Model Test Speakout

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1) Indirect questions. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

a) Which company is he working for now?

Do you know ______________________________________________________
b) How long did it take you to make their wedding cake?
Can I ask __________________________________________________________
c) How you ever flown in a helicopter before?
I was wondering ____________________________________________________
d) Who gave you that beautiful necklace?
Do you mind me asking ______________________________________________
e) How much did you have to pay for your car?
I’d interested to know _______________________________________________
2) Vocabulary. Complete the phrases in the sentences.
a) It is better not to talk to Eddie when he gets up until he’ had al least one cup of coffee. You know he’s not
much of a __________ person.
b) She’s not shy but she likes to _________ herself to herself and spends her free time doing her own thing.
c) Richard’s such a people _________ that I’m sure he’ll be a wonderful teacher.
d) We always have great fun when we go out with Philip and Sheila. They’re both such a good
e) What I love about Christopher is that he’s down-to- __________.
f) No one was surprised when Mel said she was going to start her own software company. She’s always
been such a computer __________.
3) Match beginnings 1-6 with ending a)-h) endings.
There are two endings that you do not need.

1) A lot of companies are now opting to… a) monitor how their employees use
2) The new software will help companies to company equipment.
keep track… b) effectively data is collected by policy
3) Many people believe that capital forces from all around the world.
punishment is not an effective… c) deterrent to serious crime.
4) When we surf the internet, cookies are d) identify the individual responsible.
used to store… e) of the internet sites their employees
5) More focus is needed on crime… access during working hours.
6) The government wishes to increase f) observation of social networking site
national security by assessing how… usage at work.
g) prevention if prison costs are to be
4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words: GLOBAL – POLITICS – INDUSTRY – ECONOMY –
ETHICS h) information on the websites we access.
a) Let’s discuss why low __________ growth
results in a rise in unemployment.
b) The series focuses on the __________ issues
relating to the genetic engineering.
c) Rapid __________ growth has negatively impacted the environment.
d) Gandhi is considered to be the greatest __________ leader in history.
e) One of the __________ issues of today is how to stop companies from exploiting water sources needed
by local communities.
5) Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or noun form of the verb in brackets.

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