Word Smart Basic 1 - A

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Word Smart Basic 1 - A

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1. abdicate v. to give up the throne, or some other sort of right or power

2. abrupt adj. unexpected; quick

3. abstract adj. not solid, like something you can touch or see, but
more like and idea, thought, or theory

4. absurd adj. against common sense; ridiculous

5. acclaim v. to show approval by cheering, praising, or applauding

6. accomplice n. someone who helps another person do something

wrong or against the law

7. acquaintance n. someone you know or have met, but who is not a close

8. acute adj. sharp; intense; keen

9. adamant adj. firm in one's position; stubborn

10. ad-lib v. to make up something as you go along, without prepa-


11. adorn v. to decorate

12. adverse adj. not favorable; going against the direction you want

13. advocate v. to be in favor of

14. aesthetic adj. having to do with beauty or a sense of beauty

15. affront v. to insult or n. an insult

16. agenda n. a list of things to do

17. aghast adj. very shocked; horrified

18. agitate v. to shake up; to upset someone or shake up their feelings

19. alias n. a fake name used to hide someone's identity

Word Smart Basic 1 - A
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1wpqvy

20. allay v. to lessen or calm

21. alleviate v. to relieve; lessen; allay

22. allure v. to attract or n. attraction

23. aloof adj. distant or removed, as if you were keeping yourself

apart from things going on around you

24. alternate v. to switch back and forth, or do in turns or [AL tur nit] adj.
in place of another

25. amateur n. a person who takes part in an activity for fun, not as a
job or for money or adj. having to do with an amateur

26. ambassador n. a high-ranking government official who represents his

or her country in another country

27. ambiguous adj. unclear in meaning

28. amorous adj. feeling love, or having to do with love

29. anarchy n. the lack of any system of government or confusion

caused by lack of authority or organization

30. ancestor n. a family relation who came before you

31. anesthetic n. a drug that causes the sense of touch to be numbed

32. animosity n. open hatred

33. anticipate v. to expect; see in advance; look forward to

34. anxiety n. a feeling of worry about something

35. apathy n. lack of emotion or interest

36. appease v. to calm or satisfy

37. apprehend v. to arrest or to understand

Word Smart Basic 1 - A
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1wpqvy

38. apprentice n. a person who works closely with an expert in order to

learn his trade or craft

39. approximate adj. nearly exact or [uh PROK suh mayt] v. to make a best

40. aptitude n. a natural ability or quickness in learning

41. arouse v. to awaken or excite

42. array n. an organized group or very large number or v. to dress


43. articulate adj. spoken clearly, or able to speak clearly or [ar TIK yuh
layt] v. to say or explain verbally

44. ascetic adj. self-denying, rejecting the pleasures of life, often as a

show of religious devotion

45. aspire v. to desire strongly to achieve some goal

46. astonish v. to fill with wonder, to amaze

47. astute adj. showing good judgement and quick understanding

48. atrocious adj. very evil; bad; cruel

49. audacity n. boldness, daring; sometimes a disrespectful boldness

or outspokenness

50. augment v. to increase or make larger

51. austere adj. having a serious, stern appearance or personality;

very plain and simple

52. authoritarian adj. having to do with a system of government or power in

which the freedoms of the people are threatened or taken
away by one person or small group of people who have all
the control and who are not held responsible to the people
(See dictator)
Word Smart Basic 1 - A
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_1wpqvy

53. autonomous adj. self-ruling; existing independently

54. avail n. use or advantage

55. aversion n. a strong dislike

56. awkward adj. clumsy; embarrassing; hard to deal with


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