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REPORT: Transport facilities

This report has got the purpose of suggesting a wide variety of ways to increase the amount of
visitors on this area.

Bus stops
It is true that all bus stops are near themselves which helps everybody get to one of these
easily. However, the bus doesn’t get to every place in the area, sometimes you have got to walk
a lot to get to some aminities, such as the gym which is quite far from every bus stop.

This app called uber gives you the capability of contacting someone who’s got a car, that
person will give you a ride to your destiny. In exchange, you have got to pay this person an
amount of money. A controversy arises when the amount of money that has got to be paid is
way higher than another transport’s cost.

We have all seen those yellow and black cars which are everywhere in the city. The taxi
transport has got good quality compared to other transports but it shares the same problem
with Ubers. It is not economical at all, so there is a huge amount of people who are no table to
afford these.

Despite Taxis and Ubers have an astonishing quality, they are really expensive to a huge
amount of people, one of the solutions could be to make them cost less so that more people
are able to afford it. Another solution that comes to mind is to get another bus route, since
from time to time we struggle to get to our destiny without having to walk for an ignominious
amount of time, which ends up getting us late to our destinies.

Josè Ignacio Val. B1+

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