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1. Greet the customers as they enter the restaurant with a friendly and a warm welcome.

Example: "Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome to [restaurant name]. My name

is [your name] and I'll be your server today."

2. Ask if the customer has a reservation

Example: Do you have a reservation with us?

3. Show the customers to their table and provide them with menus.
Example: "Please follow me, I'll take you to your table. Here's our menu."

4. Take the customer's order

Example: What would you like to order?

5. Repeat the order to ensure accuracy

Example: Just to confirm, you ordered the [dish name] and [drink name], is that correct?

6. Offer suggestions or upsell menu items

Example: Can I recommend the [dish name], it's one of our most popular dishes.

7. Inform the customer of any specials or promotions

Example: Today, our restaurant have promotion programs is....

8. Confirm the order one more time before leaving the table
Example: Thank you for your order. Just to confirm, you ordered the [dish name] and
[drink name]. Is there anything else I can get for you?

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