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Determini SCOPE LL This test method covers te labo ratory determnauon for the minimum resisuviy of 2 so 12 The pnneipal use of this test method is to detemine 2 s0i'scortoste= ity and thereby wdeauly the conditions under which he eomosion of metals in soll may be sharply accentuated. This standard is divided ino #0 pans, The st part involves obaiting and prepar- ing the sample to size for tesing and the second pat descnbes the test method for determining the enim laboratory soil resistivity. 13 The values stated in SI units ase to be regarded asthe standard REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 21 AASHTO Standards: T2 Sampling Aggregates 7248 Reducing Field Sam- ples of Aggregate to Testing Size PART I INITIAL PREPARATION OF ‘TEST SAMPLES 3. SCOPE 31 This method covers the dry prep aration of soil and soilaggregate sam ples, as received fom the field, for soil resistivity determination, 32 The lowing aplies oll spec- fled units i this standard: For the pu pose of determining conformance with ‘ese specifiatons, an observed value or calculated value shail be rounded otf Yo the nearest sit” in the last right hhand place of figues wsed in expressing the limiting valve, in accordance with the sounding-off methos R11. Recom- mended Practice for ladicaung Which Standard Method of Test for AASHTO DESIGNATION T 288-91 Places Of Figues Are To Be Considered Significant In Specified Limiting Vales. APPARATUS. 4. A balance wich a 5-Ke capaci an shall conforn to the requirements of M 231, torte clas of general purpose balance equired forthe principal sample macs of the comple being tested 42. Drying ipparatas—Any site able device capable of drying samples at a temperature not exceeding 60°C cia0rry 43. Sieves—A series of the folow- ing sizes: 6.3 ram (Vs ia.) 4.75 eam (No. 44, 2.00 mes (No. 10) an pan as required for preparing the sample for te mini- mum soi resistivity test The sieves shall conform <9 M 92, Sieves for Testing Purposes (Note 4A Pulverizing Apparatus—Bithes & mortar and ubbercovered pestle or any device suitable for eeaking up the aggre: {gations of sol parucles without reducing the size of the individual grains of sll (Note 2). 45 Sample Spliner—A suitable f= fe sampler or sample spies for propor: ional sping of te sample and capable of obtaining repeesentauive portons of the sample without appreciable lose of fines. The width of the container used to feed the riffle sampler spiuer should bbs equal to the total combined width of the ale chotes. Proportional spliting ff the sample on 2 canvas cloth is also permitted, NOTE 1—The sieve sites which have an opening se of 93 mm Us in) o ler ‘hall Conon de eguement ped it M2 excluding column po. 7 Tis exelsion Fens he ute of heater seen sn tone Sarda tamer ‘hich ve larger tn te 203.2mm (Ban. sound frames, NOTE 2—Ouer eyes of appaats are saustctory ee agpegtions of soi path les are nrxen ap whoa esueng the sae of Be wai aie 1 Minimum Laboratory Soil Resistivity 5. SAMPLE SIZE. 5.41 The amount of sil material te quired co perform the minimum soil stsuviry test is 35 follows: Fat Avert wise) Ser Ta Resnery 1500 2.00 mm ‘vo. 1 6, INITIAL PREPARATION OF TEST SAMPLES 56.4 The sample a rccived fom the Feld shall be died in aig or a dyine apparatus not exceeding GC (140A. © representative test sample of the amoun required to peso dhe micimum sod re sisivity st sal then be obtained sh the sampler, or by spliting or quanterine ‘The aggregaions of sll paricles stall then be broken wp inte pulverinng 9pp3 ‘ans unt the aggregation of soil particle se separated in individual gras in suc! 3 vay 38 (0 avoid reducing the natu size ofthe individual pariles (Nowe 3) NOTE Samples dred in an oven » her eeying appars aa temperate 10 exceeding BC (IAT) a consiered to bie de 62. The portion ofthe dried samp Selected for minimum sil resisuvity test ing shall be separated into fractions b one of the following methods: 621 Altemate Method Uzing 2.0 rom (No, 10) Sieve~The died sar {hall be separated ino bo fraction? = lng 2 2.00-mm sieve. The fraction w tained on the sieve shall be ground si) apolverizing apparatus uti he ions ofthe $0: parle ae broken int separate grains. The ground soil sho then be separated into to factions usin the 2.00. sieve 622. Altemate Method Using 4.7 mm and 2.00-mm (No. 4 and No, 1 68 Seveo—The dried sample shall fust be Separated inte two fractions using 24.75. zim sieve. The fracion felained on tis seve shall be ground with a plveriing apsarats until the aggregations of soll Paticles aze broken into separate grains ani agnin separated on the 4.75mm Sieve, The fracuon passing the .75-mm sieve shall be mixed thoroughly and, by the use of the sampler or by spliting and quarering. a representative portion sdequate for testing shall be obtained ‘This spli-off ponion shall then be seps fated on the 2.00-mum sieve, and pro- cessed a5 in Seeton 62.1 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 623 Aliemate Method Using 6.3. ‘mm ard 2.00-mm Ciein. and No. 10) Sieves—The dred sample shall fst be Separated ino two fractions using 2 63. hun sieve. The frac reise? of this sieve shall be ground with a pulverizing apparatus unil the aggregations of sci paricles are broken into separate grains and apain separated onthe 63-mm seve The fraction passing the 63-mm sieve stall be mixed thoroughly and. by the tse of the sampler or by epliting and ‘quanering, a representative poruion ade ‘uate for testing shall be obtained. This sphvoff portion shall then be separated wor 10 scaLe “Rah 1 aa fo 7288 ‘onthe 2.00-mm sieve, and processed as in Section 62.1 PART 2 MINIMUM SOIL RESISTIVITY DETERMINATION 7. SCOPE 7.1 This methed covers the labore ‘ory procedure for determining the mini- "mum resistivity of sol samples, The val ‘ves obtained from this method are relat N\ a _ TYPICAL, | FRONT VIEW ENO view arenes fede 2 Pe, 127 mee 46.88 we 8 APT 1 Yen, 0.9 am Seatntens Steel 157 4 nm 4 4645 an SOIL BOX FOR LABORATORY RESISTIVITY DETERMINATION FIGURE 1 Tas able © the corosion potential that a soi may exhibit, 8. APPARATUS AND MATERIALS BA Resisavity Meter—an alternate ing curent (AC) meter or 12 volt dcect ccurent (DC) meter utilizing a Wien Bridge WAC bridge) with 3 phase sensi- tive detetor and a square wave inverter that promices a nomiaal akernating sig nal at 97 Ha. (Note 4 THODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 8.2 100, 200, $00, and 900 ob re: sistas with 2 I-pereent tolerance, 8.3 Soil box—See Figure | and Fig: 34 200mm (No, (0) sieve con forming to the reysivements of M 92. 85 Balance with a S-kg capacity conforming to the requirements of M. 23 $6 Mixing Pins (non-onosive eg stainless stel, plastic et) 87 Graduated cylinder 100-mi. cx pacity to some via 8.8. Disilled water o¢ deionized ws ter that has a resistivity. greater that 20000 (ohm) % (er ‘8.9 Suaight edge. 305 mm (12 i length 9. CALIBRATION OF RESISTIVITY METER 9A Calibrate cesisivity meter (ol low manufacturers instructions) (a) Zero the resistivity meterby clamp /a > FRONT view ENO VIEW vassmunus SOIL BOX FOR LABORATORY RESISTIVITY DETERMINATION FiGuRE 2 266 ing the two leads togetber, and adjusting the meter (if necessary) (6) Connect the leads of the resistivity meter 10 the 100 ohm resistor and read the meter. Repest this procest with the 200, $00. and 900 ohn resistrs, 2) IE the readings ate within 10 per: cent of the resistance of the resist, the meier is functioning sausfactony 10. SOIL RESISTIVITY DETERMINATION WO.t- Select the material for testing in accordance with T 248 and separate ‘on a 2.00-mm (Wo, 10) sieve. Approx: mately 1500 grams of the matenal pass ing the 2.00-run (No, 10) sieve wil be required for testing 102 Add 150 mL of distilled water to the prepared soil. Mix the sample thoroughly and cover the test semple ‘witha damp cloth and allow the sample to stabilize unt! equilibrium hs been feached or, allow 1 eute 4 minimum of 12 hoors 103 Zero the meter a8 per manufac: 10.4 Clean the soil box thoroughly with distil water 105 Thoroughly mix and place the sample in the soil box in layers and compact (moderate compaction with the fingers issuficien). Tam off the excess ‘material with te suaight edge, METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 10.6 Measure the resistance and cal- culate the resistivity of the soil in azeor. dance with the isretions furnished with the meter and record the ext valve, 10.7 Remove and retain the soil from the box, add 100 ml of distilled water to the stmple and mix thoroughly. Clean the soil box with distilled water prior to performing the next test 108 Repeat the process of placing, ‘compacting the sil inthe bos, then mea site the resistance and eaiculate th soil resistivity (Note §). 109 Repeat steps in Sections 10.4 ‘0 10.8 until a misimum valve ean be de- termined 10.10 The minimum value is used for computing the minimum soi resist ity and reporting (Note 6), 3. REPORT Hal The inimum soil reisuvity value which was determine? above should be reported in wns of (chin) X (em 112 The Minimbm Soil Resistivity uilizing the typical soil bor is Minimum Seil Resistivity ‘= oninimm reading (ohms)) % [667 em) (See Note 73 NOTE 4—Mos resinance meters without 5 invening eeu allow the sample ndet t polarize dung messurcmem cusing the reading wo vary Ge da) 286 NOTE Sin some siete mininu si! resisinoy ofews when the specimen 2 slry contin When tht sas is necessary 10 roughly mix the eal shy td then pout the shy water int the sil box uni fall If te oi! bon doen't rach is capaty wit the addon of be slury ‘wales then ad est enooph of the fused soi Jno the bor ort ue sll box i iled and then take te seadng NOTE 6—The minimum soi reisvity an occut at any mourare conten, NOTE 7—Mliplying Const for each Soil Box i derived by Soil Box is erved by face Area of One Eleevoe (cn sauned) ‘Measured Average Duce ee Been © 2 “Typical Soil Box 1524 em 44560 & 56 on Toasen The soll box may be constmcted of either 64 or 127-mun (oF Ys in.) acrylic plastic. If other size soil boxes ae used, will be necessary to determine the corect multiplier. I shosld also be noted {at it may be necessary to prepare ext sil for testing 1 fil the sel box. 12. PRECISION AND BIAS 12.1 Date not availabe at thie time,

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