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3, MAY/JUNE 2020

FPA Optimized Selective Harmonic Elimination in

Symmetric–Asymmetric Reduced Switch
Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
Kaibalya Prasad Panda , Student Member, IEEE, Prabhat Ranjan Bana , Student Member, IEEE,
and Gayadhar Panda, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Symmetrical and asymmetrical multilevel inverters MLIs in industries, electric vehicles, and renewable power gen-
(MLIs) have demonstrated its usefulness in a wide range of appli- eration [3]–[7]. MLIs can synthesize staircase sinusoidal-like
cations. This is accomplished due to the ongoing improvement by output depending on the number of dc sources, semiconduc-
reducing the converter size and enhancement in the voltage quality.
In this article, a generalized cascaded MLI structure is developed, tor switches, diodes, and capacitors used in the circuit. Three
which can operate in both symmetric and asymmetric modes. widely used classical MLI structures are diode-clamped MLI
Comparative assessment in terms of the number of components (DMLI), flying capacitor MLI (FMLI), and cascaded H-bridge
and voltage stress warrants the design superiority. A new selective MLI (CMLI) [2], [8]–[10]. Voltage balancing, need of clamping
harmonic elimination (SHE) control using flower pollination algo- diodes/capacitors, liability to module failure due to series con-
rithm (FPA) is investigated for the developed asymmetrical MLI.
The salient features of the FPA such as less burdensome compilation nection of switches are the major concerns in DMLIs and FMLIs.
and ability tos single-stage local and global search ascertain the Compared to these single dc MLIs, multi-dc CMLIs are gaining
elimination of the targeted harmonics through optimum angles a great deal of interest due to the modularity and reliability fea-
computation. Moreover, the competence of the FPA is verified by tures. Further, symmetrical CMLIs have more straightforward
comparing it with well-known SHE algorithms. Simulation analysis control, while asymmetric topologies can significantly enhance
is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink environment, which validates
the workability of the developed system. Experimental tests using the number of levels using the same number of components [11].
fundamental and high switching frequency control techniques are However, a strong limitation of the classical MLIs is the
further conducted under a dynamic environment to demonstrate requirement of more number of semiconductor switches and dc
the efficacy of the proposed methodology. sources. In recent years, continuous research efforts have been
Index Terms—Flower pollination algorithm (FPA), reduced made to optimize the MLI structure in all possible means. MLIs
components, selective harmonic elimination (SHE), switched-diode are researched in three wide varieties such as switched-dc MLI,
multilevel inverter (SMLI), symmetric–asymmetric multilevel switched-capacitor MLI, and switched-diode MLIs (SMLIs)
inverter (MLI). [12]. In [13], a switched-dc symmetrical structure has been
recommended using a reduced number of switches compared
to the classical structures. This topology does not require a
ULTILEVEL inverters (MLIs) are dominating over con-
M ventional inverters due to their ability to operate in a vast
range of applications [1]–[5]. Enhanced interference compatibil-
back-end H-bridge for altering the polarity; however, it still
requires isolated sources identical to the CMLI for synthesizing
any voltage level. In the switched-dc category, structures pro-
ity, low voltage stress, improved efficiency, and power quality are posed in [14], [15] are also competitive and cost-effective. These
the key factors behind the tremendous growth and application of reduced switch structures can inherently reverse voltage polarity,
and higher voltage steps can be produced by cascading the basic
Manuscript received October 25, 2019; revised February 9, 2020; accepted units. Using the H-bridge integrated to the basic units, optimal
March 12, 2020. Date of publication March 18, 2020; date of current version structures are disclosed in [16], [17] that can produce 15 levels
April 24, 2020. Paper 2019-IPCC-1365.R1, presented at the 2018 IEEE Interna- using 16 number of switches and 7 isolated dc sources. There
tional Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, Chennai,
India, Dec. 18–21, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS is also a possibility of extension to generate any voltage levels
ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of utilizing different magnitudes of dc sources and with a reduced
the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was supported in part by the voltage stress on the switches. Based on the above concept,
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India Project
under Grant EMR/2017/001880 and in part by the Institution of Engineers (In- symmetrical and asymmetrical MLIs with different pulse width
dia) R&D Grant-in-Aid scheme under Grant RDDR2017017. (Corresponding modulation (PWM) control strategies have also been presented
author: Kaibalya Prasad Panda.) in [18] and [19], respectively. In [20]–[22], switched-dc compact
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology, Shillong, Meghalaya, India (e-mail: module topologies have been analyzed as a suitable replacement;; gayadhar.panda@ of the conventional MLIs. The MLIs, as mentioned earlier, reduce the switch count
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at but do not possess voltage boosting ability. Consequently,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2020.2981601 switched-capacitor structures are developed, which can enhance
0093-9994 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Qatar Foundation (Qatar National Library). Downloaded on August 10,2023 at 08:16:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the voltage levels without the need for additional transform-

ers and inductors [23]. Using the same basic unit, structures
presented in [24], [25] effectively reduce the number of semi-
conducting devices and also feature voltage boosting ability.
Extended switched-capacitor structures with low cost, few dc
sources, and less total standing voltage (TSV) have been pro-
posed more recently in [26], [27]. The self-regulatory capacitor
voltage using the series–parallel charge–discharge technique is
an added advantage of these structures.
The involvement of more switches increases the number of Fig. 1. Generalized structure of the developed cascaded SMLI.
the driver circuits and thus the control complexity. The switched-
diode structures are developed with the motivation of making the
circuit simpler. Circuit topologies presented in [28]–[30] need
for enhancement of the voltage levels by a suitable dc source
much simpler control. For five-level and seven-level operations,
magnitude selection. Section III confirms the practicality of
these structures warrant a reduced number of switch and low
topological advancement by comparing it with prior-art MLI
power loss. These switched-diode structures are suitable for high
structures. Section IV affirms the superiority of the FPA com-
power factor loads, whereas for low power factor, loading spikes
pared to well-known SHE-PWM control schemes in light of
in the output voltage may appear due to the presence of diodes
faster convergence and harmonic suppression performance in
in the reverse current flow path. A feasible trade-off is therefore
the whole modulation range. To verify the workability of the
vital between the circuit simplicity and load handling ability for
developed asymmetrical MLI in conjunction with FPA control,
different applications.
simulation and experimental verifications are incorporated in
Apart from the design issues discussed above, the imple-
Sections V and VIs, respectively. The last section concludes the
mentation of a suitable control technique for MLI is a key
research work.
challenge to improve the voltage and current quality [11], [31].
To effectively reduce the switching power losses and completely
eliminate the dominant harmonic components, the selective II. DEVELOPED CASCADED MULTILEVEL INVERTER
harmonic elimination (SHE) control technique based on fun- The developed SMLI is assembled using the cascaded con-
damental frequency is widely adopted over carrier-based PWM nection of dual-source modules (DSM) [29]. The DSM con-
techniques [19], [22], [32]–[34]. The fundamental level is main- sists of two dc sources (V1 and V2 ), one unidirectional switch
tained in SHE control while eliminating the targeted harmonics (Sa1 ), one power diode (Da1 ), and a polarity changing H-
using the predefined angles. Numerical iterative algorithm based bridge (Ta1 − Ta4 ). When the switch is OFF, the DSM pro-
approaches to find the optimal angles have been attempted duces an output of V1 and when the switch is turned ON, then
extensively in [10], [19], [29], [35], [36]. Literature manifests ro- the output voltage becomes (Va1 = V1 + V2 ). An ac output
bustness of these algorithms considering the practical switching (Va1 , Va2 , . . . , Van ) across each DSM out of the unidirectional
operation, unbalanced sources, solution attainability in extended voltage (Vr1 , Vr2 , . . . , Vrn ) is synthesized by switching the
modulation range, etc. The optimal angles are calculated by H-bridge switches Ta1 and Ta2 in the positive cycle and the
solving harmonic equations with a specific objective. Numer- other two in the negative cycle. The developed SMLI is shown
ical calculation-based approaches have been further analyzed in Fig. 1 which is the cascade connection of several DSMs.
in the literature. To find a solution for different fundamental The output voltage (Vo ) of the SMLI is the summation of
switching voltage patterns, the authors in [37], [38] have re- the outputs of individual DSM as given in (1). For the SMLI,
vealed generalized SHE techniques. Real-time angle calculation generalized expressions are given in (2)–(4) for the switch count
methods have been established [7], [39] for renewable energy (Nsw ) requirement, number of dc sources (Ndc ), and diode count
application and dc voltage variation. Serious challenges such as (Ndd ), respectively, in terms of the number of DSMs (n = 1, 2,
triplen harmonic mitigation from single-phase structures in [22] …), as follows:
and harmonic elimination and total harmonic distortion (THD)
minimization concomitantly in [34] have been subsequently V0 = Va1 + Va2 · · · + Van (1)
analyzed. Selective harmonic mitigation (SHM) technique is Nsw = 5n (2)
another variety of fundamental frequency control scheme that
mitigates more harmonic orders as well as satisfies the power Ndc = 2n (3)
quality standards [40]. Nevertheless, a complete elimination of Ndd = n. (4)
dominant harmonics as in SHE control is unattainable.
In a recent work [35], the authors have analyzed flower
pollination algorithm (FPA) SHE-PWM control approach in a re- The number of output voltage levels (Nl ) can be further
duced switch symmetrical MLI. Including further developments, extended with the appropriate selection of dc source magnitude.
this article investigates the FPA control scheme application In this context, three algorithms that not only enhance the voltage
in an asymmetrical MLI thoroughly. A generalized cascaded level but also optimize the TSV, switching loss (Ploss ), and
MLI structure with a reduced number of components is first overall cost are further proposed. The first proposed algorithm is
introduced in the next section along with different algorithms the symmetrical case. The other two are based on asymmetrical
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Fig. 2. Comparison with prior-art MLI structures (T1 [17], T2 [14], T3 [26], T4 [25], T5 [15], T6 [13], T7 [16], T8 [19], T9 [24], T10 [20], T11 [18], and T12
[27]). (a) Nsw versus Nl . (b) Ndc versus Nl . (c) CLR versus Nl . (d) TSV versus Nl .

TABLE I TSV is another parameter that plays a significant role while

designing the MLI. For high-power and high-voltage appli-
cations, an MLI with less TSV and less loss is preferable.
The variation of TSV with output voltage levels is shown in
Fig. 2(d). For the generation of the same number of levels at
the output, the SMLIs face relatively less TSV except for the
switched-capacitor MLIs T3 and T9.


cases. With a geometrical progression factor of “3,” the topology The SHE control approach is a widely adopted fundamental
is highly asymmetrical, whereas with the third algorithm con- switching technique for MLIs to get an improved harmonic
sidering alternate binary fashion, the structure is more optimal. profile [33] in spite of the switching loss being reduced and
For the different algorithms, Nl , TSV, and Ploss are summarized the fundamental level being retained. The targeted lower or-
in Table I. The switching losses are determined based on the der harmonics defined by a set of harmonic equations can be
standing voltage and operating frequency of the switches [13]. eliminated by evaluating a specific fitness function (FF). In
For the DSM-1, the level generation switch Sa1 operates at this regard, the generalized staircase output voltage waveform
high frequency (fs ), whereas the other four switches operate considering single switching per cycle can be expressed in terms
at the fundamental frequency (fo ). Accordingly, the losses are of the Fourier series. Considering the symmetrical property of
expressed in the table, taking a constant k = 16 Is (tn + tf ) square wave and the Fourier coefficient ao = an = 0, the output
where Is , tn , and tf are the current through the switch, ON, waveform can be mathematically expressed as follows:
and OFF intervals of the switch, respectively.

Vo (ωt) = Vx sin (xωt)
To appraise the superiority of the SMLI over existing MLIs, = {cos xα1 + · · · + cos xαp } sin (xωt) . (5)

a comparative assessment is performed in terms of Nsw , Ndc , x=1 (odd)
components per level ratio (CLR), and TSV. Symmetrical SMLI
Henceforth, the dc source magnitude as per the P3 algorithm
(P1 ) is simple in design, whereas the asymmetrical structures
is considered for the analysis. Thus, the number of switching
(P2 and P3 ) can synthesize more levels. Considering both Nl
angles (SAs) p = 3n, where n is the number of DSMs and Vdc
and TSV, the SMLI with P3 offers more optimality. Therefore,
is the value of each voltage step. The fundamental component
it is considered for comparison purposes. Fig. 2(a) unveils the
can then be expressed as follows:
switch requirement w.r.t. Nl for the SMLI is minimum among all
the MLI topologies. The number of dc sources adjudicates the 4Vdc
V1 = {cos xα1 + · · · + cos xαp } sin (xωt) . (6)
number of levels at the output. The switched-capacitor structures π
T3, T4, and T12 greatly reduce the dc source count as it uses
Taking into consideration the range of modulation index (Mi)
additional capacitors for level generation. Except for this, the
0–1, the SAs (α1 to αp ) can be evaluated. For a specific Mi, the
SMLI utilizes comparatively less Ndc than other MLIs, as shown
computed SAs can eliminate the targeted low-order harmonics.
in Fig. 2(b). Further, a factor CLR is calculated which is the
For a 6n + 1 level SMLI, 3n − 1 numbers of harmonic orders
ratio between the sum of Nsw , Ndc , Ndd , Ndr , Nc w.r.t. Nl ,
can be eliminated. Considering the desired fundamental (V1 )
where Ndr and Nc are the number of drivers and capacitors.
and nominal (Vdc1 ) dc voltage, Mi can be defined as follows:
Fig. 2(c) confirms that minimum CLR of the SMLI up to 35
levels establishes the topological advancement. For Nl > 35, πV1
Mi = , 0 ≤ M i ≤ 1. (7)
however, the T5 and T7 topologies have comparable merits. (4pVdc1 )

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Self-pollination includes the transfer of pollens from anther to

stigma within the same plant, while cross-pollination includes
two different species of plant for the pollination. Further, on the
basis of the agent of pollination, pollination can be classified
into biotic pollination that involves organisms as the agent
and abiotic pollination, which does not involve organisms. In
FPA, about 90% of pollination is considered as the biotic and
cross-pollination, i.e., pollens are transferred by the pollinator
such as bees, insects, etc. The following three FPA rules are
summarized for optimum SA evaluation.
Rule-a: The global pollination process includes the biotic and
Fig. 3. Overall block diagram of the implemented PWM control strategies.
cross-pollination process where the pollinators are supposed to
move by obeying Lévy flights (Lf ). The pollinators travel over
a long distance (xi ) for the pollination which can be expressed
as follows:
The set of generalized harmonic equations are expressed in (8)
that are needed to be solved without losing the fundamental con- Ψik+1 = Ψki + Lf ∗ Gbest − Ψki (10)
trol and considering the angle constraint given in (9) as follows:
⎧ where

⎪ cosα1 + · · · + cosαp = p ∗ M i

⎪ μ ∗ γ (μ) ∗ sin (πμ/2) 1
⎨ cos 3α1 + · · · + cos 3αp = 0 Lf = ∗ 1+μ (S : S > 0) (11)
(8) π S
⎪ ..

⎪ . where Gbest is the current best solution among others, Ψki is the

cos (2p − 1) α1 + · · · + cos (2p − 1) αp = 0 ith pollen at kth iteration, and γ(μ) is the gamma function that
is distributed over a significant step S > 0.
0 < α1 < α2 < · · · < αp ≤ π/2. (9) Rule-b: The update rule for the local pollination process
Literature manifest nonlinear equations involved in the SHE involving abiotic and self-pollination is given in (12). Ψkm and
control scheme can be formulated as an optimization problem Ψkj indicate the pollens of two different local flowers belonging
to quickly obtain optimum SAs and continuous solutions for to the same species of plant and the parameter ρ denotes the
the whole Mi range [10], [19], [29], [36]. Nevertheless, these local search distributed uniformly in bound of [0, 1].
algorithms suffer from shortcomings such as more time con-  
Ψik+1 = Ψki + ρ ∗ Ψkm − Ψkj (12)
sumption in optimizing, discontinuous solution, inaccuracy in
the harmonic suppression performance, etc. Thus, to get the best Rule-c: The local pollination process relates to short distance,
performance, this work proposes an FPA-based control scheme whereas the distance is more in the case of global pollination.
[35] that is analyzed for the asymmetrical SMLI. The nonlinear Therefore, a switching control between the general global and
transcendental equations are solved and the solutions are stored profound local pollination process is defined as PS ∈ [0, 1].
in the form of a lookup table. The angles are then decoded
according to the switching logic. B. Working of FPA Optimized SHE Control
To verify the accurate performance of proposed SMLI and
the controller, both SHE-PWM and SPWM control schemes are For the 13-level SMLI, the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th or-
tested in this work. Fig. 3 depicts the overall block diagram der harmonics are selected for elimination. It must be pointed
accompanying the control schemes. Considering P3 , the SMLI out that the multiples of third harmonic are self-mitigated in
with two cascaded DSMs can synthesize a 13-level output. For the three-phase line voltages. A suitable FF is defined in (13)
the SHE-PWM control, six optimum SAs are calculated using considering the targeted harmonics and fundamental component
FPA. For the SPWM control scheme, based on the pulse logic for subjected to the condition (9). FPA is programmed to solve the
the 13-level operation, the carrier signals with a sinusoidal refer- FF for estimating the optimal SAs.
ence signal are compared, which generates the desired switching 
V1∗ − V1
4 2
1 Vx
pulses. Pulses with a certain delay period are generated by logic FF = min 100 + 50 (13)
gates decoder. αp V1∗ x=3
x V1

where V1 ∗ is the reference fundamental component. To obtain

A. Proposed FPA Approach for SHE-PWM Control the least THD with a feasible Mi, the first term in (13) is restricted
Yang et al. first observed the characteristics of flower polli- to 1% error and the second term to 2%. Further, to obtain an
nation and proposed the FPA in 2012 [41]. Plants follow the optimal harmonic suppression performance by maintaining the
pollination process to produce offspring for the next generation. fundamental level, the first and the second terms are enforced to
Pollination is nothing but the process of transferring pollen powers 4 and 2, respectively [19], [29].
from the male anther to the female stigma of a flower for the The proposed FPA algorithm summarized below is success-
seed formation. Depending on the source of pollen, pollina- fully developed in MATLAB R2018a platform to solve the FF
tion can be classified into self-pollination and cross-pollination. and to calculate optimized SAs for operating the SMLI.
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Fig. 4. Programming results for the 13-level SMLI. (a) FF versus Mi. (b) THD versus Mi. (c) CDF versus FF. (d) Harmonics versus Mi. (e) SA versus Mi.
(f) Harmonic spectrum.

TABLE II are implemented along with the proposed FPA. Parameter set-
tings for all the algorithms are specified in Table II. It should
be noted that the authors have considered several trial runs prior
to the selection of the optimal parameters. The programming is
carried out on a host computer with 8.00-GB installed memory
and an Intel Core, i5, 2.30-GHz processor. Fig. 4(a) shows the
plot between the optimum FF versus Mi. The proposed FPA
is able to minimize the fitness value to below 10−19 for more
than 80% of Mi. The results obtained using CSA are much
closer to the FPA than the other two. Further, the probability of
convergence to the global minima point is evaluated considering
Step-1: Initialize the parameters such as maximum iteration the cumulative distribution function (CDF) [29]. Consequently,
count (iterm ), PS , and the minimum and maximum range Fig. 4(b) illustrates the superior performance of FPA. Moreover,
of the SAs. Randomly initiate the SA population (pollens) for the performance parameter THD [11] is taken into account
FF evaluation. for comparison among the algorithms. Fig. 4(c) implies that
Step-2: To evaluate the stability and quality of the pollens, FF is the THD decreases significantly using the proposed FPA with
evaluated for each αp contingent upon (9). Gbest is initialized the increase in Mi. This also indicates the effectiveness of the
as the optimum FF. For the range of Mi (0:0.01:1), αp is FPA in eliminating low-order harmonics. Out of these algo-
identified and stored in the memory corresponding to the rithms, TLBO and CSA have comparable performance as of
optimum FF. the FPA.
Step-3: All the αp should undergo global pollination (Rule-a) or For the 13-level SMLI, the targeted harmonic orders are
the local pollination (Rule-b). Therefore, a uniform distributed evaluated w.r.t. Mi. Fig. 4(d) depicts that, in the range of 0.9–0.95
random number (rand) is first generated, and then for each Mi, the low-order harmonics are completely eliminated and,
iteration, if PS > rand, pollens follow Rule-a, else Rule-b. at the same time, the fundamental level is maintained which
Step-4: New SAs and corresponding FF are evaluated further to satisfies the elementary SHE principles. The optimum SAs
assess the new Gbest . The optimal SAs in line with the min- obtained using FPA are depicted in Fig. 4(e) that satisfies (9),
imum FF are updated in the memory. This process continues and the continuous solution for the full range of Mi is ensured.
until all the pollens converge to minimum FF for the iterm , The objective of the SHE-PWM control technique is to eliminate
otherwise return to Step-2. the targeted harmonic orders, whereas the SHM-PWM tech-
nique satisfies the power quality standard grid codes. Nonethe-
less, Fig. 4(f) shows that the low-order harmonic that resulted
C. Comparison of FPA With Well-Known SHE Algorithms using the SHE technique also fulfills the grid-code standards EN
With the aim to calculate the optimized SAs for eliminating 50160 and CIGRE WG 36-05 except the 15th order harmonic
the targeted harmonics, three recent-art algorithms such as par- that is not targeted for the 13-level SMLI. This implies that the
ticle swarm optimization (PSO) [29], teaching learning-based use of large-sized filters at the load side can be obviated from
optimization (TLBO) [36], cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) [10] different applications viewpoint.

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Fig. 5. Simulation analysis. (a) Developed 13-level SMLI structure. (b) Standing voltage and power losses in the 13-level SMLI. (c) 13-level output with switching
pulse duration. (d) Terminal voltages in the 13-level SMLI.

Fig. 6. Simulation results: 13-level output voltage with corresponding harmonic spectra under changing Mi condition (a) with SHE-PWM control,
(b) with SPWM control, and (c) output voltage with P1 and P2 algorithms.

V. SIMULATION ANALYSIS verify the optimum THD obtained at 0.93 Mi (as acquired from
the programming results), low (0.25) and medium (0.55) Mi
The SMLI circuit topology with two DSMs shown in Fig. 5(a) values are also considered. The harmonic profile along with Vo
is used to validate the workability in simulation. Ten numbers for a purely resistive load is shown in Fig. 6(a) which confirms
of switches are used in the circuit. Out of these switches, two low overall THD at high Mi, and the results are in agreement
switches (Sa1 and Sa2 ) used to create the levels that block the with the programming findings.
minimum voltage that can be inferred from Fig. 5(b). Power In addition, Vo and the respective harmonic profiles are also
losses of the switches are also pictorially depicted, which is acquired with the SPWM control scheme as shown in Fig. 6(b).
calculated by a detailed simulation of insulated-gate bipolar In light of this, six triangular carriers with a frequency of 5 kHz
transistor (IGBT) switches in the Simulink platform considering are arranged in the same phase with a finite offset value and
Vdc = 200 V and 150 Ω load. As SHE-PWM is considered, the are compared with a reference sinusoidal signal of a nominal
switching losses are almost negligible and conduction losses frequency of 50 Hz to generate the desired switching pulses
are the major contributor to the total power losses. Fig. 5(c) (see Fig. 3). Superior performance of SHE-PWM control is
depicts the kind of 13-level output pattern along with conduction established and the fundamental magnitude declines with change
instances of each switch. The 13-level output (Vo ) and voltages in Mi for the SPWM control. Further, to endorse all the proposed
of each unit (Vr1 , Vr2 , Va1 , and Va2 ) are illustrated in Fig. 5(d). algorithms given in Table I for selection of dc source magnitude,
Further, the competence of the control techniques is demon- results are also shown for P1 and P2 in Fig. 6(c) considering the
strated by applying both SHE-PWM and SPWM control tech- equal output voltage of 1200 V. Considering two DSMs that are
niques. SAs corresponding to the Mi values are evaluated offline cascaded as shown in Fig. 5(a), the SMLI synthesizes 9-level
by the proposed FPA approach and stored in a lookup table. To and 17-level using P1 and P2 , respectively.

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Fig. 7. Experimental results of output voltage and current waveform, voltages of different units, and standing voltage of some switches with (a) P1 , (b) P2 , and
(c) P3 .

Fig. 8. Experimental verification of the control schemes. (a) Output voltage with changing Mi. (b) Output voltage and current under R-load. (c) Output voltage
and current under changing RL-load. (d) Harmonic analysis of the output voltage under different Mi. (e) Output voltage with dynamic change in frequency. (f)
Output voltage and current under RL-load with SPWM control. (g) Output voltage harmonic profile with SPWM control.

VI. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION and two RGP30D diodes. Control techniques are developed in
a TMS320F28335 control card. The controller transfers pulses
In order to validate the topological advancement and the to the switches through a TLP250 optocoupler driver that en-
control efficiency of FPA, a scaled-down laboratory prototype ables the necessary isolation and pulse amplification. Results
of the SMLI is used which consists of two cascaded DSMs, four are acquired using a ScopeCoder under an RL-load of value
isolated variable dc supplies, ten 12N60A4D IGBT switches, 50 Ω–6.3 mH unless otherwise specified.

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A. Validation of SMLI Operation Using Proposed Algorithms implemented to test the MLI. FPA, as a newly emerging
optimization technique, has been used for the optimal angle
In order to evaluate the operational ability of the SMLI in
relation to the number of levels indicated in Table I, magni- evaluation to eliminate the dominant low-order harmonics from
the output voltage selectively. In comparison with PSO, TLBO,
tudes of the dc sources are selected accordingly. The SMLI can
and CSA, the results reveal fast tracking of FPA towards an
synthesize 9-level, 17-level, and 13-level using P1 , P2 , and P3 ,
respectively, considering two DSMs are cascaded. In the case of optimal solution, less complicated compilation, and high accu-
racy. The selected 3rd to 11th order harmonics are eliminated
P1 , P2 , and P3 , the magnitude of the four dc sources are set as
and satisfy the grid-code standards for the 13-level asymmet-
(30 V, 30 V, 30 V, 30 V), (15 V, 15 V, 45 V, 45 V), and (20 V,
40 V, 40 V, 20 V), respectively. Applying the FPA-SHE control, rical MLI, even accounting single switching per cycle voltage
pattern. Extensive simulation and experimental analysis have
optimum SAs are programmed in the controller for 9-level,
17-level, and 13-level operations. Consequently, Fig. 7(a)–(c) been carried out under different dynamic test cases to justify
shows the successful working of the SMLI. The figure also the proposed method. The developed SMLI works favorably
using different PWM control schemes in both symmetric and
includes the voltage across different units (Vr1 , Vr2 , Va1 , and
Va2 ) and the standing voltage across few switches (Sa1 , Sa2 , Ta1 , asymmetric modes.
and Td2 ). It is worth to mention that the P2 algorithm appreciably
increases the voltage level with the same component count, but REFERENCES
the switches have to withstand a higher TSV. On that account,
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[35] K. P. Panda, P. R. Bana, and G. Panda, “FPA optimized selective harmonic 1998, and 2007, respectively.
elimination PWM technique application in reduced switch count multilevel Since January 2013, he has been with the De-
inverter,” in Proc. 2018 IEEE Int. Conf. Power Electron. Drives Energy partment of Electrical Engineering, NIT Meghalaya,
Syst., 2018, pp. 1–6. Shillong, India, where he is currently a Professor.

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