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CSSA CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION OF NSW English Advanced Paper 1 - Texts and Human Experiences Stimulus Booklet for Section | and ; List of prescribed texts for Section II ro Pages Text | Image.. : Text2 Poet i Text3_ Poem. ; Text 4 Nonfiction extract. - 5 TextS Fiction extract. Seetion TL sce THB Listof prescribed tx... emeesninininiinsne DO NOT REMOVE STIMULUS FROM EXAMINATION ROOM CSSA Copp Note 2019) {CSSA Tal HSC Eamon oper in both hard and eleronc format re whet o copyright ew. tdvidual papers may contain third Party Covi mati: No CSSA pape are to be reprodaced(photocepied, sane) or communicated by schol except in aecordnce withthe Cony Ac 188. CSSA paps we provided for examination purposes al and shouldnt be made eae o student fo any oer purpose than ‘saint and sess, CSSA Til HSC Examination Papers must ol be poe the schoo inne he inet oF ny mobil device. 5100-3 Scanned with CamScanner Perfect Garden, By Pawel Kuczynski, Retrieved from hnups:/fipinimg.com/564x/96/c6/8c/96c68ce31742c{8be7a2a4 laadb3fee: Used with permission. Scanned with CamScanner Text 2~ Poem ow '2¥8 of Conquest” by Denise Levertov Yon i Sree my country by accident, ot knowing you had crossed the border. Vines that grew there touched you. ~ . . . You ran past them, shaking raindrops off the leaves — you or the wind. It was toward the hills you ran, inland — invaded your country with all my ‘passionate intensity’, pontoons and parachutes of my blindness. But living now in the suburbs of the capital incognito, ‘my will to take the heart of the city has dwindled. I love its unsuspecting life, its adolescents who come to tell me their dreams in the dusty park among the rocks and benches, I the stranger who will listen. Tlove ' the wild herons who return each year to the marshy outskirts. ‘What I invaded has invaded me. By Denise Levertov,, from THE. FREEING OF THE DUS! permi 7, copyright © 1975 by Denise Levertov. Reprinted by ission of New Directions Publishing Corporation. Scanned with CamScanner Text 3~ Poem “Otherson” by Chris Pechey ‘Who are you now all of a sudden? blood bound but not around. when did you drift Into this otherland ‘Where I’m locked out and you're locked in headphones dangling T-podded ina secret world where the blood thuds beats, repeats umbilically fed un-read you locked in me locked out or cyber-spaced unfaced mobile linked in syne text-dead silenced sliced, diced seat master linguist in that other world monosyllabic minimalist in mine s0 it goes with me locked out and you locked in xx By Chris Pechey. Used with permission. Scanned with CamScanner Text 4 — Nonfiction extrac t Extract fom Man's Seay Jor Meaning by Vi a Stumbled on in the dark 18 by Victor Frankl leading from the ESS, over bi their rifles, Anyonen?: The foment stones and through large puddles, along the one road spake eng ARYONE with very sore ay oe gum Ket shouting atu nd ving us ‘with the butts of vi icy wind did not encourses promt himself on ‘s arm, Hardly a word was = 3 Hext to me whispered s ae talk. Hiding his mouth behind his upturned collar, the man. in their camps and don’t hens oon: , our wives could see us now! | do hope they are better to mind, And ag we eho 22M whi happening tous” Tht brouet though of again, dragging one another ups for miles, slipping on icy spots, supporting each other time and thinking of his wife, Ooo and onward, nothing was said, but we both knew: each of us Was, of the morning w: fe. Occasionally I looked at the sky, where the stars were fading ‘and the pink light Sifts amine was beginning to spread behind a dark bank of cloud. But my mind clung to my frank an deuce it a ‘an uncanny acuteness. I heard her answering me, Saw her aes ad look. Re i the sun whicl beginning to rise. 8 eal or not, her look was then more lurninous than A thought transfixed me: for the first time i i it is set into song by 0 z rst time in my life I saw the truth as it ; aaa gh Leena as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. Te truth - that love Bee Cae 1¢ highest goal to which mar i the meaning of the greatest can aspire, Then I grasped the meaning oar iz be it human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation cof man is throug and in love. 1 understood how a man who has nothing left ‘in this world still may Know DIISS, only fora brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when than cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist enduring his sufferings in the right way - an honorable way-in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of is beloved, achieve fulfillment. For the first time in my life Tas able to understand the meaning of the words, “The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory.” Ty oa of me a man stumbled and those following him fell ontop of him. The guard rushed over and used his whip on them all. Thus my thoughts were interrupted for @ few minutes, But soon my soul found its way back from the prisoner's existence 10 another world, and I resumed talk with my loved one: I asked her questions, and she ‘answered; she questioned me in return, and I answered. seve at our worksite Everybody rushed into the dark hut inthe hope of getting & “Stop!” We had fairly decent tool. Each prisoner got a spade or a pickaxe. “Can't you hurry up, you pigs?” Soon we had resumed the previous day’s positions in the ditch. The frozen ground cracked under the point of the pickaxes, and sparks flew. The men were silent, their brains numb. My mind still clung to the image of my wife. A thought crossed my mind: I didn’t even know ifshe were stl alive. 1 knew only one thing- which Ihave leamed well by now: Love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved. It find its deepest meaning in his spiritual being, his inner self. Whether or not be is actually present, whether or not he is still alive at all, ceases somehow to be of importance. did not know whether my wife was alive, and I had no means of finding out (during all my fe there was no outgoing or incoming mail); but at that moment it ceased to matter. There was no need for me to know; nothing could touch the strength of my love, my thoughts, and the image of my beloved. Had I known then that my wife was dead, I think that I would still have given myself, undisturbed by that knowledge, to the contemplation of her image, and that my mental conversation with her ‘would have been just as vivid and just as satisfying. “Set me like a seal upon ig as death.” thy heart, love is as stron; From ‘Man's Search for Meaning’ by Viktor E Frankl, Published by Rider. Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Limited. © 2004 prison lit Scanned with CamScanner Text 5 ~ Fiction extract Extract from The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamands NEO? Adichie cones were too nasty the nasty ‘im, the black Jared at hit ‘who muttered and glare‘ nM of self jormal - the way tying eyes bemoaned your i ‘You knew by people's reactions that you two were abn and the nice ones too nice. The old white men and women men who shook their heads at you, the black women whose pity! tals iles; the esteem, your self-loathing, Or the black women who smiled swift solidarity smiles the black who tried too hard to forgive you, saying a too-obvious hi to ‘him; the White an no said “What e good-looking pair” too brightly, too loudly, as though fo Prove their own open: mindedness to themselves. But his parents were different; they almost made you think it was all normal. His mother told you Bar Pat vrovee brought a gil fo meet them, excep for his high school prom date, and he grinned stiffly and held your hand. The tablecloth shielded your clasped hands. He squeezed ¥' you squeezed back and wondered why he was so stiff, why his extra-virgin-olive-oil-colored eyes darkened as he spoke to his parents. His mother was delighted when she asked if, ‘you'd read Nawal el Saadawi and you said yes. His father asked how similar Indian food was to Nigerian food and teased you about paying when the check came. You Jooked at them and felt grateful that they did not examine you like an exotic trophy, an ivory tusk. ioned out love like a birthday ‘Afterwards, he told you about his issues with his parents, how they port cake, how they would give him a bigger slice if only he'd agree to go to aw school. ‘You wanted to sympathise. But instead you were angry. You were angrier when he told you he had refused to go up to Canada with them for a week or twos ts theis summer cottage in the Quebec countryside. They ad even asked him to bring you. He ny it was called a cottage because the showed you pictures of the cottage and you wondered wi 1d your neighborhood back home were banks and churches. You dropped a buildings that big arounc glass and it shattered on the hardwood of his apartment floor and he asked what was Wrong and you said nothing, although you thought a lot was wrong. Later, in the shower, you started to cry. You watched the water dilute your tears and you didn’t know why you were crying. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers Lid © (2008) (Chimamanda Adichie) Scanned with CamScanner section i ‘The prescribed texts are; « Prose Fiction « Poetry + Drama + Shakespearean Drama Anthony Doerr, AU the ‘Light We Cannot See > Amanda Lohvey, Vertigo ~ George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four ~ Favel Parrett, Past the Shallows ~ Rosemary Dobson, Rosemary Dobson Collected The prescribed poems are: * Young Girl at a Window * Over the Hill * Summer's End * The Conversation * Cock Crow * Amy Caroline * Canberra Morning — Kenneth Slessor, Selected Poems ‘The prescribed poems are: * Wild Grapes * Gulliver * Out of Time * Vesper-Song of the Reverend Sar * William Street * Beach Burial ymuel Marsden Rainbow's End, from Vivienne Cleven et al., ‘ Jane Harrison, Contemporary Indigenous Plays _ Arthur Miller, The Crucible — William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice Prescribed texts continue on page 8 a Scanned with CamScanner * Nonfictio 7 ~Tim Winton, The Boy Behind the Curtain * Havoc: A Life in Accidents * Betsy * Twice on Sundays * The Wait and the Flow * In the Shadow of the Hosplial * The Demon Shark * Barefoot in the Temple of Art ~Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb, / am Malala * Film — Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot © Media ~ Ivan O'Mahoney * Go Back to Where You Came From = Series 1: Episodes 1, 2 and 3 and * The Response —Lucy Walker, Waste Land End of Paper ESSA TaN Extn rial sia in Ca ra HS Erwin pp th br ead scl fret bj 0 copy Tava prs ay cova it Paty Cee ag to CSSA pen i be reduced (htop, sae) ox commune by schol tee in acordance wih he opi ct pes ar provided fr xainaton purposes nl and shoud not be mae valle o stent for any abe purpos than assessment tamination Papers must not be placed on tbe school intranet, the internet or on any mobile device. Scanned with CamScanner L] Centre Number CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS ‘Student Number ASSOCIATION OF NSW DO NOT REMOVE PAPER FROM EXAMINATION ROOM 2019 RTIFICATE. ‘SCHOOL CE} TRIAL HIGHER SCI ee English Advanced Paper 1 — Texts and Human Experiences ‘Morning Session Monday, 5 August 2019 General Instructions Total marks 40 «Reading time - 10 minutes Pages 2-5 © Working time - 1 hour 30 minutes 20 marks Write using black pen © Attempt Questions 1-5 «Allow about 45 minutes for this section ‘A Stimulus Booklet is provided with this paper. Page 6 20 marks Attempt Question 6 «Allow about 45 minutes for this section eared tt os at a pp se Ta an oe a reat Sse at a cdc hb ESA een Pet Serra mt Pot ns ang Ges Enos a St Rel Fane erect wey bir lt tl Ta Crane iy empty ali cr a pny ec ob red Tee pape rahe a ie ‘ete eared tom Pa ESA 8 laa pot at Wes quo pope, Ao HS ena er 510! Scanned with CamScanner Section 1 20 marks Attempt Question 1-5 Allow about 45 minutes for this section “Answer the questions in the spaces provided: _ sed on how well you: In your answers you will be assess demonstrate understanding of human experiences in txts represented in texts + analyse, explain and assess the ways human experiences AF° Frage TON 1 dd Sinthe Stimulus Booklet carfilly and then answer ts qpetons ~ anne vert quanti the epoors provided, Allspaoss provide ‘guidance for the expected length of response. Question 1 Use Text 1 to answer this question. Explain how the image represents insights into human behaviour. 3 Question 2 How does the poet’s personal experience in Text 2 reveal connections between the individual 3 and the world? Scanned with CamScanner Question 3 Use Text 3 to answer this question, Explait ‘ slain how the poet conveys a sense of shifting dynamics ina relationship. Question 4 Use Text 4 to answer this question. ‘Analyse the ways Frankl illuminates resilience within the human experience, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Question 5 Use Texts 4 and 5 to answer this question. to appreciate the reader Compare how the representations of love in Texts 4 and 5 enable different human experiences. Scanned with CamScanner End of Section 1 Scanned with CamScanner Section 1 20 marks Attempt Question 6 low about 45 minutes for this section : swer the question in a separate writing booklet, Extra writing ‘booklets are available. Th your answer you wil be assessed on how well you: = demonstrate understanding of human experiences in texts analyse, explain and assess the ways human experiences are * organise, develop and express ideas using language @PProPr context eS eee Question 6 (20 marks) represented in texts ‘ate to audience, purpose and The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions 10 think upon. Evaluate this statement in relation to your prescribed text. End of paper Scanned with CamScanner

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