Case #9

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Ana Mae A.

de la Cruz

Case # 9: “For Official Use Also”

Government employees are trusted by the public to lead and serve. They are given
the privilege of having to use the things that the public believe could help make their service
more effectively and efficiently. It is their commitment to uphold the public interest over and
above personal interest. It means that we are given the chance to use the resources of the
government that we are employed efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically, this is
particularly to avoid the wastage of the public funds and revenues.

Let’s face it, all the taxes paid by the commoners goes to the fund of the
government that is used for projects to help improve the way of living of the people.
Because that’s what it should be, the money they are paying from their taxes should have
an acceptable output. It should not be put to waste because of the interest of the officials to
abuse their powers and positions. Even in using the vehicles intended for official use only
should be given an attention. The people are not paying taxes just to let those government
employees use it for their own interest. Needless to say, we have high expectations of the
government official.

If I have happened to see a government service vehicle parked in places where it is

least expected to have a government transaction, I would surely ask the help of the social
media to make the people realized the wrongdoing of that official. Certainly, it is not I who
will report it to the Ombudsman, I will have the people of that agency be aware of the
actions of their employees, and let them have that employee explained himself. Such
behavior is not acceptable since it is the duty of that agency’s head to monitor the
whereabouts of his people. It is his people that did it and if they are just tolerating it then
somehow they are not worthy of their positions. They are lich that ruins the image that the
other agencies are building just to gain the trust and respect of the people. This devious act
should stop since it will little by little be the reason of chaos and destruction.

It is a must then before entering the government, one should have a strong self-
discipline, high sense of responsibility and commitment and high regards for morality. We
should familiarize ourselves with the norms of conduct since we really need it as public
employees. We are trusted and we should see to it that we are professional enough to serve
and deliver good quality of services to people.

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