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Jene Babe T.


Case # 9: “For Official Use Also”

Government employees are given the privilege of having to use the things
that the public believe could help make their service more effectively and efficiently.
They are expected to perform at best since they are in the government. It is their
commitment to uphold the public interest over and above personal interest. It
means that they are given the chance to use the resources of the government that
they are employed efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically, this is
particularly to avoid the wastage of the public funds and revenues paid by the
people of this country.

The taxes paid by the people in this country go to the fund of the government
that is being utilized for projects to help improve the way of living of the people. The
money they are paying from their taxes should have an acceptable outcome. It
should not be wastage because of the interest of the officials and employees to
abuse their powers and positions. Even in using the very resources intended for use
only of the government employees and officials should be given an attention. What
we are actually talking here are the vehicles which are being abusively used by those
in the positions.

If I have happened to spot a government service vehicle parked in places

where it is least expected to have a government transaction, I would surely ask the
help of the social media that is very famous right now to make the people realized
the wrongdoings of that government officials or employees. I will not report it to the
ombudsman rather I will have the concerned agency be known that they actually
hired employees who have ulterior motives in the government and does not fully
commit to the welfare of the public service.

It is but of importance to protect the resources that we have, especially that

the people are not just sitting pretty rather are working themselves to death just to
pay their taxes. The people are expecting much from the government, to help uplift
the present situation of our country and needless to say save us from the many
worst things that might come along. We rely mostly to the people in the government
because we know that they are best suited for their positions and the job that it is
given to them.

The awareness of the people is awaken because of the many controversy in

our country today. People in the government should realize that their moves are
being watched. Much more, they are privilege to become the pilots of this country
engaging towards a much brighter future.

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