Philosophy and Education Can Be Considered As Two Distinct Areas in Which Certain Key Aspects Can Be Identified

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Philosophy and education can be considered as two distinct areas in

which certain key aspects can be identified. The study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and existence is referred to as philosophy.
Within the discipline of philosophy, there is a subfield known as the
philosophy of education that focuses on attempting to value the aims,
objectives, issues, and overall conceptual understanding of education. It can
be concluded that philosophy is about applying that knowledge to interpret
things according to one’s own analysis.
While education focuses on the delivery of knowledge to the people
in order to grow and eradicate ignorance in the minds of the people and
contribute to the society. Education takes place not only on the grounds of
schools and other formal educational institutions, but also through a variety
of different social actors, sometimes purposefully and even sometimes
According to the results that were revealed on Tuesday, the Philippines received the lowest
score in reading comprehension among the 79 countries and economies that participated in the PISA
2018. This was true for both the boys and the girls in the country. In the most recent round of the PISA,
pupils aged 15 were tested primarily on their reading comprehension. The average reading score in the
Philippines was 340, which was more than 200 points lower than China's score (555) and more than 100
points worse than the OECD average (487) (PISA, 2018).

This result has been affecting the stand of Department of Education. Although the education
sector has been given the highest budget allocation yearly, it seems that it hasn’t cover up the problems
of the quality of our education. All these results may be rooted to the different programs that the
department has been implemented that cause to some factors or problems in the system of education.

For me, I would like to apply pragmatism and essentialism to the system of education. As one of
the teachers who have been teaching for years, curriculum guide is like the bible of the teachers. It
guides us in teaching and the objectives that should be hit but then again, it was observed not only by
me nevertheless also by other teachers that some objectives or learning competency of the curriculum
guide are unrealistic due to some reasons. I think applying pragmatism philosophy should be done to
make learning objectives that are useful to the students and for their future endeavors. As what our
educational system aimed, global competency can be achieved as long as the students are given the
chance to explore and experience skills that could help them in participation in global competition.
Essentialism should also be added in the curriculum to improve the delivery and mastery of the subject
of the students. Essentialism promotes intellectual growth that could be useful in achieving the goal of
the education. Teachers will also benefit from the Essentialism since it suggests that teachers should be
master or expert in the subject they teach with this, essential seminars and programs can be
implemented in developing their knowledge. Also, educational leaders should review too the workloads
of the teachers. This one of the many things that affected the way teachers teach. A lot of paper works
and unrelated functions as teachers are designated to the teachers. To improve the quality of education,
they should make programs that could help the teachers get out from the mess of quick
implementations of programs.

It critically examines the cultural heritage of a society as well as entire civilization. It is also not afraid to
examine controversial issues. Reconstructionism deliberately committed to bring about social and
constructive change. The philosophy cultivates a future planning attitude that considers the realities of
the world. And finally, it enlists students and teachers in a definite program to enhance cultural renewal
and interculturalism.

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