2 K Present Perfect Simple and Continuous J Still J Yet J Already J For J Since

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Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, still, yet, already, since, for

Still = ainda (usado para enfatizar uma situação)

Already = já Ex: Is it 5 o’clock already? (Já são 5 horas?)
He has already finished the test. (Ele já terminou a prova.)
Susana has already sent out the invitations. (A Susana já enviou os convites.)

Yet = em negativas = ainda. Ex: I haven’t finished yet. (Eu ainda ñ terminei.)
Is dinner ready? Not yet. (O jantar está pronto? Ainda ñ.)

Yet = em perguntas = já? Ex: Are you ready yet? (Vc já está pronto?)

Since = desde Ex: I’ve known her since I was a child. (Eu a conheço desde que eu era criança.)
He’s been living here since January. (Ele está morando aqui desde Janeiro.)
For = por, há, faz Ex: I’m going away for ten days. (Vou viajar por dez dias.)
I’ve known Sue for Years. (Há/Faz anos que conheço a Sue.)

Present Perfect Simple: Experiências vivenciadas, recentes ou não, e que podem se repetir.
Present Perfect Continuous: (1) Atividades que tem durado muito tempo, (2) ou onde
consequências dessas atividades são atualmente evidentes.
Ex: (1) Ritchei has been to Australia two times. (O Ritchie foi para a Australia duas
vezes.) Existe a possibilidade do Ritchei ir para a Austrália de novo.
Ex: (2) Mike has been sudtying Math since 6 in the morning.
(O Mike está estudando matemática desde as 6 da manhã.)
(2) A: You are sweating! (Vc está suando!)
B: I’ve been playing soccer the whole afternoon. (Estive jogando futebol a
tarde toda.)

A) Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect simple or continuous forms of the vebs
and choose the correct words.

have been playing

1. They ....................................................... __
(play) (for/since) 87 minutes and neither side
has scored (already/yet) yet.
2. I (yet/still) ............................... haven't seen
(not see) ......................................... the final, so don’t
tell me which singer won.
3. ................................... seen
you ............................... ___
(see) last night’s show (still/yet)?
Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga were guests.
have been sitting
4. You ..................................................... (sit) in front of the TV watching SpongeBob
___ seven o’clock this morning.
haven't missed
5. It’s the funniest programme on TV. I .......................................... (not miss) and episode

B) Use the prompts to write responses in the present perfect with already.
6. A: I should empty the trash can.
B: It’s Okay. I / empty / it. _______It’s okay. I’ve already emptied it._________
7. A: We should send an invitation to Linda.
Dave has already sent her one. / Dave's already sent her one.
B: Dave / send / her / one: .............................................................................................
8. A: I have to do my Science Project this weekend.
Poor you! I have already done mine./ I've already done mine.
B: Poor you! I / do / mine: ..............................................................................................
9. A: I want to go swimming.
B: We / go: We have already gone. / We've already gone.

10. A: Does Bethany want to come to the school play?

B: No, she / see it. No, she has already seen it. / No, she's already seen it.

C) Use the prompts to write questions with the present perfect + yet. Also use should in B.
11. A: you / write to Serena? _____Have you written to Serena yet?_____
B: No / write / as soon as possible. _No. I should to her as soon as possible.__
Has Mark told his parents yet?
12. A: Mark / tell his parents? ............................................................................................
B: No,/ tell / he / his parents / as soon as possible.
No, he should tell his parents as soon as possible.
Has Laura sent the invitations yet?
13. A: Laura / send / the invitations? ................................................................................
B: she / send them / before it’s too late.
She should send them before it's too late.

D) Look at the checklist for the school play. Write what people have already done and what
they haven’t done yet.
14. Tanya and Kate: finish Ryan’s costume (no)
____Tanya and Kate haven’t finished Ryan’s costume yet._____
15. Isabel: take the pictures for the programs (yes)
____ Isabel has already taken the pictures for the programs._________
16. Sam: write the programs (yes)
Sam has already written the programs.
17. Tanya: find a costume for Kristen (no)
Tanya hasn't found a costume for Kristen yet.
18. Isabel: check the lights on the stage (no)
Isabel hasn't checked the lights on the stage yet.
19. Mark and Dan: move the piano (yes)
Mark and Dan have already moved the piano.

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