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Dr. D.Y.

Patil Institute of Management and Entrepreneur Development

MCA End Semester Examination 2022-23

Course Title: PPM AND OB (BM 41) Marks: 50

Instructions to the candidates:

1) All Questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Select the appropriate option. [10]

1) In the management process, the most misinterpreted word is

(A) Organizing (B) Delegating (C) Controlling (D) Planning

2) Management is a creative and ________ process.

(A) Systematic (B) Continuous (C) Long (D) None of the above

3) What does a successful manager do?

(a) Planning (b) Decision making (c) Co-ordination (d) All of the above

4) ______, weakness, threats, and opportunities are the long term as SWOT analysis.

a) Strength b) Standard c) Strategy d) Structure

5) Authority, discipline, unity of command, and unity of direction are:

a) Taylor's four principles of management. b) Principles of the human relations movement

c) Four of Fayal’s fourteen principles of management. d) Weber’s theory

6) A decision made before the occurrence of external or internal changes is called a decision.

a) Reactive b) Proactive c) Intuitive d) Systematic

7) _______are those plans that are extended beyond three years.

a) Short-Term Plans b) Long-Term Plans c) Specific Plans d) Strategic Plans

8) Planning is based on:

(a) Decision-making, (b) forecasting, (c) staffing, (d) organizing

9) What is the natural perception of people on the process of recruitment and selection?

a) Positive b) Negative c) Both positive and negative d) None of the above

10) Which among the following is not a quality for a leader?

a. Charming personality b. Ability to take decision c. Communication skill d. Lazy attitude

Q2. a) Being a Manager of a reputed multinational organization describe needs, the process of management,
and managerial levels for any organization with a suitable diagram. [5]

b) Describe various sources & types of stress along with the techniques to resolve the stress. [5]


a) Define Henry Fayal’s principles of Management with their applications in detail. [5]

b) As a Project Manager of a multinational company how do you elaborate on the organizational

structure and how it should be discussed it with a suitable example. [5]

Q3. a) Explain the contingency theory of organizational design. [5]

b) Discuss different points to enhance the relationship between organizational behavior and individual. [5]


a) Discuss automatic and democratic decision-making styles. [5]

b) Explain Herbert Simon's Model of Decision Making. [5]

Q4. a) Describe the Hygiene theory by Herzberg with an example.


b) What is team building? How does it work. [5]

a) As a team manager if you want to develop your team. Describe the procedure to build an effective
team. [5]
b) Explain stages of the conflict process and how it works in the organization. [5]

Q5. a) Define Decision making with its environment under certainty and under uncertainty with a suitable diagram.



b) how do you elaborate on the organizational structure and how it should be discussed with suitable example. [10]

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