Lab Report Part 2 Tectonic

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In Lab: the lab experiment

Setting up the lab

5. Write down the procedure of your experiment.

1. We are going to buy plasticine

2. Use a plastic bottle as a base to build the volcano
3. Buy Vinegar and baking soda the put both inside of the volcano
4. Put also some water inside the volcano
5. Put in the top of the volcano a little thin layer of plasticine

Conducting the experiment

Analysis of information. Reflect about the following questions / aspects

6. What type of movement / topic are you analyzing?

I’m investigating the pelean eruption which is one of the six types of volcanic eruptions, that occurs when a
lot of gases and magma are accumulate, causing a big eruption with burning clouds accompanied with a lot
of magma, gas and dust that travels down in speeds grater than 150Km/ Hours, this makes this type of
eruption one of the most dangerous.

7. How do the plates in your experiment interact?

Volcanoes form on land as one tectonic plate slides under another. A thin, heavy oceanic plate generally
subducts under a thin continental plate. The ocean plate falls into the mantle as a result of this.
This plate's water contained in the rocks is pushed out. Some rocks melt as a result of this. The magma, is
lighter than the surrounding rock and rises to the surface. Magma chambers collect the magma, but it is still
miles below the surface. When enough magma accumulates in the magma chamber, it pushes its way to the
surface and erupts, which results in volcanic eruptions

8. How can you explain the interaction of the layers of the earth,
tectonic plates and the natural disasters in this topic?
The mantle is a dense body of rock located deep inside Earth, between the molten iron core and the thin crust
at the surface. Volcanoes erupt as volcanic material falls, rises to the surface through the crust, and releases
trapped gases.

9. Add images of the representation of your natural disaster, tectonic plates or layers of the earth. Add
labels. No drawings please.
10. Prove right or wrong your hypothesis (based on knowledge, based on research, not guesses).
11. Conclusions: Add scientific conclusions. All your learning based on theory.
12. Write a reference page using APA style (Manual de Estilos)
13. Grammar and spelling count.

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