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Make sure DAA agent is confgured and and agent is active in Agent admin

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ACTOOL to target Server

Edit the

#Script common parameters

# Notification : for the parameters' value set. A person with BOE managed setup experience is

# Naming Conventions
# For file system paths please use the separators / for UNIX and \ for Windows throughout the whole
of this property file.
# $DASID : Diagnostics Agent SID, e.g. DAA, set when install the Diagnostics Agent
# $Instance Number : Diagnostics Agent instance number, e.g. 98, set when install the SMD Agent

# Mandatory for BOE: boe.system, boe.user, boe.password, sld.server.*,

# Mandatory for Tomcat: wily.javaagent.installfolder,, sld.system.longSID,
jvmmond.password, jmx.password
# Mandatory for BOE and/or Tomcat user: boe.os.user, Windows usage: domain\user
# boe.home = BOE Installation root path
# for example: UNIX /usr/sap/<SID>adm/sap_bobj; Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\
SAP BusinessObjects
# On Windows you can leave it empty, it will be found by ACTool from registry.
# boe.system = The CMS host name of target BOE node (e.g. localhost, cmshost:7400)
# boe.user = The CMS user account (Need ADMINISTRATOR Role) for logon with secEnterprise
# boe.password = The CMS user account password
# boe.os.user is used
# On UNUX, as user to restart boe and/or tomcat and also for setting any added/touched
configuration file owner.
# and on all platforms, matched to step 13 JMX file jmxremote.password unique Tomcat runner as
file permission . Default Windows Service (Log on as: Local System Account) to set as boe.os.user =


From <>

boe.home = /usr/sap/DBD/sap_bobj
boe.system = EQLDBDAP030
boe.user = administrator
boe.password =
boe.os.user = dbdadm

## UNIX shell for ACTool run UNIX shell command

# Mandatory to check whether this sh shell path or link exists in your running UNIX system: you need
to provide a valid sh or bash shell path or link
# sh or bash type shell is mandatory for ACTool to run UNIX tasks by using environment variable with
syntax 'export a=b' = /usr/bin/sh

# Downloads folder for this product
# the folder under the AC root folder <AC_APP_DIR>/downloads, default empty
# Default not to touch
download.folder =

# Option to install SAP host agent if it is not installed yet

# saphostagent.install equals true to install
# Default SMD agent is mandatory for false
# Mandatory saphostagent.install.path is used: Window change to C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl
saphostagent.install = false
saphostagent.install.path = /usr/sap/hostctrl
saphostagent.password =

# SLD Server information

# if sld.connectkey.replace is true, it will overwirte the existing connect.key
# parameter sld.server.port shall be in range [80,443,1024..65535].
# parameter sld.server.https is boolean value, type y or n for using https or not.
# If password begins with # and/or contains !, use quotes (') e.g. sld.server.password = '#mYpass@!'
# Mandatory
sld.connectkey.replace = true =
sld.server.port = 50000
sld.server.user = SLD_SYNC
sld.server.password = Welcome1
sld.server.https = n

##Script 1. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 6.1 - Enable SLD support

# Option to trigger manual transfer BOE xml to sld server once or not
# Default can be used
# Set it to false and boe.node.restart=true when virtualHostName is given
boe.sld.manualtransfer = true

##Script 2. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 8 - Enable Introscope for Java components
# The settings will apply to all SIA node, if you have different settings for
# different nodes, manually change them in CMC
# Mandatory
boe.cmc.introscope.enable = true =
boe.cmc.introscope.port = 6001
boe.cmc.introscope.type = TCP

##Script 3. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 9 - Enable Introscope for C++ components
# ncs.level shall be 10 if you want to enable ncs function
# Default can be used
boe.cmc.ncs.level = 10 = localhost
boe.cmc.smdagent.port = 6404
# If it is true, will ignore all the NCSInstrumentLevelThreshold lower than 10
ncs.threshold.ignore = false

##Script 4. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 10 - Enable Saposcol process monitoring

##Script 5. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 11 - Configure step of BOE 4.0(SP level lower than SP3)
##Script 6. BI 4.0 Note 1653689 Step 12 - Replace cms.lst for BOE4

##Tomcat part common parameters

# Tomcat Service Name used as BOE web application server
# default BOE installed value = BOEXI40Tomcat
# It is used for Windows only; UNIX keeping it as default or empty.
# Mandatory to set tomcat.service.port = BOEXI40Tomcat
tomcat.service.port = 8080
# tomcat.http = http or https
tomcat.http = http
## Full SSL support with keystoreFile/truststoreFile (full path) and password
##Tomcat installtion home, only used for unix/linux operation system. Normally can set to parent
folder which
# containing webapps folder.
# tomcat.home = <INSTALL_DIR>/tomcat/ or <Tomcat_INSTALL_DIR>
# tomcat.running.mode.WindowsService : true -> tomcat running as a windows service, false ->
tomcat not running as a windows service
# Mandatory
tomcat.home = /usr/sap/QBD/sap_bobj/tomcat
tomcat.running.mode.WindowsService = false
## Step 16
tomcat.hostname.sld.url = EQLDBDAP020
## Tomcat startup/shutdown shell script which should be runnable by user boe.os.user with
JAVA_HOME defined.
# Mandatory for Tomcat standalone, or any customized BOE Tomcat (Web Tier) configuration;
should be empty for default BOE Tomcat (Web Tier)
tomcat.startup.path = /usr/sap/QBD/sap_bobj/tomcat/bin/
tomcat.shutdown.path = /usr/sap/QBD/sap_bobj/tomcat/bin/

##Script 7. Tomcat Wiki Step 3 - Install Introscope Agent

# Wily Java Agent install information, if install is true, it will install a new wily agent in
# install folder place no matter it is installed or not, else it will try to find a installed
# agent in specified installfolder address. Recommend use /usr/sap/ccms/ as wily install folder in
# Keep wily.javaagent.folder empty as agent is already embedded in actool package
# Mandatory to touch wily.javaagent.installfolder for Windows, e.g. c:\usr\sap\ccms
wily.javaagent.install = true
wily.javaagent.installfolder = /usr/sap/ccms
wily.javaagent.folder =

##Wily EM information
# wily.EM.port = 6001 as default
# Mandatory =
wily.EM.port = 6001
# webport is not mandatory, just for retrieving info on EM version
wily.EM.webport = 8081

##Script 8. Tomcat Wiki Step 4.1 - Configure JMX

# jmx.port = 9004 as default
# Mandatory
jmx.user = smdAgentRole
jmx.password =
jmx.port = 9004

# Set it to true manually once you finish setting jmx user and password in Tomcat Managed
# System Setup Step 4 in Solution Manager
# Default can be used
jmx.solman.set = true

##Script 9. Tomcat Wiki Step 4.2 - Configure JVM GC log

##Script 10. Tomcat Wiki Step 4.3 - Configure Tomcat logging
##Script 11. Tomcat Wiki Step 5 - Install and run SLD Data Supplier
# If sld.warfile.replace is true, it will delete old war file if it exists and create new one
# to replace it, else if it is false, it will not still use the old war file.
# Default can be used
sld.warfile.replace = true

##Script 12. Note 1558756 Step 4 Required Software on Business Intelligence 4.X system
# Five options "sp3","sp4","sp5","sp6","other"
# Default not to touch
solman.version = other

# The used SMDAgent for connecting solman, if you have multiple SMDAgent, use comma to add
# more like smdagent.path = <DA_INSTALL_DIR>
# for example: /usr/sap/<$DASID>/SMDA<$Instance Number>
# Mandatory
smdagent.path = /usr/sap/DAC/SMDA97

# Input the long SID name for Tomcat technical system, recommended is <$SID>_WAS, where
<$SID> is
# the first three character of ATC technical system.
# Mandatory
sld.system.longSID = DBD_WAS

# Option to trigger manual transfer tomcat xml to sld server once or not
# Default can be used
tomcat.sld.manualtransfer = true

# specify the jvmmond parameters, solution manager will use the following information to
monitoring the managed system.
# Once Thread dump analysis is enabled, the following parameter is required.
# jvmmond.install.path is the jre home
# jvmmond.port: 1099 if not used by some other application
# BOE installed host to put
# Windows: <INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\sapjvm\bin
# UNIX: <INSTALL_DIR>/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/bin
# Mandatory
jvmmond.install.path =
jvmmond.port = 1099
jvmmond.password =

## Console verbose: set it to false to disable all console output when -silent* is set, same log could
be found in logs.
# If no -silentBOE, -silentDS is set, even it is set to false, log will still print out to stdout.
# Default can be used
console.verbose = true

## restart BOE node only possible for -silentBOE

# Default can be used, you needs specify boe.os.user as boe node running user to enable it as true
boe.node.restart = false
## restart BOE Tomcat (Web Tier) only possible for -silentBOE
# Mandatory to check: on UNIX you needs specify boe.os.user as Tomcat running user to enable it as
# If step 16 failed with TomcatSLDDataSupplierWEB can't be renamed or deleted, you need to set
this to true
boe.tomcat.restart = false

## Virtual Host Name: if it is different than that of physic/logic host name, when host load-balancing
is used.
# Default can be used, will get physic/logic host name
virtualHostName =

# BOE Service Name used as Windows service
# default BOE installed value = BOEXI40SIA<HostName>
# It is used for Windows only; UNIX keeping it as default or empty.
# Mandatory to set on Windows =

## Restart SMD agent after "Enable Saposcol Process Monitoring", step 4

# has only sense for Windows. It is SAP${INSTANCE}_${Number}
like SAPDAA_98 =
# To set to true if allowed, else to restart SMD Agent manually
smdagent.restart = false

## step 13 Tomcat JMX jmxremote.password auth trouble: any other kind of users not removed on it
# Put the groups and/or users that are still on jmxremote.password (right click/Properties/Security),
separated by ,
# example Everyone,GLOBAL\Domain Users
# below parameter is obsolete as ACTool will removing all users, keeping only boe.os.user

## step 14 IBM JDK compatible option replace -Xloggc by -Xverbosegclog: uncomment below line

## set ParametersForAllCluster=true in case the virtualHostName is different than that in BOE node
# Default can be used
ParametersForAllCluster = false
## UNIX OS command done by ProcessBuilder, default will call Process.waitFor(). Set the value to
false to disable it.
# Default can be used
#unix.command.waitfor = true
## Wily agent should be lower or equal to its reported Wily EM: accepted values are 101.0.0 or
#wily.agent.version = 101.0.0
## SolMan BI/Job Monitoring user enable, see SAP note 2266873 to be aware of security change
#SI_CUID user to add to objects as principals, user default SMAdmin
#SI_CUID user group to add to objects as principals, default none: you can create a SMMonitoring
and SMAdmin joins to it.
#Object SI_CUIDs (Folders) to add UserToAdd, default Root Folder, Universes, User Folders, Inboxes,
License Keys
# default not to touch! Uncomment below parameter to roll back what Step 20 has been done with
above parameters:
# BOLight for SWPM installed SMDAgent
# for SMDAgent installed by old SMDAgent installer, un-comment or remove below parametr
BOLight.SWPM.installed.SMDAgent = true
# link symbolic for SolMan OS commands
# Windows, will be linked to "SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0" (%BOE_DIR%\SAP
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0)
# For PA 3.0, set it to Analytics
# UNIX, will be linked to enterprise_xi40 (%BOE_DIR%/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40)
# Create/Update a CMS repository first level property, designed for SI_PPMS_SCV_ID. Only creation
is allowed, i.e. any updating is not allowed.
# uncomment following 2 lines for PA 3
# Lumira on BIP
# LumiraServerServiceContainer
# uncomment following 2 lines for Lumira on BIP

##step 18 not create system starting service set it to true

## Wily agent profile file name

## For Tomcat, please not touch

## NCS Multiple agents support for BOE, maximum 3 agents per host
#agent_host_2 = localhost
#agent_port_2 =
#agent_host_3 = localhost
#agent_port_3 =
#CMS SSL, keep the empty before and after '=', replace false by true to enable CMS SSL
cms.ssl = false

#new agent SHA PL33 introduced proxy parameters

#Proxy user
puser =
#Proxy password
ppass =
#Proxy host
phost =
#Proxy port number
pport =
# "InstallationNumber" and "SystemNumber" set
InstallationNumber =
SystemNumber =
EQLDBDAA030:/media/ACTOOL # ^C

cd /usr/sap/DBD/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/bin/
In the export BOEJVMBIN=/usr/sap/DBD/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/bin/

Make sure Tomcat also visible in Managed configuration.
Data services:
##Script common parameters
# %LINK_DIR% stands for the DS install path
# %DS_COMMON_DIR% stands for the DS configure path
##Script common parameters
# The value of product.home= <%DS_COMMON_DIR%>
# <host name> (for Data services cluster scenario, thi
s parameter should be the central server's <host name>, please refer to the Note
# = <DS server IP address>
# used to define the DS system name in SLD and LMDB, e.t. DSS, DSF
, etc.
# Mandatory
product.home = /usr/sap/PSS/IPS/dataservices = abeqldsprap01 = PSS

## UNIX shell for actool run UNIX command

# Mandatory to check whether this sh shell path or link exists in your running U
NIX system: you need to provide a valid sh or bash shell path or link
# for actool to run UNIX tasks by this shell by using environment variable with
syntax 'export a=b' = /usr/bin/sh

# Option to install SAP host agent if it is not installed yet change the value o
f saphostagent.install to true,
# maintain the path and password for Host Agent install
# Default SMD agent is mandatory for false
# Mandatory saphostagent.install.path is used: Window change to C:\Program Files
saphostagent.install = false
saphostagent.install.path = /usr/sap/hostctrl
saphostagent.password =

# SLD Server information

# if sld.connectkey.replace is true, it will overwirte the existing connect.key
# parameter sld.server.port shall be in range [80,443,1024..65535].
# parameter sld.server.https is boolean value, type y or n for using https or no
# parameter sldreg.path= <Host Agent Install Path>/exe
# parameter sld.payload.file.path= <%LINK_DIR%>/sldreg
# Mandatory
sld.connectkey.replace = true
sldreg.path = /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe =
sld.server.port = 50204
sld.server.user = solman_admin
sld.server.password =
sld.server.https = n
sld.payload.file.path = /usr/sap/PSS/IPS/dataservices = sld_data_services.xml

## Virtual Host Name: if it is different than that of physic/logic host name, wh

en host load-balancing is used.
# Default not to touch, will get physic/logic host name
virtualHostName =

## Console verbose: set it to false to disable all console output when -silent*
is set, instead the log will be written in logs.
# If no -silentBOE, -silentDS is set, even it is set to false, log will still pr
int out to stdout.
# Default not to touch
console.verbose = true

## restart Data Services

# Default not to touch, you needs specify ds.os.user as ds server running user t
o enable it as true
ds.restart = true
ds.os.user = Administrator = DI_JOBSERVICE

## NCS info
# Mandatory to define DS NCS using port; it could not be the same as BOE's if th
ere is a BOE installed at same host
ds.ncs.port = 6391

## Restart SMD agent after "Enable Saposcol Process Monitoring", step 4

# has only sense for Windows. It is SAP${INSTANCE}_
${Number} like SAPDAA_98 =
# To set to true if allowed, else to restart SMD Agent manually
smdagent.restart = true
## NCS Multiple agents support for DS, maximum 3 agents per host
#agent_host_2 = localhost
#agent_port_2 =
#agent_host_3 = localhost
#agent_port_3 =

<<Bobj Tomcat SLD push.docx>>

2137275 - AC Tool release NOTE

./sldreg -connectfile /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/connect.key -file

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