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Nama : Syahlan Ismael Omar

Nim : 11200383

Meet : 9

1. The benefit of a computer network are:

D. A and B True

2. There are many many types of Computer Network, except :


3. There are many many types of Network Topology, except :

E. Bust and Mesht

4. A piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a

computer network is :

5. There are the devices to create a computer network, except:


1. What is the function of Computer Network...
2. Many types of Computer Network, explain and mentioned that .....
3. Give the 5 examples of network topology....
4. A piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a
computer network is ....
5. Could you mentioned the devices to create a computer network ....


1. *file and data sharing

*resource sharing
*data protection
*ease of administration
*internal communication
*distribute computing power

2. PAN (PERSONAL AREA NETWORK): computer network organized around individual person
with a single building
LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK): computer network at a single site, typically an individual
office building
MAN (METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK): computer network across an entire city, college or
small region
WAN (WIDE AREA NETWORK): computer network that occupy a very large area such as
entire country or world

3. - star topology
- ring topology
- mesh topology
- bus topology
- hybrid topology

4. NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NICS) such as networks card, network adapter, LAN adapter.
5. Hub, Ethernet Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Brouters, Gateways, Network Card, Network
Protocols, ISDN, MODEMS

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