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Part A: Assessment Plan

SID 510206084
Subject/KLA Commerce/Economics
Stage 5
Topic and outcome Core topic 3: Employment and work futures

Note: A stands for activity, S stands for students (SSN stands for students with special needs), T
stands for teacher plus teaching support, MCQ stands for Multiple Choice Questions, DA stands for
Diagnostic Assessment (FA is formative assessment, SA is summative assessment)

[insert notice of assessment here or on the next page. Your notice of assessment should be no more
than 1 page in length – 2 pages if a marking rubric is attached]
Overview of unit

Lesson Content taught in this Teaching strategies (bullet Assessment point (e.g.
lesson (bullet points) points) diagnostic/formative/
summative etc) (bullet points)
1 Warm-up A: S & SSN
stand or sit in a circle and
name any occupations
they know; no same
responses are allowed.

1.1 What is work A1. S/SSN brainstorm DA

what work is
T/TS: Unpacks the
definition after students
share their insights

1.2 Why do we work A2. Debate, review 1.1 DA

S/SSN: select own role
from “world 1 citizen”,
“world 2 citizen” or
World citizens try to
argue their world’s
(can choose to share
individual thoughts or
nominate a speaker for
their world)
Note-taker: write down
key points W1C & W2C
Explains what World 1
and 2 is respectively.
Encourages SSN to share
his/her thoughts with
someone who sits next to
him/her. Summarizes
what has been

1.3 Types of work A3: Information gap DA

activity, review 1.2
S: each S receives paper
scraps with missing
information, and they are
to walk around the
classroom, discuss with
others to make
information complete.
(If there is student(s)
with wheelchair, this
activity is replaced by an
interactive matching
game where students
match the terms with the
relevant definitions or
features. Such as,
matching “full-time
work” with “working
more than 38 hours
depending on industry or
2 2.1 Revision Revision Revision

2.2 FA FA 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 FA

2.3 Sources of income T: ATO education

+ type of industries resources. Numeracy
activities (line chart, bar
chart and a table),
scaffolds and analyses an
example of data analysis
S/SSN: Optional tasks
from ①ATO education
worksheets, or
②Data Analysis
③Hypothetical case
study (gifted/talented
Work out solutions as a
report their findings

3 3.1 Rights and T: review 2.3, uses daily DA

responsibilities (aka. routine to scaffold
R&R) as students students’ understanding
on rights and
responsibilities as
students (If stuck, MCQ
can be presented)
S/SSN: provide more
examples of rights and
responsibilities as
students. Brainstorming.

T: review 3.1, transfers

3.2 R&R (employees) knowledge from 3.1 to DA
the lens of employees.
Guides the students to
complete the site work
S/SSN: interview school
staff what their rights and
responsibilities are and
complete the site work
worksheet. Preview the
content for next class.

A: Flipped classroom
3.3 R&R (employers) S/SSN: review 3.2, take DA
turns to share
knowledge/findings of
the rights and
responsibilities of the
employers in various
4 4.1 Revision Revision

4.2 FA FA 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 FA

(S who attempted
questions should focus
on literacy-based ones
this time, vice versa)

4.3 Work related issues A: KWL + debate

– income difference S/SSN: "why there’s
income difference?"
T ensures S/SSN don’t
repeat their roles from
the previous debate.

5 5.1 Income difference T: Reviews 4.3, DA

– case study + Introduces agents/person
solutions who can solve work-
related issues (e.g., trade
union, Fair Work
Australia, Law council of
Australia, Australian
Industry Group,
Employer Associations).
S/SSN: groups of 4 maxi,
discuss strategies for
aiming at narrowing the
pay gap
5.2 WHS S/SSN: review 5.1, DA
imagine and draw safe
workplaces, explain their
thoughts (pair or
individual work)

5.3 Other work-related T: reviews 5.2, provides DA

issues discovered some other work-related
issues (e.g., work-life
balance, unemployment,
work injury).
Unemployment related
calculations are
demonstrated in this
section (e.g.,
unemployment rate and
participation rate).
S/SSN: pick ONE
scenario to evaluate three
strategies of dealing with
it (e.g., what’s the best
strategy among the three?
6 6.1 Revision S/SSN: Select a random Site work as revision
place from the table at
school and evaluate
whether it’s safe to work
there (pair or individual
assessment) or construct
a report to HR describing
the hypothetical
complaint by one
employee. Information
gap activity because
students need to fill in
the missing information
by investigation.

6.2 FA: case study T: Do you want to work FA

in China after
S/SSN: each group of 4
will be focusing on a
specific perspective in
working in China. By the
end of class, they should
come up with their
presentation regarding
their findings and their
responses to the prompt.

6.3 past, present, future OA1: gallery walk

S/SSN: investigate
occupations which does
no longer exist in
nowadays (e.g., gandy
dancer), and whether it
at present (e.g., railway
workers). Predict what
occupation they could be
in the presence of AI
OA2: Six hats
S: work collaboratively
in the model of six hats
(each group come up
with at least 3 points,
gifted/talent group come
up with at least 5 points)

❤️what you dislike about


🧡facts about AI

💛potential benefits of
using AI

💚new possibilities of
using AI

💙potential controls on the

use of AI

🖤potential risks of using

7 7.1 Revision Revision 1&2

7.2 Revision Revision 2&3

7.3 Revision Revision 3&4

8 8.1 Revision Revision 4&5

8.2 Revision Revision 5&6

8.3 Revision Revision 6&1

9 9.1 SA This multi-part SA

summative assessment
contains three parts
where beginner part must
be completed by ALL
students, intermediate
part which can be
differentiated into
literacy and numeracy
skills inclusive, and
advanced part is
completely optional –
students can feel free to
challenge themselves on
this specific level.
Moderation Plan (roughly 200 words)
[Explain how you will moderate your assignment(s) to ensure fair and consistent assessment
of student work. When/ where/ how will you moderate your assignments? Why?]

More assessment options

Students with special needs

Feedback to students (roughly 200 words)

[Explain how your assessment plan allow for timely and meaningful feedback for students.
When/ where/ how will you provide feedback? Why?]

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