HR Policy

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Human Resources

Process HR Policies
Department HR Department
Topic Contents

S.No. Topic
1. Procedure for Probation and confirmation
2. Procedure for Professional Ethics
3. Procedure for Environmental aspects
4. Procedure for Pay & Allowances
5. Procedure for Leaves
6. Procedure for Holidays
7. Procedure for Telephone and E-mail usage
8. Procedure for Appraisal and Taxation
9. Procedure for Code of conduct
10. Procedure for Disciplinary Action
11. Procedure for Job Classification
12. Procedure for Promotion
13. Procedure for Transfer
14. Procedure for Retirement
15. Procedure for Travel and communication
16. Procedure for Grievance Redressal
17. Procedure for Exit Policy
18. Procedure for HR Planning
19. Procedure for Recruitment of Academic staff
20. Procedure for Recruitment of Non-Academic staff
21. Procedure for Joining
22. Procedure for Induction
23. Procedure for Training and Development
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Probation and confirmation

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Probation and Confirmation
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Process for Probation and Confirmation

 On joining SBSU for any position either in Sales, Accounts, Production or in

Administration or as a SUPPORT STAFF, you will be on probation for a period of 3
Months from the date of joining. The period of probation may be extended at the
discretion of the management based on your performance during the probation period.
 On successful completion of the probation period, The employee is likely to be
confirmed in SBSU and he/she will be getting increment in the month of June every
year. Increments are depended upon the performance and appraisal. He/She shall be
entitled to draw salary as per the calculation of salary sheet attached.
 Your employment at SBSU shall be governed by the Leave and Promotion
policies of the Institution.
 The service contract can be terminated by either party by giving one month’s
notice during probation period or after confirmation subject to the approval of the
 In case of any misconduct, breach of rules or faith, long or frequent absence, non-
performance of duty, indulging in any activity which creates or may create confusion,
insecurity or any other such feeling, in the minds of the employees and/or the clients
of SBSU and/or which may defame or bring a bad name to SBSU by any of your actions,
word of mouth, writing, interview with any organization or media or such other things
or any such action on your part, which is detrimental to the interests of the Clients and
SBSU, if the management, after giving you an opportunity to be heard, is satisfied that
the continuation of your association with SBSU is unwarranted, you may be dismissed
from service without giving any notice, or any compensation in lieu thereof. Any
Benefits availed will not stand upon termination.
 No employee is permitted to leave premises during office timings without obtaining
permission for short leave which should be exercised only under emergency and with
authorized permission.
 An employee at the time of leaving service shall have to obtain a “No Dues” certificate
from all departments concerned before he can be relieved of his duty. Only after
submitting “No Dues” certificate to the Accounts Department, his account will be
settled subject to the contents of these Rules.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Professional Ethics

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Professional Ethics

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU
3. Process Owner:

Professional Ethics:

 Any system developed or practiced shall be treated as property of SBSU

 No employee is permitted to publish any technical/general or any other type of
article in media or any publication without written permission of the management.
In the event of such permission being granted the employee shall submit a copy of
the same immediately after publication.
 No employee is permitted to take up any parallel job part time or otherwise
while in employment of SBSU. Any violation of this rule shall amount to
criminal breach of trust.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Environmental Aspects

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Environmental Aspects

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Environmental Aspects:

 All employees are expected to adhere to following norms in SBSU premises.

 Smoking: Smoking is strictly prohibited in all SBSU premises. Since the ill effects of
smoking are widely known, well researched and documented, As a responsible social citizen SBSU
encourages its employees from any such vices. The complete campus is a NO-
 Alcohol/Narcotics/Pan/Gutka: Alcohol, drugs and intoxicating substances of any nature are
strictly prohibited inside the office premises and campuses. Employees are expected to be free from the
effects of these products. If found intoxicated, the management reserves the right to act appropriately,
which may include summary dismissal. Consumption of alcohol/narcotics/Pan Gutka in
SBSU premises or coming to SBSU premises after consumption of the same or spitting
is strictly prohibited.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Pay and Allowances
1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Pay and Allowances
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Employees Provident Fund:

 Each employee, drawing basic pay up to Rs. 6,500/- per month shall have to
contribute to EPF equal to 12% of his/her monthly basic pay or any amount as
prescribed by the Government of India and also towards Professional Tax and ESI.
 Amount of E.P.F. so deducted from the salary of an employee will be deposited with the
Provident Fund Commissioner together with a matching amount (equal to EPF
deduction). There is no bar on an employee depositing more than 12% of his/her basic
pay every month but matching amount will be restricted as per the eligibility.
 Those employees of SBSU who are already covered under the EPF scheme and have
basic pay more than Rs.________p.m., shall have to continue their contribution, at
least equal to the deduction due on Rs. __________ p.m.
 The rules framed/changed by the Government of India as circulated by the
provident Fund Commissioner from time to time shall invariably be applicable to the
employees of SBSU.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Leaves - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Leaves

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Attendance/Leaves and Punctuality

It is the policy of the school to maintain good attendance and punctuality on the part of
its employees.
Casual Leaves:
Avail Casual Leave in the event of any sudden emergencies and for any other personal reasons.
 Each Full time employee is eligible for 12 casual leaves per year in addition to weekly
off, National holidays and such other holidays as declared by SBSU.
 Management from time to time
 Management team is also Eligible for 6 Casual Leaves as per the policy. Availing of CL
for senior management team would be based on Director’s Approval based on the
situation and as it demands.
 Each Employee, at SBSU is entitled to 6 Casual leaves and 6 Sick leaves in each calendar
year, other than National holidays and such other holidays as decided by the
management. To avail the casual leaves an Employee has to apply in advance and get
his/her holiday sanctioned before availing. CL availed without prior approval will lead
to Loss of Pay.
 Casual Leave Entitlement – 6 days (depends on no of working months) can be
accumulated but cannot be taken in advance. Only 0.5 CL can be availed per month. CL
can be availed for urgent / personal work/exigencies.
 CL accumulated cannot be taken excess of 3 days at a stretch too, if it has to be
taken, then it has to be approved by immediate HOD and Principal and CEO.
 Casual leaves can be taken only if an employee has an accumulated leave.
For example : If an employee has accumulated leave of 3 days until August month
he/she is eligible for only 3 days of CL. In case he/she requires 5 days leave then 2 days
will be LOP. Future months CL s will not be considered for taking leave.
 Each employee is entitled to avail 12 Casual leaves and 12 leaves on Loss of Pay (In case
they have to) only in a year. Any extra leaves will attract a Memo from the management
and also will affect their Performance Appraisals.
 There is no possibility for an employee to avail a half day CL. Even if they are taking a
half a day it will be considered as a full day CL only. However if there is a requirement
an employee will be asked to work half a day by their Reporting manager.
 An employee, who is a non vacation staff after confirmation, shall become eligible for
earned leave which will be credited to his account after the confirmation. (Applicable to
Non Vacation staff only)
 Administration Department will be eligible to avail a vacation of 1 week in a year which
can be utilized according to the schedule of availability of staff.
 Every employee can avail 12 Casual leaves in a year. However pending CLs above 4 days
will lead to Leave encashment.
 The employee will have to apply for leave, and also a mail has to be sent to their
respective Co-ordinator and get it approved. The leave application has to be filled
thoroughly and get it duly signed by HOD well in advance before proceeding on leave.
 Submission of duly approved leave card to the Admin department is compulsory
for every employee or else the period of leave shall be treated as leave without
pay even if any leave is due.
 Principal’s approval is necessary.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Leaves - 2
 Any long leave not sanctioned in advance will be treated as unauthorized
Absence and may attract disciplinary / legal proceedings apart from loss of pay
and also will affect the increment.
 Any unauthorized absence will be considered as desertion of the post and
may result in loss of employment and forfeiture of dues.
 Employees are advised to plan long leave at least one month in advance,
with prior approval.
 Leave application should be up dated every time leave is availed, which will be
submitted to Admin dept at the month end for payroll processing. Any leave not
entered in leave card shall be considered as Loss of Pay.
 If an emergency arises due to which excess leave is necessary, approval of same from
Head of the department and intimation to HR/Admin Manager is necessary.
 Excess leave taken with the consent of HOD will be treated as authorized Loss of
Pay. Without an approval of HOD will be treated as Unauthorized Loss of Pay.
 All the leaves which are availed by the individuals need to be approved by their
HOD’s and the leave cards authorized to be forwarded to HR/Admin, this is mandatory.
 All Sundays, Holidays and Weekly Offs intervening during the actual leave period
shall be included in the leave period.(e.g., if Saturday and Monday leave is taken Sunday
will also be calculated as leave) In case, the casual leave is not availed by any Employee
in the calendar year, balance casual leaves are reimbursed at the end of the academic
 No leave can be taken on the last working day or starting of the School
 All un-availed casual leaves will be encashed together with the salary for
the month of June every year.
 Any team member who is having loss of pay of more than 5 days the
increment will lead to 2nd level.
 Any team member who is having loss of pay of more than 10 days the
increment will lead to 3rd level which is the last level of the increment slab
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Leaves - 3

Maternity Leave:

 All female employees, completing 12 months service are eligible for maternity leave
up to a maximum of 3 months
 This leave will be applicable only for the first two surviving children of the
employee irrespective of the number of times married
 Maternity leave will be availed in the proportion of 6 weeks before delivery and 6 weeks
after delivery on production of probable date of delivery as certified by a Doctor and
cannot be availed for more than 6 weeks prior to delivery; however, employees can
avail the complete 12 weeks of this leave after delivery
 Only regular female employees (Not Part time or temporary employees) are eligible
for maternity leave benefit and the salary for the period of maternity leave will be paid
in the normal course
 Women employees are permitted to extend their maternity leave by an additional 90
days by taking leave without pay after approval from RM. This leave should be applied
at least 15 days in advance.

If a female employee has adopted a child who is less than 2 years old, she can avail 5 days

Leave on resignation:

 Leave outstanding at the time of resignation from service shall not be set off against the
notice period which the employee is required to give in terms of condition of service
unless sanctioned by a competent authority. No leave is allowed while serving Notice
Period unless sanctioned by a competent authority.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Leaves – 4

Self Marriage:

When an employee gets married in the course of employment that person is eligible for leave
up to 6 days. This should be applied well in advance and should be approved by the reporting
manager. The RM may grant leave only on proof of marriage (Marriage certificate/ Invitation
card). This leave is allowed only once in the course of employment with SBSU.

Exam Leave :

 Exam leave- this is for academic staff only. This leave can be taken on the day
of exams only and not meant for preparatory leave. A maximum of 4 days leave can be
taken only for the days of the exam actually being held. (Admit card, with date is
required as proof).
 This leave can be taken once during his/her service with the Organisation.
 If additional days of leave are needed, those additional day needs to be taken from
the available leave balance or else will result in LOP.
 This leave on exam days may be taken at a stretch or on separate exam days but
is limited to only 4 days.
e.g. Exam dates are 1st, 2nd , 3rd , 4th - So all 4 days at a stretch can be availed
e.g. Exam dates are 1st , 3rd, 6th, 9th – So 4 days can be availed on separate days 1st ,
3rd, 6th, 9th

Bereavement Leave:

Canary will grant all regular employees bereavement leave of up to 3 days in a year in addition
to the regular leaves in the case of death of an immediate family member. Such leave must be
authorized by the employee’s reporting manager only on producing death certificate and
proving relationship.
Immediate family member is defined as:

. Parents (Father / Mother)

.Children (Son / Daughter)
. In-laws (Father-in-law / Mother-in-law)
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Compensation and Benefits - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Probation and Confirmation
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of GRIZZLY
3. Process Owner

1. Procedure for Compensation and Benefits.

 It is the policy of the school to ensure that all employees are paid fair and
competitive salaries.
 The Company will periodically monitor the compensation practices adopted
across relevant industry segments.
 The policy of the Company will be to compensate by means of an optimum
salary structure that rewards performance in proportion to job contribution
and achievements.
 The school will at all times conform to the laws and regulations governing
compensation practices in India.
 The objective of the school is to compensate employees equally for their
contribution to the success of the organization and believes that an effective
compensation and benefits policy must result in:

1. Uniformity / standardization across all people / grades

2. On-time disbursements with minimum administrative effort
3. Increased net take home
4. Improved and effective tax planning
5. Industry / geographical parity to reduce attrition
6. Improving social status - loan eligibilities, etc.
7. Reduction in attrition
2. The present policy is designed and evolved keeping in mind the above facets and
ideally presents the Group’s philosophy towards its employees who are being treated
as not mere employees but as partners in progress.
3. All the employees will be treated as Group Resources and the Management
will personally monitor their Career Development / Job Enrichment, etc.
4. This policy is applicable to all employees of Group. ALL DETAILS OF COMPENSATION
ARE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and employees are advised to maintain complete
secrecy. Failure to do so will result in stern action.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Compensation and Benefits - 2

Components of Compensation and Benefits:

1. This Compensation and Benefits Policy has been structured in line with our core values
wherein, we will be compliant to all the laws and regulations.
2. All requirements under the Indian tax laws, including tax compliance and filing of returns,
assessment, etc., will be the responsibility of individual employees at their own cost.
3. Reimbursement of Business Execution Expenses like Mobiles / Laptops PCs / Internet
Connectivity / Vehicle / Work Related Travel / Entertainment, etc. will not form part of
the CTC.
4. The compensation and benefit structure has been so designed that the components are
put under various heads in the order predetermined and as per eligibilities.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Holidays

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Holidays

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

The employee shall be entitled to public holidays as declared under Negotiable

Instrument Act or prescribed by the Appointing Authority/School administration.
If any holiday is declared in that month it should be adjusted with the holiday in the same
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Telephone and E-mail usage 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Telephone and email usage
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner

Use of telephone /fax system:

This policy outlines the responsibilities of SBSU staff concerning the use of e-mail,
Internet, telephone and fax provided by the school to conduct its business. Guidance
is provided for the staff within this Policy of what is acceptable use of these
networks. Telephone /fax is strictly for the school requirements. Any
usage of the same for the personal purposes is strictly prohibited.


Use of E-mail

 SBSU staff may use the e-mail facility to send messages both internally and
externally for School business purposes.

 Personal use of Canary internal e-mail (i.e., between Office employees in the
same department or different departments) is allowed but must be kept to a
minimum. Use of school external e-mail should be for business purposes

 Use of personal e-mail accounts at work for example; Hotmail or Yahoo is

prohibited at all times.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Telephone and E-mail usage 2

The following are deemed unacceptable use of e-mail:

 Long, on-going private ‘conversations’
 Use of inappropriate, insulting, defamatory or offensive language
 Using mass mailing lists for messages which are not work-related
 Starting or forwarding ‘chain mail’ messages. These must be deleted.
 Sending harassing, obscene and/or other threatening e-mails to another user.
 Use of language that is in breach of the school Policy.
 Sending unauthorized messages from another users email account.
 Knowingly corrupting or destroying other users data.
 Unauthorized disclosure of any confidential or sensitive information via the email
or Internet system.
 Knowingly sending e-mails that contain viruses or other harmful components.
 The use of e-mail for the distribution of material that is offensive and obscene.
 Accessing and reading another users e-mail account without consent.
 Unacceptable use of e-mail is a disciplinary offence and may be treated as gross

 Please note that Passwords cannot be changed without notice of Admin.

department Other points to note:

 It is important that e-mails are treated as a written document, which can be
considered contractual in some circumstances.
 E-mails should conform to the Office House style guidance on e-mail
 Computer resources are limited and care should be taken not to store
unnecessary information. It is good practice to delete messages that are no longer
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Telephone and E-mail usage 3

Care should be taken with the content of e-mails and an assumption that they are
totally private should not be made.
 The school owns e-mail accounts. If there is genuine suspicion of failure
to comply with this e-mail policy, the Company reserves the right to
inspect the contents of any e-mail that is sent or received.
 Deleted e-mails can be retrieved.
 Incoming Internet e-mails are automatically scanned for viruses and other
potentially damaging content. If such content is detected those e-mails may be
inspected in order to establish whether they are safe to forward to the addressee.

 Internet access is provided for work purposes. Personal use of the internet during
working hours is a disciplinary offence. Reasonable personal use of the internet is
allowed provided it is before the start of your working day, during your lunch
break or at the end of your working day. Your business e-mail address credit or
debit card information to purchase goods through the internet Canary School will
not be held liable for any breaches of web site security.
The following are unacceptable at any time
 You must never knowingly access or download material that is of an offensive,
obscene, pornographic, sexist or racist nature. Downloading of such material may
be treated as gross misconduct.
 Accessing/viewing non work-related on-line chat rooms or undertaking any other non-
business on-line interaction.
 Saving non – work related material from web sites on to School storage media
e.g. Office network, hard drives or floppy disc drives.
 Saving or forwarding to other users copyrighted information in breach of
the copyright.
 Circulation by e-mail of any non-business information obtained from the internet.
 Playing on-line computer games.
 On-line gambling.
 Any illegal activities.
 Unacceptable use of the internet is a disciplinary offence and may be treated as
gross misconduct.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Telephone and E-mail usage 4

Personal phone calls using the School internal telephone system should be kept to a minimum..
Some examples of what may be seen as acceptable calls are those dealing with

 Childcare/eldercare matters
 Medical or dental appointments
 Other domestic matters
 If you are found to be using a Office telephone for excessive personal use it will
be treated as a disciplinary matter.

Office fax machines are provided for business purposes only and a house style front sheet must
always be used. If you wish to send a personal fax due to an urgent domestic matter,
Permission must be sought from your manager.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Appraisal and Taxation
1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Appraisal and Taxation
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner

Appraisal & Promotion

 Appraisal takes place once in a year and the increments & promotions are
given during the Annual Appraisal Period .However every appraisal does not
mean an increase in remuneration or grant of any other perks.
 The salary will be reviewed annually on successful completion of one
year depending upon the performance of the employee.
 The appraisal of an employee is purely based on their performance during their tenure.
The management has complete authority to take decision regarding the appraisal based
on employee’s performance.

All employees are subject to all statutory requirements like Provident fund Profession Tax ,
Indian Income Tax & State Professional Tax Regulations as per Prevailing rules. All employees
who are liable to pay Income Tax are expected to assess their own tax liability.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Code of Conduct – Dress code

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Probation and Confirmation
2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

SBSU is growing organization. It is crossing it milestones every successful year it is passing by.
This has been possible with the joint effort of all of its employees, their perseverance, vision,
hard work.

For consistency of standards in the system we need certain Rules and Regulations to be
implemented, and above that a well defined Code of Conduct, to guide the individual and the

A person selected for joining Canary, in any capacity, is important to the school. To be one of
such a team with disciplined life needs a lot of concentration, commitment. This can be
performed by being bound by a Code of Conduct.


Mon–Thu------Formal wear / Trousers and the Blazer/and an ID card.
Friday-------Casual wear / jeans and collared T-shirt

Mon–Thu------Formal wear / Sari or Chudidar or Kurti and an ID card.
Friday-------Casual wear / jeans and Top

Adherence to Dress Code is essential for all employees. Non adherence/deviations will attract
disciplinary action against employees.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Code of Conduct – ID card

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Code of Conduct

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU. Process
3. Owner:

ID Card:

 On joining SBSU an employee shall be issued an ID card, which he/she has to keep very
carefully. He/she shall have to mark their attendance, through ESSL as well as manual
register. Failure to do so will result in his being marked absent and loss of pay.
 In case this card is lost due to any reason, the HR/Administration Department will have
to be informed immediately, for a duplicate card the cost of which to be borne by the
 For getting a duplicate ID card, the employee shall have to pay the charges in force at
that time.
 At the time of leaving CANARY, this card shall have to be surrendered to the
HR/Administration department for finalization of Accounts against a proper receipt.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Disciplinary Action -1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Disciplinary Action

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Procedure For Handling Disciplinary Action

Activities which attract disciplinary action:

 Disclosure of any confidential information in regard to the working or procedure of the

establishment which may come to the knowledge of the employee in the course of his
employment, to any outsider or to the competitors of SBSU.
 Frequent late attendance, unauthorized absence for more than seven days
 Non adherence/deviation from Dress Code.
 Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the Canary business or property.
 Accepting bribes or illegal gratification whatsoever for showing undue favor in discharge
of his/her official duties.
 Drunkenness, fighting or riotous, disorderly or indecent behavior while on duty at the
place of work and the extended place of work.
 Habitual neglect of work.
 Smoking within the office premises or in places where it is prohibited.
 Causing willful damage to work in progress or to property of Canary
 Sleeping on duty.
 Maligning or slowing down work.
 Conviction in any Court of Law for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude or
detention in police custody for more than 48 hrs.
 Giving false information regarding one’ name age, father’s name, qualification or
previous service at the time of the employment.
 Breach of any rule, regulation or bye-laws.
 Threatening, abusing, assaulting or misbehaving with or in the presence of any
superior or co-worker.
 Habitual money-lending.
 Preaching of or inciting violence.
 Refusal to receive and/or accept any charge-sheet or order or notice communicated in
 Indecent remarks, gestures or unwarranted advances towards colleague(s) at place or
extended place of work.
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Topic Disciplinary Action -2

 Rumor mongering, instigating employees or students, casting unfounded aspersions on

people connected with the school.
 Indulging in anti-national activity.
 Using of official machinery including stationary, manpower, computers for personal and
non-official use.


 An employee found in violation of code of conduct or found indulging in any activity

which denotes misconduct, shall be placed under observation.
 A preliminary departmental inquiry shall be conducted into the alleged act
of misconduct.
 A report of the departmental inquiry shall be submitted to the Disciplinary Authority.
 Based on the report submitted, the Disciplinary Authority may initiate disciplinary
proceedings/action against the concerned employee.
 The Disciplinary Authority would issue Mail/Show cause notice along with charge sheet
to the concerned employee.
 In case the charges against employee are proved by the H.O.D and the
Disciplinary committee, then the Disciplinary Authority shall award termination under
this Code of Conduct.
 A copy of the order passed by the authority awarding punishment shall be supplied
to the employee concerned.

The following shall not be deemed as a breach of the Code of Conduct.

 To appear at an examination to improve his qualifications with the permission of the
 To become, or to continue to be a member of any religious, literary, scientific
or professional research cultural organization or co-operative society.
 To organize or attend any meeting outside the school hours subject to the condition
that such meeting is held outside the school premises.
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Disciplinary Action -3


The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons, including the breach of
one or more of the provisions of the Code of Conduct may be imposed upon an

a) Minor penalties: Recovery from pay, the whole or any part of loss caused to the
school by negligence or breach of orders the holding of increment of pay

b) Major Penalties:

i) Reduction in rank;
ii) Compulsory retirement
iii) Removal from service, which shall not be a disqualification for future employment in
any school run by the Society.

Disciplinary Committee:

The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the following:

 The Managing Director and The chairperson or in their absence any member of
the Committee nominated by him.
 A nominee of the Board/ appropriate authority. He/ she shall act as an adviser.
 Head of any other school nominated by the CBSE or Director of Education in case
the Act so provides.
 One teacher who is a member of SMC of the school nominated by the Chairman of
the Committee.
 The Disciplinary Committee shall carefully examine the findings of the Inquiry Officer
and the reasons for imposing penalty recorded by the Disciplinary Authority and the
representation by the employee
 In case any decision has to be taken against a member, the committee will sit and
decide on it.
 In case the employee wishes to appeal against the order of the
Disciplinary Authority, the appeal shall be referred to a Disciplinary
Human Resources
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Department HR Department
Topic Disciplinary Action -4

 If an employee continuously remains absent without permission or over stays
sanctioned leave for 15 or more days, without any intimation, the employee shall be
issued show cause notice for explaining the reason for absence and would be directed
to join duty within 7 days.
 If the employee does not report for duty or does not give any satisfactory reply, then
it would be presumed that employee is not interested in continuing with the job & the
services of the employee shall be terminated forthwith.
 The term ‘employee’, ‘he’, ‘his’ shall include all employees, male/female Faculty
member or support staff including those working in Admissions, Accounts, Computers,
Admissions, Personnel, Administration, HR etc.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Job Classification - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Job Classification

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Procedure for job classification:

1. Job Classification is a kind of identity of the individual employee with respect to certain
competencies and traits. This is essentially for the administrative convenience of the
HR department for inter transferability and to arrive at protocol hierarchy. It is fixed
based on the following:
a) Technical skills
b) Human engineering such as leadership qualities, ability to
work in teams and social dimensions.
c) Communication skills including body language etc.,
d) Academic qualifications
1. Relevant experience Pay & Perks are essentially dependent on Market
2. Titles are based on Industry practices, Business requirement and Motivation to
the individual
3. JCs are grouped against different designations for better understanding at HR level.
Designations and JC correlation will be decided by the Group HR based on the
specific industry segment and location and are not to be decided upon by the unit
or division. Designations and JCs are connected permanently. Job title only changes.
4. Every entity that is newly created will be given an organizational structure and a
recruitment brief together with permissible JCs, do’s and don’ts by the group
HR head in consultation with the Board of Directors.
5. Pay and perks are indicatively connected to, but are not dependent on the Job
Classification and are market related. Hence, while competencies and traits decide
the JC, market dynamics determine the pay and perks. Market driven fluctuations
in pay and perks will not in any way alter the JCs.
6. Movement to higher JC level within the same Grade will take place every 2
years. Employees will be categorized as
1. Emerging performers - Employee performing below satisfactory level
2. Achievers – Employees performing at satisfactory level
3. Fast trackers – Employees performing above Satisfactory level
taking additional responsibilities
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Job Classification - 2

7. Case A: For Fast Trackers promotion can be given at an identified year.

Case B: In case of Achievers and Emerging Performers – promotion will not be given
even after 2 years

8. However, when a promotion involves movement from one ‘grade’ to the next,
both of the following criteria (a and b) need to be met:
 Proven track record of exceptional performance over the last 2-4
 A vacancy / opening for a role in the next higher grade should
be available.
 If there is no opening but the employee deserves a promotion
based on performance and potential, then an interdepartmental
transfer may be considered. It is the philosophy to transfer
exceptional employees to other departments to give them cross-
departmental exposure.
9. Repositioning of jobs or positioning new jobs requires prior approval of
the Management. Units/campuses have to provide a detailed justification
for repositioning existing jobs or positioning new jobs in the grade system.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Promotion/Increment Policy

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Procedure for handling Increment policy

1. All employees except emerging performers will receive their annual increment from 1st June
linked to their performance rating/appraisal.
2. Employees joining less than six months before 1st June will be eligible for yearly/ annual
increments only in the subsequent year – They will however, get their proportionate increment
arrears from the day of joining to the nearest appraisal time. i.e., if a person joins in the month of
March, then his/her appraisal will be done in next year June and he/she will get increment for 15
months in the ratio of normal Increment multiplied by 15/12. In the same manner, if a person
joins in the month of December, then he/she will be appraised in June and the increment will be
in the ratio of normal Increment multiplied by 6/12. This procedure is recommended so that all
the increments/promotions are aligned to the Group’s HR Calendar year of June and May and at
the same time no new recruit loses monetarily.
3. Typically there will be no increments/promotions during the course of the year.
4. However, outstanding performers may be recommended for interim promotions
/confirmations /increments at the sole discretion of the Management. However increment (in case
of promotions) will be effective only from next 1st June
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Transfer Policy

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

1. Procedure for Transfer

1. As matter of administrative policy, all promotions will be with effect from the HR Calendar
commencement (1stJune) each year. So that all promotions throughout the Group coincide.
2. In the event of vacancy in the next higher level arising and an existing employee being
considered for elevation to that position, the promotee will be given the Designation and JC of
the level he/she is being promoted to and will be vested with the responsibilities and authorities
of that level in order to ensure that the position is not kept vacant and work hampered. But, the
financial benefits of the promotion will be given effect from the date of commencement of the
next HR year (1stJune).
3. In the eventuality that an employee needs to be promoted with effect from the middle of the HR
year and the financial benefits are necessarily to be given with immediate effect, the same will be
required to be approved by Management in writing, stating the circumstances necessitating the
middle of the HR year promotion. These are the types of cases envisaged where retention of
capable and suitable candidates requires giving effect to the promotion immediately.
4. Promotions are based on merit and are against vacancies in the approved organization structure.
5. The individual should fulfill the requirement for higher responsibility in terms of academic and
professional qualifications, experience, job knowledge, track record and personality and personal
qualities such as intelligence, tact, maturity, leadership, integrity, etc.
6. Merit in respect of the above factors will be reckoned on the basis of annual appraisals and
individual service records.
7. Authority for issuing Promotion Orders will be decided by the management.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Retirement policy

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

1. Procedure for Retirement

1. Retirement: Retirement age for all staff in SBSU is 60 yrs. All employees will automatically
retire on the last working day of their birth month (for e.g. if an employee turns 58 yrs. on 7th
July 2013, his retirement day will be 31st July 2013).
2. Handling Objections / Exceptions:
1. If the service of the employee needs to be extended, the Unit head/School Director/Principal will
submit a formal request clearly mentioning whether the extension is for 1 year or 2 years and a
justification is to be given for Extension of service of retiring employee.
2. No extension of a regular employee is allowed after the age of 60 years. However if the
employee is still fit to work and contributing, he/she can be retained as a consultant on contract
basis for a period of 11 months, renewable each time only for a period of 11 months on the
approval of Management.
3. Employees who are taken on contract basis under such circumstances – their settlement
as a regular employee is to be completed in all respects and a new agreement must be given.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Travel and Communication - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

Process for travel

Employees may avail Travel Advance to be indicated in the Travel Requisition Form. Travel Advance will not be
given unless all outstanding advances are settled.

 All Travel Advance requests should be informed two days prior to travel in order to
facilitate planning
 All travel bills need to be submitted to reporting officer for approval
 Boarding pass is a must for air travel

A) Local Travel:
1. All employees are eligible for reimbursement of local conveyance charges incurred in connection
with official work as per the following criteria. Senior Management Team includes Managing Director,
Chairman, Director, Principal
 Senior Management Team: Total Cab expenses incurred will be reimbursed.
 Administrative Team: The employee will use his own 2 Wheeler for all official
purpose Rs. 3/- per km
 Academic Team: Three wheeler fare will be reimbursed for any official travel.
B) Outstation Travel:
 For the purpose of these guidelines, outstation duties mean journey undertaken beyond
100 km from the location of posting for official work duly authorized by the reporting
 For all SMT members an amount of Rs. 5000/- per day is paid towards Boarding and
lodging and Rs. 1000/- per day towards conveyance
 For Teachers and other staff an amount of Rs. 2500/- per day is paid towards
Boarding and lodging and Rs. 500/- per day towards conveyance
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Travel and Communication - 2

C) Communication: (Mobile bill)

 Senior Management Team includes Managing Director, Chairman, Director,

 Administration team : Rs. _________- is paid towards mobile expenses
 Academic Team : Nil
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Grievance Redressal Policy - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

1. Procedure for Exit

1. General:
 A Grievance is a documented manifestation of dissatisfaction of an employee. Such
dissatisfaction, if left unaddressed and unresolved, could endanger the lifeline of the
society and erode its image.
 Employees can communicate about any issues relating to workplace culture,
administrative issues, misbehavior of colleagues, harassment of any nature and any
other concerns that hinder or negatively impact work performance.
2. Constitution of Grievance Committee:
 Chairperson
 Director
 Admin Manager
3. Procedure for Grievance Redressal:
 The employees Reporting Manager (RM) will be the first level of escalation
 In case that cannot be done for any reason, one should escalate to the next level.
(RM’s Manager)
 If for any reason, this channel cannot be leveraged, it should be escalated to the Officer
where a grievance committee is constituted.
 Employee to send mail to Reporting manager or the next level
 The grievance contents should be as follows:
Procedure to Report a Grievance:
(To be filled by the aggrieved)
 Name, Designation, Unit and Employee ID of the aggrieved
 Brief description of the grievance
 Where did it occur
 Person who caused the grievance (Name, Designation).
 Date, Time and Location of the incident
 Human Resources
2. Process 3. HR
4. Department 5. HR Department
6. Topic 7. Grievance Redressal Policy -2

5. Witnesses to this Grievance/Misconduct (if any):

1. Reporting Manager
2. Colleague
3. Staff of the School
4. Passer by
5. Any other authority

5. What impact has this concern/grievance/misconduct had on you:

1. Physical harm
2. Emotional turbulence
3. Mental agony
4. Social distress

7. Whom did you approach first after the event? Have your Reporting Manager been
informed? If yes, when? What was the solution offered by them? Has it been implemented?

8. Grievance committee shall attempt to resolve after taking inputs from both aggrieved and
grievance officer.

9. Grievance Redressal Committee will send its recommendation to the chairman for final
consent and decision.

10. Decision of Chairman will be communicated to the aggrieved either through e-mail/
telephone / in person.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Exit Policy - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of SBSU.
3. Process Owner:

1. Procedure for Exit

1. General:
1. Separation can be of two kinds – Termination or Resignation.
2. All the Regular employees of the Company are governed by the separation and termination
3. Termination
1. SBSU reserves the right to terminate an employee at any time without notice if such a
case arises as a result of his misconduct, negligence and / or breach of any express or
implied condition of employment.
2. When an employee is terminated from employment for any reason the reporting
manager (RM) has the responsibility to communicate the termination to Human
Resources immediately to ensure that the procedures of this policy are followed.
3. Termination based on performance has a separate procedure.
1. In case the performance of an employee is not up to expectations after the Year End
Appraisal – that employee is referred to as an Emerging Performer (EP).
2. The EP is given 1 (one) full year to facilitate improvement of his performance with 2
additional Assessment meets with the Reporting Manager during the year (October and
3. If after the dialogue there is still no perceivable improvement, the EP is put on a
Performance Improvement Plan (PIP).
4. The PIP is to record Expected Behaviors and Expected Job Results that are currently
not meeting performance expectations. Each expectation will require a description of
performance improvement required and a timeline for resolution.
5. The employee and his/her Reporting Manager have a direct conversation about
Performance to facilitate improvement.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Exit Policy - 2

6. Failure to achieve Expected Behaviors or Results will lead to disciplinary action, which
may include changes in the employment agreement (decrease of workload leading to
decrease of pay), change of role (could lead to decrease of pay), demotion or even
7. PIP's can be implemented throughout the year, as and when needed. There needs to be a
start date and an end date.
8. Reporting Manager should have an ongoing dialogue with the employee until the
expectations are at an acceptable level.
9. If an employee is not comfortable with his/ her RM, he/she may request the next level
manager to intervene and assess performance improvement.
10. In the following year if there is no improvement in the EP’s performance, the employee is
referred to as an underperformer, the services of that employee is terminated.

4. Resignation: The employee who resigns from the Company is responsible for providing
appropriate written notice of his/her intent to resign. The notice period for all Academic, Non
academic staff or unit head or SMT shall serve a notice period of 2 months. However as per the
organization’s requirement if the employee is expected to serve for some more time then the
employee with get full pay till that last working date. .
Eg. If after serving 2 months notice the last working date is 30th April and as per request of RM
the last date is extended till 15th May, then full pay will be given for the notice period including
upto 15th May.
It may noted that resigned employees (Vacation staff) will not be entitled to salary
for the vacation period.
E.g. If a teacher resigned and last working date is 23rd April, the salary will be calculated only till
23rd April. The Vacation period from 24th April – 31st May will not be paid.
5. The notice establishing the end of employment date must be presented to the reporting manager
6. Verbal resignation should not be accepted. However If the notice of intent to resign is given
verbally to the RM, the RM will confirm the acceptance of the resignation in writing and this
acceptance should have a proper date. To avoid future dispute ask for written resignation.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Exit Policy - 3

7. If an employee wishes to resign, giving less than the notice period, the employee must pay the
company an amount equal to his/her gross salary pertaining to the notice period, on pro-rata basis.
8. However, the management reserves the right to accept or reject such requests to adjust salary
against notice period.
9. The management has the right to relieve an employee with immediate effect on
resignation from services.
10. The separating employee will also, prior to final settlement, handover any returnable
company assets, company documents, policy manuals, laptop, data card, SIM card, identity
and access card etc to HR Dept.
11. On resignation, the employee must settle all dues prior to his departure. Final
settlement/service certificate will not take place unless this is done.
2. Exit or Separation Process:
1. Once resignation or separation letter is accepted and the date of relieving is known, concerned
departments are intimated at least two days before the relieving date to check if there are any dues
pending against the employee.
2. On the last working date of the employee, he has to fill up the exit interview form. This is not
required if the employee is terminated.
3. Appropriate Authority will conduct the exit interview with the employee who resigns from the
services of the company.
4. Subject to the positive clearance of all the dues to the society, resignation letter to Admin
department indicating the relieving date so that pay calculations may be done only till the
relieving date. As and when the no dues is confirmed payroll will work out the amount
payable/receivable as of the last working date.
5. In case of any dues, the employee will be intimated to clear the dues immediately and the process
as in the above paragraph will continue. In case of salary advances this can be settled against
payable. However if the receivable is more, the difference due to the organization is to be
intimated to the employee to be cleared, pending which the Relieving letter will be on hold.
6. Once it is established that there are no dues from the employee to thesociety, the Relieving
Letter /Service Certificate letter is to be issued to the employee on his last working day
subject to clarity of dues pending on the last working date.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Exit Policy - 4

7. After receiving the necessary documents, Admin department will check the Entitlement of the
employee benefits like Gratuity, unutilized leaves, and any other unclaimed benefits and
reimbursements of the society..
8. The settlement cheque along with F&F statement received from Accounts and Payroll
respectively is to be couriered to the employees’ address (as mentioned in the No Dues Form)
latest by or before the 15th of the month. The courier acknowledgement copy is to be taken as
proof of receipt of the cheque and filed in the personal file.
9. Copies of all relevant documents should be filed in the employee’s personal file
(Resignation letter, No dues, Exit interview form, Full &Final settlement statement
including payment /cheque details and acknowledgment copy)
10. The day after the employee’s last working day, concerned department is to ensure that the email ID
of the employee is blocked and any other software is to be blocked.
11. On the last working day of the employee an internal communication (separation mail) is to be sent
to appropriate members (Chairman, MD, SMT members including copy to reporting manager of
that employee and receptionist/front office). The mail should also indicate who has taken over the
role of the separated employee.
12. Note:
1. If any employee resigns – his salary (one month) will be kept on hold and paid along
with settlement.
2. No leave / vacation is permitted during the notice period.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic HR Planning

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of GRIZZLY.
3. Process Owner:

1. Procedure for HR Planning

1. General:
1. Each unit head/ campus head will plan Human Resource requirements at the beginning
of every year to integrate human resource plans with business plans. The focus should
clearly be on highlighting how the strategy of organization of each function supports
key business, academic and functional strategies.
2. The planning will be as per the organization structures which will be approved every
year during the presentation of the business plan. All decisions regarding recruitment,
re-positioning of people, promotions, etc., will be in accordance with the approved
3. Unit Heads/ Principal /School Directors should view the planning process as an
opportunity to review whether changes are necessary. It will be useful to address the
following questions in this regard:
1. To what extent does the current structure facilitate the achievement of
business plans and functional strategies?
2. Do the current defined roles of all employees useful to effectively
implement the change required to achieve these strategies?
3. Do the current roles of all employees enhance the business’ ability to
compete for customer satisfaction?
4. Does the structure allow for organizational flexibility and dynamism thus
rendering it more competitive?
4. Taking into consideration the above questions the workforce plan is to be created and
then approved by the management every year during the presentation of the business plan
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Academic staff - 1

1. OBJECTIVE: To define a Standard Operating Process for handling Promotion/Increment Policy

2. SCOPE: This SOP is applicable to Human Resources Department of GRIZZLY.
3. Process Owner:

Procedure for Recruitment - Academic

1. General:

 The recruitment process gets triggered when the Recruitment Requisition being raised
by the unit head/campus head.
 Every post whether it is a replacement or new shall be notified and approved by the
Management based on qualification, skills and experience requirements; Role, KRAs,
grade JC and CTC. ‘Must’ and ‘good to have’ requirements shall be differentiated so
that selection base is wide.
 50% of sources of recruitment should be internal referrals and balance through
other sources. 25% of all recruitment to be Beginners and balance experienced

2. Sources for Recruitment:

 As soon as the approved requisition comes to the concerned department head, he or she
understands the requirement then sources profiles mapping to the position.
 Sourcing of academic staff will normally be done by using any or all of the
following candidate search methods:

a. Reserve Data Base of unselected / shortlisted candidates from applications

received and maintained in a database collected over the previous year.
b. Employee referrals obtained from employees.
c. Sourcing though social / Business Networking Web sites (e.g.
Facebook, LinkedIn).
d. Sourcing though Job Portals and from Job Advertisements in Naukri
and other such sources.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Academic staff - 2

e. Job posting in Job Portals, Online Classifieds, Online Blogs, Online

f. Advertisements in local and national newspapers / dailies.
g. Previous employees: At times a previous employee may be considered as this
would be a trained hand.
h. Calling for resources from recruitment agencies and consultants
3. Receipt of Responses:
 All responses received against the above sources will be explored
simultaneously to reduce lead times.
 Candidates are required to fill up the prescribed Personal Data Form and submit the
same online.
4. Scrutiny of Applications/Responses:
 Resumes shall be scrutinized based on the following criteria:
a) ‘Must’ requirements like basic qualifications e.g. Graduation is must, PG
may be good to have but not must – depending on the segment.
b) Age criteria
c) Last drawn salary of candidate.
5. Recruitment Process – Academic Staff:

Phone Screening:

After scrutiny of applications, suitable applicants shall be screened by the HR or concerned

person over telephone. The objective of the interview is to (a) assess the personal profile of
the applicant (b) get clarification on the inconsistencies, if any, in the applicant’s profile
form that was filled by him/her (c) to assess worthiness of the experience and the relative
matching with that of the required (d) to assess the general attitude and attitude towards
work, students and institution. Emphasis of the screening shall be on – communication
skills, people skills, genuinity of experience claim, compatibility check, sensitizing the
applicant on the role and if needed pay range. Their existing salary and expectations may
also be asked. Ask the candidate
to send proof of existing salary.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Academic staff -3

2. If applicant is suitable for the position applied for – mention

reasons/observations and forward the resume to the Director for further action.
3. If applicant is not suitable for any role in the organization a decline mail is to be
sent within 7 days of Phone screen.
4. The Recruitment head evaluates the candidate for any other opening and if
found suitable calls for interview mentioning date, time and venue.
5. If the candidate is not suitable send a decline mail within 7 days of the
6. Call Letter: Candidates found suitable after the phone screen or those who have come as walk-ins
or through campus drives are called for interview mentioning date, time and venue for interview
7. Selection Day: A Selection day is organized wherein shortlisted candidates from all sources are
asked to come on a particular day and the process of selection is carried out for the entire day.
Administrative arrangements are to be take4n care.
8. Written Test: A written test is conducted. The questionnaire for the written test is to be prepared by
Academic Department. The test should cover questions to assess quality of English, thought process,
cohesiveness (Brining together) etc. There should be one descriptive question
and the rest to be objective.

 The minimum qualifying marks 60% is to be obtained to progress into the next
 Three sets of question papers shall be available for each subject/Grade.
 If the candidate does not qualify in the written test, such candidate is
informed that he/she may reapply after 6 months.

9. Demo: Candidates qualifying the written test will go through a Demo session. All the qualified
candidates sit together during this session. The Demo is assessed by a minimum of 2 designated subject

10. Candidates not qualifying for the Demo are informed that he/she may reapply after 6 months.
11. Tally Sheet: The results of the Written test and Demo is sent to the Panel along with the
PDF for the Panel Interview Annexure SA08 – Tally Sheet. Once the process is complete, the same
should be available for audit purpose.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Academic staff -4

12. Personal Interview:

 Depending on the Demo scores and written test scores the candidate is sent for
personal interview with the panel. The Panel assesses competencies such as
communication, interpersonal skills, maturity, potential, etiquettes, leadership
skills and attitude.
 Segment wise Panels will be formed as follows:
1. Pre-primary& Primary - HM, Concerned Coordinator, and Jr.
School Principal
2. Secondary / Sr. Secondary – Concerned Coordinator, Vice
Principal & Sr. School Principal
 The School Director will take a final call on the candidates based on the report

13. Salary Fitment:

 Salary is decided according to their qualification and experience. JC is also

decided based on the above and it increases according their performance.
 Only basic and dependent elements will increase. There will have to be
documentary evidence of the reasons for such consideration.
 After one year of satisfactory service people recruited an employee will be
promoted to next level JC.
 The salary matrix is to be referred to while fixing the JC and the
compensation. The compensation paid in CTC terms should be agreed
upon before the Offer Letter is prepared.

14. Offer Letter

 Upon the candidate being selected and salary negotiations completed, the Offer letter is
rolled out mentioning the JC, Job Title, Reporting Manager and date of Joining. This has to
be made in duplicate with the signature of the authorized person to the left and the
candidate’s signature on the right (signifying his/her acceptance). For teachers with
Principal’s signature
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Academic staff -4

 The selected candidate is sent a list of documents to be furnished at the time of joining.
 The list of documents to be submitted:
 Experience Letter from Previous organization
 Conduct Certificate
 Three months salary statement
 The above documents are mandatory to submit at the time of joining. In case there is
a gap of time from past work then they have to obtain the experience letter from last
job left.
 The candidate will be required to report to the work on joining date and will then
handle the subsequent steps.

15. Regret Letter

 In case the candidate is rejected a regret letter should be sent by email

Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Non-Academic staff - 1

1. Procedure for Recruitment – Non-Academic Staff

1. General:
1. The recruitment process gets triggered when the Recruitment Requisition being raised
by the unit head/campus head.
2. Every post whether it is a replacement or new shall be notified and approved by the
Management based on qualification, skills and experience requirements ‘Must’ and
‘good to have’ requirements shall be differentiated so that selection base is wide.
3. 50% of sources of recruitment should be internal referrals and balance through other
sources. 25% of all recruitment to be Beginners and balance experienced candidates.
2. Sources for Recruitment:
1. As soon as the approved requisition comes to the concerned Department the concerned
executive understands the requirement then sources profiles mapping to the position.
2. Sourcing of non-academic staff will normally be done by using any or all of the
following candidate search methods:
1. Reserve Data Base of unselected / shortlisted candidates from applications
received and maintained in a database collected over the previous year’s
available with the unit.
2. Employee referrals obtained from employees.
3. Sourcing though social / Business Networking Web sites (e.g. Facebook,
4. Sourcing though Job Portals and from Job Advertisements in Naukri and other
such sources.
5. Job posting in Job Portals, Online Classifieds, Online Blogs, Online
6. Previous employees: At times a previous employee may be considered as this
would be a trained hand.
7. Calling for resources from recruitment agencies and consultants
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Non-Academic staff - 2

3. Bulk Hiring
1. In case it is an urgent recruitment, candidates are invited to come with duly filled
resume and certificates on specific day, time and venue.
2. On scrutiny of resume if candidate is not suitable – he/she is informed that he/she
does not match our requirement and is asked to leave.
3. If the candidate is found suitable continue with next step
4. Receipt of Responses:
1. All responses received against the above sources will be explored
simultaneously to reduce lead times.
5. Candidates are required to fill up the prescribed Personal Data Form and submit the same.
6. Scrutiny of Applications/Responses:
1. Resumes shall be scrutinized based on the following criteria:
1. ‘Must’ requirements like basic qualifications e.g. Graduation is must, PG may
be good to have but not must – depending on the segment.
2. 35 year age criteria
3. Last drawn salary of candidate which shall not be more than 10% of the
approved CTC
7. Recruitment Process – Non-Academic Staff:
1. Phone Screening:
1. After scrutiny of applications, suitable applicants shall be screened by the HR
or concerned person over telephone. The objective of the interview is to (a)
assess the personal profile of the applicant (b) get clarification on the
inconsistencies, if any, in the applicant’s profile form that was filled by him/her
(c) to assess worthiness of the experience and the relative matching with that of
the required (d) to assess the general attitude and attitude towards work,
students and institution. Emphasis of the screening shall be on – communication
skills, people skills, genuinity of experience claim, compatibility check,
sensitizing the applicant on the role and if needed pay range. Their existing
salary and expectations may also be asked. Ask the candidate to send proof of
existing salary.
2. If applicant is suitable for the position applied for – mention
reasons/observations and forward the resume with observations to the
recruitment head for further action.
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Non-Academic staff - 3

3. If applicant not suitable for any role in the organization a decline mail is to
be sent within 7 days of Phone screen. In case of walk in, inform them that
they are not suitable as per our requirement and they may leave the premises.
4. The Recruitment head evaluates the candidate for any other opening and if
found suitable calls for interview mentioning date, time and venue.
5. If the candidate is not suitable send a decline mail within 7 days of the
2. Call Letter: Candidates found suitable from after the phone screen are called for
interview mentioning date, time and venue for interview
3. Selection Day:
1. For Walk-ins through Bulk Hiring – the selection day shall consist of
written test / essay / demo as per the requirement of the role.
2. For others – on selection day written test / presentation of assignment / demo /
essay is conducted depending on the role . For higher designates there would be
a one on one interview over skype or in person.
4. Skype / Telephonic Interview – In case the shortlisted candidate is unable to
come for personal interview an interim interview over Skype or telephone is
conducted. If the candidate is suitable, a personal interview is a must with the
concerned HOD.
1. If the candidate qualifies for interview proceed to Personal interview stage
2. If the candidate does not qualify, the candidate is communicated that they can
re-apply ONLY after 6 months, when the next open position/s are announced.
5. Personal Interview:
1. Qualified candidates from the written test and interim skype/telephonic
interview shall attend a final round of interview.
2. The interview is to be conducted with the RM and Director. The Final sign
off will be the Director.
3. Candidates shall be assessed on communication skills, interpersonal skills,
maturity, potential, etiquette, leadership and attitude.
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Recruitment of Non-Academic staff - 4

6. Evaluation
1. If candidate is suitable for the position then the candidates profile with
assessments is forwarded to corporate recruitment head who will facilitate a
meeting between candidate and head of relevant campus / office.
2. If the candidate at this stage also is not found suitable he/she may
reapply ONLY after 6 months, when the next open position/s are
8. Salary Fitment:
1. Salary is decided according to their qualification and experience. JC is also
decided based on the above and it increases according their performance.
2. Only basic and dependent elements will increase. There will have to be
documentary evidence of the reasons for such consideration.
3. After one year of satisfactory service the recruited employee will be
promoted to next level JC.
4. The salary matrix is to be referred to while fixing the JC and the
compensation. The compensation paid in CTC terms should be agreed upon
before the Offer Letter is prepared.
9. Offer Letter

 Upon the candidate being selected and salary negotiations completed, the Offer letter is
rolled out mentioning the JC, Job Title, Reporting Manager and date of Joining. This has to
be made in duplicate with the signature of the authorized person to the left and the
candidate’s signature on the right (signifying his/her acceptance). For teachers with
Principal’s signature
 The selected candidate is sent a list of documents to be furnished at the time of joining.
 The candidate will be required to report to the work on joining date and will then
handle the subsequent steps.

10. Regret Letter

1. In case the candidate is rejected a regret letter should be sent by email.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Joining -1

1. Procedure for Joining

1. Joining Documents - Relevant documents are asked for when mailing Offer Letter
depending on whether candidate is experience or beginner.
1. Pass port size photograph (Self) and Family members pass port size photograph.
2. Photocopy of the residence proof.
3. Photocopy of the Pan Card or Photocopy of ID proof issued by govt. of India - 2
4. Photocopy of academic credentials.
5. Photocopies of certificates in proof of experience (if applicable)
6. Photocopy of appreciation / relieving letters(from previous organizations)
7. Conduct certificate from previous Employer.
8. Experience Letter from Previous work place
9. Last 3 months pay slips with company seal/letter (if applicable)
2. Pre-joining Activities – In order to ensure that the first day of joining is a very positive
experience the following are expected to be completed at least a week before joining and
activities are as follows:
1. Agreement Letter is prepared and the candidate’s signature is taken after his perusal.
2. Collect Passport size photographs.
3. Fill in the ESI form as applicable (Form can be sent to joinee by mail which the joinee
can fill and bring along at the time of joining)
4. Collect Photocopies of academic credentials.
5. Collect ID proof Aadhaar Card mandatory and Voter ID/Passport &Pancard.
6. Collect Address Proof.
7. Inform Bank Agent to come on the date of joining of new joinee.
8. Inform Administration on candidates joining to arrange for seating space, stationery,
system and lunch arrangements. ICT to be informed on the need of a Laptop / desktop
as applicable.
9. Assign Reporting Manager (RM) and next level manager to the joinee.
10. Allocate a buddy to the joinee.
11. Prepare Welcome mail - check on the designation and reporting authority with the
unit head and keep it ready.
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Joining -2

12. In case there is a gap of 15 days or more from Offer to Joining – the candidate should
be engaged by sending appropriate mails by the concerned HR. Some
recommendations are as follows:
1. Information on awards or relevant articles on education
2. Links to relevant curriculum that is being followed in the campus.
3. Greetings in case of festivals or birthday of the candidate
3. One day prior to joining or earlier
1. Get the Employment Agreement (EA) signed by the authorized designate.
2. Inform ICT to create Email ID.
4. On date of Joining
1. Send welcome mail
2. For Academic & Non Academic Campus joining – Campus HR to send mail –
Bcc: Principal, School Director, Concerned HR, Admin Officer, ICT and New
2. Fill in Bank Account opening form.
3. Payroll information is filled and updated in the ESS for creation of employee ID and
scanned copy of payroll form and signed Employment Agreement is sent to Payroll
4. Once Employee ID is created – Admin dept sends information to the new joinee of
their ESS account.
5. The new joinee’s finger print is recorded in the biometric machine for attendance
6. Admin to be intimated for ID card, giving new joinee’s details along with
5. Personal file to be opened with all the required documents
6. Two (2) days after joining - Phone and Data Card eligibility as applicable and approved by
the appropriate designate should be updated in the ESS
7. Seven (7) days after joining – The feedback on the pre-joining and joining experience of the
new joinee is taken through Newjoinee Feedback Form
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Induction - 1

1. Procedure for Induction

1. General
1. Once the new joinee has completed the joining formalities, he/she is taken
through an induction process about the organization as well as the various
policies being followed.
2. This induction will be carried out for about 3 – 5 days
3. In case of induction for teachers in a group there is an induction training
(induction cum training) which takes place at least a month before the new
academic session.
4. Induction for Academic Staff
1. In the case of Teachers who join as a group, a specialized Induction
training program is arranged for a period of about 15 – 18 days
2. Arrangements for place, resources, equipment, stationery, food, and
logistics have to be planned and organized.
3. The resources conduct the sessions as per a defined schedule.
4. The induction covers:
1. Origin & growth, its vision & objectives, strengths & uniqueness,
work culture etc.,
2. HR policies and practices including ESS and relevant SOPs
3. Job Related training covering Effective communication, Subject,
Methodology, Class Management, Project based learning and other
essentials to enhance the capabilities of a teacher as well as imbibe the
culture of Canary.
4. Academic planning, program implementation for all the
5. ICT Skills and existing software connected to Academic
5. At the end of the session teachers join their respective classes as
6. A detailed one on one meeting shall take place with RM & Principal/
Director and a buddy should also be assigned.
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Induction -2

7. Feedback is taken from teachers every 3 to 5 days of the induction to improve

upon the process, content and usefulness of the programme. Attendance is
mandatory during induction period.
5. Induction for Non Academic Staff
1. The induction process covers the Origin & growth, its vision & objectives,
strengths & uniqueness, work culture, organization policies and procedures
as well as other service conditions.
2. HR policies and practices including ESS and relevant SOPs
3. Job related coaching covering key functional aspects, effective
communication, project based learning and other topics which shall be
carried out by RM.
4. A detailed one on one meeting shall take place with RM and a buddy
should also be assigned.
5. Attendance is mandatory during induction period.
6. In case of SMT a specialized induction plan is prepared so as to familiarize
themselves with respective depts. and the functions e.g. time to be spent with
Finance, Marketing, Strategy and Business Initiatives, Playschool, HR etc
basically the Executive Management Team. They
also spend some time meeting the Chairman or Managing Director.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development -1

1. Procedure for Training and Development

1. General:
1. The Concept is to make the employee a valuable resource to the organization as well as
giving that person the opportunity to grow with the organization by enhancing his/her
own skills. The employee should be worthy of his role in the organization. In this
context T&D should instill aspiration in the employee and provide opportunity to learn.
2. Training is aimed at improving the performance of individuals who learn through
observation and interaction. It is an educational process where people learn, unlearn, re-
learn and reinforce existing knowledge and skills. Training sessions help them improve
their effectiveness at work. It is also a means for enhancing skills and improving
workplace behaviors.
3. Training & Development shall cater to the needs of all employees from beginners to
experienced people in varying phases. Learning should be progressive i.e. from Basic
steps to higher courses.
4. T&D is again differentiated for Academic and Non Academic staff
5. Creation of relevant curriculum, subject and lesson planning content including
budgeting shall be the responsibility of the Education Division , whereas
implementation is with the T&DM
6. HR will be responsible for the content, delivery and budgeting of Soft Skills
7. The Training session shall be appropriate, with a proper name to each
programme and to be held at regular intervals.
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Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development -2

8. The Content of Training & Development should cover the following:

1. Understanding the Organisation – vision, mission , values, organization
expectations etc.
2. Job Skills – knowledge reinforcement, methodology etc.
3. Soft skills – Communication, planning skills, organizing skills etc
4. Customer Orientation – Make each one aware on the importance of
5. Use of Technology and change – How to adopt new technology
6. Coaching/Buddy skill – how to be a successful buddy
7. Cross functional Skills – Every individual should have at least 1 cross
functional skill identified.
8. Career Progression – Specialized training for growth
9. The budget can be planned accordingly ahead with an approval of the management. The
budget for T&D shall be so prepared as to achieve mandated hours within the budgeted
cost. Some of the factors to be considered in the budget preparation are:
1. Mandatory and Optional Training
2. Online training cost
3. Cost of Resources - Trainers (external and internal)
10. Academic Staff shall undergo a minimum of …… hrs of training and Non
Academic a minimum of ….. hours.
11. All trainings should be tracked and proper records shall be maintained giving
details of training e.g., topic, date, venue, the resource person and participants.
Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development – Academic Staff

2. Process of Training for Academic Staff

Process for Induction Training Program
1. The Teacher Induction Training Program for new teachers supports the growth and
professional development of new teachers. For the first year (new teachers) this should
be for …… hours besides the regular …….hours required for other training i.e. a total
of ….. hours.
2. It supports effective teaching practices, content focus, and assessment practices. It
provides professional support so that new teachers can acquire the requisite skills and
knowledge that will help them to achieve their goals.
3. It helps teachers to get familiar with School’s Vision and mission, expectations, dos
and don’ts, HR policies.
4. The concerned department shall be responsible for ensuring 100% participation of new
teachers for the training.
5. A training schedule shall be prepared for the month of May. This should include the
name of participant, date, time, and venue of training including topic and name of
resource person.
6. The Induction Training is concluded with the final demos incorporating the learning
outcomes of the series of trainings provided to the teachers during the Induction
Program which shall be reviewed by expert teachers.
7. After the training, feedback is to be taken so as to improve on the training. A record of
the training, attendance and feedback should be maintained by the HR partners of each
campus and at a consolidated level by the T&DM
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development – Academic staff

3. Process for Curriculum /Subject Based Trainings

1. The T&D Manager in consultation with the school director and Principal should prepare
the Training Calendar by the last week of May. The head of faculty shall also be
involved in designing the Curriculum / subject based Trainings. In the Calendar, the list
of trainings required specific to subject and Curriculum, resource person and the
dates/months for the entire academic session to be mentioned..
2. The Resource person can be an expert teacher from within or an external resource
person. The objectives of the workshop must be clearly defined and informed to the
trainer, teachers and SMT
3. The SMT can nominate teachers to attend the workshop.
4. The SMT may nominate the teachers according to the Curriculum /Grade levels they
are teaching and the efficiency level(between SMT and teacher)
4. Process for Soft Skills Trainings
1. School SMT / Training Manager will organize/facilitate the Soft skills training.
2. When the training program is announced - SMT will nominate the teachers from his/her
team for training.
3. The nominated teachers will be informed by email for participation which has to be
4. If invitation not acknowledged by teachers within the last date for this purpose –
his/her participation will be cancelled.
5. Nominations will be collated and teachers will be intimated on the topic and venue
of the training.
6. Attendance of teachers to be recorded every day. ATTENDANCE SHEET
7. Feedback is collected at the end of the training session
8. Resource persons may be either internal or external.
9. If a teacher is absent for a mandatory training, he / she shall inform the
concerned stating the reasons for the absence.
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Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development – Academic Staff

5. Process for Training on Lesson Planning

1. Training and development of Lesson Plans Specific to the Curriculum is done in
coordination with curriculum Lead / SMT / Teachers/ Coordinator
2. Subject wise workshop is conducted as follows:
1. A Lesson Plan format is given to teachers 15 -20 days in advance
2. The respective teachers shall prepare the lesson plans accordingly and meet at
a venue decided for the workshop
3. Each teacher is asked to make a presentation on the Lesson Plan
prepared by themselves
4. These presentations are created by teachers in the group and they arrive at a
final Lesson Plan to be followed
5. A senior teacher is designated as Head to lead the workshop, coordinate and
elicit the desired work from the teachers
6. Finally the head will verify all the LPs and make sure that they are of
desired quality fulfilling the norms and finally will give the approval for
7. The finalized Lesson Plan is uploaded which is to be followed by the
respective teachers
8. The above process may vary from the segment/curriculum according to
the requirement

Human Resources
Process HR
Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development – Non Academic Staff

2. Procedure for handling Training & Development – Non–Academic and GCO staff
1. General:
1. Training & Development for Non-Academic staff including GCO staff shall be
categorized into Functional Training, Team Building and Soft Skills Training.
2. This training shall be provided a minimum of 40 hours of training annually. Out of this
25 hours will be functional or on-the-job training and the remaining 15 hours shall be
soft skills training.
3. Team Building shall be an additional training.
2. Process of Training & Development – Non–Academic staff
1. Functional Training
1. This training is basically an on the job training to enhance the existing
knowledge and skills. The HOD is responsible for the training of his/her
2. A Training schedule has to be prepared by the HOD at the beginning of the HR
year. This can be a common training program or customized to a specific team.
The schedule should mention the name of participant, date and venue of
training including topic and name of resource person.
3. Regular tests shall be conducted to check on the effectiveness of the training.
The topics should basically cover areas such as Policies, SOPs,
4. After the training, feedback is to be taken so as to improve on the future
training sessions.
5. A record of the training, attendance and feedback should be maintained by the
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Department HR Department
Topic Process for Training and Development – Non Academic Staff

1. Soft skills Training

1. Corporate HR / T&DM or equivalent in-charge person will
organize/facilitate the Soft skills training.
2. These training sessions shall include Soft Skills such as Coaching Skills, Global
Business Communication Skills, Interviewing skills, Interpersonal Skills and
relevant programs for RM’s like Leading By Example. Also and any other
topics which may arise from the Training Need Analysis done through the data
in the PMS tool. Depending on the need a specific training program will be
announced - HOD will nominate the employee/s from his/her team for training
3. The nominated employees will be sent an invitation by email for
participation which has to be acknowledged.
4. If invitation is not acknowledged by the participant within the deadline
mentioned his/her participation will stand cancelled.
5. Nominations will be collated and participants will be intimated on the
topic and venue of the training.
6. Attendance of participants is to be recorded every day.
7. Feedback is collected at the end of the training session.
8. Resource persons may be either internal or external.

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