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Case Study of Techvision Ltd.

Dr. Tanvir Fittin Abir

Associate Professor
Department Of Business Administration

Md. Sakhawat Hossain Emon

Id: 0242220004081003
Batch: 63(B)
B.B.A (Honours) 3rd Semester
Discussion Question no 1
The language barrier can have a significant impact on communication within a diverse
workplace like Techvision Ltd. Some potential misunderstandings that might arise due to
language differences include:

Spoken Languages and Dialects: People speaking languages native to different regions.
Dialects are another language barrier to understanding meaning.

To do teamwork, an employee from north Bengal may try communicating in Bengali with
another colleague from south Bengal. While there are many overlapping words and phrases,
the dialects are completely different. They cannot understand each other dialects language this
may put the Bengali-speaking professional in an awkward position. In this instance, English is
perfect for understanding meaning to each other.

To overcome these challenges, Techvision Ltd. Can:

• Avoid the native, dialectics language to communicate

• Offer language training programs, including English proficiency classes, to all
• Encourage employees to ask for clarification if they do not understand something.
• Promote the use of written communication for important instructions and information
to reduce language-related misunderstandings.
• Encourage to use of plain language.
Discussion Question no 2

The hierarchical culture of Bangladesh can impact the communication dynamics at Techvision
Ltd. In several ways:

Junior employees may be hesitant to communicate with senior staff because they may feel that
they are not able to do so. They may also feel that their opinions are not valued or that they
will be punished for speaking up.

• This can lead to a communication gap, where junior employees are not able to share
their ideas or concerns, which slows down innovation and productivity.
• It can also lead to misunderstandings, as junior employees may not feel comfortable
asking questions or clarifying information.

Strategies to promote open dialogue across hierarchies:

Firstly, senior staff needs to behave in a friendly with junior staff then implement an open-door
policy to create an approachable and transparent communication environment. Where
managers and senior staff should actively welcome questions, ideas, and concerns from junior
employees. Need to provide training on communication skills such as active listening and
conflict resolution. This will help employees to communicate more effectively, regardless of
their hierarchical level. Encourage feedback from all employees about their position. This will
show that everyone's opinion is valued and that they are encouraged to speak up. Celebrate the
successes and motivation of the junior staff. This will create a culture of collaboration and
helpfulness, where everyone feels comfortable.

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