Case - Select Consultant

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The road construction projects being built by government organizations solicit proposals for
selecting project management consultants. The selection process is primarily evaluating the
Proposer's capability to perform the role of independent engineer through various parameters
for which details are sought qualitatively through the forms provided in the request for
proposal (RFP). Construction project management professionals should be able to understand
the data sought and convert it into a quantifiable metric which compares all the proposers
apart from the financial proposal. Therefore, the case study addresses the selection of a
consultant for a road project with the help of proposals. The case provides the practical
problem of selecting of consultant for the project. The case is aimed at undergraduate and
postgraduate students pursuing construction management and project management.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this case study, a student should be able to:

To understand the need for a consultant in hybrid-annuity road projects

To identify the various parameters on which the consultants are evaluated
To determine the successful Proposer as per the evaluation criteria


The Ministry of Road Transport and Highway (MoRT&H), through a state Public Works
Department [from now on referred to as "the Client"], request for proposals (RFP) for
engaging an Independent Engineer (IE), based on International Competitive Bidding, for the
construction of 4-lane highway with paved shoulders for a 25 Km road part of a national
highway on Hybrid Annuity Mode (HAM) in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.

The HAM projects constitute up-gradation involving the construction of a 2/4/6-lane highway
including Bridges; widening and rehabilitation of bridges and culverts; construction of high
dam/elevated structures/ROBs wayside amenities etc. along the existing highways including
the provision of realignment and bypasses. The proposed construction works will involve
modern equipment and construction practices/techniques.

The Client intends to appoint a Consultant to act as an Independent Engineer to implement

this HAM project. As per the Terms and Conditions of the Concession Agreement (s), the
Independent Engineer is broadly required to:

(i) Independently review activities associated with design, design review, during
construction, required quality assurance and quality control tests and operation
and maintenance (O&M) of the project on behalf of both the Client and
Concessionaire to ensure compliance with the requirements of the provisions of
Concession Agreement
(ii) report to the Client on the financial, technical and physical progress of
implementation aspects of the project,
(iii) assist the parties in arriving at an amicable settlement of disputes, if any.

The total period for the assignment as Independent Engineer will be for 48 Months
(Development period- 6 months, Construction period- 24 months, O&M period - 18 months).
Suppose the IE is engaged during/ after the Development period and the Construction period
remains 24 months. In that case, the O&M period will be increased such that the total
assignment period remains 48 months. If the Construction period exceeds 24 months, then the
O&M period will be reduced such that the total time period of assignment remains 48

Consultants may apply either as a sole firm or forming Joint ventures with other consultants.
In the case of a Joint Venture, the maximum number of Joint Venture partners is limited to 2
(i.e. one lead + 1 JV partner). Formulation of more than one JV with different partners for the
same work is not allowed, and all such proposals involving the firms shall be treated as non-

Evaluation Criteria:

The selection of an Independent Engineer shall follow the procedures given below, which are
as per Concession Agreement signed between the Client and the Concessionaire for the HAM
Consultancy firms should submit the proposal in two parts. The two parts of the proposal are
Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal. For a given Project, Stage -1 of the Evaluation
shall consider the evaluation of the Technical Proposal. The firms scoring the qualifying
marks (minimum 70) shall be listed in the descending order of their technical score. Five top-
ranking firms shall only be considered for further evaluation provided none is in conflict of
interest with the Concessionaire. The firms in conflict of interest shall be substituted by the
next ranking firm not having a conflict of interest with the Concessionaire. Under stage 2, the
financial proposal of the five firms selected above shall be opened and evaluated. The
weightage of the Technical and Financial score shall be 75% & 25%, respectively. The final
selection of the firm shall be based on the highest combined score of the Technical and
Financial proposal.

Technical Score:

The Technical proposal will be evaluated for 100 marks with three technical parameters: TA,
TB and TC.

TA relevant experience for the assignment will carry 40 marks,

TB experience in the use of technology for road inspection carries 20 marks and
TC the Qualifications and competence of the key staff for the assignment will
carry the balance marks.

The sub-criteria under each of the above technical parameters is provided in Tables 1 to 3.
There are six professionals to be deputed by the consulting firm for the project. While Table
3 provides overall marks for the category TC, an individual professional should be evaluated
based on the various parameters indicated in Table 4.

Financial Score:

A financial score of the shortlisted proposers can be calculated using the equation below:

The financial score of Proposer =

(lowest financial proposal value out of the shortlisted proposers) / (financial proposal value of
the Proposer) * 100

The proposers whose technical score exceeds or exceeds 70 shall only be considered for
financial evaluation and the final ranking.
Way forward:

Concerning the RFP, six consultants (proposer 1, proposer 2, proposer 3, proposer 4,

proposer 5 and proposer 6) have provided their technical proposals. The technical proposals
have been opened and verified whether the submission is valid. As all six proposals are valid,
the details were further scrutinized. A summary of the inputs from the proposers against each
criterion are given in Table 5 to Table 11. At this juncture, the Client has to assign scores as
per the evaluation and scoring criteria for the technical proposals so that only successful
technical proposals are considered for the financial proposal evaluation, and subsequently,
overall ranking and selection of a successful proposer, as an Independent Engineer for the
road project.

Discussion Questions

1. What does International Competitive Bidding mean? What is a HAM project?

2. How many envelopes are to be submitted by the Proposer? and Why?
3. Rank the proposers based on the evaluation criteria and identify the bidders for
elimination before moving on to financial evaluation!
4. Assuming the below financial proposals (in Indian Rupees), determine the score for
the shortlisted proposers considering both technical and financial evaluations.
a. Proposer 1 – 250 million
b. Proposer 2 – 300 million
c. Proposer 3 – 280 million
d. Proposer 4 – 290 million
e. Proposer 5 – 310 million
f. Proposer 6 – 320 million

<Insert Table 1 to 11 here>

Table 1: Sub-criteria for TA of Technical Proposal

S. No TA sub-criteria (Relevant Project Experience) Marks

Ta1 Average Annual Turnover (last 5 years or in each of the preceding two 2
years) from consultancy business (Min 2% of Total Project Cost (TPC))
< 2% of TPC - 0 marks
2% of TPC - 1.5 marks
Add for additional turnover 0.25 (Zero point two five) marks for every 1%
of TPC above 2% of TPC subject to maximum 0.5 marks.
Ta2 Nos of Highway Professionals with the firm the professionals who possess 10
degree in Civil Engineering/Transport Planning/Transport
Economics/Traffic Management / Geology/ Environment Science or
Engineering and 8 years’ experience in highway/bridge/tunnel with
employment in the firm for more than one year. The current Employment
Certificate shall be uploaded by Key Personnel on INFRACON
a) <10 0 marks
b) 10-20 8 marks
c) >20 but 9 marks
d) >30 10 marks
Ta3 Experience as Independent Engineer/ Authority Engineer/ Construction 12
Supervision in Number of Highway Projects of length equal to 40% of
project length of similar category for which Request for Proposal (RFP)
invited of 2/ 4/6-laning or more in last 7 years
1 project - 9 marks
Add 1(one) mark extra for completed assignment of Independent Engineer
and add 0.5 (Zero point five) marks extra for completed assignment of
supervision consultancy subject to maximum 3 (three) marks)
Ta4 Experience in DPR preparation for Number of Highway Projects (of length 6
40% of project length of similar category for which RFP invited of 2/4/6-
laning or more) in last 7 years
1 project - 4 marks
Add 0.5 (Zero point five) marks extra for each additional project subject to
maximum 2 marks
Ta5 In hand DPRs for the Client Projects (presently under progress) 6
a) <2 0 marks
b)2-5 4 marks
c) >5 6 marks
Ta6 Experience in Construction Supervision/DPR /Design Review of Major 4
structures having length of more than 500 meter in last 7 years.
1 project - 2.0 marks
Add 0. 5 (Zero point five) marks extra for each additional project subject to
maximum 2.0 marks
Table 2: Sub-criteria for TB of Technical Proposal

S. No TB sub-criteria (Use of Technology) Maximum Marks-

Marks breakup
Tb1 Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) or better technology for 5
pavement inspection
Tb1.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) 2
Tb1.2 Experience 3
(a)1-2 projects 1
(b)3-5 projects 2
(c)> 5 projects 3
Tb2 Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) or better technology for 4
pavement strength measurement
Tb2.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) 2
Tb2.2 Experience 2
(a)1-3 projects 1
(b)>3 projects 2
Tb3 Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit or better technology for bridge 4
Tb3.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) 2
Tb3.2 Experience 2
(a)1-3 projects 1
(b)>3 projects 2
Tb4 Retro reflectometer technology 4
Tb4.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) 2
Tb4.2 Experience 2
(a)1-3 projects 1
(b)>3 projects 2
Tb5 Automatic Traffic Counter cum Classifier (ATCC) 3
Tb5.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) 2
Tb5.2 Experience 1
(a)1-3 projects 0.5
(b)>3 projects 1
Table 3: Sub-criteria for TC of Technical Proposal

S.No TC sub-criteria (Staff) Maximum

1 Team Leader Cum Senior Highway Engineer (TLCSHE) 12
Team Leader or similar capacity
2 Resident cum Highway Engineer (RHE) 6
Resident Engineer/ Project Director/ Project Manager/
Superintending Engineer or equivalent/ Executive Engineer or
equivalent on construction works/Independent Engineer Projects
3 Bridge/Structural Engineer (BSE) 6

4 Senior Pavement Specialist (SPS) 6

5 Senior Quality cum Material Expert (SQME) 6

6 Road Safety Expert (RSE) 4

Table 4: Evaluation Criteria for assessment of score of Key Staff for TC:


1 General Qualification 25 25 25 25 25 25
I) Graduate in Civil Engineering 21 21 21 21 21 21
II) Post Graduation in Management/
Construction/ Transportation/Highway
Engineering/Structural Engineering or 3 4 4 4 4 4
equivalent specialised stream of civil
III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project
1 Not Applicable (NA) NA NA NA NA
2 Adequacy for the Project 70 70 70 70 70 70
a) Professional Experience in Highway
10 20 15 20 20 15
< 12 years -0
12 years -8
Add 1 marks extra for
each additional year of < 10 years -0 < 10 years -0 < 10 years -0 < 10 years -0 < 10 years -0
experience subject to
maximum 2 (two)
i) Total Professional Experience in handling
Highway projects
10 years -16 10 years -11 10 years -16 10 years -16 10 years -11
Add one marks extra for Add one mark extra for
Add one marks extra for Add one mark extra for
each additional each additional year of Add one mark extra for each
each additional completed each additional 2 year
completed year of experience subject to additional 2 year subject to
year of experience subject subject to maximum
experience subject to maximum 4 (four) maximum 4(four) marks
to maximum 4 (four) marks 4(four) marks
maximum 4 (four) marks marks
15 20 20 20 20 15
< 5 years -0 < 5 years -0 < 5 years -0 < 5 years -0 < 5 years -0 < 5 years -0
5 years -11 5 years -16 5 years -16 5 years -16 5 years -16 5 years -11
ii)Experience in the role or similar capacity in
Add 1 marks extra for Add 1 (one) mark extra Add 1 marks extra for
Highway Development Projects(similar Add 1 marks extra for each Add 1 marks extra for Add 1 marks extra for each
each additional year of for each additional each additional year of
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) additional year of each additional year of additional year of experience
experience subject to completed year of experience subject to
experience subject to experience subject to subject to maximum 4 (four)
maximum 4 (four) experience subject to maximum 4 (four)
maximum 4 (four) marks maximum 4 (four) marks marks.
marks. maximum 4 (four) marks marks
5 5 5 5
2.5 marks for each
2.5 marks for each project 2.5 marks for each
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in project subject to
1 projects -4 markssubject to maximum 5 project subject to
Highway Development projects (of length 40% maximum 5 (five)
(five) marks maximum 5 (five) marks
of project length or more of similar NA marks NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) on add 1 mark extra for
PPP additional projects
subject to maximum
1(one) marks
15 25 20 20 20
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar < 10 projects -0 < 19 nos -0 < 16 nos -0 < 16 nos -0 < 16 nos -0
capacity of project Preparation including 10 Projects -11 19 nos -19 16 nos -16 16 nos -16 16 nos -16
design of major highway Project (of length Add 2 mark for each Add three marks extra for NA Add 2 marks extra for Add 2 marks extra for
Add 2 marks extra for each
40% of project length or more of similar additional project each additional project each additional project each additional project
additional project subject to
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above). subject to maximum 4 subject to maximum 6 (Six) subject to maximum 4 subject to maximum 4
maximum 4 (Four) marks
marks marks (Four) marks (Four) marks
20 20 10
< 14 projects - 0 < 14 Bridges -0 < 2 nos -0
c) Experience in position of Team
14 Projects - 16 14 Bridges -16 2 nos -7
Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length Add 2 marks extra for NA Add 2 mark extra for NA NA Add 1 mark extra for each
40% of project length or more of similar each additional project each additional bridge additional improvement of
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above subject to maximum 4 subject to maximum 4 black spots subject to
(four) marks marks maximum 3 marks.
5 10
1 project - 4 marks
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar
Add 1 mark extra for
capacity in Operation and Maintenance
each additional project < 2 Bridges - 0
(Repair) of Major Highway (of length 40% of NA NA NA NA
subject to maximum 1
project length or more of similar configuration
(one) marks
(2/4/6 laning**) and above).
2 Bridges - 07
3 or more -10
e) Experience in similar capacity on major
Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 5 5 5 10
laning**) and above) in
technology and design 1 Project -4 1 Project -4 1 Project -4 1 Project -8
2 or more -5 2 or more -5 2 or more -5 2 or more -10

5 5 5 5 5 5
< 1 year -0 < 1 year -0 < 1 year -0 < 1 year -0 < 1 year -0 < 1 year -0
1 year -3 1 year -3 1 year -3 1 year -3 1 year -3 1 year -3
3 Employment with the Firm Add 0.5 marks for Add 0.5 marks for each
Add 0.5 marks for each Add 0.5 marks for each Add 0.5 marks for each Add 0.5 marks for each
each subsequent year subsequent year
subsequent year subject to subsequent year subject subsequent year subject subsequent year subject to
subject to maximum 2 subject to maximum 2
maximum 2 marks to maximum 2 marks to maximum 2 marks maximum 2 marks
marks marks
Table 5: All Proposer’s inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TA and TB:

S. No TA sub-criteria Proposer 1 Proposer 2 Proposer 3 Proposer 4 Proposer 5 Proposer 6

Average Annual Turnover (last 5 years or in

each of the preceding two years) from
Ta1 consultancy business 9 Cr 10 Cr 11 Cr 10 Cr 20 Cr 7 Cr
2% of Project Cost =10.5 Crores

Nos of Highway Professionals with the firm:

The professionals who possess degree in Civil
Engineering/Transport Planning/Transport
Economics/Traffic Management / Geology/
Environment Science or Engineering and 8
Ta2 8 20 35 30 15 7
years’ experience in highway/bridge/tunnel
with employment in the firm for more than
one year. The current Employment
Certificate shall be uploaded by Key
Personnel on INFRACON
Experience as Independent Engineer/
Authority Engineer/ Construction Supervision
in Number of Highway Projects of length
Ta3 1 project 3 projects 2 projects 5 projects 2 projects 1 project
equal to 40% of project length of similar
category for which RFP invited of 2/ 4/6-
laning or more in last 7 years
Experience in DPR preparation for Number
Ta4 1 project 3 projects 2 projects 2 projects 5 projects 3 projects
of Highway Projects (of length 40% of
In hand DPRs for the Client Projects
Ta5 1 project 3 projects 5 projects 2 projects 2 projects 1 project
(presently under progress)
Experience in Construction Supervision/DPR
Ta6 1 project 3 projects 5 projects 2 projects 2 projects 1 project
/Design Review of Major structures having

S. No TB sub-criteria Proposer 1 Proposer 2 Proposer 3 Proposer 4 Proposer 5 Proposer 6

Network Survey Vehicle (NSV) or better
Tb1 Available Available Available ROMDAS Available Available
technology for pavement inspection
Tb1.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) Hired Own Hired Own Hired Own
Tb1.2 Experience 2 Projects 2 Projects 7 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects
Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) or
Tb2 better technology for pavement strength Available Available Available Available Available Available
Tb2.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) Hired Own Hired Rent Hired Own
Tb2.2 Experience 2 Projects 2 Projects 7 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects
Mobile Bridge Inspection Unit or better
Tb3 Available Available Available Available Available Available
technology for bridge inspection
Tb3.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) Hired Own Hired Rent Hired Own
Tb3.2 Experience 2 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects 7 Projects 2 Projects 2 Projects
Tb4 Retro reflectometer technology Available Available Available Available Available Available
Tb4.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) Hired Own Hired Rent Hired Own

Tb4.2 Experience 2 Projects 2 Projects 7 Projects 2 Projects 5 Projects 2 Projects

Automatic Traffic Counter cum Classifier
Tb5 Available Available Available Available Available Available
Tb5.1 Equipment (Hired or Own) Hired Own Hired Rent Hired Own

Tb5.2 Experience 2 Projects 2 Projects 7 Projects 2 Projects 5 Projects 2 Projects

Table 6: Proposer 1 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:


1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in Management/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway

Yes No No Yes No No
Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil
III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project Management Yes NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway projects 12 13 9 15 16 17

ii)Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
5 10 5 10 5 10
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 1 2 NA 3 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 15 25 NA 10 15 20
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 6 NA 7 NA NA 8
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and Maintenance
(Repair) of Major Highway (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 3 NA 5 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 5 4 3 10
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design
3 Employment with the Firm 1 3 1 2 3 5

Table 7: Proposer 2 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:

S .No Description TLCS HE RHE BS E S PS S QME RS E

1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in M anagement/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway

No Yes No No No No
Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil

III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project M anagement No NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway p rojects 10 14 10 13 15 20

ii)Exp erience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
5 10 5 10 5 10
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 3 2 NA 3 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 15 22 NA 10 14 15
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project M anager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 6 NA 6 NA NA 8
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and M aintenance
(Repair) of M ajor Highway (of length 40% of p roject length or more of similar 4 NA 5 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 5 4 5 9
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design

3 Emp loyment with the Firm 2 2 2 2 3 5

Table 8: Proposer 3 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:


1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in Management/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway

No No No No No No
Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil
III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project Management No NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway projects 12 13 11 14 12 18

ii)Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
4 8 5 6 7 9
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 4 3 NA 2 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 13 20 NA 11 12 15
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 7 NA 5 NA NA 9
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and Maintenance
(Repair) of Major Highway (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 3 NA 3 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 2 3 4 8
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design
3 Employment with the Firm 2 2 2 2 2 2

Table 9: Proposer 4 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:


1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in Management/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway

No No No No No No
Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil

III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project Management No NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway projects 12 13 12 13 12 13

ii)Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
5 7 5 4 7 9
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 4 4 NA 3 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 15 20 NA 12 12 15
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 8 NA 5 NA NA 9
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and Maintenance
(Repair) of Major Highway (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 4 NA 3 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 3 2 5 8
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design
3 Employment with the Firm 3 2 3 2 3 2
Table 10: Proposer 5 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:


1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in Management/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway

No Yes No Yes No Yes
Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil

III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project Management Yes NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway projects 13 12 13 12 13 12

ii)Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
7 5 7 5 7 5
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 4 5 NA 4 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 16 14 NA 11 12 15
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project Manager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 7 NA 6 NA NA 8
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and Maintenance
(Repair) of Major Highway (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 4 NA 4 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 4 3 5 8
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design

3 Employment with the Firm 2 3 2 3 2 3

Table 11: Proposer 6 inputs against the Evaluation Criteria TC:

S .No Description TLCS HE RHE BS E S PS S QME RS E

1 General Qualification

I) Graduate in Civil Engineering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

II) Post Graduation in M anagement/ Construction/ Transportation/Highway No No No Yes No Yes

Engineering/Structural Engineering or equivalent specialised stream of civil
III) Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Project M anagement Yes NA NA NA NA NA

2 Adequacy for the Project

a) Professional Experience in Highway Projects

i) Total Professional Experience in handling Highway p rojects 13 12 13 12 13 12

ii)Exp erience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
7 7 7 7 7 7
Projects(similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above)
iii) Experience in the role or similar capacity in Highway Development
projects (of length 40% of project length or more of similar configuration 5 5 NA 4 3 NA
(2/4/6 laning**) and above) on PPP
b) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity of project Preparation including
design of major highway Project (of length 40% of project length or more of similar 16 14 NA 11 12 15
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
c) Experience in position of Team Leader/Project M anager or similar capacity in
Construction Supervision/IC involving length 40% of project length or more of similar 7 NA 6 NA NA 8
configuration (2/4/6** laning) and above
d) Experience as Team Leader or similar capacity in Operation and M aintenance
(Repair) of M ajor Highway (of length 40% of p roject length or more of similar 4 NA 4 NA NA NA
configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above).
e) Experience in similar capacity on major Highway projects (of length 40% of project
length or more of similar configuration (2/4/6 laning**) and above) in NA NA 4 3 5 8
innovative/nontraditional/modern technology and design
3 Emp loyment with the Firm 2 2 2 2 2 2

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