For The Motion

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Akighithi: 1Min

Akighithi ye lhothemi kuxu la abo-qha lakhi ke. Hili ishi lhothemi khije itoi ado achipilono,
COVID 19 lockdown shi aghimta, ningu wu akiphi vezu mona, philukeu ye , electronic media like
mobile, internet, google classroom vechow no philu ke.

Ningu wu tiqheli ye electronic media ghenguno akighithi ye mlalei va. Ningu no ku kut-ghu kutsu
momu, ku kaku jęli ithini shi ani keno, akiphi aa la wumom, second lakhi lono nibonilei shi
electronic media lono kihitham la keu lono philu ani.

Skills: 1 Min

Electronic Media vechowno ningu lhothemi ye ‘skills’ development eno alikhi aw lu-küm-kha shilu
ani. Skills like makeup, photography, baking, music classes etc ye mlalei kumsa lono shikalu ve

Ningu lthothemi ye ithedolo electronic media vechowo no alaghi ajeli lono luthu heqikimye qe-lu
ani, thrift shop, makeup page, photography momu YouTube la content mlakeu lono. Ithedolo
Government akumla likhi shou pukhu mo na, alaghi ajeli lono ningu wu creativity ngo skills pesu
ningu luthu akuxu choqhe luani.

Social/Political Awareness: 1 Min

Akhoto shi electronic media vechowno ningu wu lhothemi ye political rights ngo demands lo shilu

Mpe 2010-12 dolo, Arab Spring Revolution ye Twitter vechow aki kili huthu lu. TIYE, Middle east
ngo North Africa lo dictatorship lono democracy saghulu.
2012 lo Nagaland lo ‘Mission Pothole’ through Facebook lthothemi group lono shilu, ithe ghi
scholarship delay shive pa, twitter lo Minister Temjen Imna vilo voice out shilu nani, sexual
harassment qhaghi ye taboo shi che ikemu through social support and awareness ithehiye #metoo
movement lono victims ye nichipiu la puthogho luani, mental health awareness ghi kusajekeu shilu

Electronic Media vechowno ningu lhothemi ye ‘accountability/kihi-su- kulupu’ wu culture Pepelu

ani, aqo aho eno luthu kuxu akivi shi wonike, electronic media vechow no akukumsu azu hawo
Counter Argument: 2 Mins

Ningu na electronic media wu akimiji jukelo, paye kügha küsu (tool) lakhi ke. Kughakusu lakhi ye
shikup sa kuha (harmless). Kughengu Kughakusu kumtsu toi, peitha kivi momu peitha pimi cheni.

Ike hipau electronic media ghi, kughakusu lakhi toi, ningu lhothemi no ku wu akimiji lono peitha
nikeno tipau shou ke. Tighenguno, electronic media ye pipsa mla, lüthu no kishi pau bemakho
kiqhi lono peitha cheni keno tipau shou shivecheni.

Electronic Media xülhe ju ighi kelo, it has done greater good than bad.
Ikehu ninguno keu keu akikighe (argument) shi anamu Ino mtsüqheyi pini shi akeu ye ishi iwu laki-
chilemi qo (opponents) ghi electronic media no panongu wu kuxu lokughuno eno mlalei shitsu
puaghinani kepi pilu ani.

Ishi ningu wu kütsala akeu atsatto ghenguno ghi mijekütsu ghenguno electronic media peitha puzu
ighi aghinani. You and I can agree that, its better to have access to electronic media then have none.

Bible laghi Ephesians 5:15:

Tishiaye nonguye kishi xuacheni keno jukuto kugholo.
Kiumu muthakemi toi xukepu kumoe, ikemu alo kutsumi shi xulo.
Ithodoloye ado lhoksa shianike ghenguno ado ithukulu kumstu akivishi peithalo.
Tighenguno mbomuzumi shi akevilo ikemu ampeu no nongu pelo kiu shipenishi anikeno

Extra Arguments:

It is extremely easy to tame social media by blending it with passion or creativity.

International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies

Research Paper: Impact of Social Media Among the Youth of Nagaland India
Conclusion: More better positive influence and only few negative impact.

If you are complaining about spending too much time, practise time management, if you think it’s
distracting, cultivate the habit to focus. A person may complaint about how electronic media dulls
their brain, whereas another person may utilise their time to filter content and absorb information.
The responsibility of utilising electronic media purely depends on oneself.

Electronic media in its history has created greater good than bad. No matter the arguments brought
forth, at the end of the day, I am positive that it has definitely made my fellow opponents life much
more easier and better, like even researching for information and facts for todays debate which was
accessible and easier due to electronic media and we would like to this access then having no access
at all.
Tsala nono ado chilo kilhe (peve) ani ipi mchoh aghi aye, ado küpüghü peithani keu shikalulo (or
Tsala okukumsu kiqilo electronic media ghenguno akhoto kuxu kumla lo amulo tsuqhi keu Shimla
na aghi aye, akimiji qhi puzu tipau papeluni keu pukaputsalo.

Kichekipiye lo, timi lakhi no mchoh aghi luvi electronic media ye timi qho izüvuvui vetsü cheni,
ikemu timi lakhi ghenguno ye alokütsü shi peitha keu vechewo no alaghi thowkha lono ala shilu
keu shicheni.

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