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1. Choose
a. If 1,2,3 are correct d. if only 4 is correct
b. If 1.3 is correct e. If 1,2,3,4 are correct
c. If 2.4 is correct
1. At the level of the inguinal ligament, the femoral artery lies within the femoral nerve
and is separated from the femoral artery by the iliac comb
2. In the adductor canal, the femoral artery accompanies the femoral vein, the nerve for the
medial broad muscle, and the saphenous nerve
3. The femoral artery gives the deep femoral artery branch to the superior border of the long
4. Only the deep femoral artery supplies blood to the muscles in the thigh region
2. Crural ring is limited by
a. Inguinal ligament, lactate ligament, reflective ligament
b. Inguinal ligament, reflective ligament, pubic crest
c.Inguinal ligament, lactate ligament, pubic crest
d. Pelvic arch, inguinal ligament, lactate ligament
e. Pelvic arch, lactate ligament, reflective ligament
3. Choose the best sentence: adductor canal
​a. Twisted inward d. a, b, c correct
b. Equivalent to arm tube e. a, b are correct
c. Contains saphenous nerve ( thần kinh hiển)
4. The great saphenous vein begins at
a. The soles of the feet d. Outer edge of the foot
b. Instep e. Behind the leg
c. Medial edge of the foot
5. The obturator nerve does NOT control which of the following muscles?
a. Slim body d. Closed muscle femoral
b. pectineus muscle (femoral nerve) e. Closed muscle great
c. Short adductor
6. Which of the following muscles is NOT attached to the femoral suture?
a.butt muscles d. Closed muscle great
b. Short adductor e. Gluteal medius
c. Outer wide muscle
Use the following information to answer questions 139, 140. 141
I. sartorius muscle
II. Iliopsoas
VII. Adductor brevis muscle
III. Gracilis muscle VIII. adductor magnus muscle
IV. Quadriceps femoris muscle IX. tensor fasciae latae muscle
V. pectineus muscle
VI.Adductor longus muscle
7. The anterior thigh muscle area includes the muscles
a. I, II, IV d. IV, IX
b. IV e. I, IV
c. I, II, IV, IX
8. The superficial layer of the muscle in the anterior thigh area consists of the muscles
a. V, VI d. III, DRAW
b. III, V, VI e. III, VI
c. VI, VII
9. The outer edge of the femoral triangle is formed by
a. I d. I, II, DRAW
b. I, II e. I, DRAW
c. II
10. The sides of the femoral triangle are (correct: inguinal ligament, sartorius, adductor
a. Inguinal ligament,sartorius muscle, pectineus
b. Inguinal ligament, sartorius muscle, gracilis
c. Inguinal ligaments, sartorius muscles, lumbosacral muscles
d. Inguinal ligament, sartorius muscle, adductor brevis
e. All is incorrect
11. In the femoral triangle, the order from inside to outside of the femoral nerve bundle
a. Femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral nerve d. Femoral artery, femoral nerve,
TM femoral
b. femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve e. Thigh vein, femoral nerve,
c. Femoral nerve, femoral vein, femoral artery
12. Superficial lymph nodes in the inguinal region do NOT have any of the following:
a. Located in the subcutaneous fat layer in the thigh triangle area
b. Consists of 12 to 20 nodes
c. Receive lymph from lower extremities
d. Receive lymph from the perineum, anus, genitals, buttocks and abdomen
e. Divided into 4 zones by the line across the foramen of the saphenous vein and
the line along the great saphenous vein. The two regions on the lymph nodes are
longitudinal. The two subganglionic zones are horizontal. ( khoanh câu dài nhất )
13. Which of the following does NOT pass through the adductor canal ?
a. optic nerve d. Nervous branch to medial broad
b. Large saphenous vein e. Both b and d
c. The femoral artery and the femoral vein
14. Femoral triangle and adductor canal
a. Twisted inward
b. Equivalent to arm tube
c. Equivalent to the inner biceps groove at the elbow
d. a and b are correct
e. a and c are correct
15. Choose FALSE
a. The femoral triangle is bounded by: the inguinal ligament, the muscles of the
anterior and inner thighs
b. The ceiling of the femoral triangle is covered by the ethmoid and femoral fascia
c. The floor of the femoral triangle includes: the iliac lumbago, the commissure, the
long adductor, and the short adductor
d. The apex of the femoral triangle is the meeting point of sartorius muscle and the
Adductor brevis muscle
e. The base of the femoral triangle turns upward, bounded by the inguinal and pelvic
16. Innervating all the muscles in the anterior thigh area is
a. Branches of femoral nerve d. Sentence a, b correct
b. Branches of closed account e. All wrong
c. Branches of the sitting TK
17. Pudendal nerve
a. Get out and return to the pelvis in the large seat
b. Come out from the large seat, get into the pelvis above the ligaments and spines
c. Get back into the pelvis below the ligaments of ischial spine
d. Get out of the pelvis in the baby's seat
e. Get back into the pelvis below the ligaments of the pelvis
Use the following details to answer questions 18 to 22
a. Obturator nerve d. Sciatic nerve
b. Femoral nerve e. Saphenous nerve
c. Superior gluteal nerve
18. Leave the pelvis at the greater sciatic notch on the upper border of the piriformis
muscle to enter the gluteal region C
19. Go out shallowly between sartorius muscle and Gracilis muscle giving the branch
into the knee joint E
20. Is the largest component of the terminal plexus. D
21. innervates most of the adductor muscles A
22. Into the thigh area below the inguinal ligament, located outside the femoral sheath B
23. Choose CORRECT: Deep femoral artery
a. It is a branch of the femoral artery
b. Blood supply to most of the thigh area
c. Can be ligated without danger
d. a and c are correct
e. a, b, c are correct
Question 24 Choose :
f. If 1,2,5 is correct d. If 3,4,5 is correct
g. If 1,3,5 is correct e. If 1,2,3,4,5 are correct
h. If 3.5 is correct
24. Sciatic nerve:
a. Derived from the anterior branch of the 4th, 5th and 5th lumbar nerves, 1,2,3
b. In the buttock area always go under the piriformis muscle
c. Usually, when filling the stilts, it is divided into 2 branches of the tibial nerve and
the common peroneal nerve
d. Controls movement for all muscles in the lower limb
e. Do not give any branches of sensation in the buttocks or posterior thighs

25. The popliteal fossa is a diamond- shaped space behind the knee joint, the top-outer
edge of the filling is:
a. Semi-tendon muscle d. Biceps femoris
b. Semi-membrane muscle e. Abdominal muscles
c. stilt muscles
26. In popliteal fossa, most superficial components (in relation to the Hiersfield ladder)
a. sitting nerve d. dam stilts
b Common peroneal nerve e. TM stilts
c. Tibial nerve
27. Which of the following arteries is NOT a branch of the popliteal artery? 166
a. Abdominal muscle artery d. Knee artery Between
b. superior internal knee artery e. Lower knee artery
c. Upper-outside knee artery f. Descending Genicular
28. Sural nerve is combined by the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, belongs to the
common fibular nerve, and the medial sural cutaneous nerve belongs
to........................... nerve component
Fill in the blanks above by the following appropriate account
a. Farmer's account d. Display account
b. Deep account e. TK sit
c. Tibial nerve
29. Select the correct answers 171
a. The popliteal artery corresponds to the brachial artery in the elbow flexor zone
b. The popliteal artery goes posteriorly, in the popliteal fossa to adapt to the law of
the great artery going in the flexor zone
c. Although there are many loops, it is still very dangerous to ligate the popliteal
d. Sentences a and b are correct e, Sentences a,b,c are correct
30. The deepest part of the popliteal fossa is
a. sitting nerve d.TM stilts
b. General account e. Popliteal artery
c. tibial nerve
31. Choose FALSE with the following posterior tibial artery: 173
a. Walk between the 2 muscle layers of the hind leg, under the deep fascia of the lower
b. At first walk between the 2 tibia and fibula
c. After passing between the tibia and fibula, the posterior tibial artery passes inward
and outwardly
d. In the ⅓ of the leg, the artery passes just beyond the lateral margin of the achilles
e. Along with the artery, there are 2 posterior tibial veins and the tibial nerve
Use the following details to answer questions 32, 33
I. Anterior tibial muscle IV. Muscles father
II. Long extensor muscle of the thumb V. Muscles long
III. Long toe extensor muscle BECAUSE. Muscles short
32. Muscles of the anterior leg region are 174
b. II, III, IV, VU e. I, II, III, IV
c. III, IV, V, VI
33. Deep peroneal nerve controls movement of upper muscles EXCEPT
a. I, II d. IV, VI
b. II, VI e. V, VI
c. IV, VU

34. All of the following muscles belong to the anterior leg region EXCEPT 176
a. Anterior tibial muscle d. Long extensor muscle of the thumb
b. Third muscle e. Long toe extensor muscle
c. Fibularis brevis (peroneus brevis)
35. All of the following muscles belong to the anterior leg region EXCEPT 176
a. Anterior tibial muscle d. Muscles father
b. Long extensor muscle of the thumb e. Fibularis longus (peroneus longus)
c. Long toe extensor muscle
36. Which of the following muscles is located in the deep layer of the posterior
leg, toward the fibula? 178
a. Long fibula muscle d. Toe flexor muscle long
b. Posterior tibial muscle e. All wrong
c. Flexor pollicis longus
Use the following details to answer questions 37 to 40
I. tibialis anterior IV. peroneus tertius
II. extensor hallucis longus V. fibularis longus
III. extensor digitorum longus VI. fibularis previs
37. Muscles of the lateral anterior leg region are: 179
a. V, VI d. IV, DRAW
b. IV, V, VI e. III,V,VI
c. IV, VI
38. Muscles controlled by the deep peroneal nerve are: 180
a. I d. IV, V, BECAUSE
b. II, III e. I, II, III, IV
c. I, II, III
39. Muscles controlled by the superficial peroneal nerves are 181
a. I d. V, VI
c. I, II, III
40. All of the above muscles extend the ankle, EXCEPT
a. DRAW d. IV
c. IV, V, VI
41. The anterior muscle of the leg is innervated by:
a. Farmer's account d. a and b correct
b. Deep peroneal nerve e. a, b, c are all correct
c. Display account
42. The anterior muscle of the leg is innervated by
a. musculocutaneous nerve of foot d. calf nerve
b. Deep peroneal nerve e. Both a and b
c. sural nerve
43. In the lower leg region, the superficial peroneal nerve accompanies the:
a. Brand name
b. Anterior tibial artery
c. Posterior tibial artery
d. Another artery
e. Superficial peroneal nerve does not accompany any arteries at all.
44. In the lower leg region, the deep peroneal nerve accompanies the
a. Peroneal artery d. Posterior tibial artery
b. Anterior tibial artery e. Does not go with the artery any
c. Deep vein
45. In the lower leg region, the peroneal artery accompanies
a. Common peroneal nerve d. tibial nerve
b. Superficial peroneal nerve e. All wrong
.c Deep peroneal nerve
46. The plantar muscle is located in the
a. The anterior muscle area of ​the forearm
b. Muscle area outside the front leg area
c. Shallow layer of posterior leg area
d. Deep layer of posterior leg area
e. Plantar muscle is located only in the plantar region
47. Superior gluteal artery does NOT give branch connections to
a. Deep iliac artery d. Fuck butt below
b. Internal pudendal artery e. Let's go
together outside
c. Outer thigh cap artery
48. Motor inferior gluteal nerve
a. Gluteal maximus d. Muscle tension femoral
b. Small butt muscles e. b, c and d
c. Small butt muscles
49. TK upper buttock exercise for
a. Small butt muscles, Small butt muscles
B.gluteal medius ,gluteal minimus , tensor fasciae latae
c. Small buttock muscle, thigh fascia muscle
d. Big butt muscles, Small glutes
e. Big butt muscles
50. The following question wrong
a. The sitting nerve is the largest nerve in the body
b. The function of the sciatic nerve is to move and feel the entire lower limb
c. The sitting nerve is composed of two common tibial nerves and the common fascia,
which are enclosed in a common sheath
d. TK sits out on the buttocks on the lower border of the pear muscle
e. The TK sits in the buttock area, located between the gluteus maximus and the
situ-pubic-muscle group
51. The movements of the gluteus maximus are:
a. extension d. Sentences a, b, c correct
b. Lateral rotation e. Sentences a and b are correct
c. Pelvic tilt
52. Which muscle belongs to the middle muscle layer in the buttock area?
a. gluteal medius d. Sentences a, b, c correct
b. Small butt muscles e. a and c correct
c. piriformis
53. Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the ụ ngồi xuơng mu mấu
chuyển group?
a. Piriform muscle d. Outer seal muscle
b. Twin muscle e. Square thigh muscle
c. Internal seal muscle
54. Which of the following components passes through the greater sciatic notch?
a.Piriform muscle d. Sentences a and b correct
b. Superior gluteal nerve e. Sentences a, b, c correct
c. Pudendal nerve
55. In the buttock region, the superior gluteal artery does NOT have an
anastomosis with
a. Deep iliac artery d. Fuck butt below
b. Internal pudendal artery e. All wrong
c. Outer thigh cap artery
56. The superior gluteal nerve does NOT exercise which of the following muscles?
a. Gluteus maximus d. Gluteus minimus
b. Tensor fascia latae e. Both a and b
c. Gluteus medius
Question 57, 58: Choose:
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
57. B
(A) The safe buttock injection area is in the upper-outer of the buttock
(B) This region contains the bundle of superior gluteal artery
(A) The safe buttock injection area is in the ¼ upper-outer of the buttock
(B) This area does not have a sciatic nerve and a major blood vessel passes through
Question 59: Choose
I. If 1,2,3 are correct d. if only 4 is correct
II. If 1.3 is correct e. If 1,2,3,4 are correct
III.If 2.4 is correct
1. At the level of the inguinal ligament, the femoral artery lies within the femoral
nerve and is separated from the femoral artery by the iliac comb
2. In the adductor canal, the femoral artery accompanies the femoral vein, the nerve
for the medial broad muscle, and the saphenous nerve
3. The femoral artery gives the deep femoral artery branch to the superior border of
the long adductor
4. Only the deep femoral artery supplies blood to the muscles in the thigh region
59. Thigh circumference is limited by
a. Inguinal ligament, lactate ligament, reflective ligament
b. Inguinal ligament, reflective ligament, pubic crest
c. Inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, ischial tuberosity
d. Pelvic arch, inguinal ligament, lactate ligament
e. Pelvic arch, lactate ligament, reflective ligament
60. Choose the best sentence: adductor canal
a. Twisted inward d. a, b, c correct
b. Equivalent to arm tube e. a, b are correct
c. Contains saphenous nerve
61. The great saphenous vein begins at
a. The soles of the feet d. Outer edge of the foot
b. Instep e. Behind the leg
c. Medial longitudinal arch
62. The obturator nerve does NOT control which of the following muscles?
a. Slim body d. Closed muscle femoral
b. Pectineus muscle e. Closed muscle great
c. Short adductor
63. Which of the following muscles is NOT attached to the femoral suture?
a. Big butt muscles d. Closed muscle great
b. Short adductor e. Gluteal medius
c. Outer wide muscle
Use the following details to answer questions 64, 65, 66
I. Satorius muscle VI. Adductor longus
II. Psoas major muscle VII. Adductor brevis
III. Gracilis VIII. Adductor magnus
IV. Quadricep femoris muscle IX. Tensor fascia latae
V. Pectineus muscle
64. The anterior thigh muscle area includes the muscles
a. I, II, IV d. IV, IX
b. IV e. I, IV
c. I, II, IV, IX
65. The superficial layer of the muscle in the anterior thigh area consists of the muscles
a. V, VI d. III, V
b. III, V, VI e. III, VI
c. VI, VII
66. The outer edge of the femoral triangle is formed by
a. I d. I, II, V
b. I, II e. I, V
c. II
67. The sides of the femoral triangle are inguinal ligament, adductor longus,
a. Inguinal ligament, muscle, comb muscle d. Inguinal ligament, muscle, adductor
b. Inguinal ligament, muscle, muscle e. All is incorrect
c. Inguinal ligaments, muscles, lumbosacral muscles
68. In the femoral triangle, the order from inside to outside of the femoral nerve bundle
a. Femoral artery, femoral vein, femoral nerve d. Femoral artery, femoral nerve,
TM femoral
b. femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve e. Thigh vein, femoral nerve,
artery femoral
c. Femoral nerve, femoral vein, femoral artery
69. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes in the groin do NOT have any of the following:
a. Located in the subcutaneous fat layer in the thigh triangle area
b. Consists of 12 to 20 nodes
c. Receive lymph from lower extremities
d. Receive lymph from the perineum, anus, genitals, buttocks and abdomen
e. Divided into 4 zones by the horizontal line across the foramen of the saphenous
vein and the line along the great saphenous vein. The two regions on the lymph
nodes are longitudinal. The two subganglionic zones are horizontal.
70. Which of the following does NOT pass through the adductor canal?
a. optic nerve d. Nervous branch to medial broad
b. Great saphenous vein e. Both b and d
c. The femoral artery and the femoral vein
71. Femoral triangle and adductor muscle
a. Twisted inward
b. Equivalent to arm tube
c. Equivalent to the inner biceps groove at the elbow
d. a and b are correct
e. a and c are correct
72. Choose FALSE
a. The femoral triangle is bounded by: the inguinal ligament, the muscles of the
anterior and inner thighs
b. The ceiling of the femoral triangle is covered by the ethmoid and femoral fascia
c. The floor of the femoral triangle includes: the iliac lumbago, the commissure, the
long adductor, and the short adductor
d. The apex of the fermoral triangle is the meeting point of the satorius and the
adductor brevis
e. The base of the femoral triangle turns upward, bounded by the inguinal and pelvic
73. Working all the muscles in the anterior thigh area is
a. Branches of femoral nerve d. Sentence a, b correct
b. Branches of closed account e. All wrong
c. Branches of the sitting TK
74. pudendal nerve Runs through your pelvis and gluteal (buttock) region at the upper
end of the thighbone (femur), Travels alongside the pudendal artery and vein into the
pudendal canal (also called the Alcock canal), a narrow tunnel-like opening in your
a. Get out and return to the pelvis in the large seat
b. Come out from the large seat, get into the pelvis above the ligaments and spines
c. Get back into the pelvis below the ligaments of ischial spine
d. Get out of the pelvis in the baby's seat
e. Get back into the pelvis below the ligaments of the pelvis
Use the following information to answer questions 75 to 79
a. Obturator nerve d. Sciatic nerve
b. femoral nerve e. Saphenous nerve
c. Upper gluteal nerve
75. Leave the pelvis at the greater sciatic notch on the upper border of the piriformis to
enter the gluteal region c
76. Go out shallowly between the satorius and the gracilis giving the branch into the
knee joint e
77. Is the largest component of the terminal plexus d
78. Involves most of the adductor muscles a
79. Into the thigh area below the inguinal ligament, located outside the fermoral sheath
80. Choose CORRECT: Deep femoral artery
a. It is a branch of the femoral artery
b. Blood supply to most of the thigh area
c. Can be ligated without danger
d. a and c are correct
e. a, b, c are correct
Question 81: Choose:
a. If 1,2,5 is correct d. If 3,4,5 is correct
b. If 1,3,5 is correct e. If 1,2,3,4,5 are correct
c. If 3.5 is correct
81. Sciatic nerve:
1. Derived from the anterior branch of the 4th, 5th and 5th lumbar nerves, 1,2,3
2. In the buttock area always go under the pear muscle
3. Usually, when come to the popliteal fossa, it is divided into 2 branches of the tibial
nerve and the common fibula
4. Controls movement for slapping muscles in the lower extremities
5. Do not give any branches of sensation in the buttocks or posterior thighs
82. The popliteal fossa is a trám like fossa, the top-outer edge of the fossa is:
a. Semi-tendon muscle d. Biceps femoris
b. Semi-membrane muscle e. Abdominal muscles
c. stilt muscles
Question 83: Choose
1. The popliteal artery is a continuation of the femoral artery after it passes through
the superior angle of the suspensory examination
2. The peroneal artery is a branch of the peroneal artery
3. The sciatic nerve come to the upper (top) corner of the popliteal fossa is divided
into the tibial nerve and the common fibular
4. The common peroneal nerve at the suspensory examination goes along the border
in the semi-tendon and semi-membranous muscles
83. In the popliteal fossa, the shallowest and most superficial components (in
relation to the Hiersfield ladder) are
a. sitting nerve d. dam stilts
b Common peroneal nerve e. TM stilts
c. tibial nerve
84. Which of the following arteries is NOT a branch of the popliteal artery?
a. Abdominal muscle artery d. Knee artery Between
b. superior internal knee artery e. Lower knee artery
c. Descending genicular artery
85. Sural nerve is combined by the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, belongs to the
common fibular nerve, and the medial sural cutaneous nerve belongs
to........................... nerve component
Fill in the blanks above by the following appropriate account
a. Farmer's account d. Display account
b. Deep account e. TK sit
c. Tibial nerve
86. Select the correct answers
a. The popliteal artery corresponds to the brachial artery in the elbow flexor zone
b. The popliteal artery goes posteriorly, in the popliteal fossa to adapt to the law of the great
artery going in the flexor zone
c. Although there are many loops, it is still very dangerous to ligate the popliteal
ces a, b
ces a,
b, c are
87. The deepest part of the popliteal fossa is
a. sitting nerve d.TM stilts
b. General account e. popliteal artery
c. tibial nerve
88. Chọn câu SAI với posterior tibial artery:
a. Đi giữa 2 lớp cơ vùng cẳng chân sau, dưới mạc sâu cẳng chân
b. Lúc đầu đi giữa 2 xương chày và mác
c. Sau khi đi giữa xương chày và xương mác, ĐM chày sau đi vào trong và hướng ra
d. Ở 1/3 dưới cẳng chân, động mạch đi ngay ở bờ ngoài Achilles tendon
e. Cùng đi với động mạch có 2 tĩnh mạch chày sau và thần kinh chày
Dùng chi tiết sau để trả lời câu 89, 90
I. tibialis anterior IV. peroneus tertius
II. extensor hallucis longus V. fibularis longus
III. extensor digitorum longus VI. fibularis previs
89. Cơ thuộc khu cơ trước vùng anterior leg là
a. I, II, III, IV d. II, III, V, VI
b. II, III, IV, V e. I, II, III, IV
c. III, IV, V, VI
90. Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve chi phối vận động cho các cơ trên NGOẠI TRỪ
a. I, II d. IV, VI
b. II, VI e. V, VI
c. IV, V
91. Tất cả các cơ sau đây thuộc về khu cơ trước vùng anterior leg NGOẠI TRỪ
a. Cơ chày trước d. Cơ duỗi ngón cái dài
b. Cơ mác ba e. Cơ duỗi ngón chân dài
c. Fibularis brevis
92. Tất cả các cơ sau đây thuộc về khu cơ trước vùng anterior leg NGOẠI TRỪ
a. Cơ chày trước d. Cơ mác ba
b. Cơ duỗi ngón cái dài e. fibularis longus
c. Cơ duỗi ngón chân dài
93. Trong các cơ dưới đây, cơ nào nằm ở lớp deep, posterior leg, về phía xương fibula
a. Cơ mác dài d. Cơ gấp ngón chân dài
b. Cơ chày sau e. Tất cả đều sai
C. flexor hallucis longus
Dùng các chi tiết sau để trả lời các câu từ 94 đến 95
I. tibialis anterior IV. peroneus tertius
II. extensor hallucis longus V. fibularis longus
III. extensor digitorum longus VI. fibularis brevis
94. Cơ thuộc khu cơ ngoài vùng anterior leg là :
a. V,VI d. IV, V
b. IV, V, VI e. III,V,VI
c. IV, VI
95. Cơ do deep fibular (peroneal) nerve chi phối là :
a. I d. IV, V, VI
b. II, III e. I, II, III, IV
c. I, II, III
96. Cơ chịu sự chi phối của superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve là
a. I d. V, VI
b. II, III e. IV, V, VI
c. I, II, III
97. Tất cả các cơ trên đều làm động tác extension, NGOẠI TRỪ
a. V d. IV
b. V, VI e. VI
c. IV, V, VI
98. Khu cơ anterior leg được chi phối vận động bởi :
a. superficial fibular nerve d. a và b đúng
b. deep fibular nerve e. a, b, c đều đúng
c. TK hiển
100. Ở vùng cẳng chân, superficial fibular nerve đi cùng với
a. ĐM mác d. Một động mạch khác
b. ĐM chày trước e. superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve
không đi cùng với động mạch
c. c. ĐM chày sau nào cả
101. Ở vùng cẳng chân, deep fibular nerve đi cùng với
a. ĐM mác d. ĐM chày sau
b. anterior tibial artery e. Không đi cùng với động mạch
c. ĐM mác sâu
102. Ở vùng leg, fibular (peroneal) artery đi kèm
a. Thần kinh mác chung d. Thần kinh chày
b. Thần kinh mác nông e. Tất cả đều sai
.c Thần kinh mác sâu
NOTE: fibular=peroneal
103. Ở bàn chân
a. Cơ vùng gan chân chia làm 3 ô như ở gan bàn tay nhưng xếp làm 4 lớp
b. Không có opponens pollicis và opponens minimi
c. Các gân cơ ở gan chân góp phần tạo nên vòm dọc gan chân
d. TK gan chân ngoài có chức năng vận động cơ tương tự TK giữa ở gan tay
104. Chọn câu ĐÚNG
a. Dorsalis pedis artery khi bị đứt phải được nối lại, nếu không sẽ bị họa tử vùng mu
b. Cảm giác cạnh trong mu bàn chân do deep fibular (peroneal) nerve chi phối
c. plantar nerve trong được so sánh như ulnar nerve ở bàn tay
d. Câu a,c đúng
e. Cả a, b, c đều sai
105. Cơ nào sau đây thuộc lớp (cơ) giữa vùng gan chân
a. Cơ gấp các ngón ngắn d. lumbrical muscle
b. quadratus plantae e. b và d
c. Cơ khép ngón cái
106. Cơ nào KHÔNG có ở bottom of the foot
a. Cơ gian cốt gan chân d. opponens pollicis
b. Cơ dạng ngón chân út e. Cơ gấp các ngón chân ngắn
c. Cơ giun
107. Cơ nào dưới đây thuộc middle muscle layer của bottom of the foot
a. Cơ gấp các ngón chân ngắn d. quadratus plantae
b. Cơ dạng ngón cái e. Cơ gấp ngón cái ngắn
c. Cơ dạng ngón út
108. Chọn Câu ĐÚNG
a. Xương bàn chân có cấu tạo hình vòm để thích nghi với chức năng chống đỡ và vận
chuyển của bàn chân
b. Nếu mất vòm (bàn chân bẹt) thì đi lại khó khăn và đau đớn
c. Phần vòm cao ở bờ ngoài hơn ở bờ trong bàn chân
d. a,b,c đúng
e. Chỉ a,b đúng
109. Abductor hallucis do thần kinh nào vận động
a. medial plantar nerve
b. Nhánh nông TK gan chân ngoài
c. Nhánh sâu TK gan chân ngoài
d. TK chày
e. Một thần kinh khác
Question 110, 111 : Choose:
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not related fruit
c. If (A) is true, (B) wrong
d. If (A) is false, (B) correct
e. If (A) is false, (B) wrong
110 .
(A) Intravenous injection in the ankle usually chooses the great saphenous vein
(B) The great saphenous vein is easy to expose and is located just in front of the
medial malleolus
111 .
(A) Intravenous injection usually
chooses the small saphenous
vein Because
(B) The small saphenous vein is
located just behind the
lateral malleolus
112. Arteria arcuata pedis
a. possible to palpate
113. The plantar artery arch is formed by the internal plantar artery (A) and the
external plantar artery (B). The medial plantar artery is a terminal branch of
the posterior tibial artery (C). The external plantar artery is a terminal branch
of the peroneal artery (D). Where is the above sentence wrong? (If true,
choose the sentence e)
(A) and (D)
114. In terms of path and control, medial plantar nerve is same as …….
Medial nerve
115. In terms of path and control, the lateral plantar nerve is same as …….
Ulnar nerve
116. Dominating sensation on the lateral edge of the foot is a branch of neural origin
are from
Posterior crus nerve
117. The lateral plantar nerve same as

a. The terminal branches of the ulnar nerve (at the palm of the hand)
118. When comparing the plantar of the foot and the palms of the hands, which of the
following statements is TRUE?
a. The plantar muscles are also divided into 3 cells like the palmar muscles, but
are arranged in 4 layers and do not have the opponens pollicis and digiti minimi
b. A and c right
c. The lateral plantar nerve is similar to the sacral branch of the ulnar nerve
119. The transverse segment of the lateral plantar artery passes in
a. Between the flexor digitorum longus muscle and the adductor pollicis muscle
120. The lateral plantar nerve does NOT exercise which of the following muscles?
flexor pollicis brevis muscle
121. Which of the following structures does NOT strengthen the femoral neck?
e. The bone and cartilage layer of the crest
122.In pelvic orientation, which anatomical detail is used to orient the lateral-medial
direction of the skeletal?
123. In the transverse arch of the foot, which bone is considered the apex?
Intermediate cuneiform bone
Second metatarsal
124. The following question wrong
a. The entire femoral head is the articular surface and articulates with the
125. In pelvic orientation, which of the following anatomical details is used to orient the
anteroposterior direction of the bone?
Greaterr sciatic notch
126. lunate surface(pelvis bone)
Is the articular surface of the pelvis that meets the femoral head of the femur
127. which is right?
a. The obturator groove is located in the anterior superior of the obturator
foramen, on the living body is sealed by the obturator membrane
b. The gluteal line are the curves on the outside of the pelvis
c. The semicircle, pubic, ear, and buttock areas are the joint surfaces of
the pelvis
d. The pubic iliac mound is an anatomical detail located at the lower
border of the pelvis
e. All is incorrect
128.lesser trochanter is a place to cling of...
129. Talking about the femur, what sentence WRONG?
On femur bone, the head of the femur is covered with articular cartilage to align with
the acetabulum

130. The Malleolar facet (diện khớp mắt cá) at the lower end of the fibula bone
(xương mác) khớp với
a.Defect at the lower end of the tibia d. Talus bone (xương sên)
b. The fibula joint surface of the tibia e. All wrong
c. Outer ankle pit
131. The ankle bone consists of
a.8 bones in 2 rows d. 4 bones in 2 rows
b. 7 bones in 2 rows e. The 2 bones are the calcaneus and the talus
c.6 bones in 2 rows
Question 132: Choose:
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
132. (A) The tibia bone (xương chày) is very susceptible to injury, and it is difficult
to heal with surgery because
(B) it has anterior crest and medial surface located just below the skin
133. Which ligament is the strongest of the ligaments of the hip joint?
a.Ligament of the femoral head d. Thigh ligaments
b. iliofemoral ligament (dây chằng chậu đùi) e. Ring ligament
c.Thigh ligaments
134. The cruciate ligament of the knee joint
a. Outside the fibrous joint capsule (bao khớp sợi)
b. Outside the synovial capsule (bao hoạt dịch)
c.Located in the fibrous joint capsule
d. sentences a and b are correct
e. Sentences b and c are correct


1. Which of the following bones is NOT in the upper row of the wrist bone?
a. Lunate bone d. Pisiform bone
b. Trapezium bones e.capitate bone
2. Head of ulna bone
a. Also called anconeal process
b. Is the upper part of the ulnar bone, including the acnoneal and cornion
c. Is the lower end of the circumferentia articularis capitis ulnae
d. Is ¼ on the ulna
e. Is 1/4 below the ulna
3. The ulnar body has
a. Three sides: inside, outside, front d. Three sides: front,
back, outside
b. Three sides: inside, outside, back e. All wrong
c. Three sides: front, back, inside
4. The radial bone fits all of the following except :
a. Radius d.Lunar bone
b. Ulna e. Pisiform bones
c. Navicular
5. Which of the following bones is NOT part of the wrist joint?
a. Scaphoid d. Pisiform bones
b. lunate bone e. a and b
c. bone
6. Which of the following is NOT true about the ulna?
a. Longer than the rotator cuff
b. When the elbow is extended, the elbow is in the fossa of the humerus
c. Missing pulley joint with humerus pulley
d. Rotational defect on the medial face of the coronoid process, articulating
with the radial rim
e. a and b are correct

7. The elbow joint includes:

a. 1 joint d. 4 joints
b. 2 joints e. 5 joint
c. 3 joints
8. When the hand makes a supine motion, then there is the active participation of :
a. Upper cylinder rotary joint and là Lower cylinder rotary joint
b. Upper ulnar rotator cuff, lower ulnar rotator cuff and wrist joints
c. Upper ulnar rotator cuff and ulnar arm joint
d. Upper Cylindrical Joint, Lower Cylindrical Joint and Rotating Arm Joint
e. Upper cylinder rotator and crank arm joint
Sentences 9 and 10 choose
a. If 1,2,4 are correct d. If only 4 is correct
b. If 1.3 is correct e. If all 1,2,3,4,5 correct
c. If 4.5 is correct
9. B
a. Orientation of the humerus: Place the bone upright, rounded head upwards, the
articular facet facing inward and the groove in this oil anterior.
b. Round bone orientation: the head has an articular surface on the outside, the
concave edge of this head is anterior, the face is grooved down
c. Orientation of the radial bone:put the bone upright, greater head downwards, the
point of this end is outward, the face has many grooves to the back.
d. Shoulder bone orientation: concave anterior, convex posterior, scapula upward
e. Orientation of the ulna: put the bone upright, the large head up, the concave
articular surface of this head outward, the sharp edge of the bony body forward.
Ten. C
a. The dorsal (back) side of the shoulder blade is divided into 2 pits: the pit above the
shoulder and the hole below the shoulder
b. Shoulder bones are flat bones, so there is no neck bone
c. The back of the humerus has a radial groove where the radial artery passes
d. The rotator cuff defect is located at the superior end of the ulna and fits in the face
of the radial rotator cuff
e. The ulnar defect is located at the lower end of the radial bone and fits into the
annulus facet of the ulna
Verses 11,12,13,14: Choose
a. If (A) is true , (B) is true ; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true , (B) is true ; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
11. A
(A) The shoulder joint has a large range of motion because
(B) The humerus is large, while the scapula is small
Twelfth. B
(A) The shoulder joint has a large range of motion because
(B) The shoulder capsule forms only the ligaments in front of the joint
13. D
(A) Shoulder joints are easy to dislocate because
(B) Behind the shoulder joint, the capsule is not thickened with ligaments
14. E
(A) Shoulder joints are easy to dislocate because
(B) There is little muscle cover behind the shoulder capsule
15. What anatomical details can be used for anteroposterior orientation of the humerus?
a. Crest of the arm bone d. Convex tuber black-ta
b. Groove of humerus e. Truckle
c. Big tubers
16. The ligaments in the shoulder joint, which ligament is the strongest?
a. D/c drive upper arm d. Coracohumeral ligament
b. D/c drive arm e. The above d/cs are as healthy as together
c. D/c drive arm
Use the anatomical details below to answer 3 questions: 23, 24, 25
I. subscapular muscle
IV. coracobrachialis muscle
II. Subclavius muscle V. Serratus anterior
III. Pectoralis minor muscle
17. Which of the above muscles belongs to the inner wall of the axillary fossa?
a. I d. V
b. I, II e. II, III, V
c. III,
18. Which muscle is in the clavicle-thoracic fascia?
a. II, III d. II, III, IV, V
b. II, III, IV e. All wrong
c. II, III, VU

19. The optional muscle of the axillary artery is

a. II d. II in the upper paragraph and IV in the paragraph
b. III e. None of the muscles mentioned above are optional
muscles of axillary artery
c. IV
Use the following details to answer questions 20, 21
1. Delta muscle V. Subclavian muscle
2. serratus anterior VI. Latissimus dorsi
3. Subscapula muscleVII. Big round muscle, round muscle little
4. Triceps (long head) VIII. Upper spine, lower muscle thorn
20. Muscles in inner of the armpit
a. IV d. II
b. II, IV e. II, III
c. II, VI
21. Muscles of the posterior of the armpit are
a. I, IV d. VI, VII, VIII
22. armpit suspension cord are made by:
a. Shallow leaves of thoracic fascia d. a and b correct
b. Shallow fascia of the armpit e. a and c correct
c. Deep fascia of the armpit
23. Which of the following components passes through the triangle interval?
a. Radial nerve d. Sentences a and b correct
b. Deep arm artery e. Sentences a and c correct
c. Rear arm cap
24. In the axillary region, where is the median nerve is located in
a. Behind the axillary artery d. After the stroke armpit
b. After armpit surgery e. In TK pillar
c. After accountancy
25. The brachial plexus was created by
a. Anterior branches of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th cervical and 1st thoracic spinal nerves
b. The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7, 8th cervical vertebrae
c. 5, 6, 7, 8 cervical and 1th thoracic spinal nerves
d. Anterior branches of the 5,6,7,1th and 2nd thoracic spinal nerves
e. All is incorrect
26.Choose the correct answer
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true ; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true ; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
(A) The radial nerve can be damaged when the 1/3 of the humerus is broken
(B) The radial nerve runs in the posterior arm and gives branches that control
movement of posterior arm region
27. The axillary artery should not be ligated between which of the following 2 arteries?
a. The superior thoracic artery and the same thoracic artery
b. Superior thoracic artery and external thoracic artery
c. Humeral circumflex artery and subscapular artery
d. External thoracic artery and subscapular artery
e. The anterior brachial artery and the posterior brachial artery
28. Which of the following components passes through the triangular interval?
a. Radial nerve
b. Deep brachial artery
c. Posterior brachial capsular artery
d. Profunda brachii artery
e. Thoracic dorsal nerve
29.30 : Choose the correct answer
a. If 1,2,3 are correct d.If only 4 is correct
b. If 1.3 is correct e. If all 4 correct
c. If 2.4 is correct
29. Radial nerve: D
1. Originating from the posterior bundle of the brachial plexus, together with the
musculoskeletal nerve
2. Involves movement of all muscles in the arm
3. Go with the deep brachial artery and pass through the triangular hole of the
shoulder blade, the triangle of the head
4. Involves movement of the wrist extensors, elbow extensors, and forearm flexors

30. Axillary artery: B

1. For lateral branches: superior thoracic artery, ipsilateral thoracic artery, external
thoracic artery, inferior scapular artery, anterior brachial cap and posterior brachial
2. Accompanying the axillary nerve to pass through the quadrangular cavity.
3. At the lower border of the pectoralis major muscle, it is renamed brachial artery
4. Ahead of the upper, middle, and lower bundles of the brachial plexus
31. Which of the following is NOT a branch of the axillary artery?
a. Upper thoracic artery d. Same shoulder chest
b. Internal thoracic artery e. Lower artery shoulder
c. External thoracic artery
32. The deltoid area is supplied with blood by
a. External thoracic artery d. a and c correct
b. Anterior humeral circumflex artery e. b and c correct
c. Posterior humeral circumflex artery
33. Ulnar nerve:
a. Passing through the superficial fascia in the lower third of the forearm
b. In the middle third of the arm passes into the axillary artery
c. In the 1/3 of the arm, it passes through the medial intermuscular septum with the
superior ulnar artery
d. a and b are correct
e. b and c are correct
34. The forearm region includes ( ) and the motor nerve for that muscle is ( )
a. 1 muscle, capsular nerve d. 2 muscles, neuromuscular packaging
b. 2 muscles, median nerve e. 3 muscles, nerves turn
c. 3 muscles, neuromuscular
35. Which of the following is FALSE: Deep brachial artery?
a. Is a branch of brachial artery
b. Go through the triangular space of the shoulder blades, the triangle of the head
c. Comes with TK spinning at the spin track
d. For 2 terminal branches: medial artery and radial artery
e. Do not allow the branch to connect with the ulnar recurrent artery
Verses 36,37,38,39: Choose:
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
36. E
(A) The cephalic vein is located in the medial brachial region because
(B) This vein accompanies the brachial artery
(A) The middle nerve does not give any branches in the Vi arm
(B) This TK is just a sensory nerve
(A) The triceps arm is the elbow extensor because
(B) All three heads are innervated by the radial nerve
(A) Arm muscle flexes forearm Because
(B) It originates in the lower third of the humerus and extends anteriorly to the ulnar

40. The component in the arm tube is

a. The inner part of the biceps arm d. Superficial fascia, skin and suborgans
b. The inner part of the triceps arm e. sentences a and b
c. Internal intermuscular septum
41. In the periosteal network, the interosseous recurrent artery connects to
a. Deep arm artery d. axial artery above
b. Rotary side dam e. axial artery below
c. The middle artery
42. Which of the following components travels in the bicepital groove?
a. TM in the background d. Sentences a and b correct
b. Lateral radial artery e. Both a, b, c are correct
c. The artery on the upper ulnar
43. The component is usually administered intravenously in the mid-basal vein because
a. Basilic vein
b. There is brachial artery in the medial biceps trough as a landmark
c. The inner forearm dermis lies deeper than the veins
d.a and C are right e. Both the a, b, c are correct
44. Which of the following question is wrong?
a. The radial artery is an anterior branch of the deep brachial artery
b.The medial collateral artery (ĐM giữa) is the posterior branch of the deep brachial
artery (ĐM cánh tay sâu)
c. The inferior ulnar artery is a branch of the brachial artery
d.The recurrent artery (ĐM Quặt Ngược) is a branch of the interosseous artery (ĐM
Gian Cốt) → SAI
e. The interosseous artery separates from the ulnar artery.
45. Which of the following arteries does NOT join in the anastomosis (vòng nối)
around the external epicondyle of humerus (mõm lòi cầu ngoài xương cánh tay?
a. Ulnar recurrent artery (ĐM quặt ngược trụ)
b. The middle artery
c. Rotary side dam
d. The heart of the heart is reversed
e. Reversible artery rotates
46. The Olecranon Fossa (hố khuỷu) is external bounded by
a. Pronus round d. Arm muscles
b. TM between the head e. Biceps arm muscle
c. Brachioradial Muscle (Cơ cánh tay quay)
47. Which muscle does NOT do elbow flexion (gấp khuỷu)?
a. Rotary arm muscle d. Biceps arm muscle
b. Round Pronator Muscle (Cơ Sấp Tròn) e. a and b
c. Arm muscles
Use the answer sheet below to answer 3 questions: 48, 49, 50
a. Radial nerve d. Musculocutaneous nerve
b. Median Nerve e. TK armpit
c. Cylindrical TK
48. The motor nerve (TK vận động) for the forearm muscles is Musculocutaneous
nerve (Thần Kinh Cơ Bì)
49. The nerve going through the triangular interval (lỗ tam giác cánh tay tam đầu) is
Radial Nerve (Thần Kinh Quay)
50. The main motor nerve (TK vận động chính) for the anterior forearm muscles
(cơ cẳng tay trước) is the Median nerve (Thần Kinh Giữa)
51. Which part is NOT found in carpal tunnel (ống cổ tay) ?
a. Middle account d. Deep flexor tendons of the fingers
b. Cubital Nerve (Thần kinh trụ) e. b and c
c. Palmaris Longus Muscle (Gân cơ gan tay dài)
52. Which of the following is NOT found in the carpal tunnel (ống cổ tay)?
a. Middle account d. Shallow flexor tendons
b. Cubital nerve (TK Trụ) e. Deep flexor tendons
c. Long flexor tendons of the thumb
Use the details below to answer 2 questions: 53, 54
I. Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle (Cơ gấp cổ tay trụ)
II. Rotary wrist flexor muscle s shallow
III. Pronus round
IV. Palm muscle long
V. Flexor muscles of the finger
VI. Brachioradial Muscle (Cơ cánh tay quay)

53. The arbitrary muscle of the ulnar artery (ĐM trụ) is

a. I d. IV
b. II e. DRAW
c. III
54. Anterior and lateral forearm, the radial artery (ĐM Quay) is covered by muscle
a. II and III d. III, IV, VU
b. IV and VU e. V and II
c. VI
55. Damaged of the median nerve (TK giữa) at the wrist will
a. Unable to fold thumb d. Can't fold fingers 2,3
b. loss of thumb opposition (ko đối đc ngón cái) e. a and b are correct
c. Can't extend thumbs
56. Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the posterior forearm deep layer
(lớp sâu cẳng tay sau)?
a. Little finger extensor muscle (Cơ duỗi ngón út)
b. Index finger extensor muscle
c. Long extensor muscle of the thumb
d. Short extensor muscle of the thumb
e. Long thumb musculature
57. Which of the following muscles is NOT found in the anterior forearm (khu trước
cẳng tay?
a. The long flexor of the thumb d. Brachioradial Muscle (Cơ cánh tay quay)
b. Long palm muscle e. Rotary wrist flexor
c. Square tummy
58. Accompanying the medial nerve (thần kinh giữa) is
a. Medial artery, usually from the common interosseous artery
b. Medial artery (ĐM giữa), start from the anterior interosseous artery (ĐM gian cốt
c. The anterior interosseous artery originates from the ulnar artery
d. Middle artery, usually from the ulnar artery
e. The anterior interosseous artery originates from the brachial artery
59. Posterior interosseous nerve bundle (bó mạch TK gian cốt sau) includes:
a. Dorsal interosseous artery (ĐM gian cốt sau), branch of the common interosseous
artery (ĐM gian cốt chung)
b. Posterior interosseous nerve (TK gian cốt sau), branch of the median nerve (thần
kinh giữa)
c. Posterior interosseous nerve, branch of the radial nerve
d. a and b are correct
e. a and c are correct
60. The radial nerve (TK quay) does NOT work for the muscle of
a. Long thumb shape
b. Short thumb shape (dạng ngón tay cái ngắn)
c. Long thumb stretch
d. Short thumb stretch
e. Stretching the spinning wrist
Use the following answer sheet for questions 61, 62, 63
I. Round pronator muscle (cơ sấp tròn) II.
Superficial finger flexors ( cơ gấp các ngón nông)
III. Deep finger flexors (cơ gấp các ngón sâu)
IV. flexor carpi radialis ( Cơ gấp cổ tay quay)
V. flexor carpi ulnaris (cơ gấp cổ tay trụ)
VI. flexopr pollicis longus (cơ gấp ngón cái dài)
VII. Palmaris Longus Muscle (Cơ gan tay dài)
VIII. Pronator quadratus (Cơ sấp vuông)
Choose the right numbers for the following questions (choose 1 or more numbers)
61. The muscles of the superficial layer of the anterior forearm are: ​I, IV, V, VII
62. The muscles of the medial anterior forearm are: II
63. The muscles of the deep anterior forearm are: VI, III, VIII

Question 64: Choose:

a. If 1,2,3 are correct
b. If 1.3 is correct
c. If 2.4 is correct
d. If only 4 is correct
sixty four.
1. In the forearm, the median nerve does NOT control movement of the flexor carpi
radialis (FALSE)
2. The median nerve is formed by the superior and inferior roots (FALSE: The
median nerve is formed from a lateral root from the lateral cord and a medial root
from the medial cord of the brachial plexus)
3. In the humeral canal, the median nerve crosses the medial artery from the outside
to the abdomen (FALSE: The median nerve crosses the brachial artery)
4. In the hand, the median nerve (thần kinh giữa) controls sensation for 3 and a half
fingers on the palmar side (rotary side). (TRUE)
65. The deep palmar artery arch is composed mainly of
a. Radial artery
d. a and c are correct
b. Ulnar artery
e. b and c are correct
c. Deep palmar branch of ulnar artery
66. The deep palmar artery arch is formed mainly by the radial artery (A) and
accompanies the superficial branch (B) of the median nerve (C) in the palmar.
d. Wrong at (C)
b. Wrong in (A)
e. Wrong in both (B) and (C)
c. Wrong in (B)
67. Choose the best answer: Lumbrical muscle of hand
a. there are 4 muscles
b. clinging to flexor digitorum profundus
c. The effect is flexion metacarpophalangeal articulation
d. A and B are correct
e. Both the a, b, c are correct
68. In the hand, the radial artery of the index finger is a branch of
a. Ulnar artery
d. Arcus Palmaris profundus
b. arcus palmaris superficialis
e. posterior interosseous artery
c. radial artery
69. Lumbrical muscles
a. Includes 5 muscles
b. Clinging to the flexor tendons of the posterior fingers
c. All are governed by the median nerve
d. b and c are correct
e. a, b and c are correct
70. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
a. The musculi interossei dorsales manus closes the fingers
b. The contralateral little finger is due to the musculus opponens digiti minimi
c. The index finger has its own extensor muscle
d. The little finger has its own flexor muscle
e. The thumb has its own adducent muscle
71. The deep palmar artery arch is composed mainly of
a. Radial artery
b. Ulnar artery
c. Deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery
d. a and c are correct
e. b and c are correct
72. Which of the following is NOT part of the deep palmar arch?
a. For the digital arteries to the thumb
b. For radial artery of index finger
c. Supply blood to 3 and a half fingers inside
d. a and c
e. b and c
73. Which of the following is NOT a arcus palmaris superficialis sign?
a. Formed mainly by the ulnar artery
b. Supply blood to the outer one and a half fingers
c. For proper palmar digital arteries
d. For the common palmar digital arteries
74. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
a. The extensor retinaculum together with the carpal bone forms the carpal tunnel
b. Tendons of the superficial and deep finger flexors through the carpal tunnel in 2
c. Superficial flexor tendons anteriorly
d. Posterior deep flexor tendons
e. The flexor tendon of the superficial fingers is called the perforated tendon, and the
flexor of the deep fingers is called the perforating tendon
Question 75, 76: Choose:
a. If 1, 2, 3 are correct
b. If 1, 3 are correct
c. If 2, 4 are correct
d. If only 4 is correct
e. If 1, 2, 3, 4 are all correct
75. ulnar nerve
1.Derived from fasciculus medialis plexus brachialis
2.Accompany the superior ulnar collateral artery through the septum intermusculare
brachii mediale
3.Does not control movement of any muscle in the arm area
4. provides sensory supply to little finger tissue
76. median nerve
5. Created by 2 upper and lower roots
6. In the brachial canal, the median nerve crosses the medial artery from the outside
to the inside
7. In the forearm, the medial nerve does not control movement of the rotator cuff
8. In the hand, the median nerve governs the sensations of the three and a half outer
fingers, the palmar surface
Question 77, 78: Choose:
a. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related
b. If (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not causally related
c. If (A) is true, (B) is false
d. If (A) is false, (B) is true
e. If (A) is false, (B) is false
(A) When touching the back of the elbow to a hard object, you can feel numbness in
the inner edge of the hand and the little finger because
(B) Sensation in the elbow area is controlled by the inner forearm cutaneous nerve
answer: b. (A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are not causally related

(A) The palmar ulnar artery passes outside the iliac bone and cannot capture the
ulnar pulse
(B) It is covered by the fascia that holds the flexor tendon very well
answer: a.(A) is true, (B) is true; (A) and (B) are causally related

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