The United Kingdom

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Hi, I'm Adele from the UK and I'm going to tell you about England, its famous and important
people and the most popular sports.

First of all, the UK has many people who have done great things in different aspects, for example, I
am the biggest singer in England and I have won many awards for my voice, but I will only talk
about three people. First, Lady Di who did great things for sick and poor people, was a very
important person, not only for the English, I think for the whole world. The second person is
William Shakespeare, who was one of the greatest poets in the world, is recognized for his work
Romeo and Juliet and finally Charles Darwin, with his theory of evolution which is the basis of
many other important theories in biology.

Sports: Many sports are played professionally in the UK. The most popular sport at the beginning
of the 21st century is soccer, it has very big teams like Manchester United, Chelsea and Arsenal.
Other very popular sports are rugby, tennis, cricket, golf, athletics, boxing and snooker.

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