Bul-Anon - Assignment 3 - Individual Task - How Well Do You Know Our SVD Missionary Saints and Other Good Servants

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Bul-anon, Carlos EDM 1 GROUP 11

Section A.
St. Arnold Janssen, St. Joseph Freinademetz, and San Carlos Borromeo: Their Acts of Witnessing to the

Scientia as Growing in Knowledge and Deepening One’s Understanding of the Truths in Life:

How did the saint deepen his understanding of Jesus as the Word of God?

Virtus as Nobility of Character:

What were the values/virtues which the saint promoted during his time?

Devotio as Acts of Justice and Loving Service to the Poor and Marginalized:

What were the concrete actions the saints undertake to serve the poor and the marginalized?

St. Arnold Janssen


 Scriptural Study: Janssen immersed himself in the study of the Bible, particularly the Gospels, to
gain a deep understanding of Jesus' life and teachings as revealed in the Word of God.
 Missionary Work: His missionary experiences in the Netherlands and other countries exposed
him to diverse cultures and perspectives, deepening his understanding of the universal nature of
Jesus' message as the Word of God for all people.


 Faith: Janssen had a deep faith in God and in the mission of the Church to spread the Gospel to
all corners of the world.
 Devotion to the Word of God: He emphasized the importance of understanding and spreading
the Word of God, particularly through missionary work.


 Founding Missionary Societies: Janssen founded the SVD, which was dedicated to missionary
work, particularly in regions where the Catholic faith was not well-established. This missionary
work often focused on providing spiritual guidance, education, and support to impoverished and
marginalized communities.
 Prayer and Spiritual Guidance: Beyond material assistance, Janssen and his followers offered
spiritual guidance and pastoral care to those in need, emphasizing the importance of faith and
hope in difficult circumstances.
St. Joseph Freinademetz


 Community and Spiritual Fellowship: Freinademetz was part of a community of missionaries

who shared their faith and experiences. Dialogues and discussions within this community would
have provided opportunities for spiritual growth and mutual support in their missionary efforts.
 Eucharistic Devotion: Freinademetz's participation in the Eucharist would have reinforced his
understanding of Jesus as the living Word of God present in the sacrament.


 Faith: Freinademetz had a deep and unwavering faith in God and in the mission of spreading the
Christian faith to people in China.
 Compassion: He demonstrated compassion and empathy toward the Chinese people, especially
the poor and marginalized, and worked tirelessly to alleviate their suffering.


 Living Among the People: Freinademetz chose to live among the Chinese people, often in rural
and impoverished areas, rather than in more comfortable missionary compounds. This allowed
him to intimately understand their daily struggles and needs.
 Establishing Schools: Recognizing the importance of education, he founded schools in China to
provide Chinese children, especially those in rural areas, with access to education and

San Carlos Borromeo


 Pastoral Ministry: As Archbishop of Milan, Borromeo engaged in extensive pastoral work,

including preaching, catechesis, and the administration of the sacraments. These activities would
have reinforced his understanding of Jesus as the living Word of God who nourishes and guides
the Church.


 Charity and Social Justice: He was known for his charitable works and support for the poor and
marginalized. He established institutions to care for the needy and advocated for social justice.


 Support for Orphans and Abandoned Children: Borromeo and his charitable initiatives cared for
orphaned and abandoned children, providing them with a loving and supportive environment
and ensuring their well-being.
Section B.

Servants of Holiness Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Teresa of Calcutta

From the group sharing done in class about the lives of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther Kling
Jr., and Mother Teresa. Then cite a good characteristic/attitude they have in common.

 One good characteristic/attitude that the three have in common is Nonviolence as a Means of
Social Change.

 All three of these iconic figures were advocates for nonviolent resistance and social change. They
firmly believed in the power of nonviolence to bring about transformation and justice. Mahatma
Gandhi famously employed nonviolent civil disobedience during the Indian independence
movement. Martin Luther King Jr. pushed through nonviolent protest during the American civil
rights movement. Mother Teresa, while not engaged in political movements, practiced
nonviolence through her unwavering commitment to serving the poorest of the poor without

On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the degree to which you possess such a good characteristic. Give a brief
explanation of the rate given.

 I’d have to rate myself 7 out of 10, as I am nowhere near the characteristic that these three
figures have shown. Although, I would always resort and go with the pacifist way. Whenever a
fight, an argument, or any type of thing that is going to lead into violence is going to come, I will
try my best to avoid tense situations.

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