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Course: Family and Friends 1 Teacher: Ms.




I. Objectives:
- To learn about animals
- To write about your animals
- Procedure: (90 min)

Part Activities
Warm up Greeting
Check attendance
Set the rules in the class
Play game
Vocabulary Lead in
- Tell the Ss they are going to some useful language about animals
- Ask Ss if they know how to those words
- Let ss look at the pictures
- Ask Ss to say What animals are these
- Ask What are they doing
- Look, ask and answer.
- Ask questions about people and things in the classroom
eg Who's this? Which is (your book)? What's her name? Where is
my bag)? and encourage the children to answerEncourage children
to ask and answers questions in pairs using

- Ask children to look at the grammar boxWrite the example

questions and answers on the boardExplain that we use Who to
ask about peopleWhich to ask about one specific thing or person
in a groupWhat to ask about things and Where to ask about
Course: Family and Friends 1 Teacher: Ms. Tam

- Change the questions on the board to ask about other things erase
and rewrite the answers as children answer the questions)egWhich
is your pen? What's this) name? Where's (Maria)? Ask the
questions to children around the class
- Ask children to write four questions each about people and things
in the classroomusing Who/Which/What? Where Children can
then ask and answer their questions in pairs Alternatively, you can
divide the class into two teams and ask children from each team in
turn to ask a question to the other team. You can award one point
for each correct answer

Wrap-up - Ask Ss what they have been through today.

- Assign homework.
- Say goodbye.

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