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Fill the blanks
a) People living in a common territory are likely to develops a common ______ culture
b) Most of European nations developed out of a common ___________ history language system
c) The common order fosters the sense of __________ unity uniting
d) Historically, nationality emerged as a result of _________the unifying various tribes and
clans uniting

e) The divine theory attributes the origin of State to _____creation, divine spiritual and the State is
seen as an institution ordained by _____, and their rulers were regarded as God’s
own emissaries on the Earth. This theory has its root in the ancient oriental empires,
Hebrew and Christian teachings and protestant reformation.
f) The Social Contract theory postulates that the State is the creation of men through
a ______
social _______
agreement to which they had all ______. consented Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau were

the foremost exponents of this theory.

g) The Force Theory hold that the State is a creation of _______and force war coercion of the
weak by the ______.
strong The State was seen as evil because it was a way of ______ oppressing
the poor.
h) Monarchy is probably the oldest form of government. The main characteristic of a
monarchy is that the ruler _________power.
inherits hold When he/she dies, power automatically
passes to one of the monarch’s _________or heirs close relatives. Monarchs – kings,
emperors, or sultans – fulfill their role as _________rulers hereditary
by surrounding
themselves with followers and advisors who help them __________ govern

In order forms of monarchy, the king or queen claimed ________power. absolute Rulers
often claimed to hold this power by “divine right”, or the will of God. ________ The Ordinary
people had no rights or freedoms, except those that the monarch allowed.
In more recent times, monarchs have __________power shared with an elected ________

Subject of the monarch enjoy many constitutional ________, protected rights. This system is
known as a ___________monarchy.
constitutional Great Britain provides an example of this type
of government. Britain has a constitutional____________monarch and an elected _______House of
Commons. The monarch serves as the __________head symbolic of state while elected
members of ___________govern the country.
i) When a society asbolishes
________its monarchy, it becomes a __________.A republic republic
_____ is a
simply a government without a king or queen. Often, the people in a republic choose
representatives make decisions on behalf of them. The United States, for
example, is a _______. In the past, a republic might also be governed by a group of
hereditary _________, such as the Republic of Venice and Genoa once were.
j) A _______is a system of government in which a single person or small group
exercises complete power over others. A dictator _______ does not _______power
inherit like a
king. Dictators are free to do as they please, while other citizens in a dictatorship
have______rights. Ordinary citizens in a dictatorship have very little influence over
_______policies. The main advantage of a dictatorship is that decisions can be made
quickly. In ancient time, the Romans appointed a dictator when they were at
____and needed strong leadership. When the _______was
crisis over, the dictator was
supposed to ____his power. In more recent time, dictators tend to hold ______to
on power
overthrown elections
until they are _______. Dictators sometimes hold ______ to obtain _____for their

government. An electoral
____victory may appear to justify the rule of the dictator, in in
reality these elections are not truly free
____. People are not ____to
free criticize or oppose
dictator, and opposition parties are not permitted.
a) The division of labour was the origin of States. F
b) Each country eventually goes through all types of government in its history. F
c) According to Karl Marx and Engels, State originally exits to serve the benefits of
the people. T
d) The State is an instrument of the class which has the largest population in each
country to protect their rights and interests. F
e) According to Karl Marx, a State can stay the same and last forever. F
f) In the feudal mode of production, the State was created only to protect the powers
nhà cầm quyền
of the sovereign. F
tư bản giai cấp tư sản
g) Capitalist – oriented States exists based solely on the bourgeoisies. T
quốc hội
h) The National Assembly shall hold one session every year. F
i) It is required by law to have at least 70% of votes to pass the Constitution. F
j) The Prime Minister is appointed among The National Assembly’s Deputies. F T
k) The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam is also the Head of
the State and shall represent the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam internally and
externally. T
l) The People’s Court shall exercise the power to prosecute and supervise judicial
activities. T public hearing
m) All the trials conducted by the People’s Court have to be held in closed hearings. F
n) All assessors must finish their law training courses before serving their duties in
hearings. T
o) The People’s Council is the executive body of the respective People’s Committee
and is the local state administrative body. T
p) The People’s Committee is elected by the Government. F
q) Viet Nam is divided into provinces and towns. T
chia thành các cấp hành chính
Paragraph 1:
However, the Marxists believe that the State is a class organization, which has been
created by propertied class to oppress and exploit the poor. They refuse to believe that the
State is a natural institution. To them the propertied class created the state and it has
always belonged to them only. Thus, the state is just a means of exploitation. Therefore,
they visualized a situation of classless society or communism in which there will not be
any need of state. State will, thus, wither away.
Intext questions:
a) Can you explain the meaning and characteristics of state according to the
b) What will be state’s status in a classless society?
Paragraph 2
The current Constitution was adopted by the 13th National Assembly in 2013. The 2013
Constitution is the fundamental legal document of highest legal jurisdiction that
institutionalizes basic viewpoints of the Communist Party of Viet Nam on economic and
political reforms, socialist goals, socialist democracy and citizens’ freedom rights. The
Constitution clearly indicates that the state power is in the hand of the people. The State is
of the people, by the people and for the people. The State ensures and constantly promotes
the people’s right to mastery in all fields and implements the policy of equality, unity and
mutual assistance among ethnic groups. The people use the state power through the
National Assembly and people’s councils. These agencies are elected by the people,
representing their will and aspiration.
The Constitution endows all citizens (men or women alike) with equal rights in all political,
economic, cultural and social areas as well as in family affairs, the right to freedom of
belief and religion, the right to follow or not to follow any religion, the right to freedom of
movement and residence within Viet Nam, the right to go abroad and return home as
stipulated by laws, etc.
Intext questions:
a) When was the current Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam adopted?
b) Why is the Constitution considered as the highest legal document in Vietnam?
c) What are the main contents covered by the Constitution?
d) Can you elaborate the origin and characteristics of State’s power according to the
e) How Vietnamese exercise their rights over the state power?
f) How are deputies of the National Assembly chosen?
g) Can you list some fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution?
Paragraph 3
The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is a law-governed state. The political system
was established upon the birth of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam and comprises the
The Communist Party of Viet Nam is the vanguard of the Vietnamese working class,
the working people, and the whole nation; a loyal representative of the interests of the
working class, the working people, and the whole nation.
Question: Is the Communist Party of Viet Nam one of the governmental agencies?
Why or why not?
As the maker of history, the people constitute the decisive force in the process of
social evolution and make up the current political system in Viet Nam. All powers belong
to the people and their powers are exercised through the State. The State regulates the
society by laws under the leadership of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.
Question: how do the people exercise their political powers?
The National Assembly is the highest-level representative body of the people; the
highest organ of state power of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam; the National Assembly
exercises three main functions: to legislate, to decide on important national issues, to
exercise supreme supervision over all activities of the State.
Question: explain the functions of The National Assembly in Viet Nam’s State
apparatus? How long is the NA’s term?
The State President is the Head of State, elected by the National Assembly from
among its deputies to represent the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam in domestic and foreign
affairs. The President has twelve powers as provided by the Constitution, of which the most
important are to declare the promulgation of the Constitution, laws and ordinances, to head
the all people’s armed forces and assume the Chairmanship of the National Defence and
Security Council, to recommend to the National Assembly the election, removal or
dismissal of the Vice President, the Prime Minister, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's
Court, and Head of the People's Procuracy.
Question: how The President is elected? (by whom and how)
The Government is the highest body of State administration of the Socialist
Republic of Viet Nam. The Government has the same term of office as the National
Assembly. The Government administers the implementation of the State’s affairs in the
fields of politics, economics, culture, society, national defense and security and foreign
relations; ensures the efficiency of the State apparatus from central to grassroots levels;
assures that the Constitution and laws are respected and executed; and guarantees the
sustainability and improvement of the people’s material and spiritual life. The Government
consists of Prime Minister, who is a National Assembly deputy as provided by the
Constitution, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and other members.
Questions: explain the Government’s function. What are its functions? How its
members are appointed and how long is its term?
People's Courts: The Supreme People's Court, local People's Courts, Military
Tribunals and the other tribunals established by law are the judicial organs of the Socialist
Republic of Viet Nam. Under special circumstances, the National Assembly may decide to
set up a Special Tribunal. During trials, the Jury is equal to and independent from judges
and shall only obey the law. Trials are held publicly except in cases stipulated by laws.
Judgments of the People's Courts are made collectively and decided by majority. The
Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
Question: draw a mind map demonstrating a criminal trial proceeding
People's Procuracies: The Supreme People's Procuracy oversees the enforcement of the law
by Ministries, Ministerial–level organs, other Government agencies, local administration,
economic entities, mass organizations, people's military organs and citizens. It exercises
the right to prosecution, ensures serious and uniform implementation of the law.
Question: what are differences between the People’s Court and the People’s
Social-Political Organizations and People’s Associations: These are organizations
representing the interests of different social communities participating into the political
system with their own principles, purposes, and features. There are currently major social-
political organizations in Viet Nam such as the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, Vietnamese
Trade Union, Vietnamese Women’s Union, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, and
Veterans Association and other professional organizations.
Question: write down Vietnamese words for these organizations’ names
Q1: What are the differences between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy?
Q2: Distinguish monarchy government from republic government

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