2324 Level L (GR 10 UAE - Gulf) English Exam Related Materials T1 Wk8

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English Level L Weekly Exam Material

(Grade 10 UAE and GULF)

Week: 8

Exam Timetable:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Periodic CA

Periodic Code: 2324-EL181 Level L English Reading Periodic T1 W8

The Old Man and the Sea pp.3-77

CA Code: 2324-ELH07 Level L English SAT Grammar T1 W8

Book Material:
New SAT Grammar Chapter 7: Adjective vs. Adverb

Date 25-09-23 | Level L | 1

2324-ELH07 – Copy of Passage

Chapter 27
The narrator, Axel, along with his uncle, Otto Lidenbrock, and their guide, Hans Bjelke,
have just arrived at an enormous cavern miles below the surface of the Earth.

1 At first I saw absolutely nothing. My eyes, whole unuse to the effulgence of light,
could not bear the sudden brightness; and I was compelled to close them. When I
was able to reopen them, I stood still, far most stupefied than astonished. Not all the
most wild effects of imagination could have conjured up such a scene! "The sea—
the sea," I cried.

2 "Yes," replied my uncle, in a tone of pardonable pride; "the Central Sea. No future
navigator will deny the fact of my having discovered them; and hence of acquiring a
right of giving it a name."

3 It was quite true. A vast, limitless expanse of water, the end of a lake if not of an
ocean, spread before we, until it was lost in the distance. The shore, which was very
much indented, consisted of a beautiful soft golden sand, mixed with small shells,
the long-deserted home of some of the creatures of a past age. The waves broke
incessantly—and with a peculiar sonorously murmur, to be found in underground
localities. A slight frothy flake arose as the wind blew along the pellucid waters; and
many a dash of spray was blown into my face. The mighty superstructure of rock
which rose above to an inconceivable height left only a narrow opening—but where
we stood, there was a large margin of strand. On all sides were capes and
promontories and enormous cliffs, partially worn by the eternal breaking of the
waves, through countless ages! And as I gazed from side to side, the mighty rocks
faded away like a fleecy film of cloud.

4 It was in reality an ocean, with all the usual characteristics of an inland sea, only
horrible wildly—so rigid, cold and full of savagery.

Date 25-09-23 | Level L | 2

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