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A Monkey and Two Cats

One day two cats found a piece of bread. They started fighting over it. Suddenly a monkey arrived there and the cats
asked them to settle their problem. The monkey decided to settle the dispute. The monkey broke the bread into two
pieces but the pieces were of uneven size. Then to make them equal the monkey took a bite of the bigger one but then
the other became bigger. So it took a bite from the other one. And it was continued till the pieces became very small.
Then the cats pleaded to have their pieces back. Then the monkey gobbled up the remaining bread saying, “This is my
fee for sorting out your dispute.”

Fifteen People Drown as Boat Capsizes in Ganga

By A Staff Reporter

Nadia, November 14, 2016: At least fifteen people were killed and twenty others went missing when a boat capsized in
the river Ganga near Shantipur at about 3 p.m. yesterday. According to the witnessed the boat was over loaded and in
the mid stream it could not keep its balance and drowned. Then and there the other boats started rescue operation and
able to save the lives of over hundred people. Fifteen bodies have been recovered but there is no news of twenty other
people. The district administration has sought the help of the National Disaster Response Force’s in the search and
rescue mission.

Class viii

Page – 123

Me: Hallow, how are you friend?

Tree: I am fine and happy.

Me: It is my tenth birthday and my father bought you our home on my fifth birthday and I planted you myself.

Tree: Oh yes, you did it and I have grown up here.

Me: It is wonderful to see you growing up and getting green and sheltering so many birds.

Tree: I love it. When I shall be a large tree I shall give shadow you and other people.

Me: I know it. You are so helpful to us.

Tree: But please see that no one cuts me down one day because like everyone I also want to grow more and help the

Me: Don’t worry, I will protect you.

Dear Friend Soumik

I have got your letter just now and writing you back immediately. You have written about your feeling loneliness
sadness. I know it is a tough job to stay in hostel away from family and friends. But always keep in mind that you have a
large goal and you have to achieve it. If you be able it will please your family as well as us. Please do not feel sad else it
will affect your studies.

Don’t worry .Do take care of yourself. We will meet once your vacation starts.
Page: 114

I like the song ……………… most. It is written by ……. . The music director of the song is ……….. and it is sung by ……….. . It
works in me like a mind freshener. When I hear it my mind is filled with a divine sense. I feel excited when I hear it in
various places. As an Indian I am proud for this song.

Till yesterday I was in a small cage. I grew up there, I don’t remember my parents. My master used to take care of me
provided me good food but I always missed freedom in that cage. Yesterday my master set me free and for the first time
I was out of cage. For the first time I spread my wings and felt the winds in the open sky. I feel freedom. I love my master
very much and for this I have decided to stay close to my master but not in cage, in the open air freely.

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