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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

Topics:- Oscillations (Complete)
1. K is spring constant; its units and dimensions are same as SCRATCH WORK
that of:
A. Pressure B. Tension
C. Surface tension D. Energy
2. The spring constant of two springs is added for maximum
equivalent when they are connected in:
A. Series B. Parallel
C. Perpendicular D. None of these
3. When a spring of spring constant K is cut into two parts
of same length, the spring constant of each part is:
A. 2K B. K
C. D.
2 4
4. A graph between acceleration and velocity in S.H.M is:
A. Circle B. Parabola
C. Ellipse D. Straight line
5. In SHM angle between velocity and acceleration is:
A. 0o B. 60o
C. 90o D. 180o

6. In SHM velocity leads _____________ by .
A. Acceleration B. Displacement
C. Energy D. Momentum
7. Product of angular frequency  and time period T is
equal to:
A. 1 B.
C. 2 D. T2
8. If the displacement in SHM is written by equation
x = xocost the value of initial phase in this case is:
A. 0o B. 45o
C. 90o D. 180o

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

9. A graph between acceleration and displacement in SHM is: USE THIS SPACE FOR

A. B.

C. D.

10. Spring constant of a spring and its length are related as:
A. kl B. kl-1

C. k l D. k l 2
11. A simple pendulum has frequency of 2 Hz. How long does
it take to move from mean to extreme position?
A. 0.12 s B. 0.2 s
C. 0.5 s D. 0.05 s
12. Equation for displacement in SHM is x = xosint. The
value of acceleration at instant t = is:
A. xo B. xo2

C. x o  D. x o
13. For an object to execute simple harmonic oscillations the
requirement is:
A. Inertia B. Restoring force
C. Elasticity D. Both “A” and “C”
14. For a simple harmonic oscillator the relation between
acceleration and displacement is:
A. a  x 2 B. a  2
C. a  x D. a   2
15. The relation for instantaneous velocity for a simple
harmonic oscillator is:

A. v   x 02  x 2 B. v 
g 2
 x0  x2 
C. v 

k 2
x0  x2  D. All of these

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

16. Which of the following is a relation for maximum velocity USE THIS SPACE FOR
for a simple harmonic oscillator? SCRATCH WORK

A. v   x  B. v  x

C. v  x D. All of these
17. Which of the following can be true for “”?
k 2
A.  B. 
m T
C.  D. All of these

18. For a simple harmonic oscillator which of the following is

true for maximum acceleration?
A. a   x  B. a   x 

C. a   x D. All of these
19. The ratio of maximum velocity and maximum acceleration
for simple harmonic oscillator can be written as:
T m
A. B.
2 k

C. D. All of these
20. The maximum number of equal parts of time period for a
simple harmonic oscillator will be________.
A. 4 B. 16
C. 8 D. Infinite
21. The time for a simple harmonic oscillator to travel from
mean to extreme is:
A. B.
4 12
C. D.
8 6
22. The time for a simple harmonic oscillator to travel from
 x 
mean to half of extreme  x    is:
 2
A. B.
4 12
C. D.
8 6

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

23. The time by a simple harmonic oscillator to travel from USE THIS SPACE FOR
 x 
extreme to half of mean  x    is:
 2
A. B.
4 12
C. D.
8 6
24. A simple harmonic oscillator starts its journey from mean
and moves towards +ve extreme then what is true?
A. Its initial phase is zero B. We use x  x  cos  for it
C. We use x  x  sin  for it D. Both “A” and “C”
25. A simple harmonic oscillator moves from +ve extreme
towards mean then what is true?
A. It’s initial phase =90 B. We use x  x  sin  for it
C. We use x  x  cos  for it D. Both “A” & “C”
26. Which of the following equations can be used for a simple
harmonic oscillator?
A. x  x  sin  B. x   x  cos 
C. x  x  cos  D. All of these
27. If the initial phase for a simple harmonic oscillator is 180
then we can use:
A. x  x  sin  B. x  x  sin 
C. x  x  cos  D. x   x  cos 
28. If the initial phase is 270 we can use for a S.H.M:
A. x  x  sin  B. x  x  sin 
C. x  x  cos  D. x   x  cos 
29. A uniform circular motion is:
A. A periodic motion only
B. A simple harmonic motion only
C. Both periodic and harmonic motion
D. Neither periodic not harmonic motion
30. Which of the following is true for the motion of a point
“P” moving along a circular path with uniform speed and
it’s projection N moving along diameter?
A. Both are periodic & simple harmonic
B. P is periodic only & “N” is simple harmonic as well as periodic
C. Neither is periodic nor harmonic
D. None of these

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

31. In SHM when K.E is minimum then which of the

following is correct?
A. P.E is maximum
B. Acceleration is maximum
C. Displacement is maximum
D. All are correct
32. A pendulum has time period T on earth. As the value of g
on the surface of moon is th times than on earth, then the
time period of that pendulum on the moon’s surface will
A. 6T B.
C. D. 6T
33. If mass attached with spring becomes 4 times, then its
acceleration and time period respectively become:
A. 4 times, 4 times B. times, 2 times
1 1 1
C. times, 2 times D. times, times
4 4 4
34. Angular frequency of second pendulum is:
A. 2 Hz B. 0.5 Hz
C.  rad s-1 D. rad s-1

35. The frequency of SHM is f, the frequency with which P.E
changes to its maximum value will be written as:
A. f B. 2f
f f
C. D.
2 2
36. A simple pendulum is present in a lift which is decelerated
moving upwards by g, then its time period in lift will
A. Undefined B. Zero
2 1
C. times D. times
3 2

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

37. In SHM when displacement is equal to , then the ratio
of P.E to K.E is:
A. 2:3 B. 1:3
C. 3:2 D. 3:1
38. In simple pendulum at any instant tension of string is
__________ when it makes angle “” with horizontal is:
A. T = mg B. T = mg cos
C. T = mg sin D. T= - mg sin 
39. A graph between total energy in SHM and displacement
from mean position is:
A. Straight line B. Isothermal curve
C. Parabola D. Ellipse
40. In SHM when K.E = P.E, the velocity is:
xo xo
A. B.
2 2
xo xo
C. D.
3 6
41. In SHM how many times does K.E and P.E become equal
during one period?
A. 1 times B. 2 times
C. 3 times D. 4 times
42. When K.E and P.E in SHM becomes equal the displacement
x x
A. o B. o
2 2
3x o
C. 2x o D.
43. Which of the following is the relation for time period of a
vertical mass-spring system?
g x
A. T  2 B. T  2
C. T  2 D. T  2
g m
44. The time period of a simple pendulum is independent of:
A. Length of pendulum B. Centre of mass
C. Value of gravity D. None of these

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

45. A simple pendulum has a bob which is filled with water

such that it oscillates with a period “T”. If due to some
problem a leak is developed in the bob and water start
releasing then length and time period of simple pendulum
will ________ respectively.
A. Increase& increase
B. Remain same& remain same
C. Decrease& decrease
D. Decrease& increase
46. The length of a second pendulum on surface of earth is:
A. 2 m B. 0.99 m
C. 1.9 m D. None of these
47. The time period of a second pendulum on moon is:
A. T  2 sec B. T  2 sec
C. T  2 sec D. None of these
48. The length of a second pendulum on moon as compare to
its length on earth will be (where “ ” is its length on

A. B.
6 6
C. 6 D. 6
49. When we take a second pendulum from surface of earth to
moon then?
A. It’s “T” decreases as g m 
B. It’s “T” remains same as well as its length
C. It’s “T” increases as g m 
D. None of these
50. The graph between (on y-axis) and (on x-axis) for

a pendulum is:
A. Inclined straight line
B. Horizontal straight line
C. Rising curve
D. None of these

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

ANSWER KEY (Worksheet-18) From eq (i) & eq (ii) it can be seen that
1 C 11 A 21 A 31 D 41 D one has “cos” whereas other as “sin”
which proves they have a phase
2 B 12 B 22 B 32 A 42 B
difference of “90”.
3 A 13 D 23 D 33 C 43 C
6. Answer is “B”
4 C 14 C 24 D 34 C 44 D Solution:- For a particle executing SHM;
5 C 15 D 25 D 35 B 45 A x  x sin 
6 B 16 D 26 D 36 A 46 B
v  x cos   x 2 sin   90 
7 C 17 D 27 B 37 B 47 A
8 C 18 D 28 D 38 C 48 A a   x 2 sin   x 2 sin   180 
9 A 19 D 29 A 39 A 49 C From these equations, initial phase of
10 B 20 A 30 B 40 B 50 B displacement is 0, initial phase of
velocity is 90 and initial phase of
SOLUTIONS acceleration is 180. So, velocity leads
displacement by 90 and velocity lags
Chapter – 7 (WS-18) acceleration by 90.
7. Answer is “C”
1. Answer is “C” Solution:- As =2f, so
F N 2
Solution:- Spring constant     T  2 f  T   T  2
x m T
F N 8. Answer is “C”
whereas; Surface tension=  which
m Solution:-
N x  x cos t
shows both have same units as
m  cos t  sin t  90 
2. Answer is “B”
Solution:- To get maximum equivalent
so,x  x sin t  90 
for springs we always use a parallel And initial phase =  = 90
combination as it has relation; 9. Answer is “A”
keq  k1  k2  ...... Solution:- Acceleration and displacement
are directly proportional to each other
3. Answer is “A”
10. Answer is “B”
Solution:- K part  nK original ,where n = no.
Solution:- We must remember that spring
of equal parts constant of a spring and it’s length are
4. Answer is “C” inversely proportional to each other, it’s
Solution:- The graph between “ a ”and v very easy to understand more is the length
for a simple harmonic oscillator is always of spring, easier will be to produce
an ellipse. extension in it which means less will be
5. Answer is “C” the spring constant.
Solution:- As we know that equation for 11. Answer is “A”
velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator T
is; Solution:- Use relation t  , first find
v  x cos  (i) “T” from the frequency
Whereas for acceleration equation is; 12. Answer is “B”
a  x 2 sin  (ii) Solution:- x  x sin  t

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

  0 , it means body is at mean amax  2 x , simply take ratio and solve

position initially, 20. Answer is “A”
so after it moves to extreme position.
4 Solution:- For x  x time is but for
As magnitude of acceleration a   2 x x T T
at extreme position x it may be or
2 6 12
x  x   a  2 x   maximum 21. Answer is “A”
13. Answer is “D” Solution:- Already discussed in Q.20 that
Solution:- To perform any kind of simple T
harmonic motion we know that at extreme for x  x , t 
position we need restoring force to drag 22. Answer is “B”
back object to mean position and then to
continue it’s motion to next extreme we Solution:- Use relation x  x  sin  ,put
need inertia. x
x   and solve
14. Answer is “C” 2
Solution:- Basic property of S.H.M 23. Answer is “D”
15. Answer is “D” Solution:- Use relation x  x  cos  put
Solution:- All are relations for velocity of
simple harmonic oscillator x   and solve
16. Answer is “D” 2
Solution:- All are true, for v=max, put 24. Answer is “D”
x=0 in all equations of Q.15 and solve Solution:-   0 , x  x sin    
17. Answer is “D” 25. Answer is “D”
Solution:-     i  , For simple Solution:- Use x  x sin     put
pendulum; T  2 ; so 26. Answer is “D”
g Solution:- These all equations can be
2 g used for a simple harmonic oscillator
   2  similarly for mass- depending upon what is it’s initial phase.
27. Answer is “B”
spring system; T  2 ; so Solution:- Use x  x sin     , put
  180
2 k
   3 comparing eq (1) with 28. Answer is “D”
T m
(2) and (3) we get; Solution:- Put   270 in
g k x  x sin    
 and  
m 29. Answer is “A”
18. Answer is “D” Solution:- A uniform circular motion is
Solution:- All are relations for maximum only periodic motion and not SHM
acceleration of S.H.M. because for circular motion this relation
19. Answer is “D” does not hold;
Solution:- vmax  x a  x

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

30. Answer is “B” 37. Answer is “B”

Solution:- A uniform circular motion is
 P.E   kx02  ;
x 1 1
only periodic motion, it cannot be called Solution:- At x 
as a simple harmonic motion but it’s 2 2  4
projection moving along the diameter can
be considered as both uniform and simple K.E   1 kx02  3 take ratio
2 4
harmonic motion.
38. Answer is “C”
31. Answer is “D”
Solution:- Normally pendulum makes
Solution:- As the relations are;
angle “” with vertical and it’s tension is
a  2x  a  x “mg cos” but here as “” is angle with
horizontal so relation is mg cos(90-)
1 2
P.E  Kx  P.E  x 2 which becomes mgsin.
39. Answer is “A”
K.E=0 at x  x so it means at extreme Solution:- Total energy never changes
position both “ a ” and “P.E” will also be rather always remains same.
maximum. 40. Answer is “B”
32. Answer is “A”
Solution:- K.E=P.E
Solution:- T   2 1 2  x2  1 2
g kx0 1  2   kx , Solve it for “x”, it
2  x0  2
Answer is “C” x
33. comes: x 
Solution:- a   x  T  2 m
m k Now v   x02  x 2 solve for v.
34. Answer is “C” 41. Answer is “D”
Solution:- As here T=2 sec so f  1 and Solution:- In a single vibration it takes
then   2f place when x  
35. Answer is “B”
42. Answer is “B”
Solution:- In a single vibration K.E
becomes maximum or zero two times. Solution:- Put K.E=P.E and find value of
36. Answer is “A”
43. Answer is “C”
Solution:- Use relation: T  2 Solution:- For vertical mass spring
ga system we have;
Where a  g putting in above equation; F  Fr

T  2  2  undefined   mg  kx
gg 0
m x
 so
k g

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PHYSICS Chapter # 7

m x
T  2  2 can be written. 48. Answer is “A”
k g
44. Answer is “D” Solution:- As to keep T=2sec, g m 
Solution:- As relation for time period of a
simple pendulum is; so m  so that m
remains same
6 gm
T  2 49. Answer is “C”
g Solution:- It is not a second pendulum on
moon but was on earth.
Here it is clear that “T” depends upon “
”and “g” but we must remember that “ ” 50. Answer is “B”
is not simply length of string rather it is Solution:-
length of string plus distance to centre of
mass of bob which means if centre of T  2
mass is shifted, it can change the value of g
“ ” and then “T”. T 2
45. Answer is “A”   constant
Solution:- The time period of pendulum
So, graph will be a straight line parallel to -
depends directly on length of pendulum
which is taken from centre of mass, when
water flows out centre of mass gets
shifted lower and hence length and “T”
both increases.
46. Answer is “B”

Solution:- As T  2 for second’s

pendulum T=2 sec so;

2  2

 g
Taking square and solving we get
 0.99m or  1m
47. Answer is “A”
Solution:- As declared a second
pendulum on moon so it is having it’s
length adjusted to keep T=2 sec.

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