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Ana Mae A.

de la Cruz

Case # 2: “Wanted: Dead Heroes”

A crime is a crime no matter how big or small it is and for whatever reason it was
done, when it is done it can never change the fact that someone did it. That’s why we have
our law that we should always abide and be our basis as for us human not to do things
against the norm that we have. Cutting of trees is actually prohibited since it is the reason
of having lots of flood on lowland areas and causing for our mountains and forest to get
bare and making no more homes for our wild animals. We do not want to destroy many
lives and properties just because of being careless, reckless and having no conscience at all.

If I were on the Rick’s shoes, I will definitely not allow Alonzo to pass through. It
was clearly seen that he was carrying with them trees that were illegally cut, most especially
that they do not have with them the necessary permits in cutting trees. It has been
explained that illegal logging is prohibited since it could cause destruction not only of
properties but also of the many lives of people. It was terrifying that the people I am
actually talking are men in uniforms, the one who should be on our side helping us stop
those people who are actually violating the law and committing crimes and illegal things.
However, the scenario is different; it was I against the men in uniforms, me stopping them
because of their illegal doings. They may be armed but as long as I know that I am on the
right track there is nothing I could be afraid of.

What Alonzo did was wrong even though he actually explained his side why he did
it, still it will not serve as his passes to be free of what he did. If they actually lack of funds,
they can actually just tell it to their superior and let them help solve the problem. They
should have not done it just because they badly need it. Lacking of something or just
because you have a big problem, it is not actually good to resort to doing bad things just
because you believe that this is the best and easiest thing that you can do. It is a big NO,
most especially that he is actually serving the people, how can he actually justify what he
has done when he is actually expected to perform better than he actually did. It is a sad
thing to know that at time, people could really lose their integrity and leave behind what
they had pledge, and that is to serve with dignity and integrity. As an official, he should
know better than I do. He should have use a better strategy or ways on how to help all
those bereaved families of their comrades. We Filipinos are not like that, we are actually
better than what others think of us. We fight for the right reasons and we know how to
accept if it was actually our mistakes.

We should never really think of committing crimes and other illegal things just
because we believe that we are actually doing it for the right reason. We are given
intelligence for us to use in a right way. We are not provided with it for nothing. We should
always learn to weigh the situations we are in and never ever let our self get involved in
doing crimes and other things that could lead to our destruction.

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