
Control Environment carrying out internal control across the
A dynamic and interactive process for
identifying and assessing risks to the
Risk Assessment achievement of objectives

3 Objectives Policies and procedures that help ensure

Operations Effectiveness and efficiency Control Activities management directives are carried out
of operations to achieve an
entity's basic mission Supports the organisation’s ability to use
the right information within the system
Information & of internal control and to carry out
Reporting Reliability of reporting for
Communication internal control responsibilities
use by organisations and
stakeholders Assess whether each of the five
Monitoring Activities components of internal control is present
Compliance Conduct of activities in and functioning
compliance with applicable
laws and regulations
COSO Internal Control Integrated Framework
Audit of Sales & Purchasing
Objectives of audit:

a) Assess the effectiveness of the Sales Strategies and

alignment across the processes
b) Assess the adequacy of controls established and
improvement made since last audit, especially on the
management of advertising agencies and establishment
of operational guidelines and management of digital
c) Review the management of resources and achievement
of its strategic goals.
Who owns the future

“ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of

their dreams “
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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