Nollase 5 Conditional Formatting AC23

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Conditional formatting is superior to regular formatting

employee 8765 53,001
employee 8766 48,445
employee 8767 57,077
employee 8768 54,498
employee 8769 49,207
employee 8770 56,278
employee 8771 50,645
employee 8772 48,988
employee 8773 51,197
employee 8774 55,918
employee 8775 59,371
employee 8776 52,704
employee 8777 56,328
employee 8778 53,217
employee 8779 58,405
employee 8780 57,572
employee 8781 58,079
employee 8782 51,905
employee 8783 54,898
employee 8784 51,865
or to regular formatting
Hiding errors

2018 2019 change %

employee 8765 52,151 53,001 1.6%
employee 8766 47,595 48,445 1.8%
employee 8767 56,227 57,077 1.5%
employee 8768 53,648 54,498 1.6%
employee 8769 48,357 49,207 1.8%
employee 8770 55,428 56,278 1.5%
employee 8771 ----- 50,645 #VALUE!
employee 8772 48,138 48,988 1.8%
employee 8773 50,347 51,197 1.7%
employee 8774 55,068 55,918 1.5%
employee 8775 58,521 59,371 1.5%
employee 8776 51,854 52,704 1.6%
employee 8777 49,478 50,328 1.7%
employee 8778 52,367 53,217 1.6%
employee 8779 ----- 58,405 #VALUE!
employee 8780 56,722 57,572 1.5%
employee 8781 57,229 58,079 1.5%
employee 8782 51,055 51,905 1.7%
employee 8783 54,048 54,898 1.6%
employee 8784 51,015 51,865 1.7%
Use of Icon Sets and Data Bars to analyze data

Sales change Market Share

Company A 39,506 12% 31.3%
Company B 32,099 10% 25.5%
Company C 14,815 6% 11.8%
Company D 9,999 7% 7.9%
Company E 8,642 4% 6.9%
Company F 7,407 -9% 5.9%
Company G 4,938 3% 3.9%
Other 8,642 -15% 6.9%
Data Bars to analyze data
Target Result
product 1 8.0% 7.5%
product 2 4.6% 5.6%
product 3 9.0% 11.0%
product 4 8.0% 6.0%
product 5 13.4% 14.0%
product 6 11.0% 22.0%
product 7 8.3% 15.4%
product 8 17.0% 18.7%
product 9 2.9% 8.0%
product 10 9.4% 8.1%
No. of icons 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 3 4 3
Clear? YES so-so NO NO so-so YES NO NO so-so NO
no colors, The some may
needs a needs a sequence of figures and think
moment of moment of arrows are colors is not colors, too is black the exclamation
Remarks: intuitive thinking thinking better traffic lights obvious complicated worst? is the worst

Salesman January February March 1Q April May June 2Q July August

Emma Johnson 767 518 878 2,162 940 531 911 2,382 660 667
Noah Williams 919 835 611 2,365 548 797 1,123 2,468 1,093 644
Olivia Jones 897 601 1,039 2,536 1,104 753 1,138 2,995 978 738
Ava Brown 1,110 506 1,084 2,700 946 837 578 2,361 809 764
William Davis 1,045 858 509 2,412 525 747 983 2,256 579 1,013
Isabella Miller 1,079 1,056 767 2,902 829 784 539 2,152 931 633
James Wilson 587 565 647 1,799 599 1,063 940 2,602 540 891
Sophia Moore 741 1,152 662 2,556 574 746 950 2,271 944 715
Logan Taylor 978 781 756 2,514 539 540 671 1,750 960 1,061
Mia Anderson 1,162 590 625 2,377 512 892 804 2,208 991 784
Benjamin Thomas 995 984 1,078 3,057 1,139 772 785 2,695 599 950
Charlotte Jackson 675 956 649 2,280 1,158 810 723 2,690 792 1,019
Mason White 642 724 677 2,044 514 585 1,147 2,246 821 1,044
Amelia Harris 1,037 1,146 581 2,763 872 1,029 1,110 3,011 1,155 732
Elijah Martin 549 939 809 2,297 600 888 1,145 2,633 935 687

Salesman January February March April May June July August September October
Emma Johnson 655 518 668 678 711 911 789 897 1,085 1,064
William Davis 678 567 509 525 712 1,123 1,093 789 1,051 1,052
Noah Williams 919 835 888 589 753 1,138 978 738 940 893
Olivia Jones 897 775 1,039 888 837 787 809 764 1,055 865
Ava Brown 1,110 776 1,084 700 899 983 778 1,013 1,013 1,013
Isabella Miller 1,079 1,056 767 700 784 539 931 633 1,089 1,052
James Wilson 587 789 769 574 1,063 940 540 891 878 914
Sophia Moore 741 1,152 662 888 746 950 944 888 1,021 709
Logan Taylor 978 781 756 539 878 671 960 1,061 697 789
Mia Anderson 1,162 821 777 512 892 804 991 784 1,046 1,017
Benjamin Thomas 995 984 1,078 675 772 785 785 950 777 947
Charlotte Jackson 675 675 653 824 675 675 675 666 675 675
Mason White 875 724 767 514 789 1,147 821 1,044 778 739
Amelia Harris 1,037 1,146 581 589 1,029 1,110 1,155 732 585 789
Elijah Martin 549 939 809 600 888 1,145 935 687 878 1,055

Salesman TOTAL January February March April May June July August September
Emma Johnson 767 518 878 940 531 911 660 667 1,085
Noah Williams 919 835 611 548 797 1,123 1,093 644 1,051
Olivia Jones 897 601 1,039 1,104 753 1,138 978 738 940
Ava Brown 1,110 506 1,084 946 837 578 809 764 1,055
William Davis 1,045 858 509 525 747 983 579 1,013 1,013
Isabella Miller 1,079 1,056 767 829 784 539 931 633 1,089
James Wilson 587 565 647 599 1,063 940 540 891 693
Sophia Moore 741 1,152 662 574 746 950 944 715 1,021
Logan Taylor 978 781 756 539 540 671 960 1,061 697
Mia Anderson 1,162 590 625 512 892 804 991 784 1,046
Benjamin Thomas 995 984 1,078 1,139 772 785 599 950 660
Charlotte Jackson 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675 675
Mason White 642 724 677 514 585 1,147 821 1,044 526
Amelia Harris 1,037 1,146 581 872 1,029 1,110 1,155 732 585
Elijah Martin 549 939 809 600 888 1,145 935 687 878

Salesman January February March April May June July August September October
Emma Johnson 767 518 878 940 531 911 660 667 1,085 1,064
Noah Williams 919 835 611 548 797 1,123 1,093 644 1,051 1,052
Olivia Jones 587 565 555 567 753 1,138 888 1,138 940 893
Ava Brown 741 1,152 662 888 837 578 809 764 1,055 865
William Davis 978 781 756 525 747 983 579 1,013 682 1,018
Isabella Miller 567 590 599 599 784 876 931 633 1,089 1,052
James Wilson 958 891 1,084 599 1,063 940 540 891 693 914
Sophia Moore 933 901 888 574 746 950 944 715 1,021 709
Logan Taylor 908 910 982 539 678 671 960 1,061 1,147 678
Mia Anderson 567 590 599 512 567 599 678 599 1,110 588
Benjamin Thomas 995 984 1,078 995 984 1,078 995 984 1,078 995
Charlotte Jackson 675 956 649 599 810 723 792 1,019 1,147 965
Mason White 642 724 677 514 765 1,147 821 1,044 1,147 739
Amelia Harris 888 888 675 872 1,029 1,110 1,155 732 1,110 606
Elijah Martin 689 939 809 600 888 1,145 935 687 1,145 1,055

Salesman January February March April May June July August September October
Emma Johnson 767 518 878 940 531 911 660 667 1,085 1,064
Noah Williams 1,001 1,111 1,256 1,111 797 1,123 1,093 644 1,051 1,052
Olivia Jones 897 601 989 1,104 753 1,138 978 738 940 893
Ava Brown 1,110 989 1,084 946 837 578 809 764 1,055 865
William Davis 999 858 509 525 747 983 579 764 1,013 1,018
Isabella Miller 909 1,056 767 829 784 539 931 633 1,089 1,052
James Wilson 587 565 647 599 897 940 540 891 693 914
Sophia Moore 741 1,152 662 574 746 950 944 715 1,021 709
Logan Taylor 978 781 756 539 540 671 960 987 1,111 549
Mia Anderson 1,162 590 625 512 892 804 991 784 1,046 1,017
Benjamin Thomas 995 984 625 512 772 785 599 950 660 947
Charlotte Jackson 675 956 649 512 810 723 792 1,019 932 965
Mason White 1,037 1,146 677 1,458 1,029 1,147 1,155 1,044 1,200 1,098
Amelia Harris 549 939 581 872 888 987 935 732 1,098 606
Elijah Martin 549 939 809 600 888 987 935 687 878 987
Salesman January February March April May June July August September October
Emma Johnson 183 154 167 220 133 179 171 136 178 179
Noah Williams 159 260 334 133 229 188 268 149 364 150
Olivia Jones 186 230 404 351 319 189 439 221 468 284
Ava Brown 205 584 474 330 302 212 375 265 536 444
William Davis 551 333 655 482 276 712 172 537 420 675
Isabella Miller 798 651 226 634 767 587 172 602 452 148
James Wilson 494 333 792 786 888 611 770 532 391 679
Sophia Moore 1,004 764 792 740 159 411 494 489 156 189
Logan Taylor 913 541 792 1,064 666 490 968 479 768 828
Mia Anderson 584 1,066 792 1,292 1,209 780 302 280 1,175 730
Benjamin Thomas 705 613 1,119 1,242 1,255 1,411 787 280 801 1,484
Charlotte Jackson 1,538 851 888 888 1,520 682 343 780 888 1,279
Mason White 888 510 1,201 1,217 549 777 913 1,626 1,650 1,372
Amelia Harris 1,786 888 888 505 1,506 658 1,469 1,167 1,659 677
Elijah Martin 1,653 1,852 1,255 1,926 1,351 1,676 1,098 1,357 1,499 1,111

Salesman January February March April May June July August September October
Emma Johnson 183 154 167 220 133 179 171 136 178 179
Noah Williams 159 260 334 133 229 188 268 149 364 150
Olivia Jones 186 230 404 351 319 189 439 221 468 284
Ava Brown 205 584 474 330 302 212 375 265 536 444
William Davis 551 333 655 482 276 712 172 537 420 675
Isabella Miller 798 651 226 634 767 587 172 602 452 148
James Wilson 494 333 792 786 888 611 770 532 391 679
Sophia Moore 1,004 764 792 740 159 411 494 489 156 189
Logan Taylor 913 541 792 1,064 666 490 968 479 768 828
Mia Anderson 584 1,066 792 1,292 1,209 780 302 280 1,175 730
Benjamin Thomas 705 613 1,119 1,242 1,255 1,411 787 280 801 1,484
Charlotte Jackson 1,538 851 888 888 1,520 682 343 780 888 1,279
Mason White 888 510 1,201 1,217 549 777 913 1,626 1,650 1,372
Amelia Harris 1,786 888 888 505 1,506 658 1,469 1,167 1,659 677
Elijah Martin 1,653 1,852 1,255 1,926 1,351 1,676 1,098 1,357 1,499 1,111
3 3 3 5 5 4 5
NO so-so YES YES so-so so-so so-so
what is
worst? You can
flag is too Exclamation see who is is one bar the worst or no
small or cross? the star! intuitive bars is also possible?

September 3Q October November December 4Q TOTAL

1,085 2,412 1,064 777 884 2,726 9,682
1,051 2,789 1,052 1,154 603 2,808 10,430
940 2,656 893 509 1,029 2,431 10,618
1,055 2,628 865 945 597 2,407 10,095
682 2,275 1,018 627 635 2,280 9,222
1,089 2,653 1,052 1,113 653 2,818 10,525
693 2,124 914 1,005 942 2,861 9,386
1,021 2,680 709 873 608 2,191 9,697
697 2,717 549 665 928 2,142 9,123
1,046 2,821 1,017 719 993 2,728 10,134
660 2,209 947 981 960 2,888 10,849
932 2,743 965 550 602 2,117 9,830
526 2,391 739 1,142 978 2,859 9,541
585 2,472 606 692 772 2,070 10,317
878 2,500 1,055 834 803 2,692 10,121

November December
777 884
1,154 777
509 1,029
945 597
1,013 1,013
1,113 653
1,005 942
873 608
665 928
878 993
981 960
675 602
1,142 978
692 772
834 803

October November December

1,064 777 884
1,052 1,154 603
893 509 1,029
865 945 597
1,013 1,013 1,013
1,052 1,113 653
914 1,005 942
709 873 608
549 665 928
1,017 719 993
947 981 960
675 675 602
739 1,142 978
606 692 772
1,055 834 803

November December
777 884
1,154 603
893 1,029
945 597
627 635
1,113 653
1,005 942
873 608
665 928
719 598
984 1,078
550 602
1,142 978
692 772
834 803

November December
777 884
1,154 603
509 1,029
945 597
627 635
1,113 653
1,005 942
873 608
665 928
719 993
981 960
550 602
1,142 1,001
692 772
834 803
November December
154 241
183 183
381 381
335 335
621 451
587 475
969 498
774 522
366 545
194 569
1,118 1,435
1,019 1,353
888 1,589
895 776
1,853 1,512

November December
154 241
183 183
381 381
335 335
621 451
587 475
969 498
774 522
366 545
194 569
1,118 1,435
1,019 1,353
888 1,589
895 776
1,853 1,512

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