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Tibetan Monks: Explore what a Tibetan Monk’s life is like?

1. Intro

Tibet is a land of Buddhism, and the religion and culture have a profound interaction
that results in Buddhism being a major part of everyday life in Tibet. And this is more so
for the Tibetan monks, as they are significant members of society in Tibetan culture and
religion. And while they may lead a simple and peaceful life, they play a major role in
the lives of the Tibetan people.

2. What is a Tibetan Monk Called?

In Tibetan, “monk” generally translates to “trapa”, which means student or scholar.

Traditionally, the only people that studied any writings or education in Tibet were the
monks. And while this has changed greatly over the centuries, the title has remained the

Lama, or Bla-ma in Tibetan, is the title originally given to Tibetan Buddhist spiritual
leaders, the “guru” or “venerable one” as they were traditionally known. This title was
only given to the heads of the great monasteries, or the great teachers of Tibetan
Buddhism. These days, however, the title is now extended to ay respected monk or
priest, out of courtesy.

3. What Do Tibetan Monks Believe?

Tibetan Buddhism is a tolerant religion that placed a lot of emphasis on practical

methods for the cultivation of spiritual awareness and the importance of finding one’s
own truth. It generally treasures such qualities as kindness, compassion, equanimity,
clarity of mind, and wisdom.

The core beliefs in Tibetan Buddhism include the Three Universal Truths, the Four Noble
Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path.

The Three Universal Truths state that nothing in the universe is ever truly lost, that
everything changes from one moment to the next, and that all living things suffer.

The Four Noble Truths are: the truth of suffering; the truth of the cause of suffering; the
truth of the end of suffering; and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.
They provide a basis for all Buddhist thought.

The Noble Eightfold Path - which includes Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right
Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration
teaches how to be ethical and moral, how to be good, kind and positive, and how to
remove the negativity in life.

4. What Do Tibetan Monks Do in Daily Life?

As well as the chores that the monastic life requires, a monk must also study and pray,
meditate, and debate on the scriptures. This peaceful and scholastic life is what they
believe will lead them to enlightenment.
Their normal day begins at daybreak, where the morning call beings them to the
assembly hall for Morning Prayer. After the Morning Prayer, which lasts for 2-3 hours, a
simple breakfast of porridge and tea is served.

The morning is reserved for their studies, and monks will study the Buddhist scriptures
and debate the points with their mentors and masters as a way of learning. Others will
offer prayers to families of the deceased to find rest and peace from their suffering.

In the afternoon, after more study or meditation, the afternoon prayers will be called,
and the monks will again spend a couple of hours in prayer and reflection, before
retiring to reflect and meditate in private.

5. How Do Tibetan Monks Meditate?

Meditation is an ancient practice that uses mental training to induce intensive states of
concentration. In Tibetan Buddhism, there are several methods that are used to

In the Nyingma School, Dzogchen, or “the great perfection” is a form of meditation hat
allows the practitioner to remove all unnecessary mental activity and calm the mind to a
degree where they can realize the true nature of things.

The use of Mantras is another form of meditation used by monks in Tibet. A form of
meditation that can be performed anywhere; the recitation of these mantras is a way of
warding off negative energy and attracting positivity. The mantras are traditionally
dedicated to all forms of life everywhere, including yourself.

Visualization is an advanced form of mediation that generally involves the monk to

visualize a deity of Buddha and focusing on that image and the qualities that Buddha
possesses. This form can lead to heightened meditative state and complete calmness,
and is usually performed by very experienced monks and lamas.

Another form is breathing meditation. Sitting or lying down, the monk will close his eyes
and focus on only his breathing, the breaths in and out, unforced, which then helps to
increase awareness of their own bodily sensations and increased their attention spans.

6. Are Tibetan Monks Vegetarian?

Generally, vegetarianism is not fully practiced by many Tibetan monks, and their daily
diet consists of much the same things as most ordinary Tibetans, from tsampa and
butter tea to mutton and vegetables.

Monastic dishes are simple and as nutritious as possible. They often consist of beans,
noodle soups, stir-fried or steamed vegetables, porridge, and any dairy products that
are available.

There is no definitive answer to the question of vegetarianism, though, as there are

different branches of Buddhism in Tibet. Some will retain the vegetarian requirement
brought on by the belief that they should not kill any living thing. Others believe that the
Tantric idealism that “clean” meat is acceptable will eat it, as it is not slaughtered by
them or inside the monastery grounds and the monks never see the animal they will
One of the main dietary restrictions in Tibet is fish. Tibetans don’t eat fish as they regard
the fish as incarnations of the water deity, as the fish is one of the eight auspicious
animals and an emblem of happiness.

7. Can Tibetan Monks Marry?

In general, Tibetan monks tend not to get married, in part because most schools forbid
it, as the Buddha preached celibacy and restraint, but also in part because they have no
need for marriage. The path to true enlightenment is one of personal growth and
marriage may obstruct that in many ways.

Previously, it was normal for senior monks and lamas to marry noble women, but this
practice has mostly died out in Tibet now, and few actually marry. The exception to this
is the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism, who have continued the traditional line of
married monk-teachers that began in the 11th century.

Generally, monks that decide they want to marry and have children must leave the
monastic life in order to do so.

8. Where Do Tibetan Monks Live?

Most monks in Tibet live their daily lives in the monasteries that can be found across the
plateau region. This is mostly the case for the major monasteries, such as Drepung and
Sera, where hundreds of monks all live together. But even in the far-flung and distant
monasteries, there are usually a few local monks that run the monastery, care for its
statues and altars, and maintain the faith in the region.

However, you can also find monks in some of the many hermitage sites in Tibet, though
they generally only spend a certain period of time there, before returning to their
monastery. The same goes for the many spiritual retreats, where the monks can go and
spend weeks in intense meditation to better their understanding of the scritures.

9. What Do Tibetan Monks Wear?

The traditional robes of the Tibetan monks vary slightly from school to school in Tibet,
but are similar in shape and form. The regular dress consists of a form of vest, where the
front and back are decorated with yellow cloth, a skirt, and a shawl draped across their
body that is normally around 2.5 times their height.

This varies slightly in color, but is generally used by all schools in Tibet. The main
difference comes with the ceremonial garb, which is more decorative, and includes the
use of a cap or hat, often yellow or red, and in differing styles.

10. How to Be a Tibetan Monk?

Becoming a Tibetan monk is not like joining a club. There are certain requirements, and
some people will not be considered “clean” enough to join. Most people join when they
are children, and once a child reaches 7 or 8 years old, they can qualify for being a
A child planning on being a monk will need two teachers, usually family members, to
teach him social skill and classic Tibetan Buddhism. The child then presents the hada
and tea, and other gifts to his teachers, who will shave his head leaving only a small
piece of hair in the middle of his head.

After he interviews with the Abbot, and the Abbot approves him for becoming a monk,
that hair will be cut by the Abbot and he will be given his Dharma name.

11. Tips on Meeting Tibetan Monks when Touring Tibet

Respecting the monks and the monastic traditions in Tibet is important, not just for
them but for you too, so that you can better understand their lives and their devotion. A
common way to greet a monk or lama is to raise your hands together in front of your
chest, palms together, while bowing slightly. The higher your hands, the greater the
respect shown.

There are other do’s and don’ts when interacting with monks in Tibet as well. One must
never touch their heads, and one should never take photos without their permission.
When sitting with a monk or lama, you should not be higher than he is, and your feet
should be underneath you, as a mark of respect.

12. Conclusion

Generally, monastic life in Tibet is unlike in any other place in the world. The monks
traditionally live a simple and celibate lifestyle, and are revered by the people as much
for their devotion and dedication to their calling as they are for their wisdom and
insight. A life dedicated to the study of scriptures and the path to enlightenment, the
Tibetan Buddhist monks are among the most devoted in the world, giving their life to
their beliefs and ancient Buddhist monastic traditions.

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