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Independence - Freedom - Happiness



Number : ………………/Contract

Today , the day …. month …. year …. At …………………


Grand face Mr / Mrs :


Position Service :

Land only : …………………………………………………………………………………

Electricity phone :

Code number Tax :


Number talent Clause :


PARTY B: ………………………………………………………………………

Mr / Mrs :

Born year :
Quoc title :

Profession Occupation :

Land only often residence :

……………………………………………………………………… _

Number ID card: …

Number Labor book ( if _ yes ) :


Together satisfied favorable sign conclude Fit labor contract (labor contract )
and commitment do correct these thing clause after here :

Article 1: Thing clause shared

1. Type of labor contract:


2. Time Labor contract term … months

3. Time point from : day … month … year … to day … month … year …

4. Geography point do job : ………………………………………………………………

5. Ministry department labour Author : Room … ….. Position name specializes

subject ( taste mind labour author ): ……………

6. Mission service labour job like after :

- Really presently labour job according to correct position name specializes subject
belong to me below the management reason , thing onion of the Board of Directors
governor ( and the fish core Okay Cut responsibility or committee permission extra
blame ).
- Mix fit together with the set other departments and divisions _ in Company to _
broadcast Huy dark Multi signal fruit labour work .

- Complete wall these labour job other depends belong according to Love bridge
terrible joint belong to Company and _ according to decided determined of the
Board of Directors governor ( and the fish core Okay Cut responsibility or
committee permission extra blame ).

Article 2: Regulation degree do job

1. Time time do job : ……………………………………………………………………

2. Words day Monday comes _ bright day Saturday :

- Session Morning : 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

- Session afternoon : 13:30 - 17:30

- Morning day Saturday : Do job from 08:00 to 12:00

3. Due to calculation matter labour work , need bridge terrible business or need
bridge belong to nest position / ministry department , the Company has can give
pressure use time time do job sacred active . These core pellets Okay pressure use
time time do job sacred active Have can Are not obey defense calendar do job try
determined jar often but do in shifts , but _ still Right brave tell enough number
hour do job according to regulation determined .

4. Setting bag and labour tool do job will Okay Company issued _ broadcast
depends according to soft bridge belong to labour work .

Thing safety conditions _ and guard generate labor _ in place do job according to
regulation determined belong to France the law presently onion .

Article 3: Means service and permission profit belong to workers _ _

1. Meaning service

a) Real presently labour job with the end mind , end force and sensitive handle ,
courage tell complete wall labour job with signal fruit High best according to the
stool merit , thing act ( by literature copy or equal mouth ) of the Board of
Directors governor in Company ( and the fish core approved by the Board of
Directors governor Cut responsibility or committee permission extra blame ).

b) Complete wall labour job Okay deliver and available ready challenge receive all
the thing dynamic When Have Love bridge .

c) Grip clearly and challenge onion strictly complete century Labor law , security _
full of labor and protection Labor birth , fire protection , literature chemistry
company , internal labor regulations _ and the owner truong , main book belong to
Company .

d) Compensation often violated _ and object matter according to regulation

regime , internal regulation belong to Company and _ France the law Home water
regulation determined .

e) Greed attend full enough , heat love the session training practice , dig create ,
assemble Drafted by the Ministry department or Group company _ position .

f) Real presently true commitment _ in the labor contract and the satisfied
favorable equal literature copy other with Company .

g) Close the type tell dangerous , the clause tax .... full enough according to
regulation determined belong to France law .

h) Che degree dig create : According to regulations determined belong to Company

and _ Love bridge labour work . In school suitable for employees nominated Go
dig create then core pellets Right complete wall lock learn correct time term , must
commit _ will dress service long long give The following company When conclude
end lock learn and Okay enjoy original salary , the permission profit other Okay
enjoy like People Go do .

i ) If after When conclude end lock up dig create but core pellets Are not next
custom fit work with The company does core pellets Right complete pay 100% fee
back dig create and the clause mechanism degree Satisfied Okay receive in time
time dig create .

2. Rights profit

a) Money wage and extra level :

- Level wage main : …. VND/ month .

- Secondary grant blame Duties : ..... VND/ month

- Secondary grant signal capacity labour job : Follow the fight price belong to
management reason .

- Salary signal Result : According to regulations determined belong to departments

, companies .

- Cong work Fee : Depends ever taste intelligence , workers _ _ Okay enjoy
according to regulation determined belong to company .

- Picture awake pay salary : Salary time time .

b) The permission profit other :

- Compliment Rewards : Employees _ _ Okay recommended encourage equal

object matter and pure God When Have wall accumulation in labour work or
according to regulation determined belong to company .

- Che degree elevate Salary : According to regulations determined belong to Home

water and regulation mechanism money wage belong to Company . Workers _ _
complete wall Good responsibility service Okay delivery , no violation _ century
the law and / or Are not in time time treat physical century labor law _ and enough
thing to sue about time time according to regulation mechanism wage then Okay
review elevate salary .

- Che degree Rest : According to regulations determined shared belong to Home


+ Rest row week : 1.5 days ( PM Saturday and _ day Owner Japan ).

+ Rest row year : These core pellets Okay sign Fit copper main awake and Have
deep year labour work 12 months then will Okay rest permission year Have enjoy
salary (01 day leave /01 month , 12 days license /01 year ). Core pellets Have deep
year do job less than 12 months then time time rest constant year Okay count
according to Billion rule soy sauce response with number time time do work .
+ Rest day Ceremony : The day rest Ceremony France determined . The day rest
ceremony If coincide with day Owner Japan then will Okay rest compensation
enter day before or day next next depends according to love image tool can that
Ban received religion The company will only religion live next .

- Che degree Tell dangerous commune festival according to regulation determined

belong to home water . (5)

- The mechanism degree Okay Beneficiary : Employees _ _ Okay enjoy the

mechanism degree cease work , help grant Stop job or waiter often according to
regulation determined belong to France the law presently onion .

- Satisfied favorable Other : The company is okay permission dot Terminate the
labor contract first time term opposite to with Workers _ _ Have conclude fruit
fight price signal capacity labour job below level regulation determined in 03
months contact customary .

Article 4: Meaning service and permission term belong to People history

labor employment _

1. Meaning service

Real presently full enough these thing to sue need set committed _ _ in Fit labor
contract _ to workers _ _ obtain signal fruit labour job high . Tell brave job do give
workers _ _ according to Fit copper Satisfied sign .

Payment _ full enough , right time term the mechanism degree and permission
profit give workers _ _ according to Fit labor contract . _

2. Rights term

a) Article onion workers _ _ complete wall labour job according to Fit dong
( father wisdom , thing transfer labour job give workers _ _ according to correct
position power specializes subjects ).

b) Yes permission transfer temporary working time , stop _ work , instead change ,
temporarily time dot stop Fit labor contract _ and pressure use the argument France
century the law according to regulation determined belong to France the law
presently onion and according to paternal regulation belong to Company in _ time
time fit copper still price treat .

c) Temporary postpone , stop stop Fit Dong , Ky the law workers _ _ according to
correct regulation determined belong to France law , and paternal labor rules _
belong to Company .

d) Yes permission claim waiter usually , apt complaints with muscle mandarin
contact zone to tell guard permission profit belong to me If employee violates _ _ _
France good law _ thing clause belong to fit copper hey .

Article 5: Application direction dot stop fit copper :

1. People history labor employment _

a) According to regulations determined in Article 38 of the Ministry Labor Law _

then People history labor employment _ Have permission single direction dot stop
fit labor contract _ in these school fit after here :

b ) Workers _ often through Are not complete wall labour job according to fit
copper .

c ) Employees _ bag treat physical century the law sa waste according to regulation
determined in Article 85 of Set Labor Law . _

d ) Employees _ do according to fit labor contract _ Are not body determined time
term sick painful Satisfied thing 12 months treatment Immediately , workers _ _ do
according to fit labor contract _ body determined time term sick painful Satisfied
thing 6 months treatment immediately and workers _ _ do according to fit labor
contract _ less than 01 year sick painful Satisfied thing treat too half time term fit
copper , that possible labor capacity _ Not yet Anise serve . When strength strong
belong to workers _ _ jar serve , then Okay see review to deliver conclude next fit
labor contract . _

e) Due to natural disasters or fires calamity , or these bad reason _ possible

resistance other but People history labor employment _ Satisfied find all argument
France notch dress But still tie Right collect narrow product output , decrease place
do work .
f) Joint karma , muscle official , group position dot stop active dynamic .

g ) The employee violates _ century the law level sa waste .

i ) Employees _ _ Have causing behavior _ Really harmful strictly important about

talent product and profit useful belong to Company .

k ) Employees _ in progress exam onion century the law level transfer labour work
but re violate .

l ) Employees _ quit voluntarily _ Work 5 days / month and 20 days /1 year .

m ) The employee violates _ France the law Home water .

In time 07 days , including _ from day dot stop Fit labor contract , two _ beside
Have blame responsibility bar maths full enough the clause Have contact mandarin
arrive permission profit belong to each party , school fit dense special , yes can
drag long But Are not more than 30 days .

In school fit joint Karma bag break product then the clause Have contact mandarin
arrive permission profit belong to workers _ _ Okay bar maths according to
regulation determined belong to The law Break product joint career .

2. Workers _ _

a) When workers _ _ single direction dot stop Fit labor contract _ before time term
Right obey defense according to Article 37 of the Ministry Labor Law _ and Right
based above the base keep after :

b) No Okay dad mind according to correct labour work , location point do job or
Are not Okay tell brave the thing to sue do job Satisfied satisfied favorable in fit
copper .

c) No Okay pay labour full enough or pay labour Are not correct time term
Satisfied satisfied favorable in fit copper .

d) Suffered reverse treat , receive forced Forced labor . _

e) Ban close or family family Real the Have complete scene difficult towel Are not
can next custom real presently fit copper .
f) Okay gourd do responsibility service specializes The blame lies with you muscle
mandarin people nominated or Okay Cut responsibility hold position service in set
machine Home water .

g ) Employees _ female Have pregnancy Right rest job according to only

determined belong to teacher medicine .

h ) Employees _ bag sick pain , accident Satisfied thing 3 months treatment

immediately but possible labor capacity _ Not yet Okay Anise serve .

i ) Outside these base keep on , workers _ _ still Right brave tell time term
newspaper before like after :

- For with the school fit regulation determined in the Points a, b, c and g: few at
most 03 days ;

- For with the school fit regulation determined in point d and point d: little at least
30 days ;

- For with school fit regulation determined in point e: follow time term regulation
determined in Article 112 of the Labor Code

- For with the Other reasons , workers _ _ _ Right brave tell pine newspaper before

+ Little at least 45 days opposite to with fit labor contract _ Are not body
determined time term .

+ Little at least 30 days opposite to with fit labor contract _ body determined time
term from 01 - 03 years .

+ Little at least 03 days opposite to with fit labor contract _ according to season
service , according to one labour job best determined but time term less than 01
year .

k) Outside these base keep on , workers _ _ still Right brave tell time term
newspaper before according to regulation determined . Workers _ _ intend _ _ Stop
job because the other reasons _ then Right pine newspaper equal literature copy
give grand face belong to The company is Room Onion main Core the know
before little best is 15 days .
Article 6: These satisfied favorable other

In too submit real presently fit copper If one beside Have soft bridge replace
change content in _ fit copper Right newspaper give beside that before little at least
03 days and sign conclude copy Extra green fit copper according to regulation
determined belong to France law . In time time up onion satisfied favorable two
beside still obey according to fit labor contract _ Satisfied sign end .

Workers _ _ read carefully , understand clearly and commitment _ real presently

the thing clause and regulation determined take note in Fit labor contract . _

Article 7: Thing clause exam onion

These question topic about labor _ Are not take note in Fit labor contract _ This
then pressure use according to regulation determined belong to Satisfied wish
practice body , internal labor rules _ and France labor law . _

When two beside sign conclude Extra green fit labor contract _ then content of _
Extra green fit labor contract _ also Have price treat like the content of _ copy fit
copper hey .

Fit copper This Okay create into 02 ( two ) copies Have price treat like each other ,
Hanh main core the Keep 01 ( one ) copy , Employee _ keep 01 ( one ) copy and
Have signal force tell from day … month … year 20...

Fit copper Okay create at :

……………………………………………………………………… _


( Sign , record clearly Surname name ) ( Sign , write clearly Surname name )

Take note uncle :

(1) Type Fit copper Have can is : Hop copper time service , suitable copper body
determined time term , suitable copper Are not body determined time term ;
(2) For with type fit copper time service and fit copper body determined time term
then Have more body determined time term fit copper .

(3) According to regulations determined belong to Set Labor law 2012 :

- Time hour do job jar often Are not past 8 o'clock within 01 day and 48 hours in
01 week

- Time hour do job Are not past 6 o'clock within 01 day opposite to with these
People do the labour job dense special heavy tiring , toxic harmful , dangerous
dangerous according to name item by the Ministry of Labor and Trade soldiers and
Commune festival owner maintain coordinate fit with Issued by the Ministry of
Health .

(4) According to regulations determined belong to Set Labor law 2019 :

- Money Salary included _ level wage according to labour job or position name ,
secondary grant wage and the clause Other supplements . _

- Level wage belong to workers _ _ Are not Okay short than level wage dark at
least due to the Government government regulation determined .

(5) Real presently mechanism degree tell dangerous commune festival according to
regulation determined belong to France the law about tell dangerous commune
association .

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