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No. : 0237/CA/IX/2023
Date : September 18 th, 2023
Subject : Announcement Letter Document, Operational Accounting and Tax Handover PT. Sands
Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Accounting and Tax Department
PT. Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia

Dear Accounting and Tax Department,

On Monday, September 18th,2023 Compliance and Internal Audit has handover documents and operational
Accounting and Tax to Accounting and Tax Department PT. Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia. The
documents we have handover are as follows:

1. Balance sheet August 31, 2023.Attachment 1

2. Profit and Loss August 01, 2023 – August 31, 2023. Attachment 2
3. General Ledger August 01, 2023 – August 31, 2023. Attachment 3

Thus announcement letter we’re handover all responsibility for Corporate Income Tax 2023, tax and
accounting transaction to the Accounting and Tax Department PT. Sands Bosum Sekolah Bisnis Indonesia.
Thank you for all your attention and corporation.

Prepared by / 制备 , Checked by / 检查,

(Accounting and Tax Services SPV ) (Compliance Audit Manager)

Reviewed by / 审读, Acknowledge by / 审批,

(Accounting and Tax SPV) (Accounting and Tax Manager)

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