Adobe Scan 11-Jan-2023

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Q41 Who inspired the Tribal peasant of Andhra and how?

Q42. How the feeling or nationalism was created through reinterpretation or revival of Indian history?

Q43 What were the con!>equences o f c1v1I war ,n Sn Lan ka?

Q44. Explain the difference between the power sharing model accepted by Belgium and Sri Lanka.

Q4S. Explain the two main reason why power sharing is desirable in a democracy.

Q46 What Is the ethnic compos1t1on of Belgium?

047 Compare the different ways In which the Belgium and the Sri Lankans have dealt with the problem of cultural

Q48 Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. Justify.

Q49 Both Belgium and Sri Lanka are democratic countries but they follow different systems of power sharing. support
the statement by giving different points

QSO. How are constitutional changes made in federal system?

Q31. Choose 3 examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism m Europe?

Q32. Explain what ,s meant bv 1848 revolution in the hberals. What were the political, soc,al and economic ideas
supp0rted bv the liberals?
033. Explain the process o nification of G r n under the leadershi f Ot\ovon Bismarck.
was the connection of Awadh peasant movement with the Non-cooperat,on movement?
he new economic and political situation created during the Fer-st World War i n India.
as Rowlan Act opposed by the people In India?
wdid Non Cooperat,on movement become a movement?
38. Who started Satyagraha? Explain ,ts concept.

Q39. Write a newspaper report on Slmon Comm1ss,on.

Q40. How djd the people and the colonial government react to the c,vil disobedience movement? Explain.
Q41. \Vho inspired the Trtbal peasant of Andhra and how?

Q42 How the feeling of oat,onalisrn was created through reinterprelat,on or revival of Indian hlstof)1
Q43. 'A'hat we~e the consequences of civil war 10 Sn Lanka?
Q44. Explain the difference between the power ~harmg model accepted by Selgium and Sn Lanka.
Q4S. Expla n the two main reason why power sharing is desirable in a democracy.
Q46 What 1s the ethnic composition of Belgium?

Q47 Compare the different ways in which the Belgium and the Sn lankans have dealt with the prob\e,
d vers1ty
Q'18 Power sharing is the very spirit of democracy. Just ify

Q49 Both Belgium and Sn Lanka are democratic countries but they follow different systems of powe,
the statement by giving d1ffeA?nt points

QSO. How are constitutional changes made an federal system?

021. Explain ho .._---==';:1/f/ontrlbutes to the economic development of nation?
022. The problem of unemployment 1s not confined only to agriculturt, Support the statement with examples
Q23. India has enormous d1vers1ty in the__f!va1lab1l1ty o f resources. JustifY.,.
Q24. Wn te four character,st,cs of latente sod. Why are they called latente?
Q2S What is regur soil? Write its two features

026 Describe some concerted efforts made by the government to modernise Indian agriculture and 1mprov1;; ,ts
are m the GOP
Q27 What changes did Napoleon introduced to make the administrative system more efficient?
Q28. Why were the ideology of liberalism and nationalism late in developing in central and eastern Europe?
029. What is the idea behind Fredric Sorneus's paintmg?
Q30. What steps did French Revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?
~ ~ r, sector Is playing a significant role in the development of Indian Economv. Just I /

~ g g e s t and explain any three wa\'S to protect land fro m degradation in various s1ates in mo,a

~ g g est the initiative taken by the government of India to improve t he agriculture.

~Explain the componen t ofJJOI.

J: What are the d ifferent types of resources based on ownershffi.-

fl, Wnte the difference between economic gro.wtb and economic development
Ji/f, Define ~ 7 Ho1V It is calculated. ~
j,/,. Exp!ain how organized sector d,ffer From unorganized? ·

J. Describe any 3 fea ture>-111Mw.oi crop.

~ Wrate short note

15. Uirr..-n-nliitlc hl·l,H''-"" ,111ur111h:d 11nt.l un,111ur111,•t.1 h~droc11rbun ,:h ini;: on,• ,·,11mJ1lc ,·i1,·h.
,. . l IL: .. I " • ,. I t'
J ,I, .I ·u Jll>t'ta 111, thodc and unode.
17. Give the name & structure of 1 member of: 1) Cycloalkane 2) on 3) Carboxyl c acid.
• . '"i ... "' ~ , I ll . I \ '

19) Draw the Lewis-dot structure of 1) Cydopentane 2) Ethanol 3) Propyne

2 )l I ,
21) (;j\ c n-11,on for lhc foll rm ini;:: (a) ( ;olt.l 11nt.l Sih rr ac u,,·d lo m11I...- j1:,, dk~. ( b) Carbonalc »nd on~ arc u,u11IIJ ,·onH•rll't.l into o,idl', prior lo rnlu,·tion tJurin:: the 1mx-,·,, or l'\lrlll'liun.
12) \ L \ , l I . . ul
iri J • • I I
23) In 1hr c:lectrol~ ,i~ ur "11kr: (i,) ;\11ml' the i::n ,·oll,·,·tcd 111 the uthooc 11nd the anotJc. (h) ,, hy i" the
,olumc or,:», ...ollccu·tJ 111 one d,·,·1ro( {, douhl" or the othl'r. (c) \\ 11, arl' 11 fr" drop~ or dil. ll2So4 adckd
IO lhc \\Iller?
II mirnl n m,· ur 111 ,t(r or l'.1r1,. \\ nil' 1 d1trnirul l"11u tion lo ,hu\\ th~ naction bet"e1: n
2~) ,\ compound X ur ...tttium i, communl~ uwt.1 in l.itdu•n for m11kin,: cri,p, pal.ura,. lei, aho uwd for
curini: acidic, in the ~•urn11rh. ldcntir, X \\ hat i\ ih t' hl'miral formuh1 '! ~Lale tht· n·11rlioo "hkh 1111.t plim~
"hcn ii i, hc11lt'd durini: ,·cml.ini;:.
1. Oistingvlsh lx'tw~ (with e•1mples) •Reduction & oaid1tlon •bothermlc & Endothermk reaction •
Comblniitlon & decom~ition re;ictlon
.!. \ •1 , J t I I I I lt "I h. i.h • b J1 1; 11 di, In , , \d n (ln pull
L,11 JI nu ·v· nh h nu 1n 111, 1,,;:ra1 II\ . I.I', n '"I u~ • ,uni ht un!kr o,.--. ,Jttun I"' ulon
r , 11 • ' • I ~• 1 '- , hi ,I h "n 1:,1, Iii 11h • 1•· •ad ·1.1·. \\ r h babnu !
d • I,, r I , • I ,,, ,, ICJ: r n"hkt11h,r.ac1 nDnl rl•nd.
3. Define precipitation re.ta lon. Give an enmple.
D, "
~. la)\\ h~ I, n ••11lra1lon ,·un,itkr •• noth~rmk r.•ar lion~ l h) l>,· Onr the- I.rm, (hillatlvn and n:·,l•rtlon1 (r)
IJ,·111ir~ ,1,,.
,uh,can,·c- 1ha1 i, u,lJlwJ anJ ~ducrd i n 11,r ~r1i11n: (·uo + / .n - Cu +,
6 G~ 1 •
7. Which of !ht followin& metal, wlll rtact with d,I. HCI: Cu, ln, Pb, II/lg. Stale the •C"ason for the Ymt.
G " l ~
9. b~in 1cld1ty of s1omath along with lu remtdjes.
10. • • rI < I •
11. "Ionic compound, do not conduct electriclty In dry state, but do so In molten or d issolved st111t•• b ~ln.
u. l On f I I
13. Gh r 1hr II 11'AC' nan1r ur I he- follu" lni: ron1round,: ( II ,( 11 llr,. llr< 'H,( ·11, Or.
l.t. IJ ~ ' I I • I I ' I I
1. Distinguish between (with e1eamples) •Reduction & 01eidation •bothermic & Endothermic reaction -
Combination & decomposition reaction
I t t • ~ 1t·h \\llh ,ndium bromide·, ,lulion lu form ~dim, f!ru·ipil
.. 11111pound ·«)' "hkh i, uwtl in pholnJ!ruph,. •(J• on.,.,,. ,ur~ lo ,unh,:hl undcl'J!Ol'\ drl'ompu,iriun
n.1di11n 111 fonn mt'tal pnwnt in ulon • "''h ., ruhll\h hnmn J.:11,. ldrnrif~ •1•· ~•ntl •(J·. \\ rite h I mr d
I 1 • I · l\\o l'llll ork-.. in "hkh I hi, n ctiun l'an be pl11n-cl.
3. Define preclpitatior, reaction. Give an example.
• £ l

~- (11) \\ h~ i, n""J1iratio11 ,·om,itkr a'!> c,othl'rmic reaction'! (b) l>dinc the ll'rm, (hi1fa1ion »nd n_-dul"tion? (l")
h.kntif~ lhc \11h,111ncc that i, o,iJi,cd 11nJ r\'Jun·J in lhc rei,,· 1iun: ('uO + Zn - C'u + ZnO.
6. G" ._ ' I
7. Which of the followln& metals will react with dil. HCI: Cu, Zn, Pb, Mg. State the reason for the same.
G 'I
9. hplaln acidity of stomach along with its remedies.
.;1 I. 1-, r C ~ ~

11. •tonic compounds do not conduct electricity in dry state, but do so In molten or dissolved state•• hplain.
12 , 0 ,. I I

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