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Shaun The Sheep – ‘We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas’ B2+

1: Before you watch: write as much Christmas vocabulary as you can in the ‘My Christmas
Vocabulary’ column.

My Christmas Vocabulary New Christmas Vocabulary

2: Compare your words with a partner. If your partner has words which you don’t know, ask for
the meaning and add them to the ‘New Christmas Vocabulary’ column.

3: As you watch: tick any of the vocabulary that you see in the video. If there is anything you see
that you would like to be able to say in English, write it in your language in the ‘Words I would like
to know’ box below and ask the teacher after the video has finished.

Words I would like to know.

4: After you watch: try to answer these questions.

1. Look for the meaning of Ewe in a dictionary. Why do you think the episode is called ‘We Wish
Ewe a Merry Christmas’?
2. What was the dog’s present?
3. What did the sheep receive?
4. What two presents do we see the farmer open when he is remembering Christmas as a child?
5. What falls off the fire place as the farmer leaves the room?
6. Where do they get the Christmas tree from?
7. What do they hang in the doorway?
8. Who leaves the sheep their new presents?
9. What does the woman give the farmer as a present?
10. Why does the turkey faint?
11. What is different about the cat the second time we see him?
12. What is the moral of the story?

5: Watch again and check and complete your answers.

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Shaun The Sheep – ‘We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas’ B2+


1. A ‘Ewe’ is a female sheep. And ‘Ewe’ sounds like ‘You’. So

this is an example of a pun.
2. A bone.
3. Fruit & Veg.
4. A toy train and a ball.
5. A sock (which is being used as a stocking).
6. A church yard.
7. Mistletoe.
8. Father Christmas/Santa Clause
9. A spade/shovel.
10. Because he sees a cooked turkey being served for
Christmas dinner.
11. He is wearing a pink dress, fairy wings and a head band.
12. If you do something good for others, something good will
happen to you (‘One good deed deserves another’).

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