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Revised – Leadership Style and Philosophy

Bridgett Bates

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 536: Strategic Leadership and Management in the Principalship

Dr. Gary McDaniel

October 25, 2023


Revised – Leadership Style and Philosophy

Leadership Philosophy Statement

Throughout my time at Grand Canyon University, my philosophy of leadership has

undergone significant growth. This development has refined my view of education as a

principal and the values that govern me.

Core Values

Values like empathy, perseverance, integrity, honesty, and respect for others have

impacted both my personal and professional life. These principles, in my opinion, form the

cornerstone of successful leadership. Respecting others, acting with integrity and honesty,

persevering through problems, and displaying empathy all contribute to the development of

relationships and the creation of a safe, inclusive atmosphere.

Leadership Style

I studied a variety of leadership philosophies, and the ones that most resonated with my

principles were transformational and servant leadership. These are styles that are quite similar to

my values of respect, integrity, and empathy. To empower my staff, foster trust, and stimulate

individual and organizational growth, I plan to use aspects of both approaches.

Integrity and Fairness

As a principal, I understand how critical it is to conduct yourself honorably and fairly to

guarantee each student's academic and social success. I can motivate teachers to put the interests

and welfare of their students first by fostering a culture of servant leadership. I will set a good

example by expressing gratitude to my staff and committing to their personal development.

Effective and Inspirational Leadership


My leadership philosophy is a blend of my values, transformational leadership, and

servant leadership ideas. I will actively look for opportunities for personal growth and

continuously evaluate my actions and their effects in order to be a motivating and successful

leader. I'm committed to getting to know my team both personally and professionally because I

realize that their success equals my success. I'm determined to live up to my ideals, embrace

transformational and servant leadership, and never stop trying to become better as I start my

career as a principal.

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