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LESSON PLAN Xinyue Ru Karin 510206084

Date: 24/05/23 Class: Year 11 Music 1 Duration: 10mins

Learning Experiences: Unit of Work: Music for radio, Lesson: Analysis of ‘Surfin USA’
film, television, and multimedia
Listening + Performing

(focus topic: film music)

Purpose of Lesson: Students listen to the theme from film “Jaws” attentively and try to describe the music in
terms of musical concept. Then students are to perform their own arrangement of the “Jaws” (first 15-19 bars,
depend on the time remaining). (If there are still time left, improvise a short 5 bar music in the similar vibe)


- Some students do not use English as their first language; hence the activity is done through scaffolding
(e.g., students feel free to team up with their peers and focus on ONE musical concept ONLY as a whole
- There are students in this class who come from both popular music, and classical music backgrounds,
therefore the language must be accessible to both.
- Some students are on the life-skill program so the task set must not be too complicated to be

- Students will be able to describe their perceptions of the musical concepts. The worksheet is provided as a
hint for them to complete the first half of the task, it’s not mandated to use the terms on the worksheet so
they can feel free to express anything relevant to the concepts.

P1 - Performs music that is characteristic of the topics studied
P6 - Observes and discusses concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied
P10 - Demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities

MLS1 vocalises, sings and plays a variety of music

MLS2 performs music individually and/or as part of a group in informal and formal situations

(if time permits there’s also a P3 - Improvises and creates melodies, harmonies and rhythmic accompaniments for familiar sound
sources reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studies)


Standard 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
3.2 Plan lesson sequence using knowledge of student learning, content, and effective teaching strategies.
3.5. Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement
Standard 4 – Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.2 Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.
- The score and audio of the theme “Jaws”.

What the teacher will do What the students will do

- The teacher will ask the students to team up with their peers in groups of - The students will listen
maximum 4 (students can also attempt the task individually – based on various to the teacher and team
special needs scenarios). up.
- The teacher will ask one representative from each group to draw small scrap of - The students will listen
paper and ask the group with the particular musical concepts to focus on whilst to the teacher about
they are listening to the excerpt. Teacher will also explain the terms on the paper how to approach the
provided are not “standard answer” and the students are encouraged to come up task.
with their own perceptions and/or descriptions.
- The teacher played the music twice in front of the class so that the students can - The students will listen
grasp a brief perception of the music excerpt. to the aural excerpt and
think about musical
concepts they just drew
as a group.
- After playing the music, the teacher discusses with the students in groups. - Students elaborate what
they’ve heard
corresponding with the
musical concepts drawn.
- The teacher provides comment for each group’s performance on the task. - The students listen to
the comment.
- The teacher then explains the purposes of the task above and further asks the - The students express
students how the composer, John Williams produced such vibe of the music. their insights of the
- The teacher then sends out scores for the students to perform using their - The students are
instruments or they can choose to perform in other arrangements. Students also performing the excerpt
can feel free to choose who to work with at this stage. with their chosen peers
(or individually).

SELF-EVALUATION: 10-minute is really a short time to include things planned! Maybe next time more neat
arrangement need to be planned and make sure all the students are in to get the task started (today there
are two (maybe 3? My brain’s kinda disoriented after the class)) missing when the task began). Besides the
second last bit is missing due to the constraint of time, hope I can do better in the coming placement if I
have such a chance.

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