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Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong

Printed and Published by the Government Printer

at the Government Press, Java Road, Hong Kong

The official rate for conversion to U.S. dollars:-

To 14th February 1973 HK$5.650 = U.S.$l.OO
From 15th February 1973 HK$5.085= U.S.$l.OO



General Review 1
Domestic Exports 2
Imports 3
Re-exports 4


I . Hong Kong's overseas trade

2. Hong Kong's trade indexes
3. Export trade by commodities 2
4. Export trade by countries . 2
5. Import trade by end-use categories 3
6. Import trade by countries . 3
7. Re-export trade by commodities 4
8. Re-export trade by countries 4


I. Import and export unit value and quantum index numbers 5

2. Unit value and quantum index numbers of exports to major markets 6
3. Unit value and quantum index numbers of imports from major suppliers. 7
4. Exports, imports and re-exports by commodities 8
5. Exports, imports and re-exports by countries 10
6. Principal divisions of trade with main countries 14
7. Exports by principal commodities. 18
8. Main markets for exports of principal commodities 21
9. Exports of clothing (except fur) by types of material. 24
10. Exports of clothing (except fur) by methods of manufacture 25
11. Exports of clothing (except fur) by kinds of wear 26
12. Exports of clothing (except fur) by users . 27
13. Exports of cotton textiles to selected countries 28
14. Imports classified by end-use categories 29
15. Main sources of imports by end-use categories 31
16. Re-exports by principal commodities 32
17. Main markets for re-exports of principal commodities 33
18. Re-exports by main countries of origin with corresponding import figures 34
19. Re-exports by sele:::ted countries of origin by principal commodities. 35
20. Re-exports by selected countries of origin to main countries of destination 36
21. Airborne trade by principal commodities . 37
22. Airborne trade by main countries 38
23 . Hong Kong's domestic exports as a share of total imports into foreign markets 39


(HK$ million)

Year Imports Exports Re-exports Total Trade

1950 3,788' 3,716 7,503

1951 4,870 4,433 9,303

1952 3,779 2.899 6,678

1953 3,873 2,734 6,606

1954 3,435 2,417 in 5,852
1955 3,719 2,534 6,253

1956 4,566 3,210 7,776

1957 5,149 3,016 8,166

1958 4,594 2,989 7,583

1959 4,949 2,282 995 8,227

1960 5,864 2,867 1,070 9,801

1961 5,970 2,939 991 9,900

1962 6,657 3,317 1,070 11 ,045

1963 7,412 3,831 1,160 12,403

1964 8,551 4,428 1,356 14,334

1965 8,965 5,027 1,503 15,494

1966 10,097 5,730 1,83 3 17,660

1967 10,449 6,700 2,081 19,230

1968 12,472 8,428 2,142 23,042

1969 14,893 10,518 2,679 28,090

1970 17,607 12,347 2,892 32,845

1971 20,256 13,750 3,414 37,420

1972 21,764 15,245 4,154 41 ,164

1973 29,005 19,474 6,525 55 ,004


$Mn. Hong Kong's Overseas Trade


Value (HK$Mn.) 1971 1972 1973
Exports 13,750 15,245 19,474
10000 Imports 20,256 21,764 29,005
Re-exports 3,414 4,154 6,525
The total value of overseas trade
4000 expanded rapidly in 1973. Both exports
and re-exports grew at a rate more than
double that of 1972, but imports in-
creased even more sharply.

1969 70 71 72 73 1971 1972 1973

Total trade + 14 % + 10 % + 34 %
- 1000 Exports + 11 % + 11 % + 28 %
- 2000 Imports + 15 % + 7% + 33 %
Re-exports + 18 % + 22 % +57 %
- 3000

- 4000 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Graph I

Hon g Kon g's Trade Indexes (1968 = 100)

:H t~~=T:e~rm~s~o~f~T~ra~de~~~~~~~~~1
240 .....- - - - - - - - - - - - - " 2
Export Indexes

Both export and import unit prices
rose at a faster rate in 1973. The terms 120
of trade declined slightly but continued
to remain in Hong Kong's favour.
100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....
The percentage increases in the 240
values of exports and imports were
Import Indexes
attributable more to increased prices 180
(unit value index) than to increased
volumes (quantum index).


1968 69 70 71 72 73

Graph 2
$Mn. Export Trade by Commod ities Exports in 1973 consisted prin-
7500 r-------------~:=_ cipally of clothing (38 per cent), textiles
(12 per cent), plastic toys and dolls (7
per cent), transistorized radios (6 per
cent), manufactures of metal (3 per
4000 cent), artificial flowers (2 per cent),
jewellery and goldsmiths' and silver-
smiths' wares (2 per cent), travel goods,
handbags and similar articles (2 per
cent), electronic components and parts
for computers (2 per cent), transistors
"Textiles and diodes (2 per cent) and watches
and clocks (2 per cent).
Increases were recorded for jewel-
lery and goldsmiths' and silversmiths'
wares (+ 61 per cent), textiles (+ 52 per
cent), watches and clocks (+ 45 per
cent), electronic components and parts
500 for computers (+ 43 per cent), transis-
tors and diodes (+ 40 per cent), travel
goods, handbags and similar articles
(+ 34 per cent), manufactures of metal
(+ 25 per cent), transistorized radios
250 (+ 25 per cent), clothing (+ 22 per cent),
1969 70 71 72 73 plastic toys and dolls (+ 16 per cent)
and artificial flowers (+ 15 per cent).
Graph 3

$Mn. Export Trade by Countries

7000 r-:::~~;;;;;iiiil
U .S.A.

U.S.A. continued to be the largest
market in 1973 accounting for 35 per
cent of exports. Other principal mar-
kets were U.K. (14 per cent), F.R. of 2000
Germany (10 per cent), Japan (5 per
cent), Australia (4 per cent), Singapore
(3 per cent), Canada (3 per cent) and
Netherlands (2 per cent).
Increases were recorded for Japan
( + 122 per cent), Australia (+ 73 per
cent), Singapore (+53 per cent), 600
Netherlands (+ 40 per cent), U.K.
(+ 28 per cent), F.R. of Germany (+ 25
per cent), U.S.A. ( + 11 per cent) and 400
Canada (+2 per cent).

1969 70 71 72 73

Graph 4


$Mn. Import Trade by End-use Categories

12500 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Imports in 1973 consisted of raw

materials and semi-manufactures (41
per cent), consumer goods (26 per 4000
cent), foodstuffs (17 per cent), capital
goods (12 per cent) and fuels (3 per
Significant increases were recorded
in the purchase of consumer goods
(+ 35 per cent), raw materials and semi-
manufactures (+ 35 per cent), food-
stuffs (+ 33 per cent), capital goods 1000
(+28 per cent) and fuels (+20 per
700 Fuels

1969 70 71 72 73

Graph 5
$Mn. Import Trade by Countries
6000 _------------~_

4000 Although Japan continued to be

Hong Kong's largest supplier, her share
of total imports declined from 23 per
cent in 1972 to 20 per cent in 1973.
Other main suppliers were China (19
per cent), U.S.A. (13 per cent), U.K.
(6 per cent), Taiwan (6 per cent), F.R.
of Germany (4 per cent), Singapore (3
per cent) and Switzerland and Liech-
tenstein (3 per cent).
Increases in supply came from F.R.
of Germany (+ 49 per cent), China
1000 (+ 46 per cent), Singapore (+ 43 per
cent), U.S.A. (+ 43 per cent), Switzer-
land and Liechtenstein (+ 42 per cent),
Taiwan (+ 29 per cent), U.K. (+ 19 per
cent) and Japan (+ 16 per cent).

1969 70 71 72 73

Graph 6

$Mn. Re-export Trade by Commodities
1200 r----------------.

In 1973, the value of re-exports

recorded a dramatic increase of 57 per
cent over 1972 and represented 25 per
cent of total exports. The more im-
portant commodities re-exported were
textiles (17 per cent), diamonds (11 per
cent), electrical machinery, apparatus
and appliances (6 per cent), watches (5
per cent), machinery other than electric
200 (5 per cent), precious stones (4 per cent)
and medicinal and pharmaceutical pro-
ducts (4 per cent).
Increases were recorded for textiles
(+ 84 per cent), electrical machinery,
apparatus and appliances (+ 77 per
cent), watches (+71 per cent),
machinery other than electric ( + 69 per
cent), precious stones (+ 38 per cent)
and diamonds (+ 20 per cent).
1969 70 71 72 73

Graph 7
$ Mn. Re-expo rt Trade by Co un t ries
1500 r---------------------------"":II

Re-exports went to many countries 800

but the major markets were Japan (22
per cent), Singapore (11 per cent),
Taiwan (10 per cent), Indonesia (8 per
cent), U.S.A. (7 per cent), Republic of
Korea (4 per cent), China (3 per cent) 400
and Macau (3 per cent).
The most significant increases were
re-exports to China (+ 172 per cent),
Republic of Korea (+ 96 per cent), 200
Taiwan (+ 92 per cent)" Macau (+72
per cent), Japan (+71 per cent), Singa-
pore (+ 69 per cent), Indonesia (+ 62
per cent) and U.S.A. ( + 27 per cent).

70 71 72 73
Graph 8



(Base Year 1968 = 100)

Unit Value Quantum

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1969 1970 1971 1972 J973

All Exports ... 107 115 122 130 155 116 128 133 139 149
Clothing (except fur) 108 114 121 129 156 118 126 150 J57 159
Cotton clothing 111 121 132 J49 180 97 86 106 108 J09
Woollen clothing J04 105 103 102 131 129 126 116 JI9 87
Man-made fibre clothing 105 113 119 127 147 144 190 250 270 294
Other clothing 109 106 115 109 1I6 120 161 197 223 295
Textile fabrics 104 105 J 15 124 166 105 118 116 J22 139
Woven cotton fabrics ... 104 106 116 J25 16<) 101 112 103 93 106
Woven non-cotton fabrics 100 96 103 111 138 146 201 270 456 578
Other fabrics ... 104 92 103 108 127 114 118 117 131 123
Textile yarn and thread 106 108 112 119 161 123 149 159 180 293
Textile made-ups and related articles .. . 102 101 III 122 134 97 104 110 98 80
Transistorized radios 110 121 133 126 140 131 138 163 222 249
E lectronic components ... 81 88 91 84 81 200 308 348 413 604
Footwear 109 119 129 137 155 100 93 100 82 63
Metal manufactures 107 123 124 127 161 109 III 100 115 122
Metal ores and scrap 112 141 111 103 145 106 134 94 124 126
Watches and clocks 96 108 105 110 128 165 183 243 268 335
Others 110 118 127 137 159 114 127 116 117 128

All Imports 106 110 112 116 140 113 128 145 150 166
Foodstuffs 105 111 114 120 158 107 110 123 123 124
Rice 92 79 68 68 148 110 111 118 138 134
Fruit 102 109 119 121 136 108 124 129 141 144
Vegetables 102 124 131 138 181 105 103 110 106 99
Meat and meat preparations .. . 113 110 108 112 142 100 122 134 134 146
Milk. butter, cheese and eggs 114 110 114 122 129 104 112 126 116 133
Fish and fish preparations 114 136 139 156 196 95 98 117 120 128
Wheat and flour 98 96 99 97 147 81 83 87 82 82
Sugar 113 148 184 268 297 89 69 86 54 61
Tea and coffee ... 100 103 109 112 115 218 178 127 97 141
Soya bean oil, peanut oil and lard ... 102 116 123 121 136 87 98 102 97 111
Others ... 113 132 137 140 169 106 98 119 122 120
Consumer Goods 108 109 109 111 129 115 138 161 170 1~8
Clothing 108 112 126 131 161 105 121 141 182 186
Textile made-ups 96 101 113 121 143 113 144 155 159 229
Footwear 92 99 103 106 122 109 99 III 132 ]46
Domestic electrical equipment 103 107 113 124 129 127 161 148 134 155
Radio, television, gramophones, records
and tape recorders .. . 103 ] 16 ]12 103 ]05 108 109 119 125 ]77
Tobacco manufactures 106 107 116 118 114 108 129 148 165 174
Alcoholic beverages ... 108 112 125 142 154 113 ' 145 196 176 237
Passenger motor cars 106 108 116 122 134 141 176 179 181 241
Soaps, cleansing and polishing preparations 103 109 110 112 121 97 107 116 112 122
Others ... 111 110 104 104 126 116 142 174 183 206
Raw Materials .. . 105 108 108 112 137 111 124 140 146 160
Raw cotton 102 101 113 122 125 74 83 83 68 96
Cotton yarn and thread 106 113 115 117 180 108 94 141 161 200
Woven cotton fabrics ... 105 108 111 119 147 85 90 105 114 127
Wool and other animal hair 107 101 87 107 185 91 106 79 109 94
Yarn of wool and mixtures ... 98 92 86 101 137 117 126 110 120 79
Fabrics of wool and mixtures 107 102 109 112 150 95 106 80 64 46
Man-made fibres 94 87 74 67 85 174 199 279 323 406
Yarn of man-made fibres 100 94 88 83 102 141 168 267 293 380
Fabrics of man-made fibres ... 104 103 99 97 113 137 158 194 209 229
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 109 123 122 136 160 105 116 129 150 167
Plastic moulding materials ... 102 106 103 99 136 117 128 142 154 177
Chemical elements and compounds .. . 95 100 102 101 115 107 115 117 135 148
Iron and steel ... 108 130 119 118 158 128 157 163 179 190
Base metals, other than iron and steel 110 121 110 103 113 97 109 117 142 136
Paper and paperboard 103 110 113 113 131 108 124 136 141 167
Others ... 109 119 119 126 151 120 130 151 154 165
Fuels 95 97 112 104 115 118 125 138 152 164
Capital goods 107 127 139 143 147 132 158 172 182 226



(Base year 1968 = 100)

Unit value Quantum

Countries and principal commodities
1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

All Exports 108 118 126 134 156 117 126 130 131 125
Clothing (except fur) 106 112 118 125 148 116 121 149 140 125
Textile fabrics 104 110 111 124 159 98 90 112 120 121
Textile made-ups and related articles ... 114 115 113 128 127 97 100 103 96 97
Transistorized radios 112 125 143 131 136 133 130 [45 179 196
Electronic components ... 81 92 93 90 88 199 289 318 373 489
Footwea r ... 103 109 109 121 108 108 119 106 84 79
Metal manufactures 101 109 120 118 132 142 167 138' 172 181
Watches and clocks 101 110 116 111 121 144 148 185 219 243

All Exports 107 112 120 130 153 102 98 121 126 137
Clothing (except fur) 107 115 123 136 168 106 98 137 143 150
Textile fabrics 108 103 111 113 154 98 100 129 130 115
Textile yarn and thread 104 106 112 117 149 114 118 113 110 91
Textile made-ups and related articles ... 101 90 108 118 113 76 76 98 112 47
Transistorized radios 91 100 121 133 146 114 155 235 370 406
Electronic components ... 87 80 52 51 41 137 335 542 735 1,824
Footwear 112 125 139 148 167 86 78 93 72 60
Metal manufactures 107 116 116 120 133 91 118 136 173 188
Watches and clocks 102 108 96 83 103 63 110 193 384 564

Fed. Rep. of G ~rma ny

All Exports 107 116 128 134 160 143 169 176 228 238
Clothin g (except fu r) 108 120 131 137 165 141 153 179 246 249
Textile fabrics 103 102 110 121 139 114 146 157 398 371
Textile made-ups and related articles ... 101 108 11 9 124 169 171 201 251 306 21 8
Transistorized radios 103 114 114 146 188 135 182 216 253 302
Footwear 115 123 135 146 172 111 91 109 88 42
M etal manufactures 84 104 111 11 8 139 187 273 347 615 788
Watches and clocks 101 98 98 101 139 194 407 583 662 665



(Base year 1968 = 100)

Unit va lue Quantum

Countries and principal commodities
1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973


All Imports 105 114 115 128 151 122 135 158 146 143
Foodstuffs 109 123 136 147 184 95 87 101 93 104
Consumer Goods 104 114 120 130 143 118 122 136 134 156
Raw Materials 106 111 105 116 145 123 137 167 152 132
Capital Goods 108 139 172 220 216 151 197 198 170 207


All Imports 108 116 118 122 157 103 101 116 130 148
Foodstuffs 113 118 119 124 160 97 97 115 119 J 20
Consumer Goods 100 108 116 123 144 114 139 157 187 249
Raw Materials 104 117 116 11~ 160 107 86 95 112 142

U.S.A .

All Imports 100 102 111 111 121 116 131 132 136 177
Foodstuffs 97 95 100 104 140 104 131 119 136 175
Consumer Goods 101 96 108 109 119 117 132 128 129 150
Raw Materials 102 107 117 115 124 92 100 114 100 154
Capital Goods 99 109 114 111 107 157 174 174 199 260

All Imports 107 118 122 130 131 103 119 120 102 121
Consumer Goods 111 114 113 116 111 112 126 134 112 146
Raw Materials 108 116 119 125 138 100 108 95 85 94
Capital Goods 104 129 140 161 148 97 126 143 114 140


All Imports 102 104 104 105 134 119 191 231 301 305
Foodstuffs 102 103 102 105 122 126 170 196 190 241
Consumer Goods 110 103 114 107 118 113 226 387 488 616
Raw Materials 102 103 104 106 142 124 198 220 303 281
Capital Goods 99 109 97 101 102 64 I 50 267 340 444



(HK$ million)

Exports Imports Re-exports

S.I.T.c. sections and divisions
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

Section 0: Food and live animals

Live animals * .. 639 717 832 3 1 2
Meat and meat preparations ... 1 2 1 363 378 521 8 9 11
Dairy products and eggs * * * 290 288 347 12 7 13
Fish and fish preparations 121 J22 150 406 470 632 27 43 80
Cereals and cereal preparations 22 21 29 546 583 J,IOl 19 66 109
Fruit and vegetables ... 24 25 32 760 818 961 J23 129 146
Sugar, sugar preparations and honey 22 12 JO 132 126 150 21 18 6
Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures
thereof 3 2 152 106 148 114 83 104
Feeding-stuff for animals (not including
unmilled cereals) 3 4 7 81 80 94 3 2 7
Miscellaneous food preparations 41 48 72 104 113 J28 6 10 15
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
239 236 30J 3,474 3,679 4,914 335 368 493
Section 1: Beverages and tobacco
Beverages 4 5 5 237 244 354 19 18 27
Tobacco and tobacco manufactures ... 45 47 26 205 230 225 15 18 23
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- - ---- -- --- ----- -----
49 52 32 443 474 579 34 36 50
Section 2: Crude materials, inedible, except fuels
~~==~== ----- ----
- - - - - - ----

Hides, skins and fur skins, undressed 2 2 2 J6 J9 28 4 10 7

Oil-seeds, oil nuts and oil kernels * 39 44 53 12 14 13
Crude rubber (including synthetic and
reclaimed) 28 21 30 1 1 4
Wood, lumber and cork 9 6 6 108 83 130 12 16 35
Pulp and waste paper 19 32 51 * * * * * *
Textile fibres (not manufactured into yarn,
thread or fabrics) and their waste ... 14 14 18 829 841 1,223 19 42 74
Crude fertilizers and crude minerals (excluding
coal, petroleum and precious stones) 2 3 3 54 37 36 5 5 6
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 84 103 146 63 32 69 3 9 30
Crude animal and vegetable materials, n .e.s. 32 32 42 322 341 533 154 208 358
----- - ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
162 192 267 1,458 1,417 2,101 209 306 527
Section 3: Mineral fuels, lubricants and related
Coal, coke and briquettes 6 4 5 • • 2
Petroleum and petroleum products 626 642 757 45 43 52
Gas, natural and manufactured 20 22 29 1 1 2
Electric energy
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----------
653 668 791 46 44 57
Section 4: Animal and vegetable oils and fats
== --- ---- --- --- ---- --- ----
- - - ----- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

Animal oils and fats • 1 1 3 1 2 • 1 •

Fixed vegetable oils and fats ... 4 4 4 114 111 132 9 9 14
Animal and vegetable oils and fats,
processed, and waxes of animal or
vegetable origin • • * • • .
----- - ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
4 5 5 119 113 134 9 10 15
Section 5: Chemicals
--- ---
----- ----
.--- - ---- -------
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -

Chemical elements and compounds 5 4 5 244 279 347 50 60 93

Mineral tar and crude chemicals from coal,
petroleum and natural gas ... • • • * * •
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 29 31 30 219 283 372 93 121 189
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 37 37 48 319 317 377 299 237 235
Essential oils and perfume materials; toilet,
polishing and cleansing preparations 37 46 71 153 162 209 34 36 53
Fertilizers, manufactured 5 4 7 • • •
Explosi ves and pyrotechnic products * * 42 38 34 39 34 30
Plastic materials , regenerated cellulose and
artificia l resins 13 10 12 454 478 75J 28 38 96
Chemical materials and products, n.e.s. 2 3 4 80 77 107 28 31 50
----- ----- ----- - ---- ----- ----- ----- - ---- -----
123 131 171 1,517 J,637 2,204 571 558 746
==;;;:;;;;:;o..;.~==== -------
- - - - - - - -- -



(HK$ million)

Exports Imports Re-expo rts

S.I.T.C. sections and divisions
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

Section 6: Manufactured goods classified chiefly

by material
Leather, leather manufactures, n .e.s. and
dressed fur skins 8 12 15 104 175 227 5 12 40
Rubber manufactures, n.e.s. ... 5 5 7 63 67 68 8 12 11
Wood and cork manufactures (excluding
furniture) 21 24 28 89 94 157 5 6 11
Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof 21 20 30 498 531 720 39 26 72
Textile yarn , fabrics, made-up articles and
related products 1,398 1,552 2,352 3,450 3,632 4,856 441 587 1,081
Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s. 115 124 170 1,437 1,624 2,298 757 1,025 1,382
Iron and steel ... 18 17 51 442 482 682 17 18 46
Non-ferrous metals 25 21 38 286 327 411 15 31 43
Manufactures of metal , n.e.s. 345 415 521 259 3\0 360 41 48 67
- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- --- - --
1,955 2,191 3,213 6,628 7,240 9,779 1,330 1,765 2,752
- - --- ---------
- -- - ----
- -
--- - -- ---

Section 7: Machinery and transpolt equipment

Machinery, other than electric 86 104 214 1,225 1,237 1,455 146 185 312
Electrical machinery, apparatus and
appliances 1,541 1,963 2,622 1,744 2,088 2,737 191 216 382
Transport equipment .. . 58 58 61 498 531 734 42 49 81

1,684 2,125 2,898 3,467 3,857 4,925 379 450 776

---- ----
--- -
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

Section 8: Miscellaneous manufactured articles

Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting
fixtures and fittings .. . 187 200 257 63 61 91 6 10 16
Furniture 84 104 151 60 82 120 6 9 20
Travel goods, handbags and similar articles ... 228 302 405 33 42 71 2 3 7
Clothing 5,464 6,113 7,454 364 487 617 72 103 187
Footwear 351 304 266 61 74 95 6 7 10
Professional, scientific and controlling
instruments; photographic and optical
goods, watches and clocks ... 273 330 483 984 1,089 1,443 271 318 517
Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s .. .. 2,902 2,920 3,524 886 797 1,086 118 148 326

9,490 10,272 12,540 2,450 2,632 3,523 481 597 I,OR4

Section 9: Commodities and transactions not

classified according to kind and
transactions in gold and coin
Commodities and transactions not classified
according to kind 44 41 47 48 46 53 20 20 25
Transactions in gold and current coin • • • 373 207 428 249 175 205

44 41 47 421 253 481 269 196 231

Total merchandise 13,759 15,245 19,474 20,256 21,764 29,005 3,414 4,154 6,525

Grand total ... 13,750 15,245 19,474 20,629 21,971 29,433 3,663 4,330 6,730
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
--- --- - - - - - - - ----
- - - ----
- -- - - - ----
---- ---

• Less than HK$0.5 million.



(HKS million)

Exports Imports Re-exports

1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

North America
United States of America 5,708 6,125 6,825 2,535 2,595 3,702 303 364 461
Canada .. . 484 501 512 129 126 152 36 45 48
6,192 6,626 7,337 2,664 2,721 3,854 339 409 510

Western Europe
Finland .. . 17 19 33 17 18 30 • 1 1
Sweden .. . . 195 254 324 59 87 103 5 13 14
Norway . . . 75 80 105 16 18 24 3 2 3
Denmark and Greenland 107 115 156 76 88 107 2 2 4
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 132 164 266 541 640 910 98 108 158
Portugal, Azores and Madeira 7 7 16 12 16 16 • 1 2
Austria ... 53 78 109 23 26 39 • 1 3
Federal Republic of Germany 1,128 1,525 1,902 732 748 1,114 35 47 76
Netherlands 250 295 411 264 241 340 19 27 43
Belgium and Luxembourg 72 79 155 276 280 340 95 100 94
France 72 100 146 288 319 432 15 26 29
Italy 102 121 187 233 233 324 6 9 13
Spain 20 25 53 22 22 23 2 6 12
Yugoslavia 3 1 I 2 2 4 • • •
Greece 12 12 14 • • 1 5 7 8
Turkey .. . 2 3 3 6 3 43 • • 1
Iceland .. . 3 2 3 • • • • • •
Irish Republic 11 14 24 2 3 4 • •
Gibraltar 4 3 2 • • 1
Malta 5 5 5 • • 1 1
United Kingdom 1,946 2,195 2,814 1,593 1,437 1,716 61 98 90
4,216 5,097 6,731 4,162 4,182 5,570 348 449 560
-- --
--- --- --- --- ---
- - - -- ---
- --- --- ---
- -- - - - - - ---

Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

U .S.S.R. 3 6 6 75 78 115 • 6 •
Bulgaria ... • • • • • • •
Czechoslovakia • I 1 23 17 29 • • •
Democratic Republic of Germany • 3 24 9 4 10 • •
Hungary 1 3 4 5 8 • • •
Poland . .. 10 16 24 • •
Romania • • • • • • • • •
4 11 35 121 120 186 • 6
- - - ---
--- - - --- --- - - - - -- ---
--- - -- --- --- --- - - - -

Central and SOilth America

Argentina 8 3 3 9 14 33 2 3
Bolivia 2 3 2 • • 1 •
Brazil 17 24 37 104 82 201 9 11 25
Chile 5 4 2 • • 1 * •...
Colombia 1 3 5 9 27 33 • •
C osta Rica 3 2 3 • • * * • 1
Cuba 1 2 2 14 • • •
D ominican R epublic 8 7 7 • • 3 4 2
Ecuador ... 2 2 4 • * *
El Salvador 3 2 2 • • 7 • • 1
F rench and Netherlands West Indies 25 34 30 4 3 • 11 13 18
Gu atemala 4 3 4 4 5 5 * • 1

APPENDIX 5- Contd.


(HK$ million)

Exports Imports Re-exports

1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

Central and South America-Contd.

Haiti 4 4 3 * * * * •
Honduras 2 3 3 * * * * I 1
Mexico ... 40 39 35 15 15 26 8 J1 1I
Nicaragua 2 2 2 9 17 27 * •
Panama . .. 54 52 71 3 8 13 18 39 59
Paraguay 1 1 I * * 2 * * •
Peru 12 7 9 I 1 10 8 4
Uruguay * * * 29 38 58 * * *
Venezuela 51 65 52 3 3 3 10 13 12
Bahamas 2 2 1 * * * * *
Barbados 4 4 4 * * * * •
Guyana (British Guiana) 7 6 6 * * * * • •
Belize (British Honduras) 5 5 4 * • *
Jamaica . .. 21 23 14 * * * 2 2 3
Leeward Islands I * * * *
Trinidad and Tobago 15 17 12 3 4 4
Windward Islands 4 3 3 • • •
Commonwealth Countries in the Caribbean
and Atlantic, n.e.s. . .. 5 5 6 * * * • • •
308 329 326 205 215 414 78 113 149

Middle East
Bahrain Islands 25 24 31 38 50 16 2 3 8
Iran 13 19 56 72 65 47 • 5
Iraq * * 1 • •
Israel 10 13 17 197 259 351 59 73 97
Jordan 4 4 4 * 1 1 • 1
Kuwait 50 62 75 13 16 16 4 5 JO
Lebanon 24 31 44 1 1 2 3 5
Oman (Muscat and Oman) 1 2 2 * • • •
Qatar 5 5 9 * * * •
Saudi Arabia 37 45 70 161 121 128 2 5 11
Syria 4 5 6 * 1 • • ~

United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 39 54 98 3 2 6 14 14 46

Yemen Arab Republic 3 8 13 * • 2 1
People's Democratic Rep. of Yemen (Aden) ... 19 9 11 * * 2 3 2 3
Cyprus . .. 5 7 7 * * • * 1
238 287
444 486 514 569 88 111 189
--- ---
- - - - ---
-- - --
-- --
- -- - -- --
- -- ---
-- - --
Khmer Republic (Cambodia) ... 6 10 6 16 11 12 28 42 38
Taiwan . .. 213 233 390 991 1,309 1,686 200 351 673
Indonesia 78 96 187 159 153 174 312 326 528
Laos 4 5 4 1 1 1 9 8 15
Macau ... 40 44 62 114 119 119 123 125 214
Philippines 45 38 46 93 81 134 74 80 124
Republic of Korea (South Korea) 19 37 104 253 409 602 84 142 278
Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 63 30 15 5 22 85 73 74 65
Thailand 77 93 129 359 465 548 69 87 129
Japan 484 480 1,065 4,926 5,045 5,853 644 834 1,429
Burma ... 19 7 2 42 29 59 18 12 6
China 19 21 49 3,330 3,847 5,634 43 82 222
North Korea * * 23 16 28 2 3



(HK.$ million)

Exports Imports Re-exports

1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

Asia- Col1ld.
North Vietnam . .. 2 1 29 15 22 2 14
Afghanistan 3 3 5 • • 2 1 3
Nepal 2 3 3 7
• 2
Asian Countries, n.e.s.
Brunei ... 19 6 6 • • • 5 5 10
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 7 6 5 8 10 59 4 3 4
India 6 4 5 130 128 203 18 12 8
Malaysia (Malaya) 64 68 107 70 78 126 53 71 92
Malaysia (Sabah) 43 50 41 21 17 31 30 24 72
Malaysia (Sarawak) 7 4 5 32 18 34 6 3 3
Singapore 332 350 536 538 668 958 397 435 737
Pakistan 10 25'\f 11 366 513'\f 626 26 25'\f 12
Bangladesh 16 3 38
1,561 1,612 2,798 11,508 12,957 16,996 2,222 2,749 4,721

Algeria 1 3 5 • • *
Morocco 6 9 14 3 4
Tunisia • • • 1 • •
Libya 50 92 101 3 9 11
Egypt 1 1 • 2 • • • • •
Sudan 4 5 8 29 15 40
Ethiopia 6 6 7 2 • • • • •
French Somali land 2 3 6 • • 2 2
Somali Democratic Republic .. . 4 3 2 • • • 1 1 •
Mozambique 9 8 8 3 7 22 2 6 6
Malagasy Republic 5 5 5 • 2 • 2 1 2
Mali • 1 • • •
Mauritania • • • • • •
Senegal .. . 3 5 5 • • 3 • •
Equatorial Guinea • • • • • •
Guinea .. . • • • • • • •
Liberia .. . 10 12 10 • • 2
Ivory Coast 8 10 10 • 3 • • •
Upper Volta • • • • • • •
Togo 2 • • •
Dahomey • • • •
Niger • • • • • • •
Chad • • • • • •
Central African Republic 1 1 • 2 • • •
Cameroon Republic 6 8 9 5 5
Spanish Guinea ... • • • • • •
Gabon ... 1 • • •
People's Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) 2 2 1 • • • • •
Republic of Zaire (Kinshasa) 35 29 34 • 2 5 4 5
Angola ... 3 2 2 6 7 5 3 1 1
Republic of South Africa 155 101 173 152 184 263 18 21 38
Rwanda and Burundi ... 2 1 2 • • • • • 1
Spanish W. Africa, Canary Islands and
Spanish ports in N . Africa .. . 24 31 29 • • 7 11 19
Malawi .. . 6 7 7 2 2 1 • • •
Zambia .. . 24 60 30 2 • 3 2 7 6
Gambia . . . 2 2 2 • • • • 1 1
Botswana • • • 7 4 3 • • •
APPENDIX 5- Contd.


(HK$ million)

Ex ports Imports Re-exports

1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

Africa- Contd.
Lesotho ... • • • • • •
Seychelles 2 2 2 • • • 1 1 2
Ghana ... 18 6 15 5 7 10 28 12 20
Kenya ... 33 21 39 16 20 49 3 2 5
Mauritius 10 15 20 • 2 2 5 11
Nigeria ... 88 103 89 38 • 6 62 37 29
Southern Rhodesia
Sierra Leone J3 15 12 • • • 2
Tan zania (Ta nganyika) 12 10 23 98 96 102 2 3
Uganda ... 10 3 6 26 35 50 • • •
Tanzani a (Zanzibar) ... 30 • 2 • • •
Commonwealth Countries in Africa , n.e.s . ...
--- - - - - - - --- --- - -- - - ---
562 588 686 428 389 569 153 134 173

Australasia and Oceania

United States Oceania 57 57 72 8 12 7 71 60 45
Oceania, n.e.s. . .. 19 16 17 • • I 4 5 6
Australia 402 445 771 611 557 697 83 86 131
British Solomon Islands 2 2 2 • I • I
Cook Islands I • 1 • • • •
Fiji 20 20 21 I I 6 5 6
New Zealand 126 121 192 48 83 134 16 17 18
Pacific Islands • • • • • • •
Papua and New Guinea 33 24 30 ... • • 5 8 12
Tonga Islands and Western Samoa 2 2 2 • • • I • •
- - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - - - - --
662 688 1,108 669 654 839 186 183 221

Postal Packages 6 8 9 13 12 8
- - - - --- --- --- - - - - - - ---
6 8 9 J3 12 8
- - - - - - - - - - -- --- - -- - -- - - -

Total merchandise 13,750 15,245 19,474 20,256 21,764 29,005 3,414 4,154 6,525
Transactions in gold and current coin ... • • • 373 207 428 249 175 205
Grand Total 13,750 15,245 19,474 20,629 21,971 29,433 3,663 4,330 6,730

Commonwealth Countriest 3,801 4, 125 5,378 3,773 3,293 4,341 854 893 1,364
European Economic Communityt 1,624 2,119 5,795 1,793 1,821 4,377 169 208 356
European Free Trade Association § 2,534 2,915 857 2,337 2,329 1,122 170 225 181
Scheduled Territories (Sterling Area) 3,698 4,033 5,424 3,853 3,935 5,125 869 932 1,454
U.S. Dollar Countries 5,997 6,422 7,145 2,693 2,764 3,959 490 580 721

Notes : • Less than HK$0.5 million.

t Commonwealth Countries total in 1972 and 1973 did not include figures for Pakistan and Bangiadesh .
t European Economic Community total in 1973 included figures for new member countries i.e. United
Kingdom , Irish Rep., Denmark and Greenland .
§ European F ree Trade Association tota l in 1973 excluded figures for United Kingdom , Denmark and
Greenland .
'if Total for Pakistan and Bangladesh .



(HK$ million)

Countries and principal divisions 1969 1970 1971 J972 1973

U.S.A. 4,428 5,190 5,708 6,125 6,825

Clothing 1,497 1,657 2,152 2,J46 2,276
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1,475 1,885 1,669 1,692 1,767
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 753 848 998 1,252 1,504
Textile yarn , fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 261 258 316 360 440
Travel goods, handbags and similar articles ... 59 77 104 141 171
Manufactures of metal ... 83 105 96 118 139
United Kingdom 1,465 1,481 1,946 2,195 2,814
Clothing ... 644 639 955 1,100 1,423
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 285 266 231 253 396
Textile yarn , fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 272 262 363 364 388
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 55 80 112 167 228
Footwear ... 109 III 146 121 115
Federal Republic of Germany 765 985 1,128 1,525 1,902
Clothing ... 520 628 800 J,146 1,401
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 37 56 67 102 157
Miscellaneous manufactured articles ... 113 195 137 115 152
Textile yarn, fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 14 19 23 43 44
Travel goods, handbags and similar articles ... 5 12 14 22 33

Japan 355 492 484 480 1,065

Clothing 44 103 130 95 289
Textile yarn, fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 3 29 15 14 156
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 45 68 102 70 153
Fish and fish preparations 80 62 91 88 110

Australia 286 359 402 445 771

Textile yarn , fabrics , made-up articles and related products .. . 102 120 132 138 297
Clothing ... 54 70 93 114 181
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 71 98 89 103 152

Singapore 228 280 332 350 536

Textile yarn , fabrics, made-up articles and related products ... 71 75 79 89 150
Miscellaneous manufactured articles ... 41 55 65 69 97
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 8 20 36 48 81
Sanitary, plumbiolg, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings 10 17 20 20 30
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks 13 13 18 18 27

Canada 352 389 484 501 512

Clothing 172 165 225 237 224
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 96 132 127 110 119
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 15 17 40 55 63

Netherlands ... 166 216 250 295 411

Clothing .. . 92 120 154 186 261
Electrical machinery, appa ratus and appliances 9 13 20 29 53
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 26 40 33 35 50

Taiwan 87 147 213 233 390

Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products ... 24 38 61 82 136
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 17 47 76 56 103
Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 14 22 26 30 45
Pulp and waste paper .. . 8 12 13 21 30

APPENDIX 6- Contd.


(HK$ milli o n)

Countries and principal di visio ns 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Sweden 208 242 195 254 324

Clothing 156 177 153 195 234
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 21 25 14 18 27

(HK$ milli on)

Countries and principal divisions 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Japan 3,484 4,188 4,926 5,045 5,853

Textile ya rn , fa brics, made- up articles and related products ... 1,309 1,411 1,628 1,466 1,410
Electri ca l machinery, appara tus a nd a pplia nces 415 415 482 556 705
Professio na l, scientific a nd co ntro lling instruments;
photog ra phic a nd optical goods, wa tches and clocks 283 347 376 41 9 510
M achinery, other tha n electric 153 255 360 414 479
Miscella neous manufactured a rticles ... 173 217 259 288 388
Plastic ma terials, regenerated cellulose a nd a rtificial resins .. . 191 228 247 271 344
J ron and steel 132 224 241 255 328
Pa per. paperboard and manufactures thereof 132 178 208 209 236
Tra nsport equipment 52 110 157 149 196
Tex til e flbres and their waste 73 93 110 123 181
China 2,700 2,830 3,330 3,847 5,634
Textil e ya rn , fa brics, made-up a rticles a nd rela ted products ... 431 486 502 604 1.102
Li ve a nimal s 388 394 534 607 690
Cerea ls a nd cerea l preparati ons 147 140 144 193 459
Clo thing .. . 99 130 153 208 369
F ruit and vegetables 268 303 318 333 359
N o n-metallic min eral manufactures 90 104 154 211 308
Fish a nd fis h prepa ra tio ns 165 173 215 21 9 276
M ea t a nd mea t prepa ra tio ns ... 178 190 211 211 271
C rude a nim al a nd vegetable ma teri als 87 lOO 124 128 194
Miscell a neo us ma nufactured articl es 175 102 105 122 187
Dairy products and eggs 117 128 144 142 171
U.S.A. 2,002 2,317 2,535 2,595 3,702
E lectri cal machinery, appara tus and appliances 472 493 528 585 711
Non-metallic mineral manufactures 265 256 291 311 424
Machinery, other th a n electric 160 243 223 206 283
Fruit a nd vegeta bles 108 152 157 203 261
T extile fi bres a nd their waste ... 96 52 173 61 245
Cereal s a nd cerea l prepa rati ons 35 34 26 23 201
Textil e yarn , fa brics, made-up a rticles a nd rel a ted products ... 91 151 168 151 186
Plastic ma te rials, regenerated cellulose a nd a rti fi cia l resins .. . 51 61 67 57 166
Tobacco a nd tobacco manufactures 100 109 134 153 157
Miscellaneous manufactured a rticles 65 96 92 92 133
United Kingdom 1,201 1,517 1,593 1,437 1,716
Electrical machinery, appara tu s and a pplia nces 154 230 253 233 309
T ranspo rt equipment 133 181 170 152 203
Tex til e yarn , fabrics, made- up a rticl es and related products .. . 155 174 140 144 176
Machinery, other tha n electric 87 162 232 214 174
N o n-metallic mineral manufactures 147 136 123 89 113
Miscellaneo us ma nu factured a rti cles 45 74 83 66 85
Beverages 19 23 44 33 69
Taiwan 502 820 991 1,309 1,686
Textil e yarn , fabric s, made-up a rticles a nd related products . .. 184 326 386 562 765
E lectrical machinery, appara tus a nd a pplia nces 54 96 157 239 307
F ruit a nd vegeta bles 46 66 81 78 93
Plastic ma terial s, regenera ted cellul ose a nd a rt ific ia l resins ... 50 57 56 58 63
Wood a nd co rk ma nufactures (excluding furniture) 26 31 36 40 47



(HK$ million)

Countries and principal divisions 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Federal Republic of Germany 544 657 732 748 I,Il4

Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 57 62 91 129 191
Machinery, other than electric 104 125 153 149 166
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 52 62 67 77 113
Transport equipment 40 56 62 61 104
Textile yarn , fabrics, made-up articles and related products .. . 65 75 65 47 89
Chemical elements and compounds .. . 46 46 42 45 63
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial resins ... 17 21 23 24 55
Singapore 282 358 538 668 958
Petroleum and petroleum products 147 144 246 302 395
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 12 34 44 103 164
Textile yarn , fabrics, made-up articles and related products .. . 6 12 24 28 61
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks 8 15 27 27 41
Fish and fish preparations 12 17 17 22 25
Non-metallic mineral manufactures 10 12 14 11 24
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 412 513 541 640 910
Professional , scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks 271 311 347 397 550
Non-metallic mineral manufactures ... 5 40 29 44 74
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 28 34 44 57 69
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 16 27 24 29 49
Australia 357 430 611 557 697
Textile fibres and their waste 65 71 30 58 78
Iron and steel 27 26 35 38 74
Cereals and cereal preparations 42 33 58 50 64
Non-ferrous metals 35 46 44 49 58
Dairy products and eggs 30 30 42 38 53
Non-metallic mineral manufactures 18 16 46 37 50
Transport equipment 11 15 13 19 30
Fruit and vegetables 15 16 18 21 28
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 7 24 141 70 27
Machinery, other than electric 9 11 17 20 23
Fish and fish preparations 10 14 22 21 21
Republic of Korea (South Korea) ... 127 156 253 409 602
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products ... 56 79 118 153 225
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 39 38 45 78 109
Petroleum and petroleum products * 58
Crude animal and vegetable materials 17 12 38 32 43
Non-metallic mineral manufactures 1 2 1 7 24
Clothing ... 1 I 8 73 22

(HK$ million)

Countries and principal divisions 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Japan 503 584 644 834 1,429

Non-metallic mineral manufactures 183 209 278 453 669
Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related products ... 7 10 12 32 184
Miscellaneous manufactured articles .. . 48 28 20 23 96
Crude animal and vegetable materials 23 36 38 49 82
Coffee, tea , cocoa , spices and manufactures thereof. .. 36 48 35 38 76
Medicinal and pharmaceutica l products 87 122 117 74 39
Clothing ... 14 13 11 20 33

APPENDIX 6- Contd.


(HK$ million)

Countries and principal divisions 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Singapore 318 337 397 435 737

Professional, scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods , watches and clocks 69 78 94 96 141
Textile yarn. fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 64 61 50 54 119
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 17 22 51 45 86
Fruit and vegetables 41 44 46 50 61
Non-met allic mineral manufactures 4 13 16 26 57
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 27 16 22 24 54

Taiwan 125 154 200 351 673

Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 4 6 10 58 106
Textile ya rn , fabrics, made-up articles and related products ... 13 19 23 32 98
Crude animal and vegetab le materials 12 17 20 53 95
Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 19 23 33 46 66
Professional , scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks 8 11 17 23 53
Machinery, other than electric 8 10 12 16 42
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial resins ... 4 4 9 18 36
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 8 10 16 18 26

Indonesia 288 202 312 326 528

Textile yarn , fabrics, made-up articles and related products .. . 114 40 62 70 127
Machinery, other than electric 21 27 31 32 62
Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof 17 16 23 13 41
Cereals and cereal preparations 1 1 1 48 35
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 8 6 10 14 34
Manufactures of metal . .. 10 8 19 15 24
Iron and steel 6 5 7 7 21
Transport equipment 15 17 21 10 21

U.S.A. 209 244 303 364 461

Non-metallic mineral manufactures 165 167 177 222 247
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 3 10 14 24 42
Professional, scientific and controlling instruments;
photographic and optical goods, watches and clocks 4 7 11 24 36
Explosives and pyrotechnic products ... 18 25 22 24 23

Republic of Korea (South Korea) . .. 98 82 84 142 278

Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials 19 22 27 39 78
Textile yarn , fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... * 2 6 26 58
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 26 12 14 25 38
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 6 10 9 11 15
Clothing * * * * 13

China 30 34 43 82 222
Crude animal and vegetable materials 12 17 23 26 88
Non-metallic mineral manufactures ... 1 1 2 7 62
Textile yarn, fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... * * 2 14 23

Macau 62 84 123 125 214

Textile yarn, fabrics , made-up articles and related products ... 12 12 24 37 40
Textile fibres and their waste ... * 2 6 5 26
Petroleum and petroleum products 13 14 15 14 20
Transport equipment 3 6 10 11 20
Machinery, other than electric ... 1 3 7 5 14
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 2 2 5 3 12

• Less than HK$0.5 million.



(HK$ million)

Commodities 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Clothing 3,828 4,337 5,464 6,113 7,454

Outerwear, other than knitted ... 1,339 1,434 [,803 2,072 2,659
Of cotton 732 670 985 1,237 1.525
Of man-made fibres 434 613 722 783 1,096
Outerwear, knitted 1,113 1,257 [,589 1,816 2,065
Of man-made fibres 255 403 711 852 1,103
Of wool 825 804 786 843 801
Underwear and nightwear, other than knitted 644 714 871 895 955
Of man-made fibres ... 321 417 544 584 639
Of cotton 320 281 321 300 310
Underwear and nightwear, knitted 291 346 460 563 649
Of man-made fibres 97 145 216 297 341
Of cotton 179 187 231 256 304
Gloves and mittens 192 238 264 284 445
Clothing of impermeable materials 127 187 249 280 432
Miscellaneous clothing .. . 88 112 122 122 136
Brassieres 55 69 83 87 93
Headwear 18 24 32 31 45
Stockings and hoses 15 20 73 46 23

Miscellaneous manufactured articles 2,495 3,142 2,902 2,920 3,524

Plastic toys and dolls 771 872 1,031 1,133 1,318
Artificial flowers 366 416 354 418 479
Jewellery and goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares 132 184 217 262 422
Plastic articles 54 88 111 133 209
Wigs 647 937 527 224 104
Toys, not containing electric motors, not rubber and
plastic materials 79 106 71 84 96
Umbrellas, walking sticks and similar articles 51 68 76 90 84
Rattan art icles (not furniture) 119 113 78 49 52
Candles, tapers , night-lights and the like 10 15 18 30 38
Buttons and studs 11 15 18 17 21
Vacuum flasks and jugs, complete 11 10 10 11 15

Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances .. . 1,058 1,293 1,541 1,963 2,622
Transistorized radios 472 549 712 919 1,148
Electronic components and parts for computers t t 285 279 399
Transistors and diodes ... 232 259 225 276 388
Semiconductor integrated circuits t t 5 48 91
Parts of electrical machinery and office machinery 107 99 13 73 66
Plugs, sockets , switches, etc. 23 25 26 30 42
Electric fans 21 23 20 23 31
Torch batteries 29 28 27 26 23
Torch bulbs 9 11 10 10 10

Textiles 1,126 1,277 1,398 1,552 2,352

Textile fabrics 815 929 998 1,127 1,728
Cotton fabrics, woven 685 772 786 765 1,178
Textile fabrics, woven, other than cotton fabrics ... 91 121 173 317 500
Special textile fabrics and related products 21 18 21 31 32
Tulle, lace, embroidery, ribbons , trimmings and other
small wares 17 17 17 14 18
Textile yarn and thread 114 140 157 187 412
Yarn of man-made fibres 12 21 51 86 204
Cotton yarns .. . 84 98 85 71 87
Textile made-up articles and related products 198 208 243 237 212
Textile made-up articles 185 196 232 224 197
Floor coverings , tapestries, etc. 12 12 11 13 15



(HK$ million)

Commodities J969 1970 J971 J972 J973

Manufactures of metal 292 345 345 415 521

Locks, padlocks and keys therefor of base metal 38 45 54 67 82
Domestic utensils of iron or steel, not enamelled 28 37 41 57 75
Domestic utensils of aluminium 27 32 37 43 47
Base metal fittings and clasps, hooks, etc. 17 23 29 32 44
Keys, chains and parts, of iron or steel JJ 16 17 19 33
Spoons and forks of stainless steel 20 26 16 17 22
Woodscrews of iron or steel 14 14 13 15 18
Miscellaneous articles of brass and bron ze 6 8 11 14 17

Professional, scientific and controlling instruments; photographic

and optical goods, watches and clocks ... 183 216 273 330 483
Watches and clocks 108 135 175 202 293
Photographic cameras ... 35 45 41 53 68
Cinematographic film, developed \3 10 17 23 47
Binoculars and refracting telescopes 12 9 11 13 16

Travel goods, handbags and similar articles 143 175 228 302 405
Handhags , wallets, purses and similar articles 103 124 164 214 288
Travel goods 41 51 64 88 118

Footwear 295 302 351 304 266

Footwear, mainly of plastic materials 91 1\3 160 128 133
Footwear, with textile uppers ... 155 143 140 132 94
Footwear, mainly of rubher 30 25 29 25 21
Footwear, with leather uppers ... 17 18 17 13 12

Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings ... 157 175 187 200 257
Electric torches ... 65 68 71 68 81
Lamps and lighting fittings and parts ... 21 33 42 53 77
lVietal lanterns 43 46 43 47 56

Non-electrical machinery 61 93 86 104 214

Office machines .. . 1 22 5 22 101
Non-electrical machinery and appliances and machine parts 40 46 48 54 73
Textile and leather machinery ... 11 13 19 18 27

Non-metallic mineral manufactures 91 96 115 124 170

Pearls and precious stones 62 64 83 85 113
Glassware 13 17 20 25 40
Pottery 8 9 9 11 14

Furniture 70 87 84 104 151

Wood furniture 31 39 46 57 77
Furniture of vegetable plaiting materials and rattan 24 30 22 34 54

Fish and fish preparations .. . 104 89 121 122 150

Crustacea and molluscs. fresh or simply preserved 79 65 97 95 101
Aquarium fish 13 15 16 16 20
Fish, salted, dried or smoked ... 6 6 6 6 12

Metalliferous ores and metal scrap 95 151 84 103 146

Iron and steel scrap 25 67 41 43 81
Bronze scrap 36 48 21 29 26
Copper scrap 18 19 8 14 18
Iron ore .. . 8 7 7 6 6



(HK$ million)

Commodities 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Miscellaneous food preparations 31 37 41 48 72

Sauces 17 21 24 28 38

Essential oils and perfume materials, toilet, polishing and

cleansing preparations 20 27 37 46 71
Synthetic perfume and flavour materials 12 19 27 26 40
Synthetic detergents liquid for household use * 4 14

Transport equipment 54 69 58 58 61
Ships and boats . .. 54 69 58 58 61

Iro~ and steel 46 53 18 17 51

Iron and steel bars 39 47 12 14 45

Pulp and waste paper 15 20 19 32 51

Paper waste 15 20 19 32 51

Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 33 33 37 37 48

Miscellaneous medicaments of Chinese type . . . 22 23 24 23 32

Crude animal and vegetable materials 31 30 32 32 42

Rattan cane, core and peel 21 22 23 21 25
Feathers ... 7 5 8 8 14

Non-ferrous metals .. . 27 28 25 21 38
Aluminium products 24 24 21 18 31

Fruit and vegetables 24 24 24 25 32

Preserved ginger ... 7 5 5 7 11
Preserved fruit 10 11 11 10 11
Vegetables 7 8 9 7 9

Dy~ing, tanning and colouring materials .. . 24 26 29 31 30

Paints, enamels and mastics 19 21 25 26 25

Paper, paperboard and manufactures thereof 14 17 21 20 30

Exercise books, diaries, albums, etc. of paper 4 5 9 9 15
Paper containers . .. 3 4 5 5 6

Cereals and cereal preparations 28 21 22 21 29

Macaroni , spaghetti and noodles , etc. 8 8 9 10 11
Biscuits 6 7 6 5 4

Wood and cork manufactures (excluding furniture) 18 19 21 24 28

Decorative articles of wood 7 9 9 11 15
Household utensils of wood 8 7 8 10 9

Tobacco and cigarettes 35 45 45 47 26

Cigarettes 35 44 44 47 26

Others 120 120 142 130 150

Total 10,518 12,347 13,750 15,245 19,474

• Less than HK$0.5 million .

t Not separately classified .


(HK$ million)

Commodities and countries 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Clothing 3,828 4,337 5,464 6,113 7,454

U.S.A. 1,497 1,657 2,152 2,146 2,276
United Kingdom 644 639 955 1,100 1,423
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 520 628 800 1,146 1,401
Japan 44 103 130 95 289
Netherlands 92 120 154 186 261
Sweden ... 156 177 153 195 234
Canada .. . 172 165 225 237 224
Australia ... 54 70 93 114 181
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ... 50 53 61 84 147
Denmark and Greenland 56 69 78 87 115
Austria 21 27 32 54 80
Norway 46 59 55 61 73
Libya 18 28 35 65 72

Textile fabrics 815 929 998 1,127 1,728

U.S.A. 194 189 236 283 365
United Kingdom 195 189 263 270 324
Australia .. . 90 102 105 104 220
New Zealand 59 63 80 74 126
Singapore 58 65 69 77 125
Tai wan 23 36 57 76 121
Japan 2 27 9 8 86
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ... 6 12 11 19 70
Malaysia (Malaya) 17 14 13 20 27
Fed . Rep. of Germany ... 6 7 8 23 25
Rep. of South Africa 19 15 10 J3 24
Macau 6 15 II 17 22
Thailand ... 2 4 9 J3 20

Plastic toys and dolls 771 872 1,031 1,133 1,318

U .S.A . 429 ..509 606 659 640
United Kingdom 98 99 120 141 229
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 35 42 48 56 78
Canada ... 39 45 60 61 62
Australia ... 23 26 28 33 49
Japan 17 20 20 18 38
Italy 12 12 14 17 28
Netherlands 15 16 17 21 27
Belgium and Luxembourg 8 II 11 13 19
Rep. of South Africa 11 9 12 8 18
Sweden 8 9 9 II 18
France 6 5 8 13 15

Transistorized radios 472 549 712 919 1,148

U.S.A. 332 362 460 523 595
United Kingdom 25 37 68 118 143
Fed. Rep. of Germany ... 29 43 51 77 117
Canada ... 13 14 33 46 48
Netherlands 7 6 7 15 33
Italy 9 10 14 22 31
Venezuela 3 6 12 17 21
Panama ... 8 14 12 12 17
Belgium and Luxembourg 3 6 6 7 13
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ... 7 9 6 7 13

APPENDIX 8- Contd.


(HK$ million)

Commodities and countries 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Manufactures of metal 292 345 345 415 521

U .S.A. 83 105 96 118 139
United Kingdom 37 53 61 87 103
Japan 5 7 6 10 24
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 3 6 8 15 22
Singapore 11 14 16 17 22
Canada ... 9 9 13 13 16
Australia . .. 6 7 8 9 13
Netherlands 6 9 7 9 10
Indonesia . .. 7 5 * * 8
Rep. of South Africa 7 7 7 4 8
Nigeria 3 3 8 6
Venezuela 7 9 7 10 6
France 2 2 3 3 6
Rep. of Zaire (Kinshasa) 9 6 6 5 6

Artificial flowers 366 416 354 418 479

U.S.A. 314 357 305 365 405
Japan 13 16 14 15 25
Canada 12 12 11 11 12
United Kingdom 7 7 5 5 9
Fed . Rep. of Germany 3 3 3 5 6
Australia .. . 5 6 4 4 5

Jewellery and goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares 132 184 217 262 422
U.S.A. 49 79 83 107 153
Japan 6 7 7 16 53
Singapore 16 22 30 33 51
United Kingdom 8 15 13 14 31
Switzerland and Liechtenstein . .. 5 9 13 15 21
United States Oceania .. . 6 6 * I 14
Australia ... 5 3 3 4 9
Fed. Rep . of Germany ... 3 4 4 4 8
Italy 3 4 6 6 8
Saudi Arabia 4 4 8

Textile yarn and thread 114 140 157 187 412

Indones ia 4 5 10 32 71
Japan * * 2 3 65
Australia . .. 5 8 19 27 62
Iran 1 2 3 5 37
United Kingdom 23 24 24 25 26
Singapore 10 8 9 11 23
New Zealand 15 17 21 16 23
Thailand 7 8 4 11 18
Nigeria 5 17 13 7 15
Taiwan 1 2 4 6 15
Macau 7 8 9 9 14

Travel goods, handbags and similar articles 143 175 228 302 405
U .S.A. 59 77 104 141 171
Japan 9 9 12 25 36
Fed . Rep. of Germany . .. 5 12 14 22 33
United Kingdo m 8 8 11 14 28
Austra lia .. . 9 12 18 18 28



(HK$ million)

Commodities and countries 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973


Electronic components and parts for computers . .. t t 285 279 399

U .S.A. t t 228 236 309
Taiwan t t 29 4 19
Fed . Rep. of Germany .. . t t 5 13 12
United Kingdom t t 6 7 12
Japan t t 3 3 10
Singapore t t 5 1 9

Transistors and diodes 232 259 225 276 388

USA 191 200 170 214 271
Tai wan 5 7 17 17 32
United Kingdom 5 5 3 5 19
Japan 27 34 14 10 17
Netherlands • 6 12 13 17
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 2 5 1 2 14

Watches and clocks 108 135 175 202 293

USA 27 30 40 45 54
United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 8 8 21 26 39
Switzerlands and Liechtenstein 8 13 21 21 32
Japan 15 11 2 6 23
Brazil 2 7 9 13 17
Singapore 7 8 9 7 16
Panama 9 11 8 8 15

Footwear 295 302 351 304 266

United Kingdom 109 III 146 121 115
USA 39 46 41 36 30
Fed . Rep. of Germany ... 40 35 46 40 22
Rep. of South Africa 4 6 8 5 16
Australia .. . 11 11 13 13 16
Sweden 5 7 7 5 6
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ... 3 3 5 8 5
Norway 3 3 4 3 4
France 5 3 7 7 4
Canada 9 9 10 7 4

Sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings 157 175 187 200 257
USA 39 47 50 56 61
United Kingdom 15 16 20 27 34
Singapore 10 17 20 20 30
Canada ... 5 5 '7 8 10
Indonesia 4 5 2 4 8
Rep. of South Africa 4 4 5 3 8
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 5 4 4 5 7
Italy 4 4 4 5 6

Non-electrical machinery 61 93 86 104 214

U.S.A. 2 24 7 13 36
Fed. Rep. of Germany . .. 1 1 1 5 18
Indonesia 10 12 13 16 18
Singapore 8 12 13 12 16
Taiwan 4 3 5 7 16
United Kingdom • • 1 4 14
Thailand ... 3 4 4 7 9
Malaysia (Malaya) 2 3 4 4 9
Switzerland and Liechtenstein .. . • • • 1 8

• Less than HK$0.5 million.

t Not separately classified.

(HK$ millio n)

Cotton Woollen Man-made Other/ unclassified

Importing countries
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

U.S.A . 684 746 868 408 394 290 908 830 901 153 175 206
Uni ted Kingdom 403 369 553 196 250 181 227 331 424 129 149 265
Fed . Rep . of G ermany 243 422 395 91 78 70 371 534 761 95 11 3 172
Japan 19 19 56 32 30 124 19 20 79 60 25 18
N et herla nds 32 46 47 29 27 29 74 94 149 19 20 33
Sweden 40 58 79 8 15 13 83 99 11 2 21 22 30
Canada 62 55 58 15 19 20 131 145 127 17 18 19
A ust ralia 22 30 45 21 19 26 35 48 80 15 17 29
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 23 40 66 9 9 14 23 27 52 6 8 15
D en mark a nd G reenland 30 39 45 3 4 2 39 39 50 6 6 17
A ustria 8 17 20 4 3 3 16 27 44 4 7 11
N orway 13 21 23 4 5 7 32 28 35 6 7 9
Libya 9 16 16 6 7 6 17 35 44 3 6 5
Belgium a nd Luxembo urg 7 3 11 5 7 11 10 16 33 8 6 8
Rep. of South Africa 13 5 8 9 5 3 36 18 30 6 4 7
Kuwait 8 11 10 2 3 2 18 23 25 2 4 5
.j>. U.S. Oceania 2 2 2 6 6 23 5 7 7 4 3 3
Ita ly . .. 5 5 11 2 3 2 4 6 15 2 3 7
N iger ia 8 8 2 * * * 18 20 11 5 12 12
U nited Arab Em irates (Trucial Sta tes) 3 4 9 1 • 5 9 12 1 I 2
Singapore ... 4 5 8 2 • 9 9 Jl 10 3 4
Democra tic R ep. of G ermany I 18 1 5 •
France 2 4 4 • • • • I 1 4 10 17
Bah ra in Isla nds 4 4 4 • • * 11 12 13 I 2 3
Leba non 1 I 1 5 8 12 2 3 6 1 1 1
K enya 3 3 5 1 • • 9 5 8 2 2 5
Saudi Arabia 4 3 2 • 1 • 5 6 14 - 1 1 2
R ep. of Zaire (Kinshasa) ... 3 2 3 • • • 11 10 11 2 2 2
Finland 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 6 1 1 3
French and N etherlands West Ind ies 4 5 4 • • • 6 13 9 1 2 1
Zambia 1 4 1 1 • • 3 27 9 2 4 3
Pa pu a and N ew Guinea 11 7 9 • • • 2 1 2 • • •
Pa nama 3 2 2 • • • 6 7 7 1 1 1
T a nzania (Ta nganyika) • • • • • • 2 2 7 1 1 2
Spa nish West Africa 2 1 2 • • • 2 3 5 6 2 2
O thers 47 38 42 44 18 15 59 63 81 38 37 33

Total 1,724 1,997 2,431 906 915 857 2,200 2,522 3,186 633 675 952

• Less tha n HK$0.5 million.



(HK$ million)

Not knitted Knitted Other/unclassified

Importing countries
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

U.S.A. 1,100 945 1,032 921 1,040 1,033 130 161 200
United Kingdom ... 477 540 711 356 420 452 123 140 261
Fed. Rep. of Germany 464 746 913 283 315 326 54 85 160
Japan 22 17 68 103 73 196 5 5 13
Netherlands 64 82 127 80 89 lOO 10 15 32
Sweden 67 109 130 72 68 75 14 18 29
Canada 120 116 103 96 109 102 9 12 18
Australia 33 43 66 46 55 85 14 16 30
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 25 43 83 30 33 49 6 8 15
Denmark and Greenland 47 63 74 26 19 25 5 5 16
Austria 11 23 39 18 24 30 3 7 11
Norway 19 30 36 32 25 30 5 6 8
Libya 15 29 28 17 31 39 3 5 5
Belgium and Luxembourg 12 11 34 14 16 21 3 5 7
Rep. of South Africa 29 12 18 29 16 23 6 4 7
Kuwait 19 22 22 10 16 15 3 5
V.S. Oceania 8 8 14 5 8 18 4 3 3
Italy 6 8 18 6 7 11 2 2 6
Nigeria 16 19 4 979 6 14 14
United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 5 8 12 4 6 10 • 2
Singapore . .. 4 6 8 10 9 13 10 3 4
Democratic Rep. of Germany 12 1 11 •
France 2 4 4 232 2 7 17
Bahrain Islands 11 8 10 688 2 4
Lebanon 1 2 3 6 10 16
Kenya 9 6 9 325 2 3 5
Saudi Arabia 6 6 9 347 1 2
Rep. of Zaire (Kinshasa) 7 6 7 767 2 2 2
Finland 2 2 4 458 3
French and Netherlands West Indies 4 4 3 6 14 10 2 2
Zambia 3 16 6 3 15 5 2 4 3
Papua and New Guinea ... 12 6 8 223 • •
Panama 5 3 4 6 7 2
Tanzania (Tanganyika) 2 2 7 1 1 1 2
Spanish West Africa 3 3 4 223 6 2 2

Others 84 52 48 62 71 79 36 26 25

Total 2,714 3,001 3,675 2,278 2,536 2,834 472 571 915

* Less than HK$O.5 million .



(HK$ million)

Outerwear Underwear/Nightwear Other/unclassified

Importing countries
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

U.S.A. 1,518 1,509 1,696 519 512 444 114 124 125
United Kingdom ... 607 798 990 252 224 284 96 78 148
Fed. Rep. of Germany 544 772 917 187 284 349 69 90 133
Japan 65 58 230 8 14 32 57 22 14
Netherlands 98 117 155 41 51 78 16 17 26
Sweden 97 117 152 34 53 46 22 25 36
Canada 158 167 160 49 50 40 18 20 24
Australia 51 75 125 23 22 29 19 17 26
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 46 63 117 12 16 22 4 4 7
Denmark and Greenland 48 60 76 25 22 26 6 6 13
Austria 19 36 45 10 12 25 3 5 10
Norway 39 40 48 11 15 17 5 6 8
Libya 22 45 48 10 15 21 3 5 2
Belgium and Luxembourg 16 16 41 5 10 14 8 7 8
Rep. of South Africa 44 22 29 15 7 12 4 3 7
Kuwait 19 23 23 10 15 16 2 2
U.S. Oceania 12 14 31 3 4 3
Italy 5 9 19 5 4 10 3 3 5
Nigeria 14 13 10 11 13 3 6 14 13
United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 5 8 11 5 7 11 • 1
Singapore ... 12 8 12 4 7 8 8 2 3
Democratic Rep. of Germany 2 20 3
France 256 'I 1 4 9 15
Bahrain Islands 10 11 13 6 6 5 3
Lebanon 6 10 16 2 3
Kenya 8 6 12 4 2 2 2 3 5
Saudi Arabia 5 6 10 4 4 6 1
Rep. of Zaire (Kinshasa) 887 6 4 7 2 2 3
Finland 448 3 2 4
French and Netherlands West Indies 474 5 11 8 2 2 2
Zambia 4 22 7 I 9 4 2 4 2
Papua and New Guinea ... 856 6 3 4 • • •
Panama 444 5 5 5 2
Tanzania (Tanganyika) 327 • •
Spanish West Africa 946 2 2 3 • • •
Others 96 67 71 55 55 65 36 35 34

Total 3,610 4,133 5,132 1,336 1,462 1,610 518 514 684

• Less than HK$0.5 million.

(HKS million)

Men and boys Women and girls Children and infants Other/ unclassified
Importing countries
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

U.S.A. 394 402 445 1,174 1,167 1,269 65 63 61 518 513 490
United Kingdom 373 475 554 257 334 447 60 54 66 266 236 356
Fed. Rep. of Germany 330 462 391 272 397 597 28 35 48 171 251 362
Japan 23 22 105 51 52 143 1 1 3 54 19 26
N etherlands 49 56 63 64 82 115 6 7 10 35 42 70
Sweden 50 66 82 60 71 S6 7 11 14 35 47 51
Canada 77 86 75 91 95 94 9 5 4 48 51 51
Australia 16 20 28 40 58 101 7 9 13 31 27 38
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 25 38 61 22 30 62 3 4 5 10 12 19
Denmark and Greenland .. . 29 37 42 24 27 37 2 2 4 24 20 32
Austria 9 22 24 11 17 29 2 3 5 10 12 22
Norway 17 19 23 27 25 32 3 4 5 9 13 14
Libya 10 21 24 13 28 26 3 3 4 9 13 18
Belgium and Luxembourg 13 8 25 7 11 19 • 1 1 10 12 16
Rep . of South Africa 25 13 14 11 6 7 12 6 13 16 7 13
Kuwait 12 19 22 9 9 7 3 2 2 6 10 12
-..J U.S. Oceania 6 9 26 5 5 4 • • • 5 5 5
Ita ly 5 7 14 2 3 7 1 3 4 5 5 10
Nigeria 5 4 2 15 19 18 4 5 1 7 11 5
United Arab Emirates (Trucia1 States) 5 7 13 2 3 4 • 1 1 3 4 6
Singapore 7 7 12 8 5 7 • • • 8 5 4
Democratic Rep . of Germany • 12 2 6 5
France 2 4 3 2 3 5 • • 1 3 8 13
Bahrain Islands 5 5 8 6 6 7 3 3 2 4 4 5
Lebanon 4 8 14 2 3 3 • 1 1 1 1 3
Kenya 6 4 8 4 4 7 • • • 4 2 3
Saudi Arabia 3 3 5 3 3 4 2 I 3 3 3 6
Rep . of Zaire (Kinshasa) 6 4 6 5 6 6 2 2 2 3 2 2
Finland 2 2 3 2 3 7 • • • 2 3 5
French and Netherlands West Indies 3 6 5 5 7 5 I 1 1 3 6 4
Zambia 3 14 4 2 10 3 1 5 2 2 7 4
Papua and New Guinea 6 4 5 3 2 2 • • • 5 3 4
Panama I 1 2 6 4 4 1 1 3 3 3
Tanzania (Tanganyika) 2 2 5 I 1 3 • • I I 1
Spanish West Africa 7 4 5 3 1 1 • • 1 2 2

Others 80 51 54 46 45 49 12 13 12 45 47 48

Total 1,610 1,912 2,184 2,255 2,544 3,223 238 246 295 1,360 1,407 1,723

• Less than HKSO.5 million.



Cotton yarn Cotton fabrics, Cotton fabrics, H~~J~hOld Cotton

grey other than grey artici~i Clothing
Importing countries
'000 HKS '000 HKS '000 HKS HKS HK$
Ibs. Mn . sq. yd. Mn . sq. yd . Mn. Mn . Mn.

All countries 1971 22,822 88 359,604 449 188,789 336 199 1,724
1972 17,239 74 327,287 446 155,235 319 192 1,997
1973 16,386 91 367,470 658 183,468 519 159 2,431
U .S.A . 1971 96 • 189,481 212 5,138 8 56 684
1972 85 • 191,833 248 4,314 8 58 746
1973 209,683 344 3,427 8 53 868
United Kingdom 1971 6,377 24 106,969 164 25,797 49 72 403
1972 6,036 24 84,360 135 17,959 38 63 369
1973 4,342 22 78,829 169 16,844 48 33 553
Fed . Rep. of 1971 2,497 3 1,523 3 10 243
Germany 1972 3,816 5 1,870 4 15 422
1973 2,040 3 1,102 3 12 395
Australia 1971 2,449 11 17,204 20 43,543 77 4 22
1972 1,801 9 10,122 12 41 ,399 83 4 30
1973 1,655 11 16,452 24 63,889 175 11 45
New Zealand 1971 5,206 20 4 ,866 5 30,256 58 5 1
1972 3,608 15 3,428 4 21,585 46 5 2
1973 4,131 20 5,521 9 26,116 76 7 3
Canada 1971 97 • 2,270 3 2,756 7 9 62
1972 21 • 3,223 6 1,143 3 12 55
1973 1 • 2,046 5 229 1 11 58
Sweden 1971 15 • 1,210 I 528 1 3 40
1972 3,531 5 582 2 4 58
1973 3,394 6 1,949 8 5 79
Singapore 1971 1,792 6 9,186 9 18,345 37 4
1972 1,247 5 6,212 5 12,734 32 5
1973 998 5 6,412 7 16,840 56 8
Netherlands 1971 729 1 411 4 32
1972 1,602 2 258 2 46
1973 173 • 21 • 1 47
Switzerland and 1971 4 ,020 5 74 • • 23
Liechtenstein 1972 4,075 5 64 • • 40
1973 5,088 9 69 • • 66
Denmark and 1971 943 405 30
Greenland 1972 705 490 39
1973 623 184 45
Japan 1971 4,491 6 935 3 1 19
1972 24 • 3,035 4 816 2 1 19
1973 480 4 29,049 67 2,580 8 2 56
Norway 1971 646 • 41 • 1 13
1972 107 • 2 • 1 21
1973 7 • 102 • 2 23
Republic of South 1971 •• • 28 • 5,755 9 10 13
Africa 1972 106 • 5,393 11 6 5
1973 94 • 5,719 18 5 8
Nigeria 1971 3,385 13 1,365 2 1,055 2 8
1972 620 3 3,735 7 8
1973 304 2 272 1 • 2
Others 1971 3,405 14 \ 3,699 17 52,227 80 21 127
1972 3,797 18 11 ,132 14 42,891 81 18 132
1973 4,475 27 8,059 14 44,125 116 15 175

• Less than HKSO.5 million .

•• Less than 500 Ibs.



(HK$ million)

Categories 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973


Rice 394 343 312 366 777

Fruit 341 418 470 526 604
Vegetables 213 253 289 292 358
Bovine cattle 102 113 123 138 152
Swine 300 328 433 481 553
Meat and meat preparations 284 339 363 378 521
Milk, butter, cheese and eggs 238 250 290 288 347
Fish and fish preparations 272 334 404 46& 628
Wheat and flour ... 84 84 91 84 127
Sugar 57 59 90 83 104
Tea and coffee .. . 136 115 86 68 101
Soya bean oil, peanut oil and lard 47 61 67 63 80
Others 434 457 586 570 713
Imports 2,903 3,154 3,605 3,804 5,065
Re-exports 330 328 355 410 526
Retained Foodstuffs ... 2,573 2,825 3,250 3,394 4,538
Consumer Goods
Diamonds 876 870 962 1,061 1,422
Watches ... 355 408 440 461 582
Radio, television , gramophones, records and tape recorders 303 344 362 350 502
Cameras, flashlight apparatus and supplies for photography 102 127 117 135 150
Passenger motor cars 153 196 212 227 332
Domestic electrical equipment ... 104 137 133 132 160
Furniture .. . 30 39 60 82 120
Alcoholic beverages 117 155 235 239 348
Tobacco manufactures 112 135 168 190 194
Clothing ... 231 278 364 487 617
Textile made-ups 99 132 160 176 299
Footwear ... 54 53 61 74 95
Travel goods, handbags and similar articles ... 24 31 33 42 71
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 238 316 320 317 377
Perfumery, hair preparations and cosmetics ... 55 57 61 75 91
Soaps, cleansing and polishing preparations ... 47 55 60 59 70
Others 904 1,189 1,487 1,517 2,188
Imports 3,804 4,522 5,234 5,624 7,616
Re-exports 1,342 1,527 1,845 2,214 3,186
Retained Consumer Goods 2,462 2,995 3,388 3,411 4,430

Liquid fuel 422 456 583 599 718
Solid fuel ... 13 12 13 9 10
Imports 434 467 596 608 728
Re-exports 13 13 15 15 23
Retained Fuels 422 454 581 593 706

APPENDIX 14-Contd.


(HK$ million)

Categories 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Raw Materials
Raw cotton 471 526 589 518 753
Cotton yarn and thread ... 208 191 292 340 651
Woven cotton fabrics ... 427 464 556 645 889
Wool and other animal hair 129 141 91 154 232
Yarn of wool and mixtures 232 235 191 246 219
Fabrics of wool and mixtures 173 186 150 125 121
Man-made fibres ... 95 100 120 126 199
Yarn of man-made fibres 210 241 412 425 677
Fabrics of man-made fibres 750 887 1,191 1,253 1,482
Plastic moulding materials 371 421 454 478 751
D yeing, tanning and colouring materials 159 198 219 283 372
Chemical elements and compounds ... 207 234 244 279 347
Iron and steel 316 464 442 482 682
Base metals , other than iron and steel 201 250 243 278 289
Paper and paper board ... 306 376 421 437 598
Clay and refractory construction materials, lime, cements and
fabricated building materials except glass ... 81 103 146 171 233
Worked human hair for wig manufactures ... 178 45 24 8 6
Inedible animal and vegetable crude materials 150 176 190 221 390
Others 1,614 2,078 2,273 2,462 3,132

Imports 6,280 7,317 8,248 8,932 12,024

Re-exports 813 773 859 1,149 2,198

Retained Raw Materials 5,467 6,543 7,389 7,783 9,826

Capital Goods
Electrical machinery and parts 529 649 772 877 1,190
Textile machinery and parts 239 287 391 303 329
Metal-working machinery and parts 30 35 38 40 47
Mining and construction machinery and parts 7 36 48 45 71
Paper machinery, printing machinery and parts 39 48 47 49 48
Other industrial machinery and parts 233 390 513 592 620
Office machines and parts 46 103 103 124 217
Radio and telegraphic equipments 64 105 120 174 241
Road motor vehicles and parts other than passenger motor
cars 103 185 220 163 228
Scientific, medical, optical, measuring and controlling
instruments and apparatus . 87 117 62 69 95
Others 94 191 26 1 358 486

Imports 1,472 2,146 2,574 2,796 3,571

Re-ex ports 182 249 339 367 592

Retained Capital Goods 1,290 1,897 2,235 2,428 2,980

Total imports 14,893 17,607 20,256 21 ,764 29,005

Total re-exports 2,679 2,892 3,414 4,154 6,525

Total Retained Imports 12,214 14,715 16,842 17,609 22,480



(HK$ million)

Categories and sources 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Foodstuffs 2,903 3,154 3,605 3,804 5,065

China 1,379 1,433 1,709 1,863 2,404
U.S.A. 259 322 307 364 634
Thailand 300 293 305 363 380
Japan 150 156 200 199 279
Australia 113 107 165 148 196
Taiwan 69 94 108 107 159
Indonesia 53 88 101 96 102
Rep. of South Africa 43 46 63 73 93
Netherlands 59 60 69 71 92
Singapore 37 54 53 62 79
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ... 18 15 39 42 69
United Kingdom 49 61 67 63 65
Denmark and Greenland 30 39 44 54 65
New Zealand 14 19 27 38 55
Consumer Goods 3,804 4,522 5,234 5,624 7,616
China 481 631 760 960 1,485
Japan 783 855 994 1,063 1,357
U.S.A. 673 705 764 773 978
United Kingdom 426 485 511 437 546
Switzerland and Liechtenstein .. . 247 336 321 355 522
Fed. Rep. of Germany ... 146 184 215 220 345
Israel 151 148 190 250 329
France 108 131 189 227 293
Belgium and Luxembourg 229 208 233 232 260
Taiwan 36 55t 103 123 171
Australia ... 62 83 248 168 165
Rep. of South Africa 70 80 71 86 132
India 44 74 82 87 131
Singapore 46 64 95 90 129
Fuels 434 467 596 608 728
Singapore 138 138 244 298 389
Saudi Arabia 72 130 161 121 128
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) .. . 3 3 60
Iran 116 77 63 57 41
Japan 12 16 18 15 32
Kuwait 7 10 13 16 16
Bahrain Islands 35 37 38 50 15
Taiwan 8 6 10 4 J3
China 4 3 3 3 10
Raw Materials 6,280 7,317 8,248 8,932 12,024
Japan 2,244 2,659 3,090 3,084 3,363
China 801 721 799 955 1,637
Taiwan 366 606t 678 951 1,180
U.S.A. 509 586 721 627 1,042
Pakistan 226 217 361 506t 607
United Kingdom 468 547 493 458 563
Fed. Rep. of Germany .. . 241 283 287 275 452
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ... 102 103 183 268 389
Switzerland and Liechtenstein .. . 120 135 171 230 315
Australia ... 168 210 161 200 290
Singapore 55 79 114 161 202
Thailand .. . 40 20 34 74 116
Tanzania (Tanganyika) ... 71 100 98 96 101
Netherlands 47 18 67 70 99
Capital Goods 1,472 2,146 2,574 2,796 3,571
U .S.A. 561 727 743 831 1,047
Japan 294 501 625 684 822
United Kingdom 257 402 522 479 541
Fed . Rep. of Germany ... 145 178 216 241 297
Taiwan 22 59 93 123 163
Singapore 6 23 32 57 159
China 34 43 59 66 99
Italy 23 32 40 56 65
Netherlands 8 18 20 25 38
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ... 2 3 6 8 33

t Revised.
t Total for Pakistan and Bangladesh.



(HKS million)

Commodities 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 1,122 1,196 1,330 1,765 2,752
Pearls and precious and semi precious stones 585 677 724 971 1,317
Diamonds 455 516 513 615 737
Precious stones other than diamonds 99 119 152 210 290
Semi precio us stones other than jade 15 20 28 75 127
Jade, cut and polished , unset 6 10 18 56 97
Textiles 403 387 441 587 1,081
Textile fabrics ... 220 209 197 272 486
Textile yarn and thread 88 62 76 111 328
Textile made-up articles and rela ted products 94 116 169 203 267
Miscellaneous manufactured articles 353 358 481 597 1,084
Watches ... 104 130 168 208 356
Clothing ... 47 53 72 103 187
Scientific, medical, optical , measuring and controlling
instruments and apparatus ... 13 26 49 49 67
Works of art , collectors' pieces and antiques 3 3 8 10 47
Tape recorders and other sound recorders and
reproducers, transistorized 6 9 14 19 43
Photographic and cinematographic supplies ... 16 18 20 24 37
Lighters ... 6 5 6 10 21
Machinery and transport equipment 239 277 379 450 776
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances 114 106 191 216 382
Telecommunications apparatus 21 19 43 63 135
Transistors and diodes 5 7 6 22 49
Electronic components and parts for computers t t 71 40 47
Machinery, other than electric .. . 98 138 146 185 312
Textile machinery 37 44 51 67 106
Office machines 6 16 19 25 57
Ball, roller or needle-roller bearings and parts 9 16 14 23 45
Road motor vehicles 18 26 36 31 54
Chemicals 420 493 571 558 746
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 210 253 299 237 235
Synthetic organic dyestuffs for textile application 52 60 83 108 170
Plastic materials, regenerated cellulose and artificial resins ... 23 18 28 38 96
Organic chemica ls 28 37 40 48 75
Pyrotechnical articles (fireworks) 31 38 37 32 27
Prepared rubber accelerators ... 8 9 9 10 14
Crude materials, inedible, except fuels 157 170 209 306 527
Miscellaneous plants for perfumery and pharmacy ... 55 70 81 111 173
Tvory, unworked 2 2 4 7 57
Ambergris and related animal products for pharmaceuticals ... 16 23 35 34 56
Wool a nd other animal hair I 2 4 6 34
Wood and lumber 8 8 10 15 34
Metal scrap 9 4 3 9 2Q
Rattan canes 6 5 8 17 26
Ginseng ... 5 5 7 22 21
Food and live animals 308 306 335 368 493
Rice 14 10 10 54 96
Coffee 66 87 66 65 85
Fruit and fruit preparations 40 43 51 65 74
Vegetables and vegeta ble preparations 56 56 72 64 71
Fish, fresh and simply preserved 32 20 23 34 70
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials 41 42 46 44 57
Lubricating oils .. . 23 23 20 20 28
Gas oil , diesel oil and distillate fuel 8 8 8 7 11
Beverages and tobacco 18 26 34 36 50
Cigarettes 6 11 15 16 21
Brandy 2 2 4 7 11
Whisky 5 7 1I 7 8
Others 21 24 29 30 40

Total 2,679 2,892 3,414 4,154 6,525

t Not separa tely classified.

(HK$ million)

Commodities and countries 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

Textiles 403 387 441 587 1,081

Japan 7 10 12 32 184
Indonesia 114 40 62 70 127
Singapore 64 61 50 54 119
Taiwan 13 19 23 32 98
Switzerland and Liechtenstein ... 16 28 54 62 77
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) .. . * 2 6 26 58
Australia .. . 5 7 11 28 58
Macau 12 12 24 37 40
Diamonds 455 516 513 615 737
Japan 107 115 142 186 252
U.S.A. 155 156 159 179 197
Israel 48 55 57 71 94
Belgium and Luxembourg 99 86 90 92 81
Singapore 3 9 12 22 50
Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances ... 114 106 191 216 382
Taiwan 4 6 10 58 106
Singapore 17 22 51 45 86
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) . . . 26 12 14 25 38
Indonesia 9 9 11 15 20
Japan 4 2 8 14 18
Watches 104 130 168 208 356
Singapore 64 73 84 83 123
Panama ... 1 2 2 18 35
U .S.A. 2 5 8 16 30
Taiwan 2 3 7 9 26
United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 5 7 10 9 23
Machinery, other than electric 98 138 146 185 312
Indonesia 21 27 31 32 62
Singapore 9 14 16 23 46
Taiwan 8 10 12 16 42
Thailand .. . 6 7 11 17 23
Precious stones other than diamonds 99 119 152 210 290
Japan 58 63 97 163 234
Switzerland and Liechtenstein . .. 13 17 14 11 17
U.s.A. 7 9 11 12 14
United Kingdom 7 11 13 9 8
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 210 253 299 237 235
Japan 87 122 117 74 39
Taiwan 8 10 16 18 26
Rep. of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 27 17 26 24 22
Thailand 17 15 16 22 20
Clothing 47 53 72 103 187
Japan 14 13 11 20 33
Singapore 2 2 4 5 13
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ... * * * * 13
U.S.A. 2 4 10 11
Miscellaneous plants for perfumery and pharmacy 55 70 81 111 173
Taiwan 11 16 20 48 86
Japan 9 15 8 9 20
Singapore 10 12 15 19 19
Synthetic organic dyestuffs for textile application 52 60 83 108 170
Rep. of Korea (South Korea) .. . 18 21 27 38 76
Taiwan 17 21 30 43 60
Fruit and vegetables 95 99 123 129 146
Singapore 41 44 46 50 61
Japan 20 22 39 32 32
Jade ... 6 10 19 60 144
Japan 5 8 16 47 86
China 1 4 47

* Less than HK$0.5 million.



(HK$ million)

Imports Re-exports
Countries of origin
1971 1972 1973 1971 1972 1973

China 3,330 3,847 5,634 759 983 1,589

Japan 4,926 5,045 5,853 428 543 979
U .S.A. . .. 2,535 2,595 3,702 626 694 891
Belgium and Luxembourg 276 280 340 170 230 269
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 541 640 910 116 136 244
United Kingdom 1,593 1,437 1,716 156 175 223
Fed . Rep. of Germany 732 748 1,114 100 98 183
Burma ... 42 29 59 24 69 178
Taiwan 991 1,309 1,686 76 118 177
India 130 128 203 83 111 153
Israel 197 259 351 68 81 125
Brazil 104 82 201 83 83 105
Australia 611 557 697 34 46 98
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 8 10 59 38 67 93
France . .. 288 319 432 27 40 85
Pakistan 366 5J3t 626 6 20t 80
Colombia 9 27 33 17 31 66
Republic of Korea (South Korea) 253 409 602 21 44 65
Indonesia 159 153 174 39 45 62
Republic of South Africa 152 184 263 54 53 61
Thailand 359 465 548 26 42 59
Italy 233 233 324 18 25 44
Netherlarids 264 241 340 19 27 40
U.S.S.R. 75 78 115 22 37 36
Macau . .. 114 119 119 32 41 35
Singapore · 538 668 958 23 16 33
Kenya . .. 16 20 49 3 2 29
Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 5 22 85 2 9 29
Philippines 93 81 134 4 8 19
Canada 129 126 152 7 16 17
Malaysia (Malaya) 70 78 126 10 11 16
Other countries 1,117 1,062 1,400 323 253 442

Total ... 20,256 21,764 29,005 3,414 4,154 . 6,525

t Total for Pakistan and Bangladesh .

(HK$ million)

Countries of origin Commodities 1971 1972 1973

All commodities 759 983 1,589

Miscellaneous textile made-u p a rticles, (mainly
embroidered ta ble damasks) 128 159 208
Miscellaneous crude vegeta ble materials, (mainly plants
and seeds) ... 71 98 156
CHINA Cotton fabrics, woven (not including na rrow or specia l
fabrics) 66 76 141
Clothin g (except fur) ... 48 66 116
Textile ya rn and thread 31 29 105
Rice 8 52 93
Textile fa brics, woven (not includi ng narrow o r specia l
fabrics), other tha n cott on fa brics 20 31 51

All commodities 428 543 979

Watches and clocks ... III 155 272
Tex tile fa brics, woven (not including narrow or specia l
fabrics), other tha n cotto n fa bri cs 45 58 97
JAPAN Telecomm unicati ons appara tus 28 35 85
Mus ical instru ments, so und recorders and reproducers
and pa rts and accesso ries thereof 17 25 65
Textil e ya rn and thread 17 13 49

All commodities 626 694 891

Pea rl s and precious and semi-precious stones 179 192 226
Miscellaneous electrica l machinery and apparatus (mainly
transistors an d electronic components) 65 110 164
U.S.A. Medicinal and pharmaceutical prod ucts ... 176 110 85
Text ile yarn and thread 10 28 46
Plasti c materi als, regenerated cellulose and arti fic ial
resins 12 18 36

BELGIUM AND All commodities 170 230 269

LUXEMBOURG Pearl s and precious and semi- precious stones 166 21 9 257

All commoditi ~s 116 136 244

Watches and clocks ... 52 49 102
SWITZERLAND AND Synthetic organic dyestuffs , natura l indigo and colour
LmCHTENSTEIN lakes 20 36 54
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products .. . 14 14 26
Pearl s and precious and semi-precious stones 16 15 24

All commodities 156 175 223

Medicinal and pha rmaceutical products 34 49 31
UNITED KINGDOM Synthetic organic dyestuffs , natural indigo and colour lakes 9 17 30
Textile fabrics, woven (not including narrow or specia l
fabrics), other than cotto n fa brics 7 12 23
Pearls and precious a nd semi-p recio us stones 20 18 19

All commodities 100 98 183

FEDERAL REPUBLIC Synthetic organic dyestuffs, natural indigo and colour
Textile yarn and th read ..
36 38
Organi c chemicals 7 7 11

All commodities 76 118 177

Textile fa brics, woven (not includ ing narrow an d special
fab rics), other than co tton fa brics 1 21 39
TAIWAN Telecommunications appa ratus . 3 19 25
Clothing (except fur) 9 9 18

All commodities 27 40 85
FRANCE Clothing (except fur) 2 5 IS
Alcoholic beverages ... 5 7 12

.. Less th an HK$0.5 million.

(HK$ million)

Countries of origin Countries of destination 1971 1972 1973

All countries 759 983 1,589

Indonesia 140 177 299
Japan 87 124 288
Singapore 107 Jl9 175
CHINA U .S.A. 13 65 90
Tai wan 14 45 85
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 52 64 81
Malaysia (Sabah) 23 15 58
Australia 17 25 46
Macau ... 18 19 38

All countries 428 543 979

Singapore 126 136 290
Indonesia 64 73 113
Tai wan 21 25 65
JAPAN U.S.A. 18 34 55
Macau ... 18 25 41
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 4 18 32
Panama 2 18 30
Thailand 7 12 29

All countries 626 694 891

U .S.A. 149 163 181
Taiwan 44 Jl8 178
Japan .. . 149 109 119
U.S.A. Republic of Korea (South Korea) ... 29 69 Jl2
Singapore 61 53 71
Thailand 25 30 34
Philippines 19 28 33
Macau .. . 15 15 24

BELGIUM AND All countries 170 230 269

LUXEMBOURG Japan ... 81 124 152
Belgium and Luxembourg 75 74 66

All countries 116 136 244

Taiwan 21 28 60
SWITZERLAND AND Republic of Korea (South Korea) ... 17 26 41
LIECHTENSTEIN Singapore 19 20 34
Japan ... 9 11 33
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 13 10 16
Philippines 3 6 12

All countries 156 175 223

Tai wan 20 29 40
Japan .. . 42 44 38
UNITED KINGDOM Republic of Korea (South K orea) ... 7 9 19
Singapore 7 11 18
Macau ... 8 8 16

All countries 100 98 183

FEDERAL REPUBLIC Taiwan 32 34 56
OF GERMANY Republic of Korea (South Korea) ... 18 21 44
Japan ... 5 5 19

All countries 76 118 177

Japan ... 10 2 21
TAIWAN Singapore 6 16 17
Indonesia 2 3 13
United Kingdom 3 14 12

All countries 27 40 85
FRANCE Japan .. . 2 6 22
Republic of Korea (South Korea) ... 1 2 16
Taiwan 5 11 14



(HK$ million)

Commodities 1971 1972 1973

Airborne exports 2,555 2,676 3,364

Clothing (except fur) 909 1,082 1,197
Electronic components and parts for computers 282 278 395
Transistors and diodes 223 275 386
Watches and clocks 126 150 241
Jewellery and goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares 92 129 237
Telecommunications apparatus .. . 106 93 116
Pearls and precious and semi-precious stones 78 81 106
Wigs ... 506 215 94
Semiconductor integrated circuits 5 48 90
Office machines 5 20 83
Developed cinematographic film .. . 16 22 46
Perambulators, toys , games and sporting goods 63 36 40

Airborne imports 2,469 2,762 3,964

Watches and clocks 625 693 936
Pearls and precious and semi-precious stones 297 292 486
Electronic components and parts for computers 276 198 351
Transistors and diodes 74 144 159
Office machines 35 70 135
Silver, platinum and other metals of the platinum group 41 45 118
Telecommunications apparatus ... 81 104 117
Scientific, medical , optical measuring and controlling instruments and
apparatus 87 90 116
Jewellery and goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares 243 113 108
Clothing (except fur) 50 62 88
Aircraft 26 77 82
Lighters 14 39 66
Power generating machinery other than electric 24 30 65
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 38 44 65
Ivory, unworked 3 2 63
Semiconductor integrated circuits 14 52

Airborne re-exports 893 1,178 1,889

Pearls and precious and semi-precious stones 345 524 774
Watches and clocks 166 210 369
Medicinal and pharmaceutical products 73 60 70
Transistors and diodes 6 22 48
Electronic components and parts for computers 70 39 47
Ambergris and related animal products for pharmaceuticals .. . 27 24 37
Office machines 6 12 36
Works of art , collectors' pieces and antiques 4 4 29
Telecommunications apparatus 6 13 26
Clothing (except fur) 10 17 24



(HK.$ million)

Countries 1971 1972 1973

Airborne exports 2,555 2,676 3,364

U.S.A. 1,542 1,576 1,673
U .K . 135 217 274
Fed . Rep. of Germany 163 198 251
Japan 157 120 239
Singapore ... 49 58 108
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 41 51 98
Taiwan 61 41 96
Netherlands 36 43 65
Canada 57 53 58
U .S. Oceania 23 28 49
Australia 23 20 44
France 25 27 43
United Arab Emirates (Trucial States) 22 27 40
Sweden 21 31 32

Airborne imports 2,469 2,762 3,964

U.S.A. 659 754 973
Japan 449 509 729
Switzerland and Liechtenstein 360 440 652
U .K . 198 152 216
Singapore 80 128 214
Taiwan 78 101 125
Australia 192 126 118
Rep. of Korea (South K orea) 63 80 118
Fed . Rep. of Germany 64 83 116
France 40 77 101
Ind ia 56 64 93
Italy ... 26 35 74
Sri Lan ka (Ceylon) • 3 50
N etherla nds 61 30 49

Airborne re-exports 893 1,178 1,889

J apa n 374 527 837
Taiwan 29 97 203
Singapo re 123 116 179
U .S.A . 79 67 111
R ep. of Korea (South K orea) 26 46 63
Switzerland and L iechtenstein 28 36 60
Panama 2 18 36
U.K. 31 34 34
Fed . R ep. of Germany 8 17 32
Philippines . .. 12 18 28
U ni ted Arab E mirates (Trucial States) 13 10 28
U .S. Oceania 47 36 24
A ustra lia 14 18 21
N etherlands 2 3 20

• Less th an HK$0.5 m illion.



Countries 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973

% % % % %

U.s.A .. .. 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.1 (Jan.- Nov.)

United Kingdom§ 1.5 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.7

Fed. Rep. of Germany 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 (Jan.- Nov.)

Japan .. . 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7

Australia 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.3 (Jan .-Nov.)

Singapore 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.5 2.8 (Jan.- Oct.)

Canada§ 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 (Jan.- Oct.)

Netheriands§ 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 (Jan.-Sept.)

Taiwan 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 (Jan.- Oct.)

Sweden 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7

Switzerland 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6

Italy 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (Jan.- Oct.)

Indonesia 3.4 2.3 1.7 1.5 1.3 (Jan.-Mar.)

Rep. of South Africa 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7 (Jan.-Aug.)

Denmark 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 (Jan.- Sept.)

Belgium and Luxembourg 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 (Jan.- Sept.)

Malaysia 2.5 2.2 1.9 2.0 1.8 (Jan.-Mar.)

France ... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 (Jan.-Nov.)

Thailand 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.3 (Jan.-Mar.)

Austria 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 (Jan.-Oct.)

Norway 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4

Rep. of Korea (South Korea) 1.1 1.1 0.8 1.4 0.6 (Jan.- Sept.)

Panama 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.7 (Jan.- June)

Macau ... 67.8 65 .8 64.6 67.3 69.0 (Jan.-June)

§ Figures for this country relate to Hong Kong's total exports (i.e. domestic exports plus re-exports).

Code No. : 0337573
Price: $6.00

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