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A Thesis Proposal

Submitted to the English and Literature Department

Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Medan
As Partial Fulfillment For doing Research


Registration Number: 2191121028



TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................

1.1 Background of The Study.............................................................................. 1

1.2 The Problem of The Study.............................................................................. 7

1.3 The Objective of The Study............................................................................ 7

1.4 The Scope of The Study.................................................................................. 8

1.5 The Significance of The Study........................................................................ 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE...................................................

2.1 Theoretical Framework................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Teaching Speaking In Junior High School............................................. 9

2.1.2 Aspect of Speaking In English Materials............................................... 12

2.1.3 Speaking Materials In Curriculum 2013................................................ 14

2.1.4 Self Talk Strategy................................................................................. 20

2.1.5 The Procedure of Self Talk Strategy...................................................... 25

2.2 Relevant Studies.............................................................................................. 26

2.3 Conceptual Framework................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................

3.1 Research Design.............................................................................................. 30

3.2 Research Subject............................................................................................. 30

3.3 Techniques of Data Analysis........................................................................... 30

3.4 The Instrument of Data Collection.................................................................. 33

3.5 Research Procedure......................................................................................... 36

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................


Table 2.1 The Diagram of Conceptual Framework............................................... 29

Table 3.1 The Organization of Needs Analyzing Questionnaire.......................... 31

Table 3.2 The Organization of Expert Judgment Questionnaire........................... 32

Table 3. 3 Qualitative Data Conversion................................................................ 36



1.1 Background Of The Study

Speaking is an important skill for students to have because it allows us to

communicate and engage with others. Flucher (2003) defined that speaking is the

verbal use of language to communicate with others. It describes a person's activities

that involve conveying information orally from a communicator to a communicant.

Hughes (2007) stated that speaking in an engaging manner enables one to achieve

pragmatic objectives through conversation with other language users.

Speaking is an action that a person engages to interact with others in order to

express ideas, feelings, and opinions to accomplish a certain purpose, Burdden

(1995). Speaking is one of the most crucial skills to learn for a variety of reasons,

including the ability to communicate with others, ask for what we want, request that

others take action on our behalf, respond on our behalf, express our feelings or

opinions, exchange information, and refer to past, present, or future actions or events

or the likelihood that something will occur. Speaking clearly and accurately offers

numerous benefits in life, thus everyone should learn to do so. There are four parts

that are gradually recognized when researching the speaking process. They are

fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.


Polar(2008) states that speaking is one of the most difficult aspects for

students to master. Speaking is a skill that students find challenging to acquire

because they do not practice it frequently enough in their daily lives, feel shy around

English speakers, and lack motivation to study the language. It implies that the

students lack the vocabulary necessary to communicate in English and that they

experience shyness when doing so.

Speaking is defined as the activity of being able to explain oneself in a

circumstance, or as the activity of accurately reporting acts or situations, or as the

activity of conversing and smoothly expressing a series of thoughts. According to

Brown (1994), creating, receiving, and processing information are part of the

interactive process of constructing meaning that is speech. In order for the listener to

understand what the speaker is saying, the speaker must think and use the appropriate

language. Aguilera (2012), speaking effectively involves using speech to convey

more meaning in order to empower people, much like writing. Interaction is two-way

communication; it involves the use of language and body language to compel our

listeners to pay attention to what we are saying and to confirm that they get what we

mean. Making eye contact, employing facial expressions, clarifying your point, and

verifying understanding are examples of interactive tactics.

Speaking English to students is not always done correctly and appropriately in

Indonesia. Without paying attention to the pupils' speaking abilities, the teacher only

focuses on teaching grammar. Speaking was described by Wulandari (2010) as a

second or foreign language for students. This idea suggested that the pupils needed

additional practice. Additionally, there are still many speaking weaknesses among


Based on preliminary observation in eight grade of SMP Negeri 15 Medan the

researcher found that many students have feeling shy and afraid to speaking in since

classroom interaction. Harmer (2007) discussed that students are not confident to

speak English because they were not confident to speak English in front of the class.

The students were unable to pronounce some words correctly. In addition, they have

lack acquisition of vocabulary mastery to produce English words and sentences. It

definitely prevented students from expressing their ideas. Also students to be less

interested and motivated. They thought English was a very complicated language to

be learn and then it is not easy for them to learn and understand the material of the

subject. Furthermore, they do not have enough to explore and express their ideas.

Also they were afraid making mistakes related to pronunciation, structure, and


Second problem related to the material, the students rarely practice speaking,

because there are not enough speaking materials which are ready for classroom use.

Based on curriculum 2013, the students should develop the four language skills in

balance, but the materials a textbook “when English ring a bell” (2013) which use in

grade eight of SMP Negeri 15 Medan focus more on writing and reading. Whereas,

there are some conversation text that can be used as speaking materials but

instructions do not ask the students to do a task which can make them practice using

English in speaking. Most lesson of English are carried out through teacher-centered-

approaches (nunan, 2004). Where the conversation read by the teacher and followed

by the students by seeing conversation. It does not practice by students, the students

only follow the teacher by read the conversation.

The other problem related to the process of education and learning.

Thornburry (2005) stated that the process of education and learning involves

classroom activities, interaction, language, and practice. They also dealt with the

methods, or teaching strategy, media, and the materials used in teaching learning

process. Activities during the class seem to be constant and students were not

interested in learning. In other words, the students found it bored to do same

activities. In addition, the activities that take places are more literate than speaking.

Additionally, it's crucial to employ the proper techniques while presenting

material to aid students in learning to communicate in a way that is more engaging,

energetic, and driven. On the other hand, the data demonstrates that selecting a

teaching technique still presents challenges. Students frequently receive boring

assignments. Students become bored and uninterested in their studies as a result of

this situation. In other words, this undoubtedly affected their motivation to learn.

Additionally, there is less media use during the teaching and learning process.

In order to address the issue, English teachers must exercise creativity in

creating several communication activities in the classroom while instructing their

students to speak. Students may be inspired to talk positively and effectively by this

case. Teachers must become proficient in using the right motivational techniques to

encourage pupils to become fluent in English.


One of available strategies is the self-talk strategies. Self talk strategy is how

you talk to your self. Zetou et.all (2014) defined self talk strategies as an expression

of statements that addresses our-self.being multidimensional by nature, having

supporting details that support the content of the statement being made, dynamics,

and at the very least performing the function of direction and inspiration. According

to Bernard (2005), self talk is described as an internal dialogue through which an

individual interprets feelings and perceptions. It can be either said out or privately.

control, alter assessments and cognitions, and provide guidance and reinforcement for


Because self talk strategy benefits to the students, the researcher was

interested in doing research employing self talk in speaking materials. According to

Hermansyah (2021), pupils who used the self-talk approach were believed to be

braver, more self-assured, and of course, better. Because we can provide the students

positive feedback about themselves and have a meaningful impact on them, this

method can inspire, encourage, and help pupils build confidence and boldness.

there have been many research on using self talk strategy. Researcher was

determine whether or not there is significant develop of self talk strategy on students

speaking skill. Therefore, in this research was conducted research with the tittle as

follow: “ Developing Students Speaking Materials Through Self Talk Strategy At

Eight Grade Junior High School 15 Medan”


Self-talk strategy is crucial for the development of spoken English materials

because it is extremely practical and applicable. It serves as a role model for students

who are trying to talk or who are taking a speaking lesson. Students need to learn that

speaking and communicating are crucial for engagement as well as for expressing

emotions and thoughts. This tactic implies that employing self-talk while training

kids to speak is more efficient, entertaining, and beneficial.

1.2 The Problem of The Study

Related to the background of the study, the researcher formulated the problem

of the study as the following:

1. How are English speaking materials develop through Self Talk Strategy at

the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Medan?

1.3 The Objective of The Study

The objective of this study was aimed at :

1. To develop students speaking materials through Self talk strategy at eight

grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Medan.

1.4 The Scope of The Study

This research focused on development of speaking materials through self talk

strategy at eight grade SMP N 15 Medan based on syllabus.

1.5 The Significance of The Study


The findings of the research expect to be advantages and will be give

contribution theoretically and practically:

1) Theoretically

The findings of this research is expect to solve students problem in speaking

and it will be help them to develop their speaking ability. It is expect to help

English teacher to find the best way strategy in teaching speaking.

2) Practically, in terms of application, this research is predicted will be valuable


a) For the researcher, this study will continue to enlarge her knowledge

and get experience in doing in research

b) For teacher, this research will be used as supplementary materials for

teaching and learning process of speaking .

c) For students, the material can be used to practice their speaking ability.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Teaching Speaking In Junior High School

Teaching English speaking to junior high school students is equally

crucial to the total linguistic development of children. Long before they can

write, it is the first output following the first input (listening). Linse (2006)

stated that because junior high school freshmen are classified as children

between the ages of 5 and 13, they are young learners. Teachers who work with

young students are aware of how crucial it is for kids to acquire powerful

speaking abilities. It's possible that a student's propensity for negative behavior

or violent behavior, such as bullying others, stems from a lack of effective

communication skills. Speaking exercises are crucial in any classroom for

young learners because of this.

When instructing young students in speaking, teachers must continually

bear in mind that their students are a diverse group with a range of talents,

expectations, motivation levels, and information, not to mention various

learning styles. As a result, we must be flexible in our strategies and provide as

many opportunities as we can so that every student in the class may find

something to build on, develop, and grow from. Selecting activities that align

with the program's goal is very crucial. Teacher should be able to use some


media of teaching. In general, there are three kinds of media in teaching


Harmer (2001) stated that there are three main reasons for getting

students to speak in the classroom:

1. Speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities changes to practice real

life speaking in the safety of the classroom.

2. Speaking task in which students try to use any oral of language they know

provide feedback for both teacher and students. Everyone can see how well

they are doing: both how successful they are and what language problems

they are expiring.

3. As pupils practice speaking, the more naturally they apply the numerous

language components that they have learned and stored in their minds.

Students increasingly develop their independence as language users as a

result. As a result, kids will be able to speak clearly and without giving it

much consideration.

It means that speaking exercises offer chances for practice, give teachers

and students feedback, and inspire pupils because of their captivating qualities.

Most importantly, they aid kids in developing automatic language production.

Effective communication is the aim of speaking skills instruction. It

implies that students should be able to express themselves clearly while making

the most of their current level of proficiency. They should make an effort to

minimize miscommunication caused by poor pronunciation, grammar, or

vocabulary, and they should follow any applicable social or cultural norms.

Speaking is a crucial component of language learning, which is the aim

of learning a foreign language. Speaking is the most difficulties skill and is

considered to be a prerequisite for learning foreign languages, according to

Orade (2012). It is also the foundational skill for communication. As a result,

the pupils must use learning techniques to improve their speaking abilities.

Speaking is a tool for communicating with others, whether not they can

understand what you're saying.

Additionally, speaking involves creating and communicating meaning

using both verbal and nonverbal symbols in a variety of contexts chaney

(1998). Speaking is therefore essential in communication since speaking is the

starting point of communication. Producing, receiving, and interpreting

information all play a part in the interactive process of building meaning.

Speaking is an aspect of daily life that we take for granted, according to

Thornbury (2005). The four talents are defined in terms of how the learner's

language is directing in language training. In other words, speaking is the

process of creating and conveying meaning in a variety of contexts through the

use verbal and nonverbal symbols.

The author concludes that speaking is a process that involves

communicating a purpose to express our feelings through words and

interactions with others in a variety of circumstances. Additionally, the ability


to employ words in everyday communication situations as well as the ability to

use the pronunciation, stress, intonation, grammar, and vocabulary of a foreign

language can also be considered speaking abilities.

2.1.2 Aspect of Speaking In English Material

Brown (2004) stated that there are several components of speaking skill,

such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. So

in this research use five elements of speaking ability.

a) Pronunciation

Harmer (2017) The way we pronounce words and where the

stress is placed affects how the language sounds. And how we

conveyed our meaning and emotions by using pitch and tone. As a

result, it needs to be enhanced. Students must have clear

pronunciation in order to talk in a way that will make it simple for

others to understand them.

b) Grammar

In both spoken and written language, grammar is the rule. To

get a decent outcome, the pupils must be aware of grammar rules.

The students must also be familiar with the grammatical principles

for syntax, morphology, and pronunciation. Sometimes with

speaking skills, neither the speaker nor the listener is concerned

with grammar.)

c) Vocabulary

A group of words to mix them to form language in speaking is

one of the linguistics. Although it is highly important, vocabulary is

not the first thing to take into account. If speaking occurs, it is still

extremely early.)

d) Fluency

Fluency is a sign of good communication since it

includes the case and pace of the speech that follow. If a person

meets certain requirements, such as being able to pronounce the

words clearly and fluently, she is said to be fluent. The kids have a

wide variety of words in their vocabulary, which allows them to

speak clearly and understand rules of grammar. In every

circumstance, they can correctly spell words. It facilitates

communication and may also make things simple to comprehend.)

e) Comprehension

In order for a conversation to go smoothly, both the

speaker and the listener must have a solid understanding of one

another while speaking. However, the researcher in this study was

referred to as the comprehensibility.)


2.1.3 Speaking Materials In Curriculum 2013

1. The Learning Process

In curriculum 2013, the learning process are observing questioning,

exploring, analyzing, communicating.

a) Observing activities

Students read, watch, and listen to learn how to be patient,

sincere, distinguish between general and specific information,

features, and characters, and to think analytically, critically,

deductively, and thoroughly. They can study historical

accounts, texts, documents, and artifacts (physical, cultural,


b) Questioning activities

Students ask questions based on what they see to enhance their

capacity to ask questions as well as their creativity, curiosity,

and critical thinking. the pose inquiries about a historical


c) Exploring activities

Students conduct experiments, read from other sources of

information, observe information, observe their environment,

and interview human resources in order to learn cooperation,

honesty, respect for other people's opinions, communication


skills, and methods for identifying reliable sources of


d) Analyzing activities

Students reconstruct the material from the data-gathering

activity and create their historical accounts. They do this to

build honesty, discipline, rule-obedient attitudes, hard effort,

skills in applying scientific techniques, and analytical thinking.)

e) Communicating activities

Students share the findings of their analyses in order to

cultivate honesty, sincerity, and organized thought as well as to

utilize the correct terminology and vocabulary. They share the

history they have created for themselves through analysis

activities that can be written historical accounts, videos,

images, or other forms of communication.)

2. English Learning Materials

Tomlinson (1998:2) defined materials as anything that a teacher or

group of students can utilize to deepen their understanding of or exposure

to a language. The teacher employs the content as a tool to aid in task

preparation, class management, and student instruction to accomplish the

learning objective. The teacher can create resources for the pupils that

take into account both the needs of the students and the teacher.)

Criteria of good materials are proposed by Hutchinson and waters

(1987:107) as a guideline in writing the materials

a) Material provide a stimulus to learning. To encourage the

learners to learn, good material will contained enjoyable,

opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge and


b) Materials help to organize the teaching learning process by

providing easily understandable knowledge of language to be

learn. Good material should provide a clear and coherent unit

structure which will guide teacher and learners through various

activities in such a way as to maximize the chances of learning.

c) Material embody a view of the nature of language and learning.

The materials should reflect the writer think about what language

learning consists of.

d) Material reflect nature of learning task. Material should try to

create a balances outlook which both reflect to complexity of the

task, yet makes it appear manageable.

3. Material Development

Make materials development is both a theoretical and practical

endeavor, according to Tomlinson (2001:66). The ideas and processes

used in the design, implementation, and evaluation of language education

materials are studied in this discipline. These are some of the essential

principles of second language learning that, in Tomlinson's opinion, most

researchers studying second language acquisition would concur are

important for the creation of teaching materials. In this section, these

guidelines are succinctly described

a. Material should achieve impact; attract students curiosity,

interest, and attention.

b. Materials should help learners to feel at case; for instance

presenting illustration rather than a text only.

c. Materials should help learners to develop confidence; materials

are not too difficult.

d. Materials should be relevant and useful in their field or study

e. Materials should require and facilitate learners self-investment.

f. Materials should provide the learners opportunities to use the


g. Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback.

h. Material should stimulate intellectual, easthetic and emotional


According to the summary provided by Tomlinson, it is necessary

to help people who speak English increase their ability to pay attention by

giving them useful information. It will assist the students in showing

interest in what is being taught and developing their communication and


interpersonal skills. The following are four benefits of creating materials

that Richards (2001:261) described:

1) Relevance : the materials will tend to be more relevant for

students and institutional needs and reflect the local content,

issues, and concerns.

2) Develop expertise: developing materials benefit the other staffs

language course to improve their expertise, giving them a

greater understanding of the characteristic of effective


3) Reputation: it will show the commitment to the language

teaching because of providing relevant, specialized, and

contextualized materials for the students,

4) Flexibility: the produced material can be revised or adapted as

needed, giving them greater flexibility than a course book.

But in essence, developing instructional materials is about

putting teaching concepts into practice. The attitudes and understanding

about teaching and learning have a clear impact on the materials


4. Material Design

There are five steps in designing materials as proposed by

Tomlinson (1998:247) those steps are explained as follows:


1. Need analysis

In this first step, material developer collects information related

to the material which is needed by the teacher and learners in the


2. Goals and objective

After conducting need analysis, the material developer

determines the goals and objective of the material which will be


3. Syllabus design

Here the material developer starts designing syllabus which is

based on the curriculum and the result of need analysis. The

syllabus, then become basic for the material which be arranged.

4. Methodology/materials

In this step, the material developer starts designing the material.

The learning material developer also finds out the teaching

method which is suitable to the teaching material itself.

5. Testing and evaluation

After designing the material, the material developers then

conducted a try out. Here, during the try out session, the material

developer also obtains feedback from the teacher and the

students as basic of evaluation in order to improve the material.


2.1.4 Self Talk Strategy

a. Definition of Self Talk Strategy

Self-talk is describe as internal language or ideas used in

interpersonal contact. It can be usefull to consider interpersonal

communication taking place in a model in the person's head that

includes a sender, receiver, and feedback loop. Self-talk, according to

O'Malley (2002, p. 139), is the use of mental strategies to help one feel

confident that one can complete the learning activity. With this

technique, each pupil must converse to themselves alone about anything

they are thinking. Although it occasionally takes the form of images or

concepts, self-talk typically takes the form of actual words. Based on

Vygotsky's (1978) notion of internalized dialogue as inner speech, self-

talk is regarded to be it's own. It governs how students think and behave,

how they interpret their experiences, how they lead and manage their

academic performance, and how well they live their lives.

Self-talk, defined by Linner (2010) as what people say to

themselves—either aloud or in their heads—occurs whenever a person

thinks. Whether making statements internally or externally, self-talk is

an internal dialogue in which the person interprets and regulates her

perceptions, modifies her judgments and convictions, and gives herself

instructions and reinforcement.)


Purba and Sihombing's defined of self talk, it helps us cultivate

a good outlook. the capacity to comfort ourselves that everything will be

okay, particularly through the challenging times in our lives. Help us

transform negative thought and behavior patterns into inspiring good

ones as well. It provides us with the necessary drive to keep a healthy

body, mind, and spirit. We may offer ourselves a lot of good feedback

with this helpful technique, which in turn increases our energy. We feel

good about ourselves, and when we feel good about ourselves, living is

simple and enjoyable. They become more successful, have fulfilling

relationships, and live happier lives as a result.)

The researcher includes that self-talk as an expression of

sentences that address ourselves based on the reasoning given above.

Additionally, self-talk strategy means making a positive statement like

"I can do this" to encourage oneself through difficult tasks is known as

self-talk. Although you might not be able to complete the assignment

entirely, you can probably do some of it if you reassure yourself while

working on a challenging task. The self-talk strategy benefited students.)

Hermansyah (2021) defined the students who were regarded to be

braver, more confident, and of course better when employing the self-

talk approach. Because we can utilize the self-talk approach to provide

children with encouraging remarks and impact them, it can motivate,

encourage, and boost their boldness and confidence.


b. Kind of Self Talk Strategy

Additionally, self-talk can serve both educational and

motivating purposes when it is spoken to oneself. Kahrovi (at all 2014)

characterized talking to oneself (self-talk) as falling into one of three

primary categories:

a) Positive Self Talk

Positive self talk refers to the positive that enhance and

improve self-esteem and motivation and help to concentrate more

effectively on the current task and not on mistakes made in the

past. Positive self-talk can help you gain the confidence you need

to use your skills to their utmost potential. If public speaking make

you nervous. Use your inner voice to reassure your self “you can

do it” you have done it well before. Braiker (1987) stated that a

positive attitude and positively word self talk effect behavior more

than many people realize because of the nature of the mind body

connection. The benefits of forming a practice of positive self talk

are numerous while acquiring English or speaking skills. By

preparing ahead of time, the students can increase their motivation

and concentration on the work at hand ( not what to avoid).

b) Negative Self Talk

Negative self talk includes statements in the form of

criticism that produce in crease anxiety, lawyer self-efficacy and


lower performance. Negative self talk is self-critical represents in

inability to succeed. Negative self talk is exemplified by comments

such as “stupid mistake” and “this is too hard”.

Hardy et all (2001) explain that most students used negative

self-talk so they didn’t have confidence, negative feeling, or

anxiety. It also takes your focus away from what you should do,

which makes it more likely that you will miss something important

or make a mistake. So, when we talk negatively about ourselves, it

affects other important mental skills such as intensity regulation,

confidence, and concentration.

Self-blame is included in negative self-talk. Naturally, our

early experiences can be linked to the things we blame ourselves

for or even the fact that we are self-blaming. But we all tend to

automatically assign blame. It is essentially a feature of our

program. Negative self talk can also happen so swiftly in our

brains that it occasionally escapes our consciousness. To reduce

our self-talk and safeguard our confidence, we will practice

stopping to observe and catch these thoughts. We must

acknowledge that we all make errors. We are human because of it.

We all need to learn how to accept mistakes when they happen

because they are a necessary part of the learning process in


everything. We can become mired in a rut and reluctant to keep

trying if we are unable to recognize our errors and move on.

Negative self speech includes self-blame. Naturally, the things we

blame ourselves for or simply the fact that we are self-blaming can

be connected to our early experiences. But we all have a

propensity to place blame right away. It basically functions as a

feature of our program. Additionally, negative self-talk has a

tendency to occur so quickly in our minds that it occasionally skips

our awareness. We will practice pausing to watch and catch these

thoughts in order to lessen our own self-talk and protect our

confidence. We must acknowledge that we all make errors. We are

human because of it. We all need to learn how to accept mistakes

when they happen because they are a necessary part of the learning

process in everything.

2.1.5 The Procedure of Self Talk Strategy

Recap (2004) found that recognizing how our attitudes and thoughts

affect our moods and behavior, for better or ill, is a critical success technique.

Students can transform their attitudes to more positive and reasonable ones

through positive self-talk once they learn to identify the negative and irrational

ones that result in self-defeating behavior. Students can build the self-

confidence necessary to overcome challenges to success by reflecting on and

challenging the message they are telling themselves and replacing negative

messages with positive ones. Anisa Erma et al. (2016), the self-talk approach

involves the following steps:

1) Preparation

The first thing the researcher should start by preparing before

beginning the teaching and learning activity.

2) Choosing the topic

The researcher should be chooses the topic based on syllabus and


3) Preparation the material

In preparing the material it is important to keep in mind that they

should match the level of growth and prior knowledge of the


4) Selecting the media

After that, the researcher should choose the media that was helped

then and suitable with the material itself, in this case the researcher

select some picture and video as follows:

a) The researcher divided the students into groups that

consisted of four students. This grouping was aimed to

stimulate the students to practice with the partner and to

bring the students more actively.

b) The researcher gave the students a topic as a teaching

material about descriptive text


c) The students practice with the partner and bring the

students more actively

d) Gave the students chance to practice and understood the

content of the text

e) As the next practice, the researcher gave students task to

identification and the then students must give description

2.2 Relevant Studies

Some of result that is relevant to this researcher are:

Mirnayati (2022) who conducted a research entitled the effect of self-talk

strategy on students’ speaking skill at tenth graders of MAN 1 Bungo found that

students speaking skill is good after they teach using self talk strategy.

Ismawati (2017) conducted research entitled the application of self talk

strategy in teaching speaking skill (an experimental research at the seventh grade

students SMP Negeri 3 Pitumpanua, Wajo Regency) found that the learning cycle

was effective to improve the students speaking accuracy regarding pronunciation and


Astri Nurdianti. (2019) conducted research entiled “The Application of Self

Talk Strategy in Teaching Speaking Skill (An Experimental Research at the Seventh

Grade Students SMP Unismuh Makassar)” found that the application of self talk

strategy is effective to improve the students speaking skill.

Based on three relevant studies, the researcher found the same and

differences of the research. The same of three relevant studies of this research is their

used self talk strategy in teaching speaking class. And the differences with several

previous study were conducted to find out the percentage of using self talk strategy in

speaking class while this study will be conducted to investigate used self talk strategy

to develop students speaking materials in speaking. Because self talk strategy given

the advantages for students.

2.3 Conceptual Frame Work

The conceptual framework above explain about the process teaching

speaking ability through self- talk strategy. Widowson (1985:57) defined that

speaking is an oral communication that give information involves two elements they

are; the speaker who gives the message and the listener who receipt the message in

the world, the communication involves the productive skill of listening. And he also

stated that can act of communication through speaking is commonly perform in face

interaction and occur as a part of dialogue or rather than form verbal exchange.

There was a strategy of teaching speaking skill applied in this research. The

students will be teaching by through self-talk strategy. Therefore, after applying

strategy in the learning and teaching process. Self-talk is an activity convenience

students self about what the students do; others defined self-talk as strategy in which

the adult describes what the students. Athletes and coaches (2011) believe that self-

talk is an intervention it can boost productivity, motivation, and confidence.

Based to research published in the journal of personality and social

psychology, there are steps of self-talk strategy; first, identify what the students want

to achieve. Second, match self-talk to the students need. Third, practice different self

-talk in students writing with consistency. fourth, created specific self-talk plans. And

the last train self-talk plans to perfection.

In this research the students materials were develop at eighth grade of junior

high school 15 Medan through self talk strategy and hopefully this research can

support students needs and motivate them in learning English competency and

speaking skill by using the appropriate materials which was suitable with the students


The conceptual framework of students English speaking material through self

talk strategy development was presented in a diagram of conceptual framework as


Teaching Speaking

Steps Of Designing
Students Speaking Skills Self Talk Strategy

Pronunciation: harmer (2017) Preparation: the first thing

defined pronunciation is the one Need analysis: analyzing should be done by the
of the way we make the sound what criteria of the material researcher before starting the
of the language how and where are needed by the students. teaching and learning activity is
we places the stress. preparation.

Choosing the topic: the

Grammar: is the rule in Goals : determining the
researcher should be chooses
speaking language and written purpose of the material
the topic based the syllabus and
language. which will be designed.

Preparation the material: the

Vocabulary: one of linguistic is
Syllabus design: material have to consider that
a number of words with the role
determining the task and the material should be equal to the
of combining them to make up
activities for the material. students development and
language in speaking.
background knowledge

Fluency: that shows the people Selecting the media: the

are be able to communicate well researcher should choose the
Material/method: designing
because it consists of the case media that was helped then
material based on syllabus.
and speed of the following suitable with the material it
speech. self.

Comprehension: in speaking, Testing and evaluation:

the speaker and listener have conducting a try out obtain
good understanding so that the feedback to evaluate the
conversation certainly requires a effectiveness of the material
subject to respond to speech as
well as to initiate

Figure 2.1 The Diagram Of Conceptual Framework



3.1 Research Design

The research will be conducted by using the Research and Development

(R& D). Educational R & D is a development model in which the findings of research

are used to design new products, which are systematically implemented, evaluated

and revised to meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similar standard

Borg & Gall 2003). Borg and Gall (2003) stated that if you plan to do and R & D

project that involves a limited amount of original instructional design. In education,

this research is conducted to design/develop appropriate materials which can be

implemented effectively to meet the students needs.

3.2 Research Subject

The subject of this research will be an English teacher of SMP Negeri 15

Medan and the students of eight grade students in SMP Negeri 15 Medan.

3.3 Instrument of Data Collection

The analysis data of this research will be collected by using observation,

questionnaire and interview. Observation, questionnaire, and interview will be

administered to collect information about students needs, problems and interesting in

learning English, especially speaking materials, and to find out the appropriate

speaking materials to the eight grade of SMP Negeri 15 Medan.


1. Observation

In this research, the researcher collected data by direct observation at

class and taken from the existing textbook used from the grade eight of SMP

Negeri 15 Medan, and the syllabus as the functions as the tools to collect the


2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be separated into two forms. First, the

questionnaire will be administered to the students to collect the information

data about students need in terms of their necessities, lack and wants, the

questionnaire will be develop based on the theory proposed by Hutchinson and

Waters (1986) the questionnaire helped to develop suitable English speaking

materials. From the questionnaire the researcher got the data about the students

need of English, the themes of then conversation that the students need, the

existing materials, the students expectation of the task which will be used in

teaching and learning process. The organization of needs analysis questionnaire

is shown in the following table:

Table 3.1 The Organization of Needs Analyzing Questionnaire

No. Topic Area Source

1 Necessities Hutachinson and Waters,1987

2 Lacks Hutachinson and Waters,1987

3 Wants Hutachinson and Waters,1987


Second, the researcher will also distribute the expert’ judgments’

questionnaire, the questionnaire will be distributed to the lecturer as the content

expert. The expert judgment questionnaire is useful to know what the content

experts’ opinions and judgments about the material. The expert judgment

questionnaire will be arranged based on the standard of BSNP (Badan Standar

Nasional Pendidikan), as in the following table:

Table 3.2 The Organization of Expert Judgment Questionnaire

No. Topic Area Source

To find out the appropriateness of the material BSNP (2011)


To find out the appropriateness of the Material BSNP (2011)


3 To find out the appropriateness of the Material BSNP (2011)

To find out the appropriateness of the materials BSNP (2011)
layout design

3. Interview

The interview technique will be administered to the English teacher to

collect data about the existing materials including the textbook and the example

of conversation, and students difficulties in pronouncing the conversation, and

the teacher’s idea about the suitable of English speaking materials for the

students of SMP Negeri 15 Medan. It will be done to support the data from the


3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

There are two kinds of data from the research: quantitative and qualitative

data. The quantitative data will be gained from the questionnaires of the needs

analysis and expert judgments, while the qualitative one is obtained from the

interview with English teacher of SMP N 15 Medan. To analyze the quantitative data

from needs analysis, the researcher uses percentages, while to analyze the quantitative

data from the expert judgment process, the researcher uses frequencies and

descriptive analysis.

In assessing the data, the researcher employed three methodologies stated


a) Analyzing the observation and interview

Observation and interviews will be utilized to guide the researcher in

gathering information the student needs. The, observation and interview

will be conduct at the beginning of the researcher to design materials.

b) Analyzing data from students need analysis

The data received from the need analysis will be examined using

frequency and percentage. The item with the highest percentage is

considered an accurate depiction of students' condition. The following

formula would be used to analyze the data from the students' need analysis

questionnaire (Sugiyono, 2009:)

p ( % )= x 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of Respondent

100 = Fixed number

The highest percentage of right responses demonstrates the students'

propensity in connection to the circumstances.

c) Analyzing Data from Expert Judgment

To determine the multimedia's suitability, the Like scale score point

will be utilized. The data acquired in the form of statistics are then

converted to qualitative interpretation (Sugiyono, 2006), and the data

analyzed using the formula proposed by Suharto (2006). The scoring point

will be utilized in the questionnaire for the expert and the questionnaire for

students. The researcher will be use the Mean to quantify and analyze the

data from the questionnaire by applying the calculation below:

∑ fx


P = Mean

ΣFx = Total Score

N = Total Number of Data


Suharto (2006)'s theory of quantitative data conversion will be applied

in identifying the category of mean:



R = Range

Xh = Total score

Xi = Total number of data

The scoring point will be used in the questionnaire for the expert and

in the questionnaire for students. It is presented as in the table below:

Table 3. 3 Qualitative Data Conversion

scale Scale range category

1 1 ≤ x ≤ 1.79 Very poor

2 1.8 ≤ x ≤ 2.59

3 2.6 ≤ x ≤ 3.39 fair

4 3.40 ≤ x ≤ 4.19 good

5 4.20 ≤ x ≤ 5.00
Very good

The eligible content is categorized as genuine or effective if the

minimal score is up to 2.6 ≤ x ≤ 3.39. If the score is less than 2.6 ≤ x ≤ 3.39, it

is labeled invalid and ineffective. In examining the validity, there is a section

for the validator to provide ideas and remarks relating to the media. The

researcher will be made revisions based on the remarks and suggestions

supplied by the validator.

3.5 Research Procedure

The procedure of the research will be designed by following the steps of the

Research and Development (R&D) as proposed By Borg and Gall (2003). However,

the steps of the study are too long. In this research the researcher simplifies the step

of the study as follows:

1. Need Analysis

The first steps, the researcher collects the information from eight grade

students at SMP Negeri 15 Medan about English speaking materials needed

by students divided into three part necessities ( what learner has to know),

lacks (the gap between what learners has to know and what the learners

know already), wants( what learners view as their need) and the teacher as

well. In this step, the sources of data were the students and also the English

teacher. The data in this step were collected by from observation,

questionnaire, interview.

2. Writing The Syllabus

After analyzing the needs analysis questionnaire, the next steps is write the

syllabus. The syllabus will be developing to plan, order, and organize the

contents of the materials. It becomes the guide for developing and

managing the tasks and the learning materials. The syllabus involved the

standard competences, the basic competences, topic/unit, English learning


materials, learning activities, assessment, time allocation and the learning

sources. After writing the syllabus, the next step will be developing the first

draft of the materials.

3. Developing The Materials

Based on the syllabus, the materials will be developing. This process had to

be done carefully in order to produce appropriate materials for the students.

As the materials will be developing based on the curriculum 2013, the

approach used in the materials will be scientific approach. It involved

several steps, observing, questioning, collecting data, communicating,

findings, and creating texts. The developing materials consist of three units


4. Evaluating The Materials ( Expert Judgment )

After the materials will be completed, it will be necessary to evaluate the

materials. The process of evaluating the materials aims at validating the

appropriateness of the materials to meet the students needs. This process

will be conduct by using an expert judgment questionnaire. The expert an

English teacher of SMP N 15 Medan and the English lecturer of State

University Medan. filled the questionnaire and gave his / her suggestions

and feedback; whether the materials had met the requirements of

appropriate materials proposed by BSNP (Badan Standar National

Pendidikan). The criteria of appropriate materials consist of several


aspects; the appropriateness of the methodology, and the appropriateness of

the layout of the materials.

5. Revising the materials and writing the final draft (Products)

The writing materials updated by experts to achieve the best result based on

criticism and suggestions made by experts. After getting the expert’s

revision and also the data from the evaluation questionnaire will be used to

revise and improve the materials. The materials after revision will be the

final draft (products) it became the materials speaking use in the class.

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