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Jene Babe T.


Case # 1: “An Island Firestorm”

Technology is the application of science in our everyday lives and it evolves

immensely as time goes by. We can never change the fact that these constant
changes we are experiencing are all part of our well-being. Thus, these things
permanently and significantly have a strong impact on how we deal with things
around us. Our behavior likewise tends to adopt into it. Human as we are, we tend
to exhibit our selfishness when it comes to our priorities. We tend to become
overconfident of our selves not minding the implications it could give to people. We
do not consider the fact that in everything we do there are consequences that we
need to face. It is a fact that lies in front of us.

It I were on the shoes of the concerned official, it will stand for the name I
was branded. Being a concern official, nevertheless means that I am entitled of
making a change, indeed making a big difference for my people. It is simply doing
something for the welfare of humanity. I will find ways to know the truth behind the
incidence that has affected and will be affecting the lives of many people. The
healths of the people are at stake and it is a big problem that needs to have a
solution. If the place is not really suited for people to live in and utilize for
consumption, then a proper action should be taken, henceforth it should always
consider the fact that the people’s lives are at stake.

I will see to it that this small voice of mine will be heard and make a big
difference. Helping other people is our responsibility since they are our fellow
beings. We should always consider the fact that in everything we do, we should
always bear in mind that the many effects it could have and its underlying effect to
the people concerned. We may be self-centered in nature but let us prove the
goodness that is in us. If we just help one another, the impossible will become
possible and we could overcome all those endeavors that might come along the way.

We are taught to become people with conscience and we are ought and
expected to act like one. The fact that this problem should be given constant
attention, it will help boost the economic status of the place as well as become a
tool for the locality to be able to withstand the crisis that might come. If the purpose
is served surely a more acceptable result is expected. The governing officials and
natives of the place should be aware of the need of helping one another, by this we
can show the true essence of being a Filipino, a citizen with a heart for its country
and the people living in it. On a certain degree, change may be a constant thing but
with the correct adaption it can certainly cause many good thing for us people.
If I were the concern official, I will find ways on how I could prove that the
area is already safe for the people sake. I will definitely make a move to know the
truth and let the people know about it. I will have the area inspected by trusted
group of chemist who will then verify if the findings on the area still the same and is
still unsafe for people to swim or utilize. I will use my voice and have my fellow
official make a move about it. If someone will just have to make a move about it
with the purpose of the goodness of all people I believe that it could make them
realize the need of finding the truth. What we are actually talking here is a large
number of people becoming a victim and it is not right to do nothing when we know
that we could actually do something about it. When the healths of the people are at
risk and knowing that it is not only the old who will be affected but much more the
young ones. We know that if the place is really not safe for people it will ruin not
only the place itself but also the officials governing in it, since they have much to say
about the issue. And it is not right to seat and wait for the worst thing to happen.
There are a lot of things that one can actually do.

I, for instance will personally lead in conducting or having campaigns about

having the place be checked again. I will ask help from volunteers; specifically help
from the government officials and from the natives of the place so that they will also
be aware of the things that are currently happening in their place. Their presence
and consciousness to this matter would be of great help. As we wait for the result,
we can actually have a coastal clean-up drive program that would help lessen the
problem regarding the waste that goes into the sea. We can teach the natives on
ways on proper sanitation and have them be educated of the things that they need
to do.

Surely when this matter is properly address with the many hands working
hand in hand to solve the problem the place is facing. It will boost up its name, a
locality where civilians themselves together with the government officials are making
a way to help one another. It will be of great pride to know that the people are very
much conscious and are advocates of having an environment conducive to live. It is
actually showing that we care not only for our country alone but also for the welfare
of the people inhabiting it.

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